Miss Universe Canada Disqualifies Transsexual Contestant

You again? This will be fun. Couldn't resist could you?

Nope, neither can I.

The morality behind the decision? As if it were immoral of them to deny this person who is most definitely is a man, who has underwent surgical procedures to APPEAR as a woman, and therefore doesn't meet the criteria to be in an all women's beauty pageant to compete?


Spot the man in this picture Ba-Bomb.

And it's also supposedly discrimination? Man you never cease to amaze me with your far left bullshit. No matter how badly you want to make it an issue of discrimination, and throw your hand up like it's some injustice against someone, it simply isn't. I know that's hard for you to comprehend, and that's your right to be that stupid, but you remain stupid nonetheless.

Except that legally, physically and in terms of her genitalia Miss Talakova is a woman. This flat out is discrimination Bomb, no bullshit neccesary. A person is more than their genome, you stupid motherfucker.

I'm glad you think that, and in some ways you are right. The thing is most of that such as mental and emotional state, characteristics and behaviors,

So you process emotions and react the same way as you did when you were in diapers do you Bomb? Somehow, I'm not surprised.

hormonal levels,

You've heard of puberty, right? Your hormone levels aren't the same now as they were when you were younger.

self identity,

She identifies as a woman and has done since she was 4, has been taking female hormones since she was 14 and a vagina since she was 19. Hormonally, emotionally, identifiably to herself and others she is indistinguishable from a female. So why exactly can't she take part. She's certainly hot enough to do well and in a beauty pagent that should be all that matters.

they are unique to that gender

If you think Gender is a straight line between male and female, you're a horribly informed dumbass. See also: XX male syndrome, XY gonadal dysgenesis and the various other genetic defects (XXY, XXX, XYY etc) that complicate the issue.

and as I've said already, no amount of alteration changes what already naturally is. Sure, you can take hormones, you can have surgeries, but that doesn't change the actual mental or emotional characteristics and behaviors.

And seeing as she's mentally and emotionally been a female since the age of 4, that's not really an issue. Also, according to her birth cirtificate, she's a female.

Even though you can take drugs to manipulate hormone levels, without that manipulation and without surgical procedures, there is no question that what you have is a man through and through.


Yes. This is what someone who's a man through and through looks like.

Just because someone may act a certain way, or say "I think of myself this way" doesn't mean they are that. I could walk around and say "I identify myself as Batman" but I sure as fuck am not no matter how incessantly I say and profess to believe I am.

"Perception is reality" - Stephen Foster

I can dawn the mask and cape, start going after criminals in acts of vigilante justice, drive a wicked tricked out car, and It doesn't matter, I will not be Batman, I'll be a crazy fuck TRYING to be Batman.

Once you've got a vagina, breasts and a birth certificate that says you're a female, you don't really have to try to be a female. For all intents and purposes you are a female.

Sometimes the answer is just that simple, and in this case it was.

Again, gender is not a straight line.

I also want to focus on what you said here about "A variety of reasons which make up the actual person" and most of all the KEY WORD "DECISION". You're talking about personal development, which is separate from biological development. "Jenna" naturally developed into a man, and through unnatural processes went through the motions to be as close to being a woman as possible.

And she succeeded. See also: her ammended birth certificate.

Unfortunately close only counts in horse-shoes and hand grenades.

And medicine. If you've had an organ transplant, your body will not react to it in the same way as your old one but we can get your body as close to accepting it as possible though. Allendronic Acid will never give you the same bone density that you had before you had osteoperosis, but we'll get you as close as we can. These drugswe're giving you for Rheumatois Arthritis won't give your joints the same level of movement or vompletely take away your pain but we'll do as much as we can for that. And of course the law, which is always a compromise between two groups of people who want different things. Neither of them will get what they want, but hopefully the can get something close.

So yeah, horseshoes, hand grenades medicine and the law. Two of those things are relevant to the conversation.

You can look like a woman, talk like a woman, dress like a woman, and even mimic what you perceive to be the feminine traits that identify the characteristics of a female, but the truth will always be that you are in fact a male with identity issues, striving to be something you are not.

You can also legally be a woman. Which her birth certificate, driving lisence and passport will all state.

Ya see, it's stuff like this that makes you so intolerable. Regardless of whether or not you THINK the rules are discriminatory, they are not, and you can't illustrate how they are because of that fact.

No, it is discriminatory. It's arbirtarily preventing someone who meets all of the inclusion criteria for this contest being barred because she's doesn't fit what the organisers think a woman is. That's discrimination by definition.

You can try to spin a technicality by saying that the requirements themselves "discriminate" regarding who can and can not compete, but there is a difference between "parameters of qualification" and "discrimination" as you are trying to use it.

Perameter of qualification: Must be a hot female.

Jenna Talakova: Hot and female in the eyes of the law and society (as in if you saw her on the street you'd think she was a female). She easily meets the criteria, as you can see.


Discrimination: "although there's nothing that says that you have to be born a female we're not letting you compete because despite the fact that you are clearly not a man, you were born one and therefore YOU CAN NEVER BE A WOMAN!"

Of course you have no leg to stand on though, so you resort to making accusations of people. Here's another piece of advice too, just because you consistently repeat a lie, that doesn't make it any more true.

Actually, yes it does. Allow me to quote Lincoln: "I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality." Because that is totally true, right? Also: the perception and treatment of Jews throughout history.

You seem to think if you just keep calling it "discrimination" that it is so or that anyone will be swayed by that. You are wrong. Not everyone is as radical in their ideals, beliefs, or reasoning as you are. That might be hard to get through your thick skull but it's a reality you'll have to deal with someday, like today.

No, he's right.

What exactly slick, makes you think a person doesn't have a choice in undergoing procedures as extreme as emasculation, hormone therapy, genital plastic surgery, and so on? I didn't realize someone was holding their neck to the chopping block there. I recognize the concept of all people having the right to choose who they are, but it's an unavoidable fact that if you are a man from day one, no matter what you do to yourself you are a man in death as well. I also recognize and accept letting peoples actions determine who they are as a person. No one is saying anything about who they are as a person, that speaks more to the character and make-up of who the person is, their personality, their ideals and beliefs, personal interests and preferences, not sex. I'm sorry if you were born a man and at some point you decided you wanted to be a woman, that in a literal sense, and the sense that those individuals want it to be, is impossible. You were born what you are and you can't change that.

The thing she didn't have a choice in was being born with a penis. No matter what you think, gender is more than a tick box.

Yeah genius I know that, but the example served to illustrate another point that neither you or him seemed to get. I did explain it for him though so you can look at my previous post to find out how that applied. Secondly, what stops them is that MEN CAN'T COMPETE, and that's the bottom line because the Canadian Miss Universe Pageant Officials Said So.

Do I REALLY need to post another picture of the girl? Physically, hormonally and emotionally she's closer to a female than male.

And at this point just I got tired of dropping my IQ by reading your shit.
And yet, if you cloned "her", the clone would have a penis. That is the one major sticking point you will never be able to get around. EVERYTHING that makes her physically resemble a woman is entirely artificial, the result of surgery and medications to alter body chemistry. Jenna's physical femaleness is entirely cosmetic.
Let me start by saying that I have no problem with transgender people. In fact when I originally heard this story, before they got to the point on the news where the reveal happened they were showing pictures of "her" and I was looking and actually said aloud to myself "OMG she's hot." This was before finding out she was a man as I said, but it didn't change my opinion because this person looks like a woman to me. With that said I agree with Davi. I can understand why this decision came about. If the rules are females only, it doesn't matter how much he looks like one, he's technically not.
And yet, if you cloned "her", the clone would have a penis. That is the one major sticking point you will never be able to get around. EVERYTHING that makes her physically resemble a woman is entirely artificial, the result of surgery and medications to alter body chemistry. Jenna's physical femaleness is entirely cosmetic.

The basis of the competition is entirely cosmetic. Boob jobs, nose jobs, make-up, hair spray. Artificial or not, she identifies as a woman. It doesn't matter if you can clone her or not. We get it- genetics say she's male. It's not relevant to who she is, and it will never be relevant to something as hollow as a beauty pageant. Hell, I hate the damn things. I don't think highly on anyone that enters one, including Jenna. But I don't see how a chromosome should disqualify her. It's a contest about beauty, not DNA. And it is discrimination when there isn't a good reason to bar her from competition. And genetics IS NOT a good reason. Now that being said- I don't think they should be forced to keep her. Rule or no rule. I just think that kind of attitude towards transgenders should be discouraged.
Due solely to the fact that she was born a male, and the rules of the privately owned competition state that ALL entrants must be born females, she simply can't compete. She deserved to be disqualified. And if you notice, I'm calling her "she", because even though genetically she's a man, in every other regard possible she's a woman. However, she's a woman that did not meet the qualifications of the privately owned competition that she chose to try her hand at. As Slyfox pointed out, a privately owned competition, and anything privately owned, can make and dictate their own rules however they see fit. To call a competition like this one, which has crowned women of different races from all over the world (probably making their financial dreams come true in the process) as winners is pretty inaccurate and largely ignorant.

As Davi pointed out, someone of his height will never be able to be a star Center in the National Basketball Association. Those roles are dominated by people who "genetically lucked-out" and grew to be about 7-feet tall. He also pointed out that Arnold Schwartzeneggar will never be able to be the President due to him being born outside of the country. Those rules of our country have a purpose, have stood the test of time, and won't be changed. Both of the principles in each of these examples applies to this situation with Jenna not being able to compete in the competition. She did not "genetically luck-out" in order to qualify (while others have) and the rules of the privately owned competition, which is not discriminatory, has had these reasonable, purpose-driven rules for quite some time- it's not like they just quickly amended them due to this situation.

Whether you personally like it or not, this is not an issue of discrimination, nor is it much of an issue at all. Even though this involves Canada, the United States in particular (and the rest of the world) has grown increasingly over-sensitive to just about every issue that even has the slimmest chance of being related to discrimination. If a so-called injustice even has a minority, gay person, transgendered, etc. anywhere near it, people go up in arms and make horribly rash judgments and decisions, probably in part to feeling guilty for the atrocities of the past related to discrimination. While making an admirable attempt, it's wrong to be so over-sensitive. Our society can still be rightfully attentive to discrimination, because of course it still exists, but now everything seems to be an issue of race, religion, gender, what have you. Even this Trayvon Martin case. Before all the details even came out, people were ready to crucify the murderer because Martin was "another black kid who got lynched". Not like he bashed the head in of Zimmerman, or anything (allegedly). What makes this case even worse is that the Zimmerman side, whether right or wrong, is trying to make the same case, as his side claims that the anti-Zimmerman sentiment is coming about due to anti-Hispanic sentiment. It's unbelievable how crippled we've become when it comes to these issues, and it's only getting worse.

There's not always a wild conspiracy going on with every single issue. Jenna's not allowed to compete for obvious reasons. She deserved to be disqualified, especially after trying to blatantly break those rules. Case closed.
You again? This will be fun. Couldn't resist could you?
No, I usually appear in situations where people are okay with discrimination.

The morality behind the decision? As if it were immoral of them to deny this person who is most definitely is a man, who has underwent surgical procedures to APPEAR as a woman, and therefore doesn't meet the criteria to be in an all women's beauty pageant to compete?
Yes, discrimination based solely upon an "X" and a "Y" is morally repugnant.

