Mr. Anderson: The New Austin?


World W Entertainment
First Thread, Nice:blush:

Now before anyone starts complaining or hazing or praising (who knows:shrug:) Let me make this comparison as they would in a standardized test. Anderson is to Austin as a bathroom tile is to Tiananmen Square (I've been there; believe me its a big ass square). People made the arguement for Orton but it really seemed more of a first glance thing. With Anderson however, it really is personality and actions. Both started out as pretty good heels but their mike work won the crowd over. They both are assholes and as a heel or face did jerky things (SCSA: Stunning eveyone in sight, beer bashes, Bang 3:16 MR.A: dressing up like his opponents, turning on the crowd at his TNA debut, making everyone look stupid, and being one confusing character). But when go deeper (uh now I sound like an asshole) there is a real similar mentality to Anderson just like Austin that says I really don't care what you do or say I'll do it my way. In addition, There are two that Anderson has had that really put him into the Austin role.

1. The birth of Austin 3:16- The birth of the Asshole. This promo against Kurt Angle was fantastic; in it Anderson says basically that he's not as good a guy as Angle but that nice guys always finish last "So thank god thank god thank GOD, I"M AN ASSHOLE... ASSHOLE!" Just like Austin, it got boos and cheers and set up Anderson's I don't care who you are I'm kicking your ass personality which eventually led to a complete face while still maintaining the gimmick (if he ever starts playing a guitar it'll be more proof for you).

2. Austin attacks and stuns Vince for the first time then is arrested- Impact after 10-10-10 Anderson tells Bischoff that he's going to lose this war and squeezes his hand hard. Besides enforcing the asshole gimmick both these things set Anderson and Austin up as the anti-heroes going against the ultimate power. People tried to feud with Vince but none pulled it off as good as Stone Cold and people can try to feud with Hardy but when it comes time none (in TNA, respect CM Punk) are going to do it like Mr. Anderson.

So... Thoughts? Discuss.
ok they have similarties...but its a heel gm vs a face. its happened hundreds of times already. look at john cena he has a catch phraise too "you cant see me" and he has crossed the boss "eric bischoff" when cena was 1st drafted to raw. see what i mean thats only two similiarties they have with eachother
I know what you're talking about. I saw that in him as of late too. But it's not so much the asshole thing entirely, good points, but it's just watching him on ReAction made me think of Austin, but the reason I say Orton is more like Austin now is because he is. Orton's similarities are better and there are more

Orton is Austin after he blew up, Ken is Austin in ECW. Nothing wrong with that, he's on his way to a World title, but you're rushing the similarities a bit with those comparisons. Watching him especially recently on ReAction seemed like a ECW Steve Austin though, I liked his one when he yelled at the interviewer after the remark about being at home and I thought about the promo Austin cut about being wrestling and having loss while still rehabbing his arm which hadnt fully healed, it went something like that.

Funny thing though, it's kind of funny Orton and now Ken are both Austin-like in their own ways considering their little past thingy with that match and backstage stuff
Congrats on the first thread. I wish this was something that hasn't been brought up or compared ten thousand times before however. If I had a dime for every "_____ is the new Austin" thread I've seen, I'd be driving a car like Alberto Del Rio's. Let's just get this over with now: no one is the "new" Austin. No one is ever going to be like Austin, the man is the biggest star the wrestling industry ever produced (alongside Hogan) but unlike Hogan has remained one of the most beloved stars ever. The odds of another wrestler having a comparable impact or effect as Austin are slim to none, because the man is one of a kind.

Now, Anderson? He's pretty good. He can play the anti-hero tweener role (similar to Austin) among the best of 'em today. But he's never going to be the draw Austin was, and he's not even the most popular tweener in the business today (Orton fills that role, unfortunately).

Interesting thought, but there isn't much weight behind the idea when really delved into.
As far as characters are concerned surely there are a ton of similarities. Anderson has himself mentioned that Austin is his idol and at several house shows he has replicated the beer swilling pose of Austin with water bottles. So he might be subconciously trying to copy Austin a bit. Also TNA is catering to the 18-49 demographic and the easiest way to please them is to create an antihero face th bring back the memories of Stone Cold.

