Money in the bank could this work?


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So this is how I see things working out come Money in the Bank Sunday, Reigns wins the briefcase to start off, then later on in the night during some point of the Rollins vs Ambrose match, Reigns does what Rollins did at mania just to spite Rollins. Reigns inserts himself into the WWE title match making it a triple threat. Roman wins the belt much to the dismay of Ambrose, cue Lesnar music, he comes out and destroys all former shield members and stands tall with the belt.

The next night on Raw Lesnar declares he's back as the new face of the Authority and he's been reinstated because Rollins couldn't live up to the hype, and they need a beast to destroy Reigns. So Reigns and Lesnar at Battleground is made, however Rollins wants his rematch so he's inserted into the title match as well, and Ambrose being ambrose causes hell until he's added, so that makes a fatal 4 way for the championship. They all kill each other, Triple powerbomb Lesnar through the table, Dean and Reigns destroy Rollins, then Roman spears dean. However J&j and Kane come down to ring side and take out roman, leaving Dean to get fed to Lesnar who regains the title.

Next night on Raw Triple H and company brag about how good they are, Roman decides to go after them on his own and gets destroyed, next week rollins attempts to win his way back into the circle only to get attacked, finally Dean tries to fight them off and fails, all three men eventually come together and realize they were at their best as a unit, so at Summerslam it's Reigns Rollins and Ambrose vs Lesnar, Triple H, and Kane. Shield stands tall and reunites for one night only, after which they all continue to chase the WWE title

This idea gives solid booking all until Summerslam, works with Lesnar limited dates, and gives rollins a reason to turn face without his former friends hating him (the enemy of my enemy is my friend)

I can see what you're trying to create but make no mistake, Brock is the monster face. He won't be coming back as some corporate nuclear weapon.
I wouldn't mind Reigns entering himself in as a triple threat if he is slated to win the briefcase but I'd rather Brock come to the aid of Roman Reigns. Put Roman Reigns and Ambrose in a losing scenario, Have Rollins about to climb the ladder and let Brock come out.

The next night on RAW have Brock talk about how far he was taken to the limit and admits he was almost beat and that we never knew how far that limit was going to go and says he owes it to the wwe universe to find out and challenge Reigns at summerslam
A six man tag to main event Summerslam? No, that wont sell at all.

Its gonna be a one on one, Lesnar/Rollins for the championship, or a triple threat rematch from WM with Rollins, Reigns, and Lesnar.

The story from the fallout of WM is already there, and right now, Dean is pretty much just the "filler" guy to keep Rollins busy until The Beast Brock comes back.
I think that the idea of Reigns cashing in the same night and simply climbing the ladder while Ambrose/Rollins have knocked each other out would make perfect sense.

I really think Reigns joins HHH and The Authority and Rollins will get dumped. Its the perfect time to do the switch. Rollins is a great heel and Reigns is finally getting people to cheer him. It could be like Rock/Mankind 1998.
Making Lesnar a full on heel would be stupid. Turning Rollins would be even more stupid. Having The Authority without a focal point would ridiculous.

Lesnar is on the cusp of being a great babyface - the WWE should persist with that. Rollins has been a great heel and is the top heel in the company. Having him chance now would be a complete waste of so much great work. Finally, The Authority being on TV with Brock at home would be tedious.

Brock doesn't need The Authority. Seth doesn't need The Shield and neither does Ambrose or Reigns.
This more sounds like a story created on the question 'How do we get the Sheild back together?'

There is not enough story to Lesnar being in the Authority, considering how he left. You would need to build the tension between Rollins and Authority for a bit longer and then have the Authority struggle to get rid of Rollins with people on the roster and then they have a reason for to turn to Lesnar.

Idea does have some groundwork but think it's a bit rushed
Reading this thread reminds me that WWE is in serious need of great heel talent. I think it is odd because all the wrestlers want to be heel. Before, there has always been guys that people really did not like. Everyone hated so many of the old heels, Dibiase, IRS, Heenan, Martel, Rude, Bundy, McMahon, HHH, even Orton, this could go on forever.

Maybe its more of a change in wrestling fans though. We learned long ago from Lex Luger and Rocky Miavia that fans hate the good guys more than the bad guys. We've also seen the same recently with New Day. I guess they need more, I don't know how to put it, serious dorks maybe? But that didn't work for Bo Dallas.