It took Americans nearly 100 years to learn this, but eventually they did. Now Americans have to learn it applies in all types of situations, as do Canadians, apparently.

And it's also supposedly discrimination? Man you never cease to amaze me with your far left bullshit. No matter how badly you want to make it an issue of discrimination, and throw your hand up like it's some injustice against someone, it simply isn't. I know that's hard for you to comprehend, and that's your right to be that stupid, but you remain stupid nonetheless.
Perhaps you're not aware of the term "discrimination". You really should look it up, it's quite enlightening. Perhaps you could even move out of the 1950s and into the real world with the rest of us.

(sorry, you always resort to simply calling people stupid for not seeing things in your distorted vision, so I thought you were due to taste your own medicine)
Understood, but the difference is when I call people stupid, it's because they actually said something stupid. You're calling me stupid for pointing out this is a clear case of discrimination, which by the very definition of the word it is.

Basically, what I'm saying is that you utterly failed at trying to insult me.

I'm glad you think that, and in some ways you are right. The thing is most of that such as mental and emotional state, characteristics and behaviors, hormonal levels, self identity, they are all prevalent from birth, they are unique to that gender, and as I've said already, no amount of alteration changes what already naturally is. Sure, you can take hormones, you can have surgeries, but that doesn't change the actual mental or emotional characteristics and behaviors.
Okay...and this person has always known they are mentally and emotionally a female.

Not sure if I understand your point. Not sure if you even understand your point.

there is no question that what you have is a man through and through.
Completely false. Without surgeries, hormones, etc., there is no question that what you have PHYSICALLY is a man through and through. That doesn't mean they are a man mentally or emotionally. And since this person has undergone treatment to change who they are physically, and they have always identified themselves as female mentally and emotionally, I'm not really sure where you get off saying they are not a female.

Is she a "naturally born female"? No, she isn't, and under that rule, she is not permitted to compete. But that doesn't change the fact she IS a female, and the contest's rules are discriminatory.

Just because someone may act a certain way, or say "I think of myself this way" doesn't mean they are that.
Spoken like a true Christian.

"Just because someone may act an atheist, or say 'I think of myself as an atheist' doesn't mean they are atheist. They're really Christian, they just don't realize it yet."


I could walk around and say "I identify myself as Batman" but I sure as fuck am not no matter how incessantly I say and profess to believe I am.
But Ron Artest can walk around and say "I'm Meta World Peace", and he sure as fuck is, no matter what name he was born with.

By the way, what a terrible example.

Sometimes the answer is just that simple, and in this case it was.
Agreed...doesn't make it any less silly. :shrug:

I also want to focus on what you said here about "A variety of reasons which make up the actual person" and most of all the KEY WORD "DECISION". You're talking about personal development, which is separate from biological development. "Jenna" naturally developed into a man, and through unnatural processes went through the motions to be as close to being a woman as possible. Unfortunately close only counts in horse-shoes and hand grenades.
Yes, it was her DECISION to physically change her appearance to match her mental and emotional states. It WASN'T her decision to be a female in every part of her being, except the physical.

You can look like a woman, talk like a woman, dress like a woman, and even mimic what you perceive to be the feminine traits that identify the characteristics of a female, but the truth will always be that you are in fact a male with identity issues, striving to be something you are not.

What's it like to live in such a closed mind. I'm guessing it's quite dark.

Ya see, it's stuff like this that makes you so intolerable.
Yes, judging people based on the kind of person they are, and not on their skin color, religion, sexuality genetics is such a bad thing.

Regardless of whether or not you THINK the rules are discriminatory, they are not
Actually, you are completely and provably wrong. The rules ARE discriminatory. You can disagree with whether they are morally unacceptable or not, but they are discriminatory. This cannot be disputed.

Since you obviously have never bothered to read the definition of discrimination, I'll go ahead and provide it for you:

Dictionary.com said:
treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit

but there is a difference between "parameters of qualification" and "discrimination" as you are trying to use it.
There is. But she wasn't removed on parameters of qualification. She didn't fail any competence tests, she didn't fail any morality clauses...she was removed simply because of the gender she was born with.

Thus, it's discrimination.

You seem to think if you just keep calling it "discrimination" that it is so or that anyone will be swayed by that.
No, I think that since the actual definition of the word discrimination supports my using that term, I'm right in using it.

Try and keep up.

What exactly slick, makes you think a person doesn't have a choice in undergoing procedures as extreme as emasculation, hormone therapy, genital plastic surgery, and so on?
I never said she didn't have a choice to change her physical appearance. What she never had a choice in is what her mental and emotional makeup was. She didn't HAVE to physically alter her appearance, but she did so to reflect the type of person she has always been on the inside.

but it's an unavoidable fact that if you are a man from day one, no matter what you do to yourself you are a man in death as well.
And it's also unavoidable that if you have the mental and emotional state of a female from birth, no matter how much people try to tell you that you're wrong, you are a female in both the mental and emotional capacities at death as well.

Yeah genius I know that, but the example served to illustrate another point that neither you or him seemed to get.
No it didn't. I read your response to him. You just repeated the same nonsense ad nauseum.

Secondly, what stops them is that MEN CAN'T COMPETE, and that's the bottom line because the Canadian Miss Universe Pageant Officials Said So.
Wow, logical fallacy much? You should study up on circular reasoning.

Something I find kind of funny here is that as much as you try to paint me as some caricature of a stereotype that you have to paint anyone that you disagree with, you sure don't know shit about me or any of my experiences in life. You just assume I'm this big homophobe, that I hate any and all LGBT people, and I'm this representation of whatever it is you need me to be in order to be right or justified in your lame bullshit trolling. That's why you are a babbling idiot. However, I have been friends and still am friends with a lot of people in the LGBT community, I stand for their rights in the purest sense, and I have known a TON of drag queens in my time and I guarantee YOU wouldn't know the difference until you reached under their skirt whether or not they were a man or woman. But here we are, and YOU are the one who is actually discriminating against drag queens, stating that they aren't beautiful enough, projecting this stereotype of a drag queen that you've conjured up in your own mind, profiling them in the process. Fuck you make this easy!

I laugh because I think you really believe what you just said there. And I laugh because your rant doesn't even come close to addressing what I actually said.

But hey, why let facts and logic stop you? You're a keyboard warrior, dammit!

Ever been to a drag show Mr.Lib? I have, tons of them. It's different, I'll tell you that much. But your exclamation that "What stops them is that they aren't beautiful enough to be there" just shows how little you really know about it, and how detached from that part of society you really are.
Wow, your reading comprehension skills suck. No nice way to put it, they suck.

My response to your drag queen example was two fold, each part playing an equal role in my explanation on the difference. The first part was that this woman is not a drag queen, she is literally a person who is a female in every way, except for the fact she was born with a male gene. She has gone through undoubtedly painful procedures, spending a lot of money to become the person she wants to be. This isn't something she did for fun, for sexual gratification or for a break from reality. This is who she really is, who she has always been, and she has undergone a tremendous amount of work to become physically who she has always been mentally and emotionally.

The second part of my response never once said anything about a drag queen being unattractive, merely that they weren't attractive enough to reach this level, as this girl is. Somehow you managed to twist that into your experiences of fondling guys' balls to tell that drag queens aren't really girls.

Your reading comprehension sucks. Add it to the list of things you need to improve upon (along with studying the correct definition of the term discrimination and circular reasoning)

You see, someone can personally disagree with homosexuality itself, and still support the rights of those who are homosexual.
What the fuck does homosexuality have to do with this? Why are you even talking about it? I never mentioned homosexuality once in the post you are responding to, nor did I even hint at it.

It's called human fucking decency which you clearly don't have, it's one extreme or the other with you, and that's why you can't understand me.
No, I can't understand you because you don't make any sense, you don't understand proper meanings of words, you talk about stuff that had absolutely no relevance to this discussion, and you don't understand the fact this person is not a man.

Trust me, I'm quite glad I don't understand you, I'd hate to think I'm as crazy as you are. There's a reason I mock you, and not Davi. Davi isn't stupid.

You see, I'm not a fucking extremist, my views don't shift so far to one side of the other like you, and I don't see those whose views differ from my own as lesser people like you do. I frown upon the kind of blatant idiocy you display in your extremism, it makes me fucking sick, but I don't think you less of a person. I just think it's fucking sad that you can't see the separation between someone having personal views that conflict with the views of other people they know, and that same person being able to be friends with those people, support them in their trials, and actually care about them rather than use them and their trials as a tool to demonize people I don't like or disagree with like you do.
Wow...this paragraph reads like you need to seek some counseling. You are flying off the deep end.

That is what is truly sick, and the way you make martyrs of them is a disservice to all the progress that has been made for and by them.
When you say "them" who are you referring to?

they just want to be accepted for who they are
EXACTLY! They want to be accepted for who they are, not for what chromosomes they have inside them. And yet, here you are, actively supporting Canada's Miss Universe decision to not accept who this woman is, and instead discriminate against her because of something she had no control over, and has never identified with.

It's amazing, it truly is...even you manage to prove yourself wrong...is there anyone who can't prove you wrong?

You're the only one talking about any of that or bringing it up.
Pretty certain this entire thread is based off of a story of active discrimination.

Who said anything about keeping blacks out of restaurants, women out of the workplace
Well, why else would you be so gung-ho for active discrimination? I don't understand, are you against discrimination or not?

Once again, you can't just accept that it's not an issue of discrimination
You're right, because this is very clearly an issue of discrimination.

Wrong again Skip. No one is BORN an atheist, it's an ideology or a philosophy people acquire over time.


Do you hear that? That's the sound of my point going WAAAY over your head.

Those are just called RULES. It's obvious you don't like those much either huh? Rules in your mind are "discrimination". Once again, that's why you are the one who is stupid.

Easily the stupidest thing you said in this post. I guess if I open a restaurant and make a RULE that says only white people can eat here, that's not discriminatory either, right?

I seriously cannot believe you just tried to suggest rules cannot be discriminatory in nature. Did you never pay attention in American History class?
Jenna's physical femaleness is entirely cosmetic.
So? Her mental and emotional states are entirely female. Surely you're not suggesting the only way we should ever judge who a person is is merely by their physical appearance.

Furthermore, are we REALLY going to use "cosmetic appearance" to disqualify competitors from this pageant?
Whether you personally like it or not, this is not an issue of discrimination

Well sure it is. It's clear discrimination. That doesn't mean the contest isn't within their rights to remove her based upon their rules, but it's still discrimination. Like I mentioned to Ba-Bomb, if I create a rule at my restaurant that says only white people can eat, that doesn't change the fact it's my rule AND it's discriminatory.
Well sure it is. It's clear discrimination. That doesn't mean the contest isn't within their rights to remove her based upon their rules, but it's still discrimination. Like I mentioned to Ba-Bomb, if I create a rule at my restaurant that says only white people can eat, that doesn't change the fact it's my rule AND it's discriminatory.

So, does that mean this pageant is also discriminating against men as well? What if a guy wanted to join? He doesn't qualify by the rules, either. What if a gay man wanted to join the WNBA, a league only for women. Would that be discrimination as well?