That being I do not think that Anderson will be ever as big as Stone Cold. Sure the major hindrance will be that TNA is a small company and they can in no way promote Anderson the way WWF promoted Austin. However there are a few more factors.

Firstly, Anderson is too injury prone and getting injured every two months is not going to help his cause a lot. Austin was a workhorse. He carried on wrestling despite a very serious injury. That is the type of commitment Anderson has to show.

Secondly, he needs to booked properly. He needs to defeat Hardy and more members of the Immortal cleanly rather than by a botched interference or something. He should also be the guy around whom TNA builds up their shows. In the Attitude era, WWF was the Austin show and people tuned in just to see what Austin would do next. This is the anticipation that TNA has to buid where Anderson is concerned.

And finally I feel that he needs a better and a quicker finisher than the mic check. The Stunner was a huge part of Austin's persona and it needs to be the same in case of Anderson.
I think Mr. Anderson is Mr. Anderson. He is different than Stone Cold Steve Austin in a lot of ways and that is actually good.

The problem I have is people comparing Stone Cold to Randy Orton and actually thinking they have a lot of similarities. Besides being called a Viper he doesn't resemble Austin at all. His promos are uninteresting and he has become one of the most bland characters on Raw.
i agree a lot with this but for another reason like Steve, Ken has a crew cut blonde hair do like Steve had with the Hollywood Blondes and I think if Ken shaved his head bald and grew a goatee he could look a lot like SCSA. As far as work and such Ken is getting better by the day, love his mic work reminds me of the Rock a lot there or old Cena.

Asshole gimmick is ok but will get old eventually.
Well, apparently someone is marinating in too much spiked egg nog this holiday season.

1) Austin was an ICON. Dare I say he, Hogan, Rock, Flair were the greatest at thier craft as charictars. Don't insult that elite group please.

2) Anderson is a glorified jobber in an insignificant and/or geriatric pool of talent called TNA. TNA can't get out of it's own way! Of course a dope like Anderson looks refreshing when you are measuring it against that poor of a talent baromter.

3) Asshole goes a long way. He truly is one.
u cant compare new stars to the old stars. everyone is them selves and yes there are similar somtime but lets be honest there could only be one stone cold and no one can compare
damn y u so harsh on tna i agree they over rated but they got talent anderson is no austin even though they look alike thats where it ends anderson needs to not rely on a gimmick and just be himself dont force this asshole thing to the fans
Well, apparently you didn't get my analogy so I'll make it easy for you.
1. In no way am I staying that Anderson will be the next Austin of the entire wrestling industry, I am saying he will the Austin character in TNA.
2. Did I ever once mention in ring ability? No, I was speaking about style and attitude which I find similar along with certain moments in their careers (Again for the slow people I do not think they are equal the Austin/Anderson ratio is 1000:1)
3. A TNA basher on a TNA thread. Wow. Grow up, watch what you like and stop ruining the fun of others because asshole does indeed go a long way all the way from me to you.
Anderson is great, but he's nowhere near Austin. I'm not saying he won't be near Austin at some point, but he's nowhere near now. There are similarities, yes. But if Anderson was ever gonna get huge anywhere, it would have been in WWE, TNA don't know how to make their own talent.

I think that if Mr.Anderson hadn't got injured and was able to cash in MITB for the World Championship, WWE wouldn't be what it is today, but that's the business. I think one day he'll get over in WWE. TNA can't really use him, but the best thing they could do is put him in a feud with someone who can also work a mic eg, Doug Williams or Jeff Hardy (They play off each other well), and maybe put a belt on him. Whatever belt they'd put on him, he could raise the prestige of. They could use that with the TV title or something.
Dont appologize. Your right. Character wise.

And for all you haters why dont you pull your heads out of your asses and remember that Austin wasn't born over nite.


It took him almost 7 yrs and 3 companies and many gmmicks to find himself as the "Icon" you refer to.

He may be a legend in his own right but i can count, without trying, many current wretlers that are a much better performer then Austin.

Anyways.... Anderson oculd be the next austin.

Nice Thread
Well, apparently someone is marinating in too much spiked egg nog this holiday season.

