MiGillicutty and Harris..What Now?


The One And Only
After their loss last night, what does WWE do with McGillicutty and Harris. I personally really wanted them to join the Nexus as I am a huge mark for both. I'm not sure if that is going to happen now, but I'm not sure what you do with them otherwise. I think both guys are outstanding talents with bright futures, esp as heels. So do you turn them into a tag team and let them do their own thing? Or do you find another angle to get them into Nexus? Maybe put them with DiBiase and start another Million Dollar Corp? Let me know what you think
It would make 100 million times more sense to put them in Nexus. Esp being they are NXT season 2 guys.

Alas it appears they have a more genius plan for them... whatever that may end up being.

I can see Henning doing something decent if they give him a chance. I really liked his team with Brett Dibiase in FCW.
Personally I'm not a big fan of theirs. Both their finishers need severe overhauling. A swinging neckbreaker isn't even signature move quality. And Harris's finisher circles around the fact that he's completely overweight. Yeah, there's been fat wrestlers obviously, but he just looks terrible.

Maybe they would have fit in Nexus, but I'm hoping and leaning towards a soon to be Cena heel turn that involves everyone in Nexus except him and Barrett being taken out. Otunga is awful and Gabriel needs to be put on his own. They can do what they want with Slater.

With Dibiase is possible, and not a bad idea actually. Or they could form their own tag team since that division needs anyone they can get. Plus it would give them a chance to use tag team double moves to substitute as their finisher until they come up with something better. Something like the Hart Attack.
They could always ditch the McGillicutty name in favor of the more traditional, famous HENNING name. I mean, they have Orton, DiBiase, Rhodes, etc...why not Henning? He even looks like his dad too.

Right now, they are all eating da poo poo....because they clearly don't know what to do with good talent when they see it.
im not too familiar with either of them, but i saw them on raw one time during NXT 2 and husky harris sucked big time to me, and i saw the finale of season 2 and mugilicuttys mic skills are soemthing to be desired, if anything i think theyre going to be on darren young level or at least i hope because i dont think they deserve anything
I think that this will be only the first attempt to get these two guys into the nexus. I don't think that they will split from the storyline altogether. I think nexus will try again to get them in to reward them for getting cena in in the first place
HUSKY IS A GREAT TALENT ! For those who have not watched old school wrestling. He is a throwback to his grandfather Black Jack Mulligan. And WWE would be well served to have him use the family gimmick since he could pull. off the heel persona that way.

I don't know why people call his look terrible because he has a great look for a big man. Attractive face and better body than Dusty. Tons of potential. He has a great moveset but in WWE has limited it down.

Now on the what to do...

Go old school and do a new version of the Money Corp. Play off the fact of each of thier last names and wreck house over the tag division. I am not big on them being in Nexus since only Barret and Gabriel can pull off a great match. If you added Husky and Henning it would make a much better group.

But take em old school with a new twist to make it relavant...
I'd have them join Nexus and capture the Tag Team Titles. This frees up Cody and McIntyre to go back into singles action (which I really want to see, especially for Cody) and it gives Nexus the Tag Titles. I'd also have Barrett over Orton with Cena's help and then Gabriel beating Bryan with Nexus' help. That gives Nexus the face of the company (Cena), the BEST heel in the WWE (Barrett), and all the gold on RAW. That would bring this faction to the tippity top.
I'd have them join Nexus and capture the Tag Team Titles. This frees up Cody and McIntyre to go back into singles action (which I really want to see, especially for Cody) and it gives Nexus the Tag Titles. I'd also have Barrett over Orton with Cena's help and then Gabriel beating Bryan with Nexus' help. That gives Nexus the face of the company (Cena), the BEST heel in the WWE (Barrett), and all the gold on RAW. That would bring this faction to the tippity top.

