Most Underrated tag teams


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I really wasn't sure were to put this so I just put it in this section. Also sorry if their is already a thread like this. Basically were gonna talk about the tag teams in your mind that you felt were underrated doesn't exactly matter what company or era.

Here's Mine

WGTT/Team Angle (They were the best team IMO during 2003 and both underrated singles competitors)

Paul London & Brian kendrick (A great high flying time they were like the modern day Rockers and were WWE's best tag team in 2007)

MNM (Good team from 2005 liked their style but they never mention JoMo's success with them. I always felt MNM was better than Miz & Morrison even though Miz & Morrison were more popular and successful)

Edge & Christian (I think they were the best tag team in the Attitude Era but are overshadowed today because of teams like the Hardy Boyz and DX)

The Rockers (They should have been WWE tag team champs at least once)

APA (Who didn't like the APA two big dudes kicking everyone's ass and lets not forget the backstage segments with the door)

Too Cool (They were a very over tag team during the Attitude Era I liked them)

Harlem Heat (Even though were talking about WWE I like to say that they were one of the greatest tag teams of all time but they never get credit. I guess because they were a WCW team.)

Kronik (the were in WCW but they had a short run in WWE)
I agree with quite a few of the teams you think were underrated!
Mine are: (In no particular order...)

1) Edge & Christian..they were THE reason I watched wwf during that time, for the benefit of those with flash photography..they had the 5 second pose! Priceless :D

2) World's Greatest Tag Team..two great wrestlers that are always underrated as a tag team as they are in singles action.

3) John Morrison & The Miz..very entertaining on the mic..and two contrasting styles made them really fun to watch

4) Harlem Heat... I really enjoyed their work together..but since they made a name for themselves in WCW, hardly anyone recognizes them..

5) Beer Money..I love beer money..idk why actually, haha....they just catch my eye and keep me entertained every week.. i love their promos and they are great in-ring workers.
They can put on a match with any of the other tag teams in TNA and can make it look good. Oh, and "Sorry about your damn luck!" :)

6) MegaPowers..Macho Man and Hulk Hogan...neither of them are the most talented in-ring wrestlers, but my gosh...the charisma these two guys had was phenomenal..whether they were together as the megapowers or together in the nWo or even if they were against each other in the was ALWAYS entertaining..from the promos to the matches, it was great..two superstars with amazing personalities!

7) Acolyte Protection Agency.. they were just badasses and pretty good in the ring..

8) Cryme Time..i think these guys are better than people give them credit for..Shad needs a little more ring work, but JTG is a solid worker in the ring and very entertaining

9) Hart Dynasty..these guys are going to be great, especially Tyson Kidd..he is great..
i love the look of the hart dynasty with... a big guy, a medium size guy, and a woman in Natalya that can kick anyone's ass on that brand! They ahve the look of a great tag-team, and they are very talented in the ring
I've always felt The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers were a little underrated. They were a great heel team. I hated those guys when I was a kid. Absolutely hated them. As is the case with a lot of heels from that timeframe I now respect them for doing such a great job. It was their job to be hated, so mission accomplished. They were pretty talented in the ring too. They could hold their own against great teams like The Hart Foundation, British Bulldogs, and Rockers. It's too bad they never got a title regin. Demoltion was the dominant team at that time. If not a title reign it would have been nice to see them work a short program with Demoltion. By the way, the Rougeaus had one of the best entrance themes of all time too.

I also like Jacques Rougeau's second team, the Quebecers (1993/1994 version). I thought they worked well together and had some unique offensive moves. I wish they would have lasted longer.
In my honest opinion, I think the most underrated tag-team in the history of the sport was Sean O'haire and Chuck Palumbo. In WCW they looked PHENOMENAL together, had everything that it took to be pushed to the limit. But WCW didnt build them up that much (not as much as mid-card tags like Konnan & Mysterio, Juventud & Psychosis, etc).

WWE(F back then) did see potential in the pair as part of a raid storyline on its company back in 2000-01. They lost the belt to possibly the most dominant tag-team in recent memory (Brothers Of Destruction) and eventually after that parted ways.

I mention the above because of 2 things. 1. I guarantee you, and I havent even looked, that nobody mentioned this team in this thread and 2. They feuded with the likes of Undertaker & Kane!! Hell it was rare not to see O'haire (who weighs around 280 and is about 7 ft tall) do STANDING MOONSAULTS and Chuck Palumbo was one of the best unbotching powerhouses that WCW overlooked. They looked great together and were a successful pairing and now they are just about forgotten.
The Motor City Machine Guns are probably the most underrated team in wrestling right now

The Eliminators were sick, i would have liked to see them in WCW.
APA should have won it at least once, they were on fire.
Wrath and Mortis - great team, crap booking ended it.
3 Count needs to come back..
I liked the mean street posse.. they should have had a reign

most underrated of all time.. Worlds Greatest Tag team. Are you fkin kidding me that they never got a reign. Why in the hell were they ever split up anyway?
Hmm I don't think E and C were underrated at all but I hope the Hart Dynasty don't fall into the bottomless pit of 'never-was'.
They have great potential and could be one of the greatest of the modern era [which I know doesn't say much but still].
Hmm I don't think E and C were underrated at all but I hope the Hart Dynasty don't fall into the bottomless pit of 'never-was'.
They have great potential and could be one of the greatest of the modern era [which I know doesn't say much but still].

The reason I say E & C were underrated is because the reason I said above their overshadowed by the likes of the Hardy Boyz and DX. Now during the Attitude Era they weren't underrated because they were IMO the second most over team in the WWE, #1 would be and no not the Hardy Boyz it would be the New Age Outlaws. The Outlaws without a shadow of a doubt was the most over tag team in the Attitude Era, they weren't that great in the ring but what made them so over was their attitudes, their entrance routine, and lets not forget the fact that they were with DX when DX was at the height of their popularity in the Attitude Era. But back to the point I say E & C was more over than the Hardys during the Attitude Era pretty much the only people who liked the Hardys are the same people who like them now women and kids. Now I'll admit I liked the Hardy's but the only time they entertained me is if you put a ladder in their matches and they weren't a better tag team then E & C IMO. E &C had the in ring skills and charisma lets no forget the 5 second pose lol. The Hardys really didn't start getting over until 2001 and thats only because E & C and The Outlaws broke up and in 2006 is when the really reached their popularity because they wrestled in the WWE when tag team wrestling began to get weak. And in that same year you have DX who just returned with HBK and HHH and they reform DX with just the two of them thus making them into a tag team. In all honesty I don't consider DX a tag team because I'm used to seeing them as a faction but during 2006 the Hardys and DX were pretty much the best 2 tag teams. And with the new audience today who only saw these 2 teams perform thats wht they believe that they are the 2 best tag teams of all time. Also when WWE brings up the Attitude Era I hear no mentioning of E & C, The Outlaws, APA, Too Cool, Dudley Boyz etc... only the Hardys and DX. So thats pretty much why they made my underrated list.
Vintage you need to check you history a bit better. WGTT did have a run, matter of fact they had it twice. Once in Feb 03 the other in Jul 03.

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