1) Austin was an ICON. Dare I say he, Hogan, Rock, Flair were the greatest at thier craft as charictars. Don't insult that elite group please.

2) Anderson is a glorified jobber in an insignificant and/or geriatric pool of talent called TNA. TNA can't get out of it's own way! Of course a dope like Anderson looks refreshing when you are measuring it against that poor of a talent baromter.

3) Asshole goes a long way. He truly is one.

anderson has just started his career for the most part, Austin might be a ICON now but he wasnt when he first started out really..or when he first got into the main even picture like anderson is now. I do agree with this thread if you look at both charecters and the way they act, they do act in a similar manner, lets just hope anderson has longer career
Good thread, I can see what you're trying to say. This isn't about Anderson becoming the next Austin, Rock, Flair, etc. It's about the similarities between the characters. And I do believe there are quite a few similarities. Like you said they are both anti-heroes. They have the kind of personalities that make people love them in the wrestling spectrum. However, they are not heroes in the sense of Hogan or Cena in which they always try to do the right thing. Instead, they both have a "take it or leave it" personality. And you are right in the fact that they are both enhanced by going up against an "ultimate power." The feud with Vince is what made Austin a complete superstar. Could the same thing happen with Anderson in TNA? It's possible, only time will tell. When you describe it the way you did though it would seem that TNA is trying to recreate some aspects of Stone Cold with Anderson. I think now it's entirely up to TNA as to whether they want to give Anderson the ball to run with. I do think he has the potential to be the top guy in the company. It's all about TNA's booking at this point.

To follow up on some of the other posts...Of course Anderson will never be considered as good as Austin or the Rock. When all is said and done he'll probably be seen as a solid wrestler but never mentioned as one of the greats in the business. If you read closely, this thread is not about comparisons between Anderson and Austin and their contributions to the business. It's about the potential for TNA to have an Austin-like character and just the similarities in personas. Knew the title of this thread would have people up in arms right away so I'm guessing not many people will actually read your post and will instead skip directly to bashing your post and Anderson...
TNA can't really use him, but the best thing they could do is put him in a feud with someone who can also work a mic eg, Doug Williams or Jeff Hardy (They play off each other well), and maybe put a belt on him.

I'm sorry...I am in no way a TNA basher, I prefer TNA over any other wrestling company...but this line here needs to be addressed...did you just say that Doug Williams and Jeff Hardy can work a mic? They are god awful on the stick...they need serious help in that department...they are worse than Matt Morgan and that's saying something...put him in Fourtune with Beer Money, AJ and Kaz they are excellent on the mic...

As far as Anderson/Austin goes...I see the similarities, I just don't see him going all the way with it...I hope he does though, that would be epic...
Yes, to a certain extent, I see the similarities.

Both have a mean streak about them and they don't care about who they have to face. Both will feud with the boss. Both get cheered doing what most would get boo'd for doing. Both have a great connection with the fans and are solid on the mic. Both handle themselves with a believability, as well.

Austin did have the bigger platform, in a company that handled his situation with more care and know-how. That's what will potentially hold Anderson back. However, he could always make the right moves and allow himself to prosper nonetheless. He just has to keep evolving as a character.
Dang, took a couple of people actually caring to read the post for me to want to post. Anyways, yeah I sure as hell see the similarities. If you think about it, though, there's always somebody who can't stand who's in charge. Right now, in the WWE anyway, Steph and Trips have been hinted at making a Coup-de-tat against Vince. In TNA, there's Samoa Joe, The Pope, Matt Morgan, Douglas Williams, Rob Van Dam, and Mr. Anderson. Not to mention Kurt Angle and whatever Tag Team they decide to have at their backs (hopefully MCMG.) Anyways, the similarities are there, characterwise, but I don't think TNA has the creative capability of doing anything with it.
I see the similarities also, even down to the wearing of camo hats and the basic black and white t shirts. One thing I've noticed people saying though is that they don't think that they're actually trying to make Anderson the next "Stone Cold". Are we forgetting who's in charge of booking over there? The same guy that worked for Vince in the attitude era. I can totally see Russo trying to emulate a Stone Cold character, and actually could see him having that actually written in his notes. He's re-hashing so many old ideas lately, from Austin to the NWO, instead of trying to come up w/fresh ideas. I like Anderson, I like aspects of TNA and watch it every week, but to not think Russo is just doing what he's seen work before is just naive. He is turning TNA into the 2nd coming of WCW after all. (And don't argue w/the fact, because he most certainly is. I swear they could change the name to Nitro and people would be doing double takes and checking the date on their calendar...)
Ken Anderson will never, EVER, be on the same level of a Steve Austin. The guy is bland, in the truest sense. His look and moveset are b-l-a-n-d. The guy can speak pretty well, I suppose, but that's his one truly high caliber trait.

