Move aside, Rey-Rey

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So various wrestling sites are reporting that "the biggest non-WWE wrestling draw in the past five years" has signed a contract and will be going down to Florida to perform with FCW soon. Who is this person? None other than CMLL's Mistico who just got off a tour in Japan working a NJPW/CMLL crossover tour. Mistico has been MIA in CMLL as of late and new stars have been pampered to become the "new Mistico" in terms of popularity in CMLL.


A cover that's reportedly on the next issue of Super Lucha magazine. Also, check out Mistico from two Wrestle Kingdoms ago (New Japan's biggest event). He was in the opening match with Ryusuke Taguchi & Prince Devitt (who are currently a successful Junior tag team known as Apollo 55) versus Jado, Gedo, and CMLL's Averno.



What are your thoughts on this? Will he be pushed? Gimmick overhaul? Or will he get Kaval's once rumored gimmick as a Mysterio masked rival? How will he effect Rey?
If this is true, Mistico will arrive to the WWE as an icon. Right now, he's the biggest icon of lucha libre here in Mexico. He has sellout the famous "Arena Mexico" many times.... therefore, I do think this could be the end for Rey Mysterio, not as the dont want him anymore, but because he's at the very end of his career.

Alberto del Rio, and now Mistico. WWE would try to stay on in case Rey retires, something that I se happening not after Wrestlemania 28....
I think its a good thing. WWE knows that Rey doesnt have much time left in his career and Rey himself has said it. He more than likely will do a program with Mysterio and i cant wait to see it when it happens. i think hes in his late 20's so he can be pushed. The only thing i doubt he's gonna keet the name Mistico cus i think CMLL owns the rights to his name
As others have said, Rey Mysterio only has a few more years left in him, so Mistico will probably be built as his replacement. It really all depends on how he's pushed though. It's not like the average fan is going to jump out of their seats when they debut this guy, because very few people are even going to know who he is. He will not be able to rely on his Mexican success because that will mean nothing to the American viewer. Look at Alberto Del Rio; they don't even acknowledge his Mexican career. And I'm not so sure that Mistico would even get over if he just came in wearing a mask and calling himself the next Rey Mysterio. That won't get him any more success than the average WCW luchador. Just like Alberto Del Rio had to reinvent himself, so will Mistico.

Just an interesting note, I looked Mistico up on wikipedia, and it says his real name is unknown.

Does anyone know if he speaks English? I doubt Vince would sign anyone who didn't know English, but you never know.
I don't know if he speaks English but I'm doubtful he does. I could be wrong though. Also, I'm not sure if his real name has ever been revealed but I know his face has been a few times. I could see WWE doing a mentor-student thing with him and Rey, eventually leading to Rey and him having a match in a passing of the torch. I just hope they don't unmask the guy like they did with Alberto (in works in Alberto's favor, but I don't think it'll be the same case with Mistico).
Ill take it with a grain of salt right now until it's made official by the WWE itself as there have been numerous reports since 2007 of Mistico signing with the WWE. I would be stoked if he does sign b/c while I haven't had the chance of watching him or CMLL. I have heard of the "Biggest Draw in Mexico" and his luchador greatness and from watching that match, I agree with the hype so far. Hopefully, if it is true, this will lead to a Mysterio/Mistico fued in the future as those two would tear the house down like no other. Also, Mistico can't speak English but I doubt it'll hinder him enough as his in ring performance can carry him just like it has Mysterio.
frm wat i thnk. its either gonna be a new feud for rey. or maybe a new tagteam cuz frm wat iv read reys been looking for a tag team angle because of his continuous injuries. they wont let him take a break cuz of the shortage of big names in smackdown and doctors have said tht rey needs 4 months of rest. so the logical thng i can thnk of is tht maybe its a tagteam
Bring this guy in as a heel, make him take out Mysterio, and then send him to Raw to feud with DBD. Mysterio never was a very good wrestler IMO anyways, and a feud with DBD would just be ridiculously awesome.

By the way, that match in the OP was... amazing. That big dude Averno had Batista's finisher in his regular moveset. O_O
Actually, Averno isn't very big by wrestler standards. However, powerbombs and sit down powerbombs are used a lot more frequently in Japan and other companies then they are in WWE/TNA. A Mistico-Daniel Bryan feud would be interesting, definitely a clashing of styles. Another good match-up and a feud I could see going a long way would be Mistico-Del Rio.
Truthfully, I haven't seen enough of this guy to say too much. However, judging by his ability to get over and his ability I saw in the ring with that video, I will say that he's pretty impressive.

The questions I would have are; Will he be keeping his mask? Will they give him the full treatment?

This will be interesting to watch.
Very interesting...Mistico seems like a great investment by the WWE. I am definitely interested to see where they go with him and whether he will keep his mask after he debuts.

As Rey has been the only masked wrestler in the WWE for a long while now, I would expect Mistico to unmask, but if this guy is the icon that posters here say he is, then un-making him could really devalue the character before he debuts.

Tough choice here for Vinny Mac I feel, as it will be a bit odd re-masking Mistico to take on the role of the masked high-flyer after Mysterio retires in the next few years. Maybe Mistico is the one to un-mask Rey in his retirement match at a future WM after keeping his mask when he debuts in the WWE?

Who knows, but a very interesting signing indeed, Mistico looks spectacular and would be a big hit in the WWE
It's been confirmed by fanhouse/SI:

All I can is, "Holy Shit!" WWE has been trying to push into the Latino market for quite some time, and I think this signing coupled with Del Rio's RR win last night signals how aggressively they're pursuing this goal.

I know most people here don't follow lucha, but this is a huge, extremely significant acquisition. If we were to compare this to the NBA, Mistico defecting to WWE would be akin to Carmelo Anthony or Allen Iverson in his prime signing with another team.

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