Morrison's Time Delayed


Do I have everybody's attention now
So Wrestlezone just reported that Morrison's neck injury is taking longer than usual and he'll be back around September or October, here it is:

"The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE Raw star John Morrison's recovery from neck surgery is taking place a bit slower than originally thought, and the expectation is that he will not be returning to action until sometime around September or October of this year. More details on this ongoing story as they become available."

Now I'm sorta sad to hear that because that means Morrison's not going to be at SummerSlam which was the perfect opportunity for him to deal with TEH TROOF

On the plus side however, the feud can still take place in October and I think it can lead up to a quite a confrontation between the two. I think Raw misses Morrison in the sense that he was the primary mid card focus and since he's out of the picture, Troof is left in the waters, I think he will feud onwards and I'm hoping TEH TROOF wins couple more matches to build him to a big heel for Morrison to take down and get him really over.

Do you think Morrison can still maintain a momentum come his return?
I'm sure they will try and build him up to be something special, but lets be truthful with each other. Morrison blows. Unless he's attending acting classes while on the shelf to fix his problem of being terrible on the mic he will come back and be exactly the same, a spot monkey being pushed beyond where he should be. He is no where near as great at the Miz in terms over effectiveness in the ring and on the mic. Without the Miz, Morrison is nothing

He hasn't had a main event push yet, because he isn't a main event player. He doesn't stack up in comparison to others on Raw. Riley is more entertaining in the ring, and is a million times better than him on the mic. Ziggler would wrestle circles around Morrison, and out talk him in seconds. Swagger can talk and wrestle 5 star matches. Put him against Punk, Cena, Del Rio or anyone else who actually has talent and he will be out shined.

He's nothing compared to HBK or Jericho, he doesn't have a 16th of their talent.
I dont know why everyone thought that he was going to come back soon, I remember them saying it would take anywhere to about 6 months. Its a neck injury, you cant rush these things. We just lost Edge to a neck injury and I wouldnt be surprised if the delay is just Morrison playing it safe. I hope he takes HBK's advice and takes his time recovering because he has a really promising future.
Everyone thought he was coming back soon because he said on twitter it was only gonna be 6 weeks.

I agree it shouldn't be rushed, it was just a shock it ended up being this long. When he comes back he'll squash Truth and get into the main event picture again. I would love to see Truth win MITB, only for him to loose the briefcase to Morrison on PPV.

It would get Morrison over, and add more to Truth's conspiracy angle.
-i hope morrison returns in september or october, glad he isnt back yet cause of what happened with edge, specially since john morrison has a promising future ahead of him.
-as for r-truth, hopefully he can build even more steam and when john morrison returns they pick up their feud cause it really was just getting interesting betweem jomo and the truth.
Well this sucks. I was hoping for a Truth/Morrison angle leading into SUmmerslam. Still, after what happened with Edge I can understand WWE taking the safe route.

I just hope he'll be good to go at 100% when he comes back, because, truth be told, ever since Morrison was put on the shelf RAW really hasn't been all that entertaining. I mean, outside of a few CM Punk promos and R Truth acting batshit there really hasn't been much to talk about, especially in the in ring product. Morrison might not have been causing waves, but you at least knew whenever he was in the ring you'd have a fun time for a couple of minutes.
I'm glad he's not rushing back this way he can have the proper time to heal with how serious neck injuries can be the last thing he needs to do is rush back.

What I would like to happen is for truth to win MITB and when he cashes in the briefcase Morrison should come out and attack Truth causing him to lose. Morrison can say Truth cost him the title and injured him and then Truth can say this is part of the conspiracy.
Hmm well I suppose in a sense it is a good thing, as it wouldn't be a good idea to get him straight back to the ring, in risk of another injury, so we'll have him on our TV for longer. However I feel this is a bit of a shame as Morrison is good in ring and on mic, which I feel are valuable assets to the WWE
I'm sure they will try and build him up to be something special, but lets be truthful with each other. Morrison blows. Unless he's attending acting classes while on the shelf to fix his problem of being terrible on the mic he will come back and be exactly the same, a spot monkey being pushed beyond where he should be. He is no where near as great at the Miz in terms over effectiveness in the ring and on the mic. Without the Miz, Morrison is nothing

He hasn't had a main event push yet, because he isn't a main event player. He doesn't stack up in comparison to others on Raw. Riley is more entertaining in the ring, and is a million times better than him on the mic. Ziggler would wrestle circles around Morrison, and out talk him in seconds. Swagger can talk and wrestle 5 star matches. Put him against Punk, Cena, Del Rio or anyone else who actually has talent and he will be out shined.

He's nothing compared to HBK or Jericho, he doesn't have a 16th of their talent.