A guy like Austin had something that a Mr. Anderson just can't compete with. He was able to amplify his actual personality to an insane level and play the badass "everyman". Mr. Anderson yells and says asshole a lot. Yup, no comparison.

I'm not saying Anderson isn't a good talent, becuase he is, but lets not compare him to an elite guy like Austin. Not now, not ever...
Ken Anderson will never, EVER, be on the same level of a Steve Austin. The guy is bland, in the truest sense. His look and moveset are b-l-a-n-d. The guy can speak pretty well, I suppose, but that's his one truly high caliber trait.

A guy like Austin had something that a Mr. Anderson just can't compete with. He was able to amplify his actual personality to an insane level and play the badass "everyman". Mr. Anderson yells and says asshole a lot. Yup, no comparison.

I'm not saying Anderson isn't a good talent, becuase he is, but lets not compare him to an elite guy like Austin. Not now, not ever...

Can't help it, even if this isn't in the spam zone. READ EVERYTHING BEFORE YOU POST, PEOPLE! Guy wasn't saying Anderson was on the same level and you would have read that 50 times over if you'd open your eyes and pay attention. Damn!
But I want to re-iterate my point and add that yes, the personas and mannerisms are similar. It's just being done on a different stage, on a different level, with a different person. I mean, nobody's saying Anderson is trying to be a "beer swillin', rough and tumble redneck". Good Lord, get a grip. But they do have similarities in their personas. Just like the OP said. Good post, OP. Ignore the haters.
Just what is the deal with people drawing these lousy comparisons?! What's next? Santino Marella the new Al Snow?! Is Kaval gonna be the next Steve Blackman? What about Kaz? Grandson of El Zorro, starring Frankie Kazarian. Is this really what makes today's wrestler a star? Having a parallel to another, larger star? Yes, there are some similarities between Steve Austin and Mr. Anderson, but then again there are similarities between Triple H and Robert Roode, but you don't see people riding his coattails about it.

I call bullshit. I don't give a damn how similar Mr. Anderson is to Steve Austin in terms of demeanor's. Mr. Anderson is Mr. Anderson and Stone Cold is Stone Cold. They are two different people, from two different era's with two different careers. One ended, the other one is yet to reach a peak. Comparing a modern wrestler's career to that of a past superstar is and will always be stupid. It just gives the "fan" a blind expectation. What happens if Mr. Anderson suddenly decides to talk in a 3rd person? What then? He's no longer the next Steve Austin. Now he's the next Rock. Why? Because people waste their time looking at the past instead of the future. Mr. Anderson is the first Mr. Anderson, bottomline.
I'm sorry...I am in no way a TNA basher, I prefer TNA over any other wrestling company...but this line here needs to be addressed...did you just say that Doug Williams and Jeff Hardy can work a mic? They are god awful on the stick...they need serious help in that department...they are worse than Matt Morgan and that's saying something...put him in Fourtune with Beer Money, AJ and Kaz they are excellent on the mic...

As far as Anderson/Austin goes...I see the similarities, I just don't see him going all the way with it...I hope he does though, that would be epic...

I haven't seen what TNA have done with Williams so much, but I've seen him back here in the UK and he is good on the mic. Jeff Hardy might not be great on the mic, but he and Mr. Anderson have good chemistry.

In terms of mic work on Fourtune, my opinion is this:

Beer Money...No. AJ Styles... Hell No. Kaz....I hope not.

We may have to disagree on this.
Anderson remind sme of a combination of The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Diamond Dallas Page. honestly with Anderson's mannerisms he could be the next Austin. he just needs to drop being a good guy sometimes.

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