I don't think every single rule that disallows certain people from joining something for understandable reasons, such as the above, should be classified as discriminatory cases. That's where common sense has to come into play. When you bring up your example about a white-only restaurant, there's obviously no common sense that would lead to a good reason as to why that would be the case with your establishment. Hence, it'd be discriminatory. However, you can't just apply that to every situation blindly. The pageant wants born-women only, not transgendered women. Why? Well, just to speculate, I'd assume that it'd be partly to weed out those participants that would not cut it cosmetically. Even though Jenna seemed to have a fairly successful transition in terms of appearance, plenty of transgenders simply don't. Jenna is the exception. Most clearly still have man-like characteristics that probably will never fully vanish, and aren't what the competition is looking for, nor is it what it wants to be associated with. If you're going to be adversive to the pageant for not letting in transgenders as a whole for not fitting the part of what the pageant is looking for, then you'd also have to be adversive to the WNBA for not letting in a gay man for his physical "wrongs" that keep him from joining the league.

Not to mention that this precedent would open up a whole can of worms. Because if you defend this, then you'd have to defend the stance that women Olympic teams should be allowed to be fully comprised of transgendered women. Because then that would be discriminatory, too, by this line of logic.
So, does that mean this pageant is also discriminating against men as well? What if a guy wanted to join? He doesn't qualify by the rules, either.

It is unlikely a man will have the feminine qualities to succeed in a "Beauty" Contest. They tend not to fit well or look good in evening gowns or bikinis, the qualifications the contestants are being judged upon. A transexual women or married woman can realistically meet these qualifications.

What if a gay man wanted to join the WNBA, a league only for women. Would that be discrimination as well?

No, it's really not. It's also not the same thing.

I don't think every single rule that disallows certain people from joining something for understandable reasons, such as the above, should be classified as discriminatory cases. That's where common sense has to come into play. When you bring up your example about a white-only restaurant, there's obviously no common sense that would lead to a good reason as to why that would be the case with your establishment. Hence, it'd be discriminatory. However, you can't just apply that to every situation blindly. The pageant wants born-women only, not transgendered women. Why? Well, just to speculate, I'd assume that it'd be partly to weed out those participants that would not cut it cosmetically.

This is what motivated me to respond.

Let's do the math. There are conservatively 3 billion women in the world. There are conservatively 10 million (I have no idea but it is not that big of a population) in the world. You just weeded out 0.003333 of the possible contestants. Do you want to try speculating some more?

Even though Jenna seemed to have a fairly successful transition in terms of appearance, plenty of transgenders simply don't. Jenna is the exception. Most clearly still have man-like characteristics that probably will never fully vanish, and aren't what the competition is looking for, nor is it what it wants to be associated with.

Yet, most women don't qualify appearance wise for these competitions. What is your point? And how do you know what transgenders look like? Is this a hobby? Do you perform vaginaplasties or just watch a lot of Springer?

If you're going to be adversive to the pageant for not letting in transgenders as a whole for not fitting the part of what the pageant is looking for, then you'd also have to be adversive to the WNBA for not letting in a gay man for his physical "wrongs" that keep him from joining the league.

Not to mention that this precedent would open up a whole can of worms. Because if you defend this, then you'd have to defend the stance that women Olympic teams should be allowed to be fully comprised of transgendered women. Because then that would be discriminatory, too, by this line of logic.

You're just repeating what you already said and no, none of these scenarios are even close. This stuff has already been covered in this thread. Leave the bigotry to the big boys.

But more importantly, why do you or anyone else care about the sanctity of beauty pageants? Seriously, why? Is there a legitimate threat?
You're missing the point of the argument, then. I guess you just don't understand it. It's the principle behind all of it. Everyone these days seems so quick to turn things into matters of discrimination when they are not necessarily so. That's been the main point behind my posts and my point. Whether you agree or not with that is up to you, but its crazy how society turns so many matters into issues of race, gender, or what have you when they may not be. I feel that this exact notion applies to this case. No, I'm not very interested in the politics behind beauty pageants, I don't think anyone here is, but I am interested in this underlying problem and the reprecussions it has.

Lastly, when you make jokes involving transgendered people in a thread such as this, it pretty much renders your comments moot.
You're missing the point of the argument, then. I guess you just don't understand it. It's the principle behind all of it.

No, I just think you're making a terrible argument for something that you are completely wrong about.

Everyone these days seems so quick to turn things into matters of discrimination when they are not necessarily so.

Please provide three examples without using a search engine if "Everyone" is doing it.

That's been the main point behind my posts and my point. Whether you agree or not with that is up to you, but its crazy how society turns so many matters into issues of race, gender, or what have you when they may not be.

Actually it's not society and this is far from the epidemic you are making it out to be. People get discriminated against, sometimes this is unfounded. But it is normal for humans to rationalize that their own failures in life were never in their control. White, straight males use this logic sometimes when they don't get a promotion (cuz I don't kiss enough ass) or get rejected by a woman (cuz she's nothin' but a status climbin' gold digger). Don't judge people because it is easy to classify the rationalization with something that is unfounded, you are probably quite guilty of similar leaps in logic.

I feel that this exact notion applies to this case. No, I'm not very interested in the politics behind beauty pageants, I don't think anyone here is, but I am interested in this underlying problem and the reprecussions it has.

This is not a gateway event that is going to lead to the downfall of civilization.

There are no reprecussions other than the LGBT community is going to start rejecting beauty pageants. Which leaves former beauty pageant contestants and straight men that can't find porn on the internet left to watch these shows.

Lastly, when you make jokes involving transgendered people in a thread such as this, it pretty much renders your comments moot.

First off making jokes doesn't make one's comments moot, making stupid comments makes comments moot. Secondly, what joke did I make involving transgendered people? If anything, I think they would take my side of this argument.
I don't think it's transgender phobia, just the pageant people having to follow the outdated standards created by people in a time when ignorance reigned supreme.

Since it's privately owned they are free to discriminate against people who don't meet their standards. I understand they want beautiful, natural-born female women, but Jenna meets the criteria for beautiful woman in my eyes. If I were her I'd drop the case and move on since it's an uphill battle. It sucks, but oh well.

P.S. Jenna is hot and all, but she's no Kimber James. LOL Bad, BAD example, I know! I live by the motto "If it's pretty, fuck it. There is no gay."
No, I usually appear in situations where people are okay with discrimination.

You keep telling yourself that. That's what you need to believe.

Yes, discrimination based solely upon an "X" and a "Y" is morally repugnant.

Again, It's not discrimination in the sense that you are trying to apply it. Words take on different meanings with the way they are used. For instance, I might have a preference for European sports cars, so when a salesman tries to sell me a domestic mid-size sedan, I discriminate against those because of my preference. The way you are using it is how it would have applied to the discrimination of black people before the civil rights movement and we both know the two are not the same or even in the same ballpark. You keep spinning it like a record though to prove your point, but you're usage of the term is incorrect for how you are trying to apply it, and make a victim of this person.

Perhaps you're not aware of the term "discrimination". You really should look it up, it's quite enlightening. Perhaps you could even move out of the 1950s and into the real world with the rest of us.

Ohhhh, you got me there. 1950's, wow that was harsh. God your pathetic. That's all you've got isn't it? All you can do is try to affix a certain image that you negatively paint of someone and hope that it sticks to somehow make you right. It's lame old gimmick and it consistently makes you look like a dumb-fuck. BTW, I'm not just calling you a dumb-fuck, I'll give you credit that you're at least rather clever, but some of the shit you do and the way you act makes you look like one, and IMHO is SOOOOO far beneath who you USED to be on here that I have lost virtually any and all respect for you I once had. You weren't like this back in 06-07 when I first started reading on here, what the hell happened to you man?

Understood, but the difference is when I call people stupid, it's because they actually said something stupid. You're calling me stupid for pointing out this is a clear case of discrimination, which by the very definition of the word it is.

Basically, what I'm saying is that you utterly failed at trying to insult me.

What, are we in elementary school or something? That's what you sound like, you realize this don't you? You sound like the kid who always has to try and 1-up everyone to make themselves look good. And, on you continue trying to force-fuck your "discrimination" argument down my throat like that makes it any more valid. It doesn't. It's been made very clear and explained over and over how and why this is not a case of discrimination, but like the belligerent child you are you just persist to say that's what it is.

Okay...and this person has always known they are mentally and emotionally a female.

No, that person "Thinks" they are mentally and emotionally a female. The truth of the matter is that the individual has what is called a GID "Gender Identity Disorder" that falls in line with "Transsexualism" which is also a mental disorder. If you have a problem with that, take it with the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.

Completely false. Without surgeries, hormones, etc., there is no question that what you have PHYSICALLY is a man through and through. That doesn't mean they are a man mentally or emotionally. And since this person has undergone treatment to change who they are physically, and they have always identified themselves as female mentally and emotionally, I'm not really sure where you get off saying they are not a female.

I see where you are going with that, but these idividuals are not "Mentally or Emotionally Men or Women" It is a preference to be the opposite sex due to what is called "Gender Dysphoria". Changing the paint doesn't change the engine, nor does what a person identifies with.

Here's an example we can draw from the popular kids movie Ice Age 2. In that movie there is a wholly mammoth named Ellie. Her back story is that as a baby Ellie was displaced from her herd. She was taken in by 3 opossums and raised with them, at some point forgetting her origins and believed wholeheartedly that she was a opossum(isn't it fucked up how in the word "Opossum" there is an "O" in front of "Possum" when it seems like it should just be "Possum", sorry to get side tracked). Sid, Manny, and Diego try over and over and over to show her that she is in fact a mammoth, but she believes against all evidence to the contrary that she is an opossum. Same thing here in this case. Just because in your mind you might think or even feel that you are something you clearly are not, doesn't mean that you are what you "think or feel" you are.

Is she a "naturally born female"? No, she isn't, and under that rule, she is not permitted to compete. But that doesn't change the fact she IS a female, and the contest's rules are discriminatory.

Okay, end of discussion. That's the whole point right there. But, going further, HE is not a female, merely a man who underwent sexual reassignment in an attempt to be a one because they have a Gender Identity Disorder.

Spoken like a true Christian.

"Just because someone may act an atheist, or say 'I think of myself as an atheist' doesn't mean they are atheist. They're really Christian, they just don't realize it yet."


That had nothing to do with the conversation, you just made some lame example. The flaw in your example was that as I said, Atheism isn't an emotional state or a mental state of being, it's an ideology that one adopts as their own. That's what I said in regards to Atheism. You tried to spin it into justifying your anti-Christian agenda but you fail miserably. What you quoted from me was a response to this

I disagree, I think there are far more things which make a woman a woman. Their mental and emotional state, their genitalia, their behaviors and characteristics, their hormonal levels, and most importantly, how they honestly identify themselves.

And that was only a small piece of that response. Just as you always do, you misrepresented what I said and even what it was in regards to, to try and make me out to be this characterization that you are obsessed with. My point was simply that you can act however you want, you can try to fulfill the role that you associate with anything you are trying to be, and that doesn't mean that's what you are, specifically in the case of men trying to be women. Just like my Batman example. I can proclaim to think in all seriousness that I am Batman, and I can go about doing things to look like him, talk like him, I can even attempt to think like him or react to situations as I think he would, but at the end of the day, whether I identify with him and being him, I am not him. Same goes for the men trying to be women and vice-versa.

