MMA March - Getting Pampered Every Hour On The Hour

Anik's comment is the reason so many people will push for Wandy to stick around. "He stills has something left in the tank." Then Bisping says something similar in the post show. I wish more guys would go out on top as opposed to going out like Chuck or to a lesser extent, Matt Hughes.

I don't think Wanderlei will retire until he gets his fists on Vitor Belfort again. He's still campaigning for that fight. He looks at it as a dark spot on his fighting career. I would almost guarantee that's the next fight we see, and hopefully it's at 205 pounds.
Gomi was screwed. A shame to see him get beat like that in his homeland. But, this is the kind of loss where Gomi may get more from it then what he would have if he won. Dana knows Gomi won, Gomi knows he won, Diego knows he lost, and the fans know Gomi won. Therefore, his next fight will be a much more important and quality fight then what Diego's will likely be.

Mark Hunt is the man. I love the way he fights and a match up with Struve was perfect. Both always come to brawl and that's what they did. Hunt may not be the smartest man though. He gave Struve way too many chances to get back in the fight. But, I guess it doesn't matter since he out Struve away. Good stuff.

And Wandy is the man. I love this dude so much, and he has my complete respect. I love watching him fight, but this has storybook ending written all over it. If it is the last time I get to see him fight then I am happy it went this way. Granted I would enjoy a rematch with Vitor, it just isn't needed at this point. Wandy has accomplished so many great things, he picked up a very good win in Japan, and he needs to think about his own personal health.

Struve tweeted his x-rays earlier today. You can easily see where Hunt broke his jaw. Tougher man than me, as I would have cried like a little bitch.

I don't get how Hector Lombard is still employed by the UFC right now. Dude makes $300K a fight and he's lost to two gatekeepers now.

I cannot believe how much of a bust he wound up being.
I have no clue. They may try to spin it and say he lost two split decisions, but neither were really entertaining fights. He was supposed to be this killer, he comes in and loses to Boetsch in a boring fight, KOs Paul Harris, and then loses to Okami. I'd let him go unless he has some crazy clause in his contract that would make it hard.
I don't get how Hector Lombard is still employed by the UFC right now. Dude makes $300K a fight and he's lost to two gatekeepers now.

I cannot believe how much of a bust he wound up being.

I think the UFC believes the 300K is worth making Bellator's greatest fighter continue to look like a farce.
I think the UFC believes the 300K is worth making Bellator's greatest fighter continue to look like a farce.

The problem with that is Bellator has found its own niche in MMA. Americans have an undying love when it comes to tournament format, regardless of the sport. It's just a proven fact; people love tournaments. Bellator is raking in nearly a million viewers a week on Spike whether they have a name fighter on the card or not.

Lombard has a damn good agent that bargained that deal; the UFC is getting screwed. But on the same token they're kind of screwing themselves... They should know better than to put anyone they want to market in a fight against Yushin Okami. Lombard is impressive when he's fighting people with lower fight IQ than he has, but when he faces someone that can follow their game plan while under pressure he completely loses his head and cool. That was shown last night against Okami, and to an extent during the Boetsch fight.

That being said UFC can still make some money with Lombard, they just need to let him fight guys that are going to stand and trade with him. If they're going to shell out 300k for a fight they may as well get a good highlight or two out of the guy. I'd like to see Chris Leben or Brian Stann get in there with him at this point. The potential face battering between Leben and Lombard could easily produce 300k worth of results.
Who else thinks that Silva vs Stann is Fight Of The Year? I sure as hell do, not only for the COMPLETE slugfest it was, but for the hopeful retirement of Wandelei. He has done it all. I'm worried though, where does Stann go from here, if I'm not mistaken this is his 3rd loss in a row.
[QUOTE="The OverNight Celebrity" Roger Ruiz;4356381]Who else thinks that Silva vs Stann is Fight Of The Year? I sure as hell do, not only for the COMPLETE slugfest it was, but for the hopeful retirement of Wandelei. He has done it all. I'm worried though, where does Stann go from here, if I'm not mistaken this is his 3rd loss in a row.[/QUOTE]

Second loss in a row, he dropped one prior to Wanderlei, but beat Alessio Sakara before that. He's an exciting fighter so I seriously doubt he'll get cut, especially now that he's built a little bit of a following in Japan following his war with Silva.

Grats Bones on a new baby girl. Extra motivation to destroy Sonnen!

