Money in the Bank

ok, first, Matt Hardy will NOT win MITB...the only reason he was put in the match was for the Edge/Hardys Ladder Match excitement factor. As far as cM Punk sucking...he is one of the most accomplished WRESTLERS on the payroll. You only hate him because the mark in you tells you to hate all things ECW, new or old. And as far as Punk can never beat HBK...anyone can beat anyone on any given night...depending on what the writers and Vinny Mac say.
He can and he will. There ar eonly three reaosn Cm Punk is in MITB. One they needed and ECW rep. 2 he was not involved with either the orginals or New Blood 3. He like the Hardys and Edge can put on a great Ladder match. Of course by that logic I have no idea why Finlay is in MITB other than the fact that he ha sbooking power/influence as he would seem very illsuited for this match and his spot wouyld have better gone to Nitro, Benjamin or Super Crazy
McMahon cannot keep turning a deaf ear to what the fans are telling him. CM Punk...MY PICK FOR MITB, should win the match, decide he wants to make the jump to Raw, and take on and defeat HBK for the title...bottom line.
I have no idea why Finlay is in MITB other than the fact that he ha sbooking power/influence as he would seem very illsuited for this match and his spot wouyld have better gone to Nitro, Benjamin or Super Crazy

I agree with the fact that Finley shouldn't be in this match, I think he would have better been used if they had added him to the U.S. title match, also Edge and Orton should have had a singles match agaisnt each other and Booker should also have been put into some other match than this, then MITB should have been six men instead of eight, with it being Punk vs. Kennedy vs. Jeff vs. Matt vs. Carlito vs. Shelton, that would have been a better match IMO
id have to say making it an 8 man Money In The Bank was a good move...except the guys in it are a bad decision. it should be Nitro, Jeff, Shelton, Kennedy, Matt, CM Punk, Hardcore Holly, and i guess King Booker. This match could of easiy stole the show before wm even started if RVD and/or Sabu was in it but of course not. Edge and Orton should have their own singles match so this way you can add differnt guys in it. its still going to be one of the best matches at wm.
I want Edge to keep his wrestlemania streak but I dont see him winning another MITB, so I'm going to go with either Orton, Kennedy, or hopefully I hope Edge.
ok, first, Matt Hardy will NOT win MITB...the only reason he was put in the match was for the Edge/Hardys Ladder Match excitement factor. As far as cM Punk sucking...he is one of the most accomplished WRESTLERS on the payroll. You only hate him because the mark in you tells you to hate all things ECW, new or old. And as far as Punk can never beat HBK...anyone can beat anyone on any given night...depending on what the writers and Vinny Mac say.

Ur right anyone can beat anyone, I mean we all no it's pre-determined. However Crappy Match Punk beating anyone for the wwe or world title would suck. Because he sucks. I don't hate everything ECW I loved the old ECW and I enjoy the new one. Even if it's not much like the original it's still wrestling. Again I hate CM PUNK Because he sucks. Not because I'm a mark or whatever. Mr. Kennedy should win the Money in the Bank.
Does anyone think its possible that edge and orton wont win this match because of the steroid scandal, to avoid some kind of bad publicity that someone would surely come up with? i dont think that should be a factor since it was suposed to have been 3 years ago and they havent failed a wellness program test yet that i'm aware of
I think the match will go Kennedy's way, just because of all the rumours about him vs Batista after WM. He seems due for a boost like this and is the most likely to win it. It will really give his career a shot in the arm and I think he has developed enough to be considered a title contender after Wrestlemania.

The Hardys aren't going to win it because they are permanently going to be stuck in the mid cards and I don't think they will win it because they just don't need or deserve it.

Edge has won it before and has had his time in the main event and I think he and Orton will have some program after WM so I don't think they will give it to him. He should provide some good spots in the match though, along with the Hardys, and he could save this match from being totally boring. I hope the injury doesn't affect his performance, but he is not going to win it which is a shame because that will end his WM streak.