And don't try to drag religion into the mix and use it against people. I'm not specifically a Christian anyways, so you keep making an ass of yourself trying to portray me as some radical far right Christian conservative, or even trying to propose that I have some issue with transgender people. That's the only way anything you say makes sense, it always has to be some "Us vs Them" situation because you can't handle the fact that someone disagrees with you or that you are wrong. Persist all you want, you're the one who continually looks like an idiot bringing something irrelevant like that into the fray, trying to use it to illegitimize anything you disagree with.

But Ron Artest can walk around and say "I'm Meta World Peace", and he sure as fuck is, no matter what name he was born with.

Jesus, you have no shame do you? That is nothing even remotely similar to what we are talking about here. That's changing a name, and still, even though Ron Artest goes and changes his legal name to Meta World Peace, he'll still always be Ron Artest, his real name will always be Ron Artest, and Meta World Peace will always be an alias. You strike out again.

By the way, what a terrible example.

It's terrible to you because it perfectly illustrates the point and you can't counter it.

Agreed...doesn't make it any less silly. :shrug:

Well, it might seem silly to you but as I said, sometimes the answer is just THAT simple and doesn't require folks like yourself trying to complicate the whole issue and find some technicality on which you can say you are correct. If you have to find a technicality, that means you are wrong in plain bold truth.

Yes, it was her DECISION to physically change her appearance to match her mental and emotional states. It WASN'T her decision to be a female in every part of her being, except the physical.

You're just gonna keep pulling that out of the ol' shit shaft aren't you? You just keep perpetuating the same bullshit as if doing so makes you any more correct on the matter. I'll say it again, the person is not a woman/female mentally or emotionally, they may feel that they are due to GID or Transsexualism which is also a disorder, but that doesn't make said perception true. Based on your logic, a pathological liar is never lying because they believe their own lies. That is the equivalent of the shit you are trying to shovel here. What I will give you is that of course the person can not control whether or not they are effected by GID or Transsexualism, and so if having a sex change operation makes them feel more comfortable in their own skin, although I find it kind of odd simply because I can not relate to that feeling, I don't see anything wrong with it. Still, it does not make the individual the sex/gender that they prefer to be, and it is just that, a preference.


What's it like to live in such a closed mind. I'm guessing it's quite dark.

Yeah, that's what I thought. Once again you've got nothing so you resort to your childish antics.

Yes, judging people based on the kind of person they are, and not on their skin color, religion, sexuality genetics is such a bad thing.

And once again you basically are putting words in my mouth and distorting the meaning of what I was saying because you have nothing legit to fire back with. I was referring to your pathetic display of idiocy stating "They can't compete because they aren't beautiful enough" as if that actually has anything to do with it.

Actually, you are completely and provably wrong. The rules ARE discriminatory. You can disagree with whether they are morally unacceptable or not, but they are discriminatory. This cannot be disputed.

Since you obviously have never bothered to read the definition of discrimination, I'll go ahead and provide it for you:

Originally Posted by Dictionary.com
treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit

There is. But she wasn't removed on parameters of qualification. She didn't fail any competence tests, she didn't fail any morality clauses...she was removed simply because of the gender she was born with.

Thus, it's discrimination.

Refer back to the top of my response. Under the strictest and more literal sense of the definition you can try to say it's "discrimination", but within the context of the scenario it clearly isn't. This person who appeared to be a woman because of numerous procedures was ineligible to participate in the pageant because although they appeared to be a woman, they were not. If we go by your logic and no one is to be "discriminated" against as you use it, that there is no reason a man in drag (as I made an example of) or even an attractive man shouldn't be able to compete because at the base of your argument the discrimination is against a MAN in a beauty pageant that is strictly for women.

No, I think that since the actual definition of the word discrimination supports my using that term, I'm right in using it.

Try and keep up.

You've only twisted the definition to suit your interests, it in fact does not support your use of the term.

I never said she didn't have a choice to change her physical appearance. What she never had a choice in is what her mental and emotional makeup was. She didn't HAVE to physically alter her appearance, but she did so to reflect the type of person she has always been on the inside.

Okay, just because I'm sick of repeating myself I'll give you that, HE had no choice in his mental and emotional make up. But what does this have to do with the individual STILL being a man, and trying to pass themselves off as a woman in a women's only beauty pageant? All that shit you are trying to bring up is a distraction from the fact that regardless of "Feelings" which in this base are a by-product of a mental condition, and regardless of the cosmetic changes one makes, they are still a man whether they "feel like a woman", dress like a woman, act like a woman, or go through said cosmetic alterations to appear more like a woman.

And it's also unavoidable that if you have the mental and emotional state of a female from birth, no matter how much people try to tell you that you're wrong, you are a female in both the mental and emotional capacities at death as well.

Not so, you only identify with women due to the urge to be one which comes from GID and Transsexualism.

No it didn't. I read your response to him. You just repeated the same nonsense ad nauseum.

I know, you can't stand getting your dick knocked in the dirt over and over.

Wow, logical fallacy much? You should study up on circular reasoning.

What's that??? I can't hear you??? You once again have nothing to say in the face of facts??? Okay.;)


I laugh because I think you really believe what you just said there. And I laugh because your rant doesn't even come close to addressing what I actually said.

But hey, why let facts and logic stop you? You're a keyboard warrior, dammit!

I addressed what you said and then some, you just didn't quote it right here to create the illusion that I didn't. The reason I even went through typing the rest of that was because I have issue with YOU directly. I can't stand you, or your asinine smart ass remarks and responses, I can't stand the way you act, or the way you just dismiss what people say as you label it "Stupid" which is a great argument btw, I can see how much thought goes into that. I also wrote what I did to expose exactly what you are all about and how you try to go about making fools of people, to which you of course respond "I let them make fools of themselves" which is always the case as you call it when anyone owns you and you have nothing to respond with. You just mock people because you can't really support your stance, so you try to drive the conversation in any direction but the one that shows you are full of shit, which you are. Just like above calling me a keyboard warrior and shit, and suggesting that facts and logic are absent from my argument and whatnot. It's all that kind of shit that shows me and everyone else who on-looks what a pusscake you really are, and reveals the fact that you are a lame duck in the conversation just trying to stir shit up and troll people because you are a punk pure and simple.

Wow, your reading comprehension skills suck. No nice way to put it, they suck.

Same old shit from you, different day, go fuck yourself. All you have are insults and childish antics at your disposal, and you are pathetic because it's those type of antics that you feed off of.

My response to your drag queen example was two fold, each part playing an equal role in my explanation on the difference. The first part was that this woman is not a drag queen, she is literally a person who is a female in every way, except for the fact she was born with a male gene. She has gone through undoubtedly painful procedures, spending a lot of money to become the person she wants to be. This isn't something she did for fun, for sexual gratification or for a break from reality. This is who she really is, who she has always been, and she has undergone a tremendous amount of work to become physically who she has always been mentally and emotionally.

And your persistent claims and assumption that this person is a female in every way, which HE clearly isn't, that this is who the person really is, has always been, and is now who she has always been mentally and emotionally is the glaring flaw in your entire argument. The person that HE really is, is the person the HE was before all the surgery and hormone treatments, THAT's who Jenna really is, a guy who wanted to be a girl in as many ways as possible. While Jenna may have been able to do many things to create the illusion, Jenna is, was, and always will be a man at the core no matter what a mental disorder makes him think or feel.

The second part of my response never once said anything about a drag queen being unattractive, merely that they weren't attractive enough to reach this level, as this girl is. Somehow you managed to twist that into your experiences of fondling guys' balls to tell that drag queens aren't really girls.

Oh, now you want to backpedal from your shit when you got busted out, not surprised one bit. It's no shocker that you also used my blasting you to try and infer that I engage in homosexual activities either, cretins like you seem to know no low and have no shame. You don't need to try and redact what your statement said and go into "damage control". You made an idiotic generalization stating that "Drag Queens aren't beautiful enough to be in a beauty pageant" and I used that to point out how utterly clueless and out of touch you really are, as the statement made it glaringly obvious. Like I said, there are plenty of drag queens out there that look every bit as womanly as Jenna, who haven't had all that surgery, that you wouldn't be able to tell if they were a guy in drag or not. The point of stating as much was that you and/or others are trying to say that a man who looks like a woman should be able to be in the pageant, so I took it one step further illustrating the flaw of that logic stating that if that is so than there is no reason a drag queen couldn't compete either.

Your reading comprehension sucks. Add it to the list of things you need to improve upon (along with studying the correct definition of the term discrimination and circular reasoning)

You REEEALLLY should never tell me to look something up, especially in this case as it's about to completely backfire on you. I did go ahead and look up "Circular Reasoning" and after learning what exactly it is, it dawned on me that-that is exactly what you have been doing all along. Let me show you. Here is the definition:

a use of reason in which the premises depends on or is equivalent to the conclusion, a method of false logic by which "this is used to prove that, and that is used to prove this"; also called circular logic

Whether you are too stupid to have caught it yourself, or you just thought I was either too stupid or lazy to actually look it up, this describes perfectly what you have been doing the whole time as your repeatedly reasoning that Jenna IS a woman by all definitions, making Jenna then eligible for the women's only pageant, when the whole controversy is that Jenna in all actuality is a man, and the pageant directors ruled that men or someone who appears to be a woman but is by nature a man, are not allowed in women's only beauty pageants.

What the fuck does homosexuality have to do with this? Why are you even talking about it? I never mentioned homosexuality once in the post you are responding to, nor did I even hint at it.

Don't go wetting your pull-ups, I mentioned homosexuality in reference to the LGBT community, which I stated you are clearly out of touch with. I also went on to explain how and why that I am nothing like how you have tried to portray me or have accused me of being, noting that the place I live was one of the first and only states to allow gay marriage, has a flourishing LGBT community, and that this is a safe haven for them because of the support of people like myself who may not personally agree with being LGBT, but does support them in their pursuit of equal rights, fair treatment, and the ability to live in a society where they need not fear any kind of infringement on their rights, discrimination, etc...

No, I can't understand you because you don't make any sense, you don't understand proper meanings of words, you talk about stuff that had absolutely no relevance to this discussion, and you don't understand the fact this person is not a man.

And here you've shown that for all the accusing me of not understanding, you are the one who clearly can not follow the conversation, and do not understand simple facts like the one that Jenna is a man.

Trust me, I'm quite glad I don't understand you, I'd hate to think I'm as crazy as you are. There's a reason I mock you, and not Davi. Davi isn't stupid.

Oh I know you can't understand me, you've got your head so far up your ass I'm willing to bet your last meaningful conversation was with your kidneys. I'm not crazy, but you and your antics sure do piss me off. It's kind of like a little kid in the back seat of the car constantly kicking the back of your seat just to piss you off, knowing that you can't reach around and smack the shit out of them because they're directly behind you. Yeah, that's you.