Brian Stann will never be cut by the UFC. He's a fucking war hero for Christ sake, and one of the most exciting fighters in the UFC. He'll retire to an analyst job before he is EVER cut. There are just certain guys who will always be safe with their job in the UFC, and Brian Stann is one of them. Respectful, exciting, intelligent, well spoken, and a war hero. Dana would never cut somebody with those characteristics, he has way to much respect for Stann. He's a damn fucking good announcer as well and I have no doubt he'll always have a spot in the UFC in one form or another.
I don't think Hunt would win against Cain, would be easy GNP

Agreed. Hunt can take anyone on his feet -- as long as he doesn't eat too many shots, regardless of his chin -- but I don't think he could keep a fight against Cain off the ground. If he could, I could see Hunt pulling off a win.
I never thought Stannwould get cut, Lord Dana isn't even tht stupid. But division wise, where does Stann go. He can mow through the lesser guys in the division, bt hasn't had that carerr defining moment yet.

Yes, he has great mind and puts on slugfests. But I'm beginning to wonder if Dana wil ever give him a shot at a strap
[QUOTE="The OverNight Celebrity" Roger Ruiz;4356831]Yes, he has great mind and puts on slugfests. But I'm beginning to wonder if Dana wil ever give him a shot at a strap[/QUOTE]


Hunt has nowhere near the cardio to contend with Cain. Cain is way to fast, way to athletic, and in much better shape than Hunt. Hunt could barely keep his hands up in the third round against Struve in a very slow paced fight. Against Cain, Hunt would be dead after round 2.

Let's not get carried away, that was an ugly fucking fight. Struve looked horrendous both on the ground and on the feet. He stood right in front of Hunt for three rounds, and let Hunt take him down and lay on top of him. Cain would constantly hit and pressure Hunt and he would not be able to cope. He'd wither within two rounds.

Gomi broke his right hand in the first round of the Diego fight, and despite that, he still went on to win the next two rounds despite what those ****** judges said. Props to Gomi for continuing to fight with such an injury and continually throwing punches with it. If you watch the fight again, you can see it when it happens and Gomi try to shake it off; he knew something was wrong, but he didn't let it affect him. Highly, highly impressive against a fighter like Diego Sanchez.

Very proud to be a Takanori Gomi fan right now.
Little Nog and Shogun verbally agreed to fight in June... Everyone join hands and ask whatever creator you bow to that neither gets injured in the time leading up to what should be the most epic rematch ever.
Shogun/Nog 1 is the greatest fight in MMA history IMO.

However, I really don't want to see a rematch. Shogun just isn't what he used to be. 5 knee surgeries... just brutal. Lil' Nog is still good, but not as exciting as he once was. This fight will not live up to the hype at all I don't think. Hopefully I'm wrong.

I also hope Shogun gets the win, but I'm not too optimistic about that either.
I haven't since the first Forrest fight. Sure he looked great against Machida, but I think that had more to do with styles than Shogun being an "elite" fighter. Not trying to discount Shoguns win. He was the first person to bring it to Machida, and fought a great fight. I just think Machida was a puzzle that Shogun got two chances to figure out. Great win, but one great win in, what, four years doesn't constitute elite. Lil Nog isn't as athletic or as sharp as the first fight, and Shogun is a shadow of himself. Hoping Nog wins, predicting a decision with a good first two rounds and a boring, slow paced third.
Matt Riddle: "UFC would rather watch a game than fight a technical fight"

After having lost his UFC contract would most fighters usually return to the organization as soon as possible. However, it is nothing like Matt Riddle are interested, do not think about where he thinks the UFC is heading.
I say it's about time the UFC is cracking down on these lay and pray guys. There's nothing "technical" about holding on to someone; it's STALLING, period, and it should have no place in the sport. 2012 was easily the worst year the UFC has had in quite some time, and while injuries had a ton to do with that, the boring fights did as well.

Anyways, two more fights have been added to UFC 161 (Shogun/Nog card), and I'm not high on either of them.

First off, Dan Henderson and Rashad Evans are going to square off. I think this fight will be a lot like Rashad vs. Lil' Nog. And if Rashad is able to take Hendo down, then it'll be just Rashad laying on him for 15 minutes. Either way, I predict a really boring fight.

And secondly, Jake Shields vs. Tyrone Woodley has been added to the show. I'm VERY surprised Jake Shields is going back down to Welterweight. The guy just isn't the same fighter there. At Middleweight he dominates Woodley, but at Welterweight it's anyone's match-up.
I think the Hendo/Evans fight is going to go a long way in determining each guy's future. If Hendo loses, even if it is a close fight, Dana will push for his retirement. I doubt Hendo will do it since he basically does what he wants, but DW will push for it.

If Rashad loses I think Dana will push for him to drop to 185. He didn't have a lot to offer Jones, and a loss to Hendo would be three straight. He won't get the ax, but there is no way they can put him in a meaningful fight at LHW with three straight losses.
Had my first Jiu Jitsu competition a month ago now, what an experience! I've only been training for 3 months but decided to enter a State championship just for the hell of it.

I obviously competed against white belts, and decided to compete at Featherweight (67 kilos)... This was so many first experiences. I trained 5 days a week, got my cardio through the roof and went down from 73 kilos. I had to get up at 5 for the competition, we had a little team from our rural town going to the city to compete. I was convinced I was 2 kilos under the night before and had a plate size steak with eggs and hash to celebrate. I then went through the stress of wondering if my scale was accurate or not, this lasted the whole trip.