althugh i do doubt this will happen, i think that is a very good idea, it gets people to take nexus more seriously because it has died down in the past couple weeks, and it'll make the other nexus guys more credible, not just barrett
Well, i personally was happy that they didnt join Nexus. i like Nexus best as a 5 man group or 4 man group. having more than 6 or 6 makes Nexus like the NWO and i didnt like how large NWO became. As for McGuillicutty and Harris. Vince McMahon reportedly wants Smackdown to become a top brand, i think McGuillicutty and Harris should have their names changed and have them sign with Smackdown and eventually trade Ted Dibiase and send Brett Dibiase to Smackdown to form their own group. It would be entertaining, it would give Ted Dibiase something to do besides feud with Goldust or Truth or Morrison. Dibiase (after the Goldust feud) needs either a fresh start or needs to be pushed better than he is being pushed, he's quickly becoming the John Morrison of the Legacy tag team because he's not in big feuds and isnt really getting much heat.
It will be interesting to see what gets done with them. Both are talented individuals. I think Mike Rotunda, ( I refuse to call them by their idiotic made up names), is actually really impressive for his size and physique. Joe Hennig has a nice set of moves as well. I think if we saw a bit more of their personalities then they would be something to watch. My vote is to trade them to keep them on RAW and let them wrestle some of the better tag teams like the USOs and Hart Dynasty. Although being in Nexus might be a good thing for them, I'm against it because they might fall into the shadow of some of the other superstars in the group. Nexus already has enough going on with Cena in the group. If Cena left, then maybe it would be a good idea for them to join.
HUSKY IS A GREAT TALENT ! For those who have not watched old school wrestling. He is a throwback to his grandfather Black Jack Mulligan. And WWE would be well served to have him use the family gimmick since he could pull. off the heel persona that way.

I don't know why people call his look terrible because he has a great look for a big man. Attractive face and better body than Dusty. Tons of potential. He has a great moveset but in WWE has limited it down.

I may love you....:) I couldn't agree more with every word of this.

Husky Harris is a star in the making if given the right opportunity. There's nothing about him that I don't like. He simply needs a plan. And what better plan that have him join Nexus? Nexus has been one of the hottest storylines in wrestling since June and it continues to be the main focus each week on RAW. However, the numbers have dwindled down with only 4 remaining Nexus members (I'm not including Cena here). The addition of Harris and MiGillicutty would add some freshness to the group. Not to mention, increasing the number of members would put some credibility back into Michael Cole always referring to "the numbers game". Six men is obviously much more of a threat than four.
I'm not exactly sure what is in the future of Michael and Husky. Both of them are most likely gonna be sucked into Nexus either way. If they even consider teasing the whole deal, then I don't see why they wouldn't go all the way eventually. So I'm guessing they'll continue to harass John Cena to the point where Wade Barrett just simply adds them to Nexus, or reveals them as members from the get go.

Other than that, I really don't see these two doing much. They really have nothing out of the ordinary to offer to the RAW roster right now, rather than faction fillers to an exciting angle in Nexus. RAW is already offering a lot of interesting material all-around so I doubt that they would add these two as another thing for themselves. So Nexus is most likely gonna be the only remotely imaginable solution to these guys future.
McGillicutty and Harris are Cena's ticket out of nexus. Sometime after they "officially" join Nexus, the WWE audience, and by proxy the mystery GM and John Cena, will find out that Barrett had the whole thing planned (obvious) before his match with Cena. The stipulation was that if any member of Nexus interferred, Nexus would lose, and be disbanded. Barrett certainly violated the intent of the stipulation, if not the strict letter of it. So, mystery GM is pissed that he got duped, but can't reverse the decision of the match...but he can release Cena of his Nexus affiliation, even if he can't disband Nexus. Cena gets his self-respect back, the audience gets to watch Cena go apeshit on Barrett, and Nexus gets two new members. Win/win/win.
They could always ditch the McGillicutty name in favor of the more traditional, famous HENNING name. I mean, they have Orton, DiBiase, Rhodes, etc...why not Henning? He even looks like his dad too.

Right now, they are all eating da poo poo....because they clearly don't know what to do with good talent when they see it.

Who is Henning? Anyway, it would make complete sense to put Hennig and Harris should join the Nexus. They will probably keep having matches, and eventually join after beating jobbers or something. That is the best path to go down with with Harris and McGuillicuty.
With the increasing tension between the Hart Dynasty every week its possible we could finally see The Fortunate Sons stable come together.

Ted Dibiase (mainevent)
David Hart Smith (Midcard/enforcer)
Harris & McGuiilicutty (tag team)

The only flaw I see in this is there is already a dominant heel stable on Raw (Nexus) With them wanting to beef up Smackdown it would be perfect for them to all go over there as a stable and dominate.

If The Undertaker isn't going to retire at this Wrestlemania possibly lead up to a feud between Dibiase and Undertaker at WM27 (Dibiase losing of course but putting up a good show and cementing himself as a mainevent player
Oh man...when Barrett brought out McGillicutty and Harris and said he had inducted them into Nexus, I marked out like a little kid. I was genuinely very fired up. I think he improves an already very good group. They are fully capable of making a difference.

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