You mock me because you and I have but heads numerous times, often instigated by you, because you're an intolerant douchebag that can't stand it when someone has an argument contrary to your own, especially when that argument is strong and valid. Oh, and I almost forgot, because for all your time here, for all your supposed past glory, and for all the make believe power you hold, what you are in the end is a loser who is so bored with their life that all they can do for amusement is come on here, troll people and start arguments just to fuck with people, and do so under the protection of being one of the main people on the site. That by all accounts makes you a pussy in my book. I'd love to see you try and be so bold with someone who could kick your ass in real life, I'd buy a ticket to watch that confrontation. I wouldn't do it, I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of putting me in jail, and you aren't worth the time, but I'd love to see what happened when you tried to pull your shit with someone in the real world who didn't give a fuck about doing a little jail time to put you in your place like the little piss ant you are.

Wow...this paragraph reads like you need to seek some counseling. You are flying off the deep end.

WTF Are you talking about? You just throw whatever shit you can against the wall to see what sticks huh? What about anything in there has any indication of "flying off the deep end" as you put it? I just explained that although you seem unable to understand it because you're such an extremist in your views, I have no problem being friends with people whose views differ from my own. It's only when cunty assholes like you act the way you do that I really have any issue. Otherwise, I don't have a problem supporting people who I share different views with, I don't view them as "Stupid" or less of a person like you do, and I actually care about them, rather than like you, make martyrs of them to serve my own purposes as you have here.

When you say "them" who are you referring to?

The LGBT community, or in this case Transgenders/Transsexuals

EXACTLY! They want to be accepted for who they are, not for what chromosomes they have inside them. And yet, here you are, actively supporting Canada's Miss Universe decision to not accept who this woman is, and instead discriminate against her because of something she had no control over, and has never identified with.

Well unfortunately what chromosomes they have plays a big part in who they are. And yet here YOU are propagating a lie that regardless of what chromosomes the person in this particular situation has, that they are a woman, even though by all scientific measures beyond the physical, this person is a man, and again you stoop to claiming that I am condoning some kind of discrimination that doesn't even exist in this situation.

It's amazing, it truly is...even you manage to prove yourself wrong...is there anyone who can't prove you wrong?

How so? By stating that the LGBT community simply wants to be accepted for who they are? You might fiendishly try to twist my words to make that the case, but my making a simple statement in those regards has no bearing on right or wrong in the discussion. And, of course you continue with your ******ed antics showing over and over that you have no real argument, only insults and accusations to dispense in the absence of. The thing here is that in this case, no one is NOT accepting Jenna for who HE is, it just so happens that because Jenna is actually a man under all that cosmetic surgery, and in fact was NOT born a woman which is an obvious testament to Jenna NOT being a woman, HE is ineligible to compete. It's just the same as if Jenna wanted to be a jockey, Jenna is too big to be a jockey, so even if she tried it wouldn't work. But according to you that's some kind of social injustice and discrimination.

Pretty certain this entire thread is based off of a story of active discrimination.

I, and plenty of others are pretty certain your full of shit on that one.:)

Well, why else would you be so gung-ho for active discrimination? I don't understand, are you against discrimination or not?

The repetitive and tired act of trying to affix false labels in the absence of a legit response, at least you are consistently shit.

You're right, because this is very clearly an issue of discrimination.

You sure are stubborn. Nothing like a brick upside the head to fix that though. You just aren't going to quit are you? I am beginning to wonder if you are a pathological liar or something, you seem to actually believe your own bullshit which is pretty sad.



Do you hear that? That's the sound of my point going WAAAY over your head.

I got the point, I answered the question, you just chose to ignore the answer because it made you look stupid for saying what you did in the first place. Now you want to try and cover that up by acting like I fucked up somehow. Nice try, fail.


Easily the stupidest thing you said in this post. I guess if I open a restaurant and make a RULE that says only white people can eat here, that's not discriminatory either, right?

For fuck sake, take something within the context of it's meaning. And, while you are at it, why don't you go *********e with a cheese grater. I would retort with saying this is easily the stupidest thing you have said but I'd be jumping the shark if I did that. You've got me beat there.

I seriously cannot believe you just tried to suggest rules cannot be discriminatory in nature. Did you never pay attention in American History class?

I didn't. However, the rules aren't discriminatory in this case, but I never said that rules in general, in any situation, at any time, any where, could not, and can not be discriminatory as you suggested. That's just more hyperbole on your part as you fall flat on your ass trying to save face.

So? Her mental and emotional states are entirely female. Surely you're not suggesting the only way we should ever judge who a person is is merely by their physical appearance.

Here's the thing, you can't prove that, you assume that and continually propose that is the case. Problem is, HIS mental and emotional states are not entirely female. And nowhere did I say or suggest that "The only way we should ever judge who a person is-is merely by their physical appearance" I don't even know where you came up with that, but then again I'm puzzled as to where you come up with half the shit that comes out of your mouth. As far as judging anyone outside of a situation like a pageant, I think that a person should be judged by the merit of their character and the measure of their actions. It's funny that you mention "Judging people merely by their appearance" and portray it in a negative light, because that's exactly what you are saying the judges of this Canadian beauty pageant should be doing in the case of Jenna. How shallow of you. Tisk Tisk.

Furthermore, are we REALLY going to use "cosmetic appearance" to disqualify competitors from this pageant?

How should I know, I'm not a beauty pageant judge. But I do know that in this case because the contestant was actually a man HE was disqualified as a competitor. On a side note, I think they actually do judge a bit based on appearance alone in those contests, I can't say for sure as I mentioned just a second ago, but I'm pretty positive they do to some degree, it's just not the entirety of the criteria obviously. I don't really know what all they judge on.
So, does that mean this pageant is also discriminating against men as well?
Irrelevant, because this person is not a man, she's a woman.

What if a guy wanted to join? He doesn't qualify by the rules, either. What if a gay man wanted to join the WNBA, a league only for women. Would that be discrimination as well?
It would. You guys DO know the correct definition of discrimination, right?

I don't think every single rule that disallows certain people from joining something for understandable reasons, such as the above, should be classified as discriminatory cases.
It depends on the reasons. If I have a rule that you cannot enter my restaurant without a suit and tie, that's not discriminatory. Anyone can buy a suit and tie, if they so choose. But if I have a rule that says a black person cannot eat in my diner, that is discriminatory, because a black person can't change the color of his skin.

Not every rule is discrimination, but this one is.

That's where common sense has to come into play. When you bring up your example about a white-only restaurant, there's obviously no common sense that would lead to a good reason as to why that would be the case with your establishment.
And what's the "common sense" reason to deny a woman entry into a beauty pageant she's already qualified for, simply because of the way she was born 20 years ago? What advantage does she possess?

Hence, it'd be discriminatory. However, you can't just apply that to every situation blindly. The pageant wants born-women only, not transgendered women. Why? Well, just to speculate, I'd assume that it'd be partly to weed out those participants that would not cut it cosmetically.
Okay, but she DID cut it cosmetically. She was a FINALIST.

So that's not a good argument.

nor is it what it wants to be associated with.
But they have no problem being associated with discriminating against people based upon conditions they can't control. Makes sense. Hey, maybe while we're at it, we can ban any woman who has cancer too. Makes as much sense.

then you'd also have to be adversive to the WNBA for not letting in a gay man for his physical "wrongs" that keep him from joining the league.
Yeah, pretty certain your example has two major flaws.

1) Jenna is not a man. She's a woman, trying to compete in a woman's competition, so your man in the WNBA example does not fit.

2) I don't watch the WNBA

Not to mention that this precedent would open up a whole can of worms. Because if you defend this, then you'd have to defend the stance that women Olympic teams should be allowed to be fully comprised of transgendered women. Because then that would be discriminatory, too, by this line of logic.
Such a ridiculous argument, for so many reasons. If I had more time, I'd provide those reasons, but I don't.
At the end of the day its their rules and their rules to make.

If they want to decide naturally born women are the only people qualified to participate that's their right. You don't have to agree with it and if so either tell them that or simply don't watch their programming. Its the same argument if a guy puts on a dress and decides he wants to be Miss Universe Canada, you can use the argument its still discrimination as much as you can for transsexuals not being allowed to participate, they made a whole Saved By The Bell episode on it (Screech won Miss Bayside but I digress).

You don't necessarily have to agree and yes its discriminatory but its their decision and their rules, you don't agree with it don't watch.
Well without actually being able to refute my claims, my point remains the same. Again, I care little about this pageant, never watched it and never will. I just know that rules like this are in place to keep precedents from forming, especially in courtrooms. Like I mentioned, if this rule were to be lifted for Jenna, where would these rules stop being lifted? Like I said, it could very well open up a can of worms and lead to places of higher priority, such as the Olympics, getting caught up in these squabbles. I believe it was China that tried to utilize a transgendered woman in the Olympics, and that stirred up quite a controversy. Jenna doesn't qualify for the rules. Rules are rules. They're in place for a reason. She broke the rules. She deserved to be DQ-ed. Born-women are the only ones allowed to enter this pageant. If you really think this is a matter of discrimination, then you are way over-senstitive to the matter. Other worldly problems are much more important than this. If we're going to let transgenders compete in pageants, then the same argument could be legally used in the Olympic games, the WNBA, and so on- forms of competition that matter more. Or, you don't let it become a precedent, which is what the pageant is wisely doing.

This over-sensitivity, especially in the media, is crippling. Take the Jeremy Lin, "chink in the armor" case. An ESPN employee got fired for writing the headline. However, he claimed that there was no racism/prejudice behind it at all. Now, me, you, or any of us have no idea what his real motives were, we weren't there. But it's absolutely ridiculous for ESPN to have fired him without doling out a less severe punishment instead for something he swore he did not do on purpose. But that's just the way our society is. Someone will lose their job in favor of the over-righteous anti-discrimination/racism/prejudice belief train of thought.

Gotta go though- gonna go complain to the National Association of Black Journalists for not letting me, a white person, into the organization. They're discriminating against me because of the color of my skin, can you believe it?
You keep telling yourself that. That's what you need to believe.

*insert massive amounts of stupidity*

How should I know, I'm not a beauty pageant judge. But I do know that in this case because the contestant was actually a man HE was disqualified as a competitor. On a side note, I think they actually do judge a bit based on appearance alone in those contests, I can't say for sure as I mentioned just a second ago, but I'm pretty positive they do to some degree, it's just not the entirety of the criteria obviously. I don't really know what all they judge on.

When I have time to properly address the plethora of stupid things you said here, I'll do so. Maybe later this weekend.

Well without actually being able to refute my claims, my point remains the same.
I refuted everything needed to be refuted.

I just know that rules like this are in place to keep precedents from forming, especially in courtrooms.
What? That doesn't make sense. It's okay for a precedent to be set of discrimination, but it's not okay to set a precedent of tolerance and acceptance? Really?

Like I mentioned, if this rule were to be lifted for Jenna, where would these rules stop being lifted?
How about there just not be any rule at all, and the competitors instead judged on their beauty?

Like I said, it could very well open up a can of worms and lead to places of higher priority, such as the Olympics, getting caught up in these squabbles.
Except Miss Universe Canada has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Olympics. Miss Universe Canada is not a government run entity.

Why in the world would the Olympics have anything to do with Miss Universe Canada?

Jenna doesn't qualify for the rules. Rules are rules. They're in place for a reason. She broke the rules. She deserved to be DQ-ed.
Way to COMPLETELY miss the point.

No one denies this. No one denies the pageant can make their own rules. The dispute is over how despicable the rules are, not whether they can make them.