Weighed in at 65.5, no stress at all, and the guy I was meant to have a match with came in overweight. This meant I went straight ahead to the second round, against a guy who was lucky enough to score a bye so was coming in as fresh as me.

This guy was slightly shorter then me, but looked big, and calm.. It clearly wasn't his first competition... The whole comp was in a stadium and we were given 5 minutes notice. That 5 minutes notice ended up being what felt like hours (it was about half an hour)... I warmed up with my coach, cooled down, warmed up, cooled down, uncertain and a little peeved at when I was going to have my shot. I said a little prayer and then decided to just relax and watch the matches.

Eventually our time came up, and God... I've performed on stage all my life, in professional shows, in front of cameras, in front of audiences of thousands.. But nothing compares to the nerves I felt in the minutes before my match. Finally we were called onto the mat.

The other guy looked calm and relaxed, I tried to maintain the impression that I wasn't going crazy with nerves, I didn't smile, or try to look tough, before I knew it we high fived and it began....

Nerves got the better of me and I immediately jumped in an attempt to pull guard, he went for a take down at the same time and (accidentally) punched me in the jaw on the way down. I just couldn't relax, and in no time he was in full guard, trying to wear me out and wait for me to make another mistake. At this point, I started to relax.. I had been there before and began to try and work out how to get out of there. Eventually I managed to hook his arm and leg (he didn't realise I had the leg I think) and sweep him into full guard.

Unfortunately, my inexperience kicked in here. I have always been rubbish at getting out of full guard and spent way too much time there. I could feel him working his legs for a triangle attempt and I stood up to prevent it. There is a recording of our match and you can't see it, but at this point I managed to give him trouble at last... By pushing my forearm against his throat, giving him no room to move or breathe and forcing him to use his hands to try and get out of it.

But again, inexperience kicked in and I couldn't pass his guard, he made a very good attempt at an arm bar from the guard and very nearly had me... But almost automatically I got out of it before he could sink it in and got back into his guard. Soon enough he tried for another one and I escaped it again, causing a scramble that ended with him back on top.

I was warned for grabbing the shorts (which by the way, happened without me realising it, I used to hate on Silva for doing it to Sonnen but now that I see what its like I can't blame him), and before I knew it time ran out and the match was over.

Through dominant position control the other guy won on points, and so he should, he fought the better game and I have a lot to learn. I spent the rest of the day watching match after match, meeting trainers and other competitors and having an amazing time. The guy I fought ended up winning in the Featherweights, winning one of his matches by DQ and submitting everyone else. I later looked him up and found out he also won last year!

After the match, my coach told me he was proud, and in the moment I simply said "I'll fucking wreck him next time". I hope some of you guys compete someday, it was an incredible experience I wont ever forget and it made me hungry. I loved the thrill of competition, I loved the training, the weight control, the day itself. I plan to compete again and again, and (much) later down the track, I hope to have an MMA bout or two.

Since then I have moved to the city and have started training at a more serious full time gym, Muay Thai, Boxing, Jiu Jitsu... I've fallen in love and I have been overwhelmed with the amount of talent compared to where I come from, as well as just how much I have learnt in the last month alone (like how to pass the fucking guard).

I just wanted to share this experience with you guys, I've decided to give full time training a go while I'm young, and so far I'm having an amazing time.

Was really satisfying to see Hunt win again, Gomi was robbed, I personally enjoyed Machida Vs Hendo though I doubt I'd watch it again. I'm also rather let down that Frankie lost his fight with Aldo, but he gave it everything he had and I'm glad for that.
I think the Hendo/Evans fight is going to go a long way in determining each guy's future. If Hendo loses, even if it is a close fight, Dana will push for his retirement. I doubt Hendo will do it since he basically does what he wants, but DW will push for it.

I doubt Dana would push for his retirement like he has guys like Wanderlei and Chuck. Those guys both suffered a lot of vicious knockouts. Dan hasn't really suffered anything devastating to make Dana want him to quit, and Hendo has arguably looked his best at the twilight of his career. I could see him maybe suggesting it if Evans somehow knocked Hendo out

If Rashad loses I think Dana will push for him to drop to 185. He didn't have a lot to offer Jones, and a loss to Hendo would be three straight. He won't get the ax, but there is no way they can put him in a meaningful fight at LHW with three straight losses.

I really think win or lose we'll see Rashad drop to 185. There really isn't much left for him to do at 205 even with a win. If he loses and then drops a fight at 185, I can actually see him retiring and becoming an analyst.

Sadly I'm not even excited for this fight because it seems pretty elementary that Rashad is going to play it on the safe side and lay on Henderson for 3 rounds.

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