This sums up my feeling towards Morrison. Why do you think they rushed Edge back to wrestling after his neck injury? Because they needed him. Trust me, a feud with John Morrison for R-Truth is bad news. As everyone knows, R-Truth can talk and but he can't wrestle. So, for the feud to actually serve a purpose Truth should talk trash about Morrison and they could have a verbal battle. However, a verbal battle with John Morrison wouldn't get really far with his shitty mic skills.
I can't believe people compare him to Shawn Michaels. What an insult to a legend. And before I get labelled an anti-morrison hater, let me state that I like Morrison. He's ok as a tag-team wrestler but as a main-eventer? Are you kidding me?
Why do all the "MOFO" keep saying he has GOOD mic skill? The reality is he sucks on the mic. He speaks with a monotone and have boring material. His return is going to be a flop. To an extent he might get a few pop for couple weeks. If morrison is a valuable asset then shouldnt he get the same push as the miz prior to his neck injury? Face it morrison is a flop.
It's not great for his momentum. But overall if this is what his neck needs to keep him in action for years to come. Then so be it, I would rather see him out healing up. Then to come back and re injure it. Just like Skip sheffield, both men have an allright future in the WWE if they come back 100%.

This might hurt his momentum into the main even. But once again we have seen his style and the pops he gets from doing that style. I just hope he can keep up the pace when he gets back. Ring rust shouldn't be somthing that harms him. He should still be keeping a light training schedual on weights or working out.
The news of Morrison being out until the beginning of fall really disappointed me. I was hoping to see him win the red briefcase or being back in time for Summerslam. Then again, they overestimate time out all the time so guys can make "surprise returns". Morrison could make an appearance at Summerslam interrupting an important match to cost someone like Miz or Del Rio a win. Worst case scenario he would probably still make it in time for Night of Champions. He will still maintain momentum when he returns because he was incredibly over. WWE need to push him already. He would be the number two face of Raw behind Cena and has plenty of heels to win against.
Well if people don't recall a couple of months ago, it was reported he was taking some sort of acting or comedy class. So that answers that. The question for that is, will he capitalize on it, and will they actually help him.

I heard a promo of his at a live event in Kingston, Ontario. And i was literally embarassed to hear him speak. He was making fun of Vladamir Kozlov... calling him a big moose and this rando cornier then Cena stuff. It was just plan sad.
Firstly, it's a bitch what happened to him. He's been in this company for such a long time and it seems that every time that he is about to get a push, something happens to him.

I don't think being away from product at this moment is gonna be a blessing in disguise for him at all. The guy is not that over. People aren't gonna be crazy when it happens. It's gonna be fun for a couple of weeks, but If WWE wants to bring him as the same character, there's a 90% chance that it will flop.

Secondly, I think he going to a comedian to take lessons is a little pathetic. Why do people think that telling jokes is gonna make you an main eventer? Wrestler's being funny doesn't summarize in telling crappy PG jokes. That's just not the type. I'm not saying that you need to use middle fingers and Four letter words to be funny, I'm saying you need to use these if you wanna be a funny wrestler. When WWE is leaning toward kids, you don't need comedy, you need a colorful over the top character. The Miz is one , Cena is, Tha Troof is, Morrison? I'm not sure.

I hope they turn him heel and cost The Miz the championship, which means that I would have Miz turned by that time too. They've done face Mo vs heel Miz and Mo always gets shadowed, so do it in reverse this time.
Morrison is one of those guys that my ten-year-old loves. He likes to strike the entrance pose and has a kid's usual fascination with the snazzy spot work. Whenever there are guys cutting promos my kids are wrestling each other anyway, so the bad mic work doesn't even register. They only watch promos if it's the Rock or Jericho talking. Actually, they'll stop if it's Santino or Hornswoggle in the spot. Like alot of the WWE audience, my kids are 8 and 10.
Too bad. I was really hoping to see Morrison come back and work an angle with Truth for Summerslam. But it's for the best. Better for him to heal up than to get back in the ring too soon. It could hurt his momentum when he gets back but a good old revenge angle would put him back on track especially if he comes out on top. Ring rust could also be an issue but if he takes it easy while he's out and engages in frequent light workouts, he should be in great shape when he comes back. I'm looking forward to a feud with Truth when he returns. Here's to hoping for Morrison's speedy recovery.
Eh, I can live without him. Obviously whenever someone gets injured, you have to hope that they recover quickly, but as far as storylines are concerned I don't really care. I think Morrison is incredibly overhyped and I would rather see people like Kofi Kingston and Riley get pushed before him. Why he has always been a priority over Kofi when Kofi is much more of the total package is beyond me. Hell, I prefer Daniel Bryan over him just based on what I've seen of him in WWE (don't follow the indies at all). He puts on good matches, but the only thing he has going for him in the charisma department is the fact that he was in a tag team with Miz, who no one knew was the better one because he did such a great job hiding his partner's weaknesses.
I fear for JoMo, at least temporarily. He was building loads of momentum before the injury, but that stuff can go away pretty quickly. I mean, it's not like everyone will have forgotten about him by the time he comes back, but, who knows how the roster may look then? Truth may lose all his momentum by then, and they'll have to feud immediately. Someone unexpected could be champ or on their way to it via MitB. I do trust in Morrison's ability to pull himself back up to where he was before, though. He should be main-event bound pretty soon, and may be a good option to win the Rumble... though I'm thinking too far ahead. Heal up, Morrison. I miss you already.

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