If you really think this is a matter of discrimination
You mean, if I know the ACTUAL definition of discrimination?

then you are way over-senstitive to the matter.

I'm over-sensitive to the fact the pageant is blatantly practicing racism, by the very definition of the word? That can't possibly make sense in your own mind.

Other worldly problems are much more important than this.
Of course there are, but that's not the topic of this thread. Want to make a thread about world hunger? Go ahead, it's important. Want to make a thread about sexually abused children? Go ahead it's important.

But that's not what is being discussed here, so I really don't have any idea what your point is.

then the same argument could be legally used in the Olympic games, the WNBA

There, maybe if I shout it, you'll understand it.

Or, you don't let it become a precedent, which is what the pageant is wisely doing.
I guess you do make a good point here. I mean, if we start letting black people vote, then WOMEN are going to want to vote too. If you set a precedent...

Gotta go though- gonna go complain to the National Association of Black Journalists for not letting me, a white person, into the organization. They're discriminating against me because of the color of my skin, can you believe it?
I don't understand your point. I'm well aware discrimination happens in all sorts of different areas. Want to start a thread about how black groups discriminate against white or Hispanic people? Go ahead, I'll post in that thread about how that's wrong as well.

Seriously, you're posting like you're still in high school. Grow up and apply a little more mature logic.
I'm posting like I'm still in high school? You're bitching about a stupid rule in regard to a beauty pageant. To try to bring this to the level of that of black people and women facing discrimination before getting the right to vote is hysterical and shows how ridiculous you're being with your proposterous notion. To compare this situation like you did to that of opressed black people overcoming discrimination in America and getting the right to vote is stupid. It is no where near the same thing. Privately owned organizations, as you pointed out, can do what they please. In order to do so, some can only let certain peoples in. For this pageant, only born women can be let in. For the NABJ, only black people can be let in. For obvious reasons. In both situations, selectionism is being utilized, but it is not going as far as discrimination, which has much more severe undertones to it. No one's livelihoods are being affected, no civil rights, no freedoms, etc. It is no great injustice, so stop trying to make it out to be. It's just a beauty pageant with certain rules. Certain rules that are in place for the reasons I previously set out and probably more. Certain competitions simply call for very specific entrants. It's not some grand conspiracy. Making a mountain out of a mole hill.
I'm posting like I'm still in high school?
Yes. When you start saying things like "I can't join *insert black group*" then it makes you sound ridiculous. What part of you makes you think I'm okay with any discrimination, as long as it's not white males doing the discriminating? I'm against any type of discrimination, based upon biological factors outside a person's control that doesn't impact their ability to do something. Does being white prevent someone from being a good journalist? No? Then they should be able to join any group they want. Does being homosexual have any impact on a person's ability to raise a child? No? Then they should be allowed to adopt. Does being born a male impact the way this woman competes in the beauty contest? No? Then let her compete.

Being against this kind of discrimination is not a "left" or "liberal" thing, it's a human decency thing.

You're bitching about a stupid rule in regard to a beauty pageant.
Actually, you're completely wrong. I understand it's their business and they can make the rules they want. I'm not complaining about the rule, I'm just saying I despise the rule and find it despicable.

To try to bring this to the level of that of black people and women facing discrimination before getting the right to vote is hysterical
It is? How so? In all three cases, people were not given the same opportunities as someone else, simply because of what they were born with. How is this different, when talking about discrimination?

To compare this situation like you did to that of opressed black people overcoming discrimination in America and getting the right to vote is stupid.
No, what's stupid is your inability to understand that this is discrimination, plain and simple. Why you're struggling so much with this, I don't know, but I'm quite disappointed in your lack of understanding.

It seems like with each post, you just get more and more stupid (that comment made for the sake of the person who recently gave me rep, you know who you are, I hope you've been appeased).

Privately owned organizations, as you pointed out, can do what they please.
Absolutely. Doesn't make it any less reprehensible. :shrug:

For this pageant, only born women can be let in.
Yes, I'm well aware of this fact, and conceded to it a long time ago. Did you forget what we were talking about? Is that why you had to repeat it AGAIN?

For the NABJ, only black people can be let in. For obvious reasons. In both situations, selectionism is being utilized, but it is not going as far as discrimination, which has much more severe undertones to it.

Say what? Ignoring for a moment the serious undertones of being okay with denying people the same opportunities as others because of the sex they were born with, are you really trying to say that since this "is not going as far", it's not discrimination? Are you serious? Have you ever studied a dictionary? At all? Hell, I posted the definition earlier in the thread, go read that. Is it not called "jumping" because I don't do it as high as Michael Jordan did?

You're better than this. Quit being so silly.

No one's livelihoods are being affected
Uhh, this girl could want to make a life competing in pageants. If she does well, she can garner endorsements, a possible acting or spokesperson career, maybe even a job in the WWE (Rima Fakih). Don't tell me it's not potentially affecting her livelihood.

no civil rights, no freedoms, etc.
Neither is denying a black person the right to eat in my cafe, but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

Making a mountain out of a mole hill.
It never ceases to amaze me how so many people are okay with injustices, as long as the injustice doesn't directly affect them.
You keep telling yourself that. That's what you need to believe.
No, I'm quite positive. If I'm aware there is a thread where people are being discriminated against for reasons outside their control that doesn't impact what they do, I'm usually there. Are you really going to argue about THAT with me, about my habits on the wrestling forum I administrate?

Again, It's not discrimination in the sense that you are trying to apply it.
It's discrimination in the true sense of the word.

The way you are using it is how it would have applied to the discrimination of black people before the civil rights movement and we both know the two are not the same or even in the same ballpark.
Uhh, they are pretty much the same. The only difference is you've been conditioned to think black discrimination is wrong, but that transgender discrimination is not important enough to care about.

You keep spinning it like a record though to prove your point, but you're usage of the term is incorrect for how you are trying to apply it, and make a victim of this person.
No, my usage for the term is completely correct, your understanding of the word is what appears to be lacking.

Ohhhh, you got me there. 1950's, wow that was harsh.
Wasn't trying to be harsh, was trying to illustrate how outdated your views are. Doesn't surprise me, though, you didn't understand that.

God your pathetic. That's all you've got isn't it?
This coming from the person who flew off the handle and left the forum for a while because the United States is slowly moving towards banning smoking in public places. Quite amusing when you think about it, isn't it?

IMHO is SOOOOO far beneath who you USED to be on here that I have lost virtually any and all respect for you I once had.

If I only had a dollar for the number of times people have told me this over the years.

You weren't like this back in 06-07 when I first started reading on here, what the hell happened to you man?
Uhh, I was a LOT harsher towards people back then than I am now, what are you talking about? Just because you weren't on the receiving end, doesn't mean this isn't how I've posted the entire time I've been here. I've actually mellowed some over the years as I've grown older.

What, are we in elementary school or something?
We must be, because your ignorance of the simplest of things has been prominently on display.

No, that person "Thinks" they are mentally and emotionally a female.
Just like you "think" you are mentally and emotionally a male, right?

The truth of the matter is that the individual has what is called a GID "Gender Identity Disorder" that falls in line with "Transsexualism" which is also a mental disorder. If you have a problem with that, take it with the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.
Anorexia is also a mental disorder, are we disqualifying people for anorexia, a well known and fairly common problem on the pageant circuit?

Seriously, what's your point here? This person is a female. She has always thought of herself as female, she has changed her body to be a female, she lives as a female, and she has competed as a female. In every way, with the exception of how she was born, Jenna is a female.

I'm not arguing this private company doesn't have a right to create their own rules and enforce them. I've said all along they do. But that doesn't change the fact their rule is discriminating against this woman.

So, really, what's your point here?

I see where you are going with that, but these idividuals are not "Mentally or Emotionally Men or Women" It is a preference to be the opposite sex due to what is called "Gender Dysphoria". Changing the paint doesn't change the engine, nor does what a person identifies with.
See above.

Okay, end of discussion. That's the whole point right there.
Well, if that's all you were looking for, why did you even bother responding to me in the first place? I said this EXACT same thing in my very first paragraph of my very first post in the thread.

As far as I'm concerned, as long as this is a privately run operation, the company can choose what rules to enforce. If they want to make rule saying only naturally born women can compete, that is their right, and they should have the ability to enforce that rule.

Seriously, is this you trying to overcome an inferiority complex? Is THAT why you decided to word fort a response to me, when I already agreed to what you said was "end of discussion"? What's the matter with you?

That had nothing to do with the conversation, you just made some lame example.
Actually, it's quite relevant, you just didn't understand the significance.

People are not simply the products of who they are physically. The same men who fight in wars, will come back and dress up as women. The same women who will nurse a newborn, will also pick up a sniper rifle and waste an enemy. Your problem is that you don't understand that gender exists on a spectrum. It's not an "A" or "B" thing, it is a far reaching spectrum, upon which people fall some where between "A" and "B". This person, who was born male, has always been a female in her own mind, which is where it matters most. And as her mind and emotional state evolved, she changed her body to fit her mentality. You can call it a "disorder" if you want, but it doesn't change the fact this person is not a man in any way. She is a woman, she lives as a woman, she thinks as a woman, she responds as a woman.

You can't tell her she's not a woman, just because you don't think she is, just like you can't tell an atheist they're not really an atheist because you don't think they are. The example was spot on, you just didn't understand it.

My point was simply that you can act however you want, you can try to fulfill the role that you associate with anything you are trying to be, and that doesn't mean that's what you are, specifically in the case of men trying to be women.
This seems to be the key sticking point in our discussion.

I want to let people decide who they are, and you're trying to decide for them. There's only one person who knows who Jenne is, and that's Jenna herself. So I don't really see where it is your place to tell her she's not a woman, when she obviously is, not just in her own mind, but in her heart and body as well.

Jesus, you have no shame do you? That is nothing even remotely similar to what we are talking about here. That's changing a name, and still, even though Ron Artest goes and changes his legal name to Meta World Peace, he'll still always be Ron Artest, his real name will always be Ron Artest, and Meta World Peace will always be an alias. You strike out again.

This shows just how silly you are. Using that same theory, when one of my former basketball players changed his last name to "Smith" (alias) from "Jones" because his real father was a deadbeat and his stepfather has been his true dad for all these years, he will always be a Jones, and never a Smith, because when he was born, he was arbitrarily assigned that name, without any consent from him.

Makes sense. Or not.

It's terrible to you because it perfectly illustrates the point and you can't counter it.
I believe I just did. Twice. :shrug:

You're just gonna keep pulling that out of the ol' shit shaft aren't you?
Well, it IS quite relevant to the discussion. :shrug:

the person is not a woman/female mentally or emotionally
Ahh, here we go again, you telling people who they are, not letting them tell you. You and Rick Santorum must be buddies. Both inflexible Christian nutjobs.

Based on your logic, a pathological liar is never lying because they believe their own lies.
Wow...if you don't understand the difference between these two examples, then perhaps you need to start seeing a professional.

That is the equivalent of the shit you are trying to shovel here.
No, not at all. One is a distortion of provable facts, and the other is a state of mind and emotions dictating her place on the large spectrum of gender. Not even close to the same thing.

Yeah, that's what I thought. Once again you've got nothing so you resort to your childish antics.