Orton is a little tricky to decide if they are going to give it to him. I still think that they are holding a grudge against him for his past drug abuse and with the "latest" scandal, that may keep him from being pushed. I don't think he will be part of the big spots and it will be interesting to see how he goes in it. He should be involved with Edge after so I don't think they will give it to either of them for that.

A lot of people have been talking about how it is CM Punk's time. I find this bogus because 1: He is on ECW, a practically dead brand that has a champion involved in higher feuds, so the title is worthless and is also defended against anyone, every week. Winning an 8-man ladder match at Wrestlemania just to get a title that nearly everyone on that brand has had a shot at, and is not worth all the fuss anyway, seems like a reason why they won't give it to him. 2: With all the backstage issues that he has, why on Earth would the WWE give him a push like this one? It seems mindless that a guy as hated as Punk backstage would get a win like this. He is a longshot from winning it in my opinion, and I don't think he is worth winning it unless he switches brands, which I think he must do. Look for him to continue a program with the New Breed after Wrestlemania, not be the Mr Money in the Bank. The WWE will never put him over like this, so my expectations are not that high for him winning.

Finlay is the muscle in the match and won't do much other than hit people with the stick he carries. He isn't a main event guy on SD and he won't get the win here for sure. Stranger things have happened, but he isn't over enough, nor deserving enough of the win. I can't see Finlay winning this one at all, because you barely see him on SmackDown.

King Booker could have a chance in this thing, but again, I think he has had his run in the main event. He should be sort of de-pushed after WM and just slide back into the midcards. It will be interesting how he goes in this match, but I don't think he will be doing a lot of spots. I don't think he is really suited for the win and so he won't get it.

The match should be interesting but it won't save this wreck of a card. Should be match of the night if it just has a few spots here and there, but I think Kennedy will get the win because this is what launches good wrestlers who aren't getting their fair push and I think it should be Kennedy's night. The rest just don't seem to deserve, warrant or need the win and so I think Kennedy is the guy that's going over. Things could always change and with 8 people, who knows what could happen?

Winner: Mr Kennedy.
yeh i agree with Downward Spiral, i think Mr kennedy will win the MITB match at wm23. i think if he doesn't win it, orton will win it. its going to be out of orton or kennedy cause i think these 2 are the most desaerving wrestlers that should get a title shot after wm.

i see kennedy winning it, then playing mind games with taker after he wins the world title over batista. after batista and taker are finished i think kennedy will keep teasing the idea of using it and will eventually use it and beat taker at sumerslam or survior series.

if orton wins i see him feuding with edge after wm. he could fight with edge with the briefcase on the line with orton keeping the briefcase and eventually using it and finally being a 2 time world champion.

see there the only 2 options i see with the winners of the MITB. i dont see no one else winning the match. the hardys wont win because there in the mid card. cm punk wont win cause his in ecw and he is got some heat backstage. finaly wont get a push, neither will king booker as he was just in the main event scene. and edge wont win it simply because he has won the MITB before.

this is just my opinion on the outcome of the match. but everything can change as wwe usually do.
The Hardyz won't win, they couldn't work a mic if the life depended on it. So that means no MAIN EVENTS as single wrestlers in there future. Now.. CM Punk.... Maybe, but the way Vince hates ECW I doubt he lets an ECW guy win and if he does he will be leaving ECW. Mr. Kennedy, I could see him maybe winning he can work a mic and he isn't a half bad wrestler but I still doubt him winning. I think it comes down to either Edge or Orton winnig plain and simple, former world champions.
Since there are only 8 matches, and pretty crappy ones for that matter, at this year's Wrestlemania, I really hope the Money in the Bank gets at least 30 minutes, especially since there are 8 of the biggest names in the WWE that have been put into the match...
:cuss2: Jeff hardy will win because of the taunting by edge on monday my second choice is CM PUNK/punky
The Hardyz won't win, they couldn't work a mic if the life depended on it. So that means no MAIN EVENTS as single wrestlers in there future. .

