MR Ferguson. The name, the man and big tub of success

Mr Ferguson

Dark Match Jobber
I've decided to stop by and visit the socially inept. My own version of helping the kids in Africa via unicef. For me its like a day trip to the mental health clinic at the hospital, so hello to everyone, show them what a normal person is like but still don't stay to close...

Some Things i have noticed

- Hostility. This is a big one right here. Nerds are viscous motherfukers, they hate seeing successful people like my self because it makes top and think about what they could have done had they shown the common sense to leave the basement. Guys look i know its probably awful seeing a chick magnet like myself, but anger isn't a good look, it s turn off and all girls see is an insecure lonely guy. That's not attractive. Personally i wouldn't hire any guys like you in my business because you lack people skills and anger leads to an uncomfortable working environment.

- Interests. You guys like comicbooks, crap music and wrestling. That's downright pathetic. None of you have anything in common with normal people because you like geeky stuff. That's where i, MR Ferguson step into help. Change your hobbies, start following sport, cool music, go to clubs and cool bars etc. Start doing things that is acceptable in society, that is if you want to make friends outside of you computer mouse and remote control. BE INTERESTING

kind regards, MR Ferguson
What the hell man! I thought we were cool! By the way, did you mean to call us sacks of ineptitude, us nerds 'viscous' or vicious? Because calling nerds thick is, well, oxymoronic to say the least. Maybe even without the oxy-.
A living contradiction there, Fergie. BTW, you mentioned following sports. Have you even been in the sports bar in the forums? I guess you've been too busy showing your own hostility to notice the folks with lives and outside interests.

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