I've already responded to that nonsense on multiple occasions. I find it amusing your posts in this thread towards me have been almost nothing but low brow insults, but you accuse me of "resorting to childish antics". Pot, meet kettle?

And once again you basically are putting words in my mouth and distorting the meaning of what I was saying because you have nothing legit to fire back with.
Actually, I was agreeing with what you said. I was doing it sarcastically, of course, but I was agreeing with what you said. How can I be distorting what you said by agreeing with it?

I was referring to your pathetic display of idiocy stating "They can't compete because they aren't beautiful enough" as if that actually has anything to do with it.
It has everything to do with it. And how was it idiotic? If they were beautiful enough, then they could compete, I have no problem with that. But if they are not beautiful enough to compete, then they don't make the cut. That's what stops drag queens from competing.

It's amazing how my "idiocy" is really the result of your lack of reading comprehension. If only you actually UNDERSTOOD what I was saying, I imagine I would appear much less idiotic to you. So, do yourself a favor, and take time to comprehend what I'm saying.

Refer back to the top of my response. Under the strictest and more literal sense of the definition you can try to say it's "discrimination"
And I do. As does the dictionary. I'm glad you've finally come around to agreeing with me and the dictionary.

but within the context of the scenario it clearly isn't.
Uhh, sure it is. It's discrimination. It may not be of the same severity as not permitting black people to vote, but it's still discrimination, no matter how you look at it.

If we go by your logic and no one is to be "discriminated" against as you use it, that there is no reason a man in drag (as I made an example of) or even an attractive man shouldn't be able to compete because at the base of your argument the discrimination is against a MAN in a beauty pageant that is strictly for women.
You're the only one arguing this point.

Of course, we could get into the differences between a drag queen and Jenna...oh wait, I already did.

But what does this have to do with the individual STILL being a man, and trying to pass themselves off as a woman in a women's only beauty pageant?
In what way is Jenna a man? Outside of the chromosomes she was born with, which I'm sure you'll agree was outside of her control, how is Jenna a man? Please point to mental, emotional or physical traits which support your position she is a man.

What's that??? I can't hear you??? You once again have nothing to say in the face of facts??? Okay.;)
You obviously didn't study up on (or understand) Circular Reasoning. If you had, you would understand that my response completely defeated your statement there, as your statement failed the test of logic. Which means it made no sense, and was not at all valid. You cannot state a "fact" and then support it with the same "fact", in this case, say men can't compete at the pageant because the pageant said they can't compete. It's called Circular Reasoning.

God, you're an imbecile.

I addressed what you said and then some
No you didn't. You went off on a wild tangent, completely irrelevant to what I said.

you just didn't quote it right here to create the illusion that I didn't.

I see, so it's MY fault your post made no sense.

The reason I even went through typing the rest of that was because I have issue with YOU directly.
Wow, you wrote a word fort because you "have issue" with someone on an Internet forum? Allow me to suggest you have a chat with a trained psychologist, to help you through this.

I can't stand you, or your asinine smart ass remarks and responses
Is this still because I'm in favor of legislation that prevents you from killing me?

the way you just dismiss what people say as you label it "Stupid" which is a great argument btw
It's the perfect argument when people say stupid things. If I've already explained WHY it was stupid (and I usually do, a multitude of times), then what's left but to be blunt and call the argument stupid?

I also wrote what I did to expose exactly what you are all about and how you try to go about making fools of people, to which you of course respond "I let them make fools of themselves" which is always the case as you call it when anyone owns you and you have nothing to respond with. You just mock people because you can't really support your stance, so you try to drive the conversation in any direction but the one that shows you are full of shit, which you are. Just like above calling me a keyboard warrior and shit, and suggesting that facts and logic are absent from my argument and whatnot. It's all that kind of shit that shows me and everyone else who on-looks what a pusscake you really are, and reveals the fact that you are a lame duck in the conversation just trying to stir shit up and troll people because you are a punk pure and simple.

I think you and shattered dreams ought to hook up. In your attempts to overcome your inferiority complexes, you've both played amateur psychologist on me recently, and both of you have cracked me up while doing it. You would make a great comedy pair.

Same old shit from you, different day, go fuck yourself. All you have are insults and childish antics at your disposal, and you are pathetic because it's those type of antics that you feed off of.
And yet, here you are hurling insults and childish antics...pot, meet kettle?

While Jenna may have been able to do many things to create the illusion, Jenna is, was, and always will be a man at the core no matter what a mental disorder makes him think or feel.
I love when you tell people who they are. It's so much better than allowing them to tell you who they are. Right, Rick?

Oh, now you want to backpedal from your shit when you got busted out, not surprised one bit.
Uhh, it's not backpedaling when you failed to comprehend my original statement.

Seriously, reading comprehension. It's fundamental to a debate with me. You should try it.

It's no shocker that you also used my blasting you to try and infer that I engage in homosexual activities either
It's no shocker you were offended by it.

You don't need to try and redact what your statement said and go into "damage control".
I'm not redacting it, I'll say it again.

Me said:
First of all, drag queens are completely different from this situation, for reasons I believe SalvIsWin mentioned. Second of all, what stops them? The fact they aren't beautiful enough to be there. This woman obviously was.
It just takes more of an effort on your part to understand what I'm saying.

You made an idiotic generalization stating that "Drag Queens aren't beautiful enough to be in a beauty pageant"

No, you just made an idiotic inference on what I said. If I said, "I'm not good enough to play in the NBA", does that mean I'm not a good basketball player? No, it simply means I'm not good enough to play in the NBA. If I was good enough to play in the NBA, then I should have the chance to compete in the NBA.

Do you think you get it now? Do I have to break it down into even smaller words for you?

You REEEALLLY should never tell me to look something up
I wish I didn't have to, but your ignorance is nearly overwhelming.

Whether you are too stupid to have caught it yourself, or you just thought I was either too stupid or lazy to actually look it up, this describes perfectly what you have been doing the whole time as your repeatedly reasoning that Jenna IS a woman by all definitions, making Jenna then eligible for the women's only pageant, when the whole controversy is that Jenna in all actuality is a man, and the pageant directors ruled that men or someone who appears to be a woman but is by nature a man, are not allowed in women's only beauty pageants.
Yeah, you clearly don't understand what our debate is about.

I've never once said the pageant doesn't have the right to make rules and enforce them. I said that from the very beginning. You even quoted me on it, I believe.

The argument WE'RE having is whether or not their rule is discrimination. I argue it is because Jenna is a woman, and she is being prohibited from competing simply because of something which is genetic, outside of her control (which you have since agreed with), and doesn't impact her performance in any way. You're arguing it's NOT discrimination because...well, I'm not really sure, but I think you said because, even though it TECHNICALLY is discrimination, it doesn't count because it's not severe enough. I might have your position a little messed up, but considering the amount of stupidity you've allowed to run rampant throughout your posting, you'll have to forgive me if I'm a little cloudy on what your actual argument against discrimination is.

So, not only did you completely NOT understand the logical fallacy of Circular Reasoning (by the way, I meant to mention that your post here does not at all describe Circular Reasoning), you also don't seem to even understand what our argument is about. Seriously, why do you post?

Don't go wetting your pull-ups, I mentioned homosexuality in reference to the LGBT community, which I stated you are clearly out of touch with. I also went on to explain how and why that I am nothing like how you have tried to portray me or have accused me of being, noting that the place I live was one of the first and only states to allow gay marriage, has a flourishing LGBT community, and that this is a safe haven for them because of the support of people like myself who may not personally agree with being LGBT, but does support them in their pursuit of equal rights, fair treatment, and the ability to live in a society where they need not fear any kind of infringement on their rights, discrimination, etc...

And here you've shown that for all the accusing me of not understanding, you are the one who clearly can not follow the conversation, and do not understand simple facts like the one that Jenna is a man.

Oh I know you can't understand me, you've got your head so far up your ass I'm willing to bet your last meaningful conversation was with your kidneys. I'm not crazy, but you and your antics sure do piss me off. It's kind of like a little kid in the back seat of the car constantly kicking the back of your seat just to piss you off, knowing that you can't reach around and smack the shit out of them because they're directly behind you. Yeah, that's you.

You mock me because you and I have but heads numerous times, often instigated by you, because you're an intolerant douchebag that can't stand it when someone has an argument contrary to your own, especially when that argument is strong and valid. Oh, and I almost forgot, because for all your time here, for all your supposed past glory, and for all the make believe power you hold, what you are in the end is a loser who is so bored with their life that all they can do for amusement is come on here, troll people and start arguments just to fuck with people, and do so under the protection of being one of the main people on the site. That by all accounts makes you a pussy in my book. I'd love to see you try and be so bold with someone who could kick your ass in real life, I'd buy a ticket to watch that confrontation. I wouldn't do it, I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of putting me in jail, and you aren't worth the time, but I'd love to see what happened when you tried to pull your shit with someone in the real world who didn't give a fuck about doing a little jail time to put you in your place like the little piss ant you are.

WTF Are you talking about? You just throw whatever shit you can against the wall to see what sticks huh? What about anything in there has any indication of "flying off the deep end" as you put it? I just explained that although you seem unable to understand it because you're such an extremist in your views, I have no problem being friends with people whose views differ from my own. It's only when cunty assholes like you act the way you do that I really have any issue. Otherwise, I don't have a problem supporting people who I share different views with, I don't view them as "Stupid" or less of a person like you do, and I actually care about them, rather than like you, make martyrs of them to serve my own purposes as you have here.

The LGBT community, or in this case Transgenders/Transsexuals

Well unfortunately what chromosomes they have plays a big part in who they are. And yet here YOU are propagating a lie that regardless of what chromosomes the person in this particular situation has, that they are a woman, even though by all scientific measures beyond the physical, this person is a man, and again you stoop to claiming that I am condoning some kind of discrimination that doesn't even exist in this situation.

How so? By stating that the LGBT community simply wants to be accepted for who they are? You might fiendishly try to twist my words to make that the case, but my making a simple statement in those regards has no bearing on right or wrong in the discussion. And, of course you continue with your ******ed antics showing over and over that you have no real argument, only insults and accusations to dispense in the absence of. The thing here is that in this case, no one is NOT accepting Jenna for who HE is, it just so happens that because Jenna is actually a man under all that cosmetic surgery, and in fact was NOT born a woman which is an obvious testament to Jenna NOT being a woman, HE is ineligible to compete. It's just the same as if Jenna wanted to be a jockey, Jenna is too big to be a jockey, so even if she tried it wouldn't work. But according to you that's some kind of social injustice and discrimination.

I, and plenty of others are pretty certain your full of shit on that one.

The repetitive and tired act of trying to affix false labels in the absence of a legit response, at least you are consistently shit.

You sure are stubborn. Nothing like a brick upside the head to fix that though. You just aren't going to quit are you? I am beginning to wonder if you are a pathological liar or something, you seem to actually believe your own bullshit which is pretty sad.

I got the point, I answered the question, you just chose to ignore the answer because it made you look stupid for saying what you did in the first place. Now you want to try and cover that up by acting like I fucked up somehow. Nice try, fail.

For fuck sake, take something within the context of it's meaning. And, while you are at it, why don't you go *********e with a cheese grater. I would retort with saying this is easily the stupidest thing you have said but I'd be jumping the shark if I did that. You've got me beat there.