While I definitely do agree with you that the Hardys don't have a chance to win, Lashley and Batista can't work a mic if their life depended on it, and they are main eventers.
If This Match Is Not Match Of The Night, Something Has Seriously Gone Wrong!!! Wwe Can Easily Make The Most Out Of This But Could Easily Make A Pig's Ear Out Of It!!! Last Year's Mitb Was Rubbish And Predictable. Wm21's Mitb Was Great Because 5 Big Names Were In It, Last Year It Was Just 1 (at The Time (rvd))
How about this for an ending, Edge is climbing the ladder all of a sudden the new breed comes from the locker room pushes the ladder over, beat on the other competitors and then help CM Punk win the match, after he the match he announces that he's joined the New Breed and they walk up the ramp.
For me this is easily the match I have most interest in, it's the hardest to predict, my heart wants Mr. Kennedy to win, but my head says Edge. I like them both but I can't see Edge losing his undefeated WM streak until he fights Undertaker at next years WM.
Jeff Hardy- awesome competitor, brought wwe to a new leavle, can sell
Matt Hardy- i like him but there is no way he will win
Orton- had a run Already, cant see one just yet
Punk- not deserving
booker- same as punk
finlay-^^^^ times a million
KENNEDY- awesome microphonist can see him with the briefcase
EDGE- would want him to win but he already had the belt
Well I want Jeff Hardy to win and it could happen because he has never had a run as a top champion in the WWE and he deserves to but Edge is undefeated and he is the best at ladder matches and he well has been taunting everybody else which could be good or bad for him Finlay doesnt deserve a spot matt hardy well deserves a spot because him and his brother will do something amazing King booker needs to drop his king gimick and maybe he would deserve a spot well they should of Gave Johnny Nitro a spot and not CM Punk Randy Orton does deserve a spot and has a good chance of winning but after all that Mr. Kennedy deserves a spot and will end up with the breifcase maybe not to night but eventually will
My prediction edge wins pisses kennedy off and orton they have a triple threat match at backlash and Kennedy wins:cuss2:
well from what I've heard the top three canidates to win are Edge, Orton, and Kennedy but since Edge has already won it once, it will probably go to one of the other two, it has also been said that Punk and Kennedy have been working on some things for this match, and of course as you all can imagine Jeff has a big spot planned, this match will steal the show, but that's not saying mutch when you look at the brilliant card they have come up with
Jeff Hardy- awesome competitor, brought wwe to a new leavle, can sell
Matt Hardy- i like him but there is no way he will win
Orton- had a run Already, cant see one just yet
Punk- not deserving
booker- same as punk
finlay-^^^^ times a million
KENNEDY- awesome microphonist can see him with the briefcase
EDGE- would want him to win but he already had the belt

I think most of the things ya said were good but sayin' CM Punk doesnt deserve to win thats bull sh*t. If CM Punk wins he can go to another brand cause ECW sucks(they don't even have their title on the line) other than CM Punk I think you hit the nail on the head

POsible Winners- Kennedy, Jeff, or CM Punk
I think most of the things ya said were good but sayin' CM Punk doesnt deserve to win thats bull sh*t. If CM Punk wins he can go to another brand cause ECW sucks(they don't even have their title on the line) other than CM Punk I think you hit the nail on the head

POsible Winners- Kennedy, Jeff, or CM Punk

Why isn't Booker deserving. He's one of the better guys on the Smackdown brand.
Wow this match was very good but even though it went a good 20 minutes I thought it should have been longer considering that there were 8 men.I thought this one was tied with the first one for the best.The ladder part with Jeff and Edge was amazing.So was the RKO off the ladder.So was the Book End off the ladder and The Celtic Cross onto the ladder.The Green Bay Plunge off the ladder to Hornswoggle was also really cool.There was a nice spot when Edge speared Randy Orton into the other two making the ladder hit their faces.
for whoever saw it, how crazy was jeffs legdrop off the 20ft ladder that snapped the ladder edge was on. it was a shame kennedy won though, seeing orton or cm punk win would have been good

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