But yeah, the shield reunion will happen and the longer it takes the sweeter it will be. I'm in favor of saving it for a rainy day and not doing it so soon. I think this scenario puts them back together to quick and puts a lone wolf (lesnar) in a pack where he doesn't belong.

But I would like to see Lesnar fight the shield over the course of a couple months leading up to a PPV. But eventually, not when they are all doing so well without the shield.
Too soon for a full on reunion, it has only been 13 months since they split. Lets be patient with the reunion and let all guys continue on there own. If it is gonna happen this soon I like the idea but WWE should hold off on the reunion until the 3 guys aren't the top 3 regularly competing superstars and they have all had their run.
A six man tag to main event Summerslam? No, that wont sell at all.

Its gonna be a one on one, Lesnar/Rollins for the championship, or a triple threat rematch from WM with Rollins, Reigns, and Lesnar.

The story from the fallout of WM is already there, and right now, Dean is pretty much just the "filler" guy to keep Rollins busy until The Beast Brock comes back.

Sadly, I hate it for Dean. He's pretty much in the same position has been the past couple of months since he left The Authority.
Not horrible ideas, but I don't think it's gonna happen. The thing I don't care for with your scenario is too many multi-man matches in the couple months of booking. I could possibly see a triple threat at Summerslam, but I think it's gonna mainly be singles matches. You're correct though that each man would have a storyline heading into the summer with your scenarios.

I think Roman wins the case and comes down to tease cashing in during the ladder match. I could see Reigns trying to help Ambrose but accidentally costing Dean the match. I'm also fairly confident that if Reigns wins the briefcase, The Authority will have a bulls-eye on him. My thoughts:

Rollins vs Lesnar (Lesnar gets screwed somehow)
Reigns vs Ambrose (Ambrose wins due to The Authority interfering)

Rollins vs Lesnar vs Ambrose (Maybe a gimmick match; possibly the cell)
Reigns vs HHH

If they go triple threat, Dean could use the excuse that he beat the MitB winner. I mentioned the cell cause it could be the typical keep The Authority out. However, they did the same thing fairly recent, so I'm not sure if it's gonna happen. Plus, that would give Dean 3 title shots in a 4 PPV span; something I'm not sure WWE will do.

It may be a bit too early for Ambrose vs Reigns, but something tells me they're going to have a falling out within the next few months. Another possibility if HHH doesn't wrestle at Summerslam- maybe they do Reigns vs Sheamus or Reigns vs Rusev at Battleground with Dean in Roman's corner. Ambrose "accidentally" costs Roman the match planting the seeds for Summerslam. At Summerslam, it could be Ambrose vs Reigns with the briefcase on the line.

Lots of possibilities/way too early to see where Summerslam is going. I'm curious to see if they're gonna put the strap back on Lesnar this summer. He was white hot going into Mania, but I feel it would kinda undermine Rollins' first title reign. I'd prefer if they hold off until around Survivor Series if Lesnar is getting the title back. Lesnar isn't going to be harmed from getting screwed out of his title matches, and it would give Rollins an almost 9 month initial title reign. Regardless of how they book, I hope we're on the road to a shield triple threat at Mania.
While everyone is clamoring for a Shield reunion, I don't want that to happen. Yes, it will be good to see The Shield reform once again but, it is less likely and less profitable.

We had about two years of The Shield. Wasn't that enough to elevate guys? It'd be beneficial for Reigns and a downfall for Rollins. As for Ambrore, I don't think he needs assistance. He'll forever remain like Dolph Ziggler. He won't make it in the WWE. I hate to say that 'cause he is my favourite Shield guy and I desperately wanted him to be a serious main eventer which seems least likely. And Vince is backing up Reigns so, having them reunite means they become title-less or only one guy has it. And most likely, Reigns will hold the title if they go that way. The other two will be sidekicks of Reigns. Rollins will be affected the most by this reunion. The guy is delivering show stealing performances (being horrible booked, simultaneously) and thriving him into a stable will be stupid.

Brock Lesnar is a red hot babyface. Remember the pop at the begining of Raw the night after WrestleMania. Having Lesnar join The Authority will be another stupid decision. I'm eagerly waiting to hear the pop Lesnar will recieve upon his return (assuming the crowd doesn't ruin it).

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