I didn't. However, the rules aren't discriminatory in this case, but I never said that rules in general, in any situation, at any time, any where, could not, and can not be discriminatory as you suggested. That's just more hyperbole on your part as you fall flat on your ass trying to save face.

Here's the thing, you can't prove that, you assume that and continually propose that is the case. Problem is, HIS mental and emotional states are not entirely female. And nowhere did I say or suggest that "The only way we should ever judge who a person is-is merely by their physical appearance" I don't even know where you came up with that, but then again I'm puzzled as to where you come up with half the shit that comes out of your mouth. As far as judging anyone outside of a situation like a pageant, I think that a person should be judged by the merit of their character and the measure of their actions. It's funny that you mention "Judging people merely by their appearance" and portray it in a negative light, because that's exactly what you are saying the judges of this Canadian beauty pageant should be doing in the case of Jenna. How shallow of you. Tisk Tisk.

How should I know, I'm not a beauty pageant judge. But I do know that in this case because the contestant was actually a man HE was disqualified as a competitor. On a side note, I think they actually do judge a bit based on appearance alone in those contests, I can't say for sure as I mentioned just a second ago, but I'm pretty positive they do to some degree, it's just not the entirety of the criteria obviously. I don't really know what all they judge on.
Well, I'd love to continue pointing out the ignorance and stupidity in your post, but I'm out of time, and quite frankly, you don't even seem to comprehend what the argument is about. Throw in the fact that as I glanced over the rest of your post, it seemed to be mostly the same "childish antics" and "insults" you accuse me of, which is okay if you have any basis for it, but since you don't understand basic things like what we're debating, circular reasoning and the definition of the word "discrimination", you're probably not in any position to hurl insults inside your glass house.

I'll tell you what. You look back over the stuff I'm skipping, strip away the "childish antics and insults" and if you feel you've made a valid point I haven't already addressed, feel free to copy and paste it into the next post you'll undoubtedly make. And I'll respond to it next time.

Remember now...only stuff I haven't already addressed...I'm tired of having to explain things to you multiple times.
Well, you re-stated your same points, so I'll do the same, but in a different way. Again, to compare this situation to black people trying to get the right to vote after hundreds of years of oppression or to say that livelihoods are being negatively affected is truly absurd. This is why liberals get a bad rep. I would say that I'm a moderate, and I know that trying to fight for absolutely everything dilutes your argument and simply makes you look pugnacious, as you're over-extending yourself and diluting your goals. Just over-reaching, really. I'm not saying a conservative mindset should be used with transgenders, because when it comes to gay marriage or adoption, I believe they should have every right as anyone else. But this situation simply is not oppressively discriminatory, just selectionism. No one's lives are being altered to the extent that "change" must occur. Let's save that energy for more serious issues involving real discrimination. Jenna can certainly join other pageants that allow transgenders in. I can join other journalism associations other than the NABJ. This is just a brand thing. This pageant doesn't want to allow men in, or transgenders in because it only wants to be associated with beautiful women. You can argue that Jenna is a unique exception, sure, but that's just it- she's unique and an exception. Most don't have her cosmetic appearance of womanhood, something the pageant is all about. So, due to the brand, they keep it that way. It's a business, an organization. They need a certain role. If a script for a movie called for a black, funny guy, sidekick, Eddie Murphy-like role, white actors don't go up in arms. It's just not a position calling for them. Plenty others positions are. As I said, it's a brand thing- the Harlem Globetrotters only let in black people. Why? Due to the Harlem brand and to honor their history. There's a reason why in each of these cases. There's no valid reason why a black person cannot vote. Hence, overturned. This is simply for the sake of a brand, not affecting anyone in any real way that can't be stomached. That's why it should not be and will not be overturned.

And lastly, I won't resort to calling you silly, because I respect your points.
Again, to compare this situation to black people trying to get the right to vote after hundreds of years of oppression or to say that livelihoods are being negatively affected is truly absurd.
No, it's not. I agree the severity is not as great, but it's still the same situation.

This is why liberals get a bad rep.
I'm not a liberal. :shrug:

I would say that I'm a moderate
One who is okay with discrimination, apparently.

and I know that trying to fight for absolutely everything dilutes your argument
No, it doesn't. "Fighting" for your morals never dilutes your argument, it's accepting things which run afoul of your morals because you lack the strength to care which dilutes an argument.

I'm not saying a conservative mindset should be used with transgenders
But that's exactly what you are doing. You are resisting change because the change flies in the face of a traditional way of thinking and doing things. That's nearly the very essence of being conservative.

No one's lives are being altered to the extent that "change" must occur.
What does that have to do with this situation? Are you telling me discrimination is okay as long as it doesn't exist on a grand scale? Is it okay that I refuse to serve a black man in my restaurant? After all, they can go eat somewhere else, are you saying it's okay if I refuse him service?

Let's save that energy for more serious issues involving real discrimination.
You mean like telling a black person they can't do a job they are obviously qualified for? Or is that a transgendered woman working a pageant she's already been accepted as a finalist for? I get confused.

Jenna can certainly join other pageants that allow transgenders in.
She can...now explain why, aside from the fact it's the pageant's rule, she can't compete in this one. I'm looking for a morally acceptable argument for keeping her out. She gains no advantage (indeed, she is at a decided disadvantage), she's already been accepted as a finalist, and she's obviously good enough to be there. Aside from the rule arbitrarily set in place, what legitimate reason is there to deny her the opportunity to compete?

This pageant doesn't want to allow men in, or transgenders in because it only wants to be associated with beautiful women. You can argue that Jenna is a unique exception, sure, but that's just it- she's unique and an exception. Most don't have her cosmetic appearance of womanhood, something the pageant is all about.
And if other transgender male to female women don't look like her, they wouldn't be accepted as a finalist. Jenna WAS accepted as a finalist. She was considered to be one of the most beautiful women in Canada.

I'm sorry, you cannot tell me she doesn't deserve to be there when every pageant before now has said she should.

It's a business, an organization.
Understood, which is why I'm not disputing their decision, merely the fact their decision is based upon discrimination.

As I said, it's a brand thing- the Harlem Globetrotters only let in black people. Why? Due to the Harlem brand and to honor their history.

Jacob "Hops" Tucker says to try again.

There's no valid reason why a black person cannot vote. Hence, overturned.
There's no valid reason a rule exists which prohibits Jenna from competing in a pageant she already qualified for.

And lastly, I won't resort to calling you silly, because I respect your points.
No, you'll just say I'm "bitching" about a "stupid rule", my arguments are "hysterical" "ridiculous" and "preposterous". And that's just the first three sentences of your last post.

Right? ;)
This is just ridiculous. I just skimmed through the comments real fast so sorry if I repeated what was already said, so with that said admittedly I don't have much knowledge on how beauty pageants work but I always thought it was basically based on how good you look so what advantage did this person have by being transgender? Now if arm wrestling or how many pushups you could do were one of the events in it I could understand them disallowing her but to my knowledge there's nothing like that. Just an overall dumb rule imo.
Fair points, but you've yet to address why this is something that should be newsworthy or disputed. As I've laid out, the system and rules are there for reasons. Legitimate reasons that the organization laid out. No rights or freedoms are being stepped on. No where in the constitution or law states that she should have the right to be in this pageant. As for your restaurant example, although not explicitly ruled on, segregation has been pretty much outlawed in America starting with Brown v. Board of Education. Therein lies the difference. It's a beauty pageant, not a means of livelihood, not a guaranteed civil right. Selectionism due to the brand, the privately owned brand, not discrimination. Discrimination is the "unjust treatment of different categories of people or things, esp. on the grounds of race, age, or sex", as defined. There's no injustices here. If you really think there is one here, then as I've said, you're being way too over-sensitive. Selectionism occuring, sure, but not discrimination.

And I'm only okay with selectionism, not discrimination, in an imperfect world. I don't feel like one needs to qualify for everything (that's ridiculous), I'm just a realist.
Fair points, but you've yet to address why this is something that should be newsworthy or disputed.
Because it's blatant discrimination against a worthy competitor simply because of how she was born, even though she has never wanted to be that person, and has actively worked to be the person she is today.

As I've laid out, the system and rules are there for reasons. Legitimate reasons that the organization laid out.
I've yet to hear one morally legitimate reason to prohibit Jenna from competing.

No where in the constitution or law states that she should have the right to be in this pageant.
No one disputes this. We're talking about human decency.

As for your restaurant example, although not explicitly ruled on, segregation has been pretty much outlawed in America starting with Brown v. Board of Education.
Yes, but this is not in America, this is in Canada. But more importantly, why is a black man getting to eat in my restaurant more important than this woman getting to compete in a beauty pageant she's qualified as a finalist for? What makes the black man more deserving of equality than the transgendered woman?

It's a beauty pageant, not a means of livelihood, not a guaranteed civil right.
Eating in a restaurant is not a means of livelihood. Selling a black child a pack of baseball cards is not a means of livelihood.

So what makes the black person more worthy of your definition of equality than the transgendered? I'm very interested to know.

Selectionism due to the brand, the privately owned brand, not discrimination. Discrimination is the "unjust treatment of different categories of people or things, esp. on the grounds of race, age, or sex", as defined. There's no injustices here.

You just quoted the definition of discrimination. They removed her from a pageant she obviously was qualified to be in (due to her position in the finals) for no other reasons that because of her sex. How is that not discrimination, based upon the very definition you just posted?

Selectionism occuring, sure, but not discrimination.

And I'm only okay with selectionism, not discrimination, in an imperfect world. I don't feel like one needs to qualify for everything (that's ridiculous), I'm just a realist.
First of all, selectionism does not mean what you seem to think it does.

A dictionary said:
a system or theory based on the doctrine of natural, artificial, or social selection

You're using words inaccurately to avoid calling this what it really is...discrimination. Second of all, why not just man up and admit this is discrimination, and that you have no problem with this type of discrimination?

In my opinion, there are times when discrimination is okay, when it adversely affects others. But this is not one of those times. Her being in the contest did not affect anyone else, did not gain her any unfair advantage, and this person IS a woman who was beautiful enough to become a finalist. So, how is this rule the pageant used to disqualify her anything BUT discrimination?

EDIT (AND THIS IS FOR EVERYONE): For those of you talking about fairness in Olympics for allowing transgendered athletes...the IOC already does allow them to compete.


Count that as another argument defeated. Just for those keeping score at home, Jenna can compete in the Olympics, but not Canada's Miss Universe. Makes sense, right?
EDIT (AND THIS IS FOR EVERYONE): For those of you talking about fairness in Olympics for allowing transgendered athletes...the IOC already does allow them to compete.


Count that as another argument defeated. Just for those keeping score at home, Jenna can compete in the Olympics, but not Canada's Miss Universe. Makes sense, right?

Actually, Jenna would not be allowed to compete in the Olympics as a woman.

your link said:
individuals undergoing sex reassignment of male to female before puberty


Talackova felt that she was a girl by age four, started hormone therapy at fourteen and had sex reassignment surgery at nineteen.

The IOC rules state that she would have had to gotten the surgery before puberty, and she didn't get it until she was 19. She would not have been eligible under those rules.

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