**MERGED** Finally.. The Rock... has come back... HOME (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

How many times will we see the Rock?

  • Wrestlemania, the grand-daddy of 'em all. That's it.

  • Maybe one Raw.

  • TWO!!!!!!!

  • I reckon a good deal of appearances on WWE, including Web work and video promo's.

  • All the time, like on Smackdown as well. lol.

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not many wrestlers have had decent movie careers, yes they get parts for name recognition but they hardly get the careers stallone and arnie had. digressing wrestlers are big men and probably suited to the 80s action genre but those films are dated now and are not that sucessful

hulks movies sucked and most of the wwe films with cena, scsa, kane etc are nothing more than straight to dvd with a limited theatre release.

in my opinion the rocks film career has not been that great

the mummy 2 and scorpion king were sucessful because they were part of a major fim franchise and he was still a major active wrestling superstar but since then his films have not really been massive because outside of the wrestling business he is not that big a star

most of his films are similar to the Mr Nanny type that hulk did just with a bigger budget. hes had his fare share of supporting roles but when he is the main actor they are not that great and most of his acting work has been geared towards the child/younger end of the market, sure they have made money but as far as the box office goes he isnt a cruise, pitt or sandler. he a guy that can do a job and put a few bums on seats, maybe a jason statham or martin lawrence. solid but not spectacular

and you know your star is on the wane when you are in a fast and furious sequel.

my point is he says he is never ever going away, we all doubt that but isnt there any reason why at 38 he cant do both

the wrestling promotes the films and the films promote the wrestling

maybe just maybe depending on how this run goes, the GM angle etc we could see him back full time, with a limited schedule and time off for the movies.

as the GM does most of his work by email that would work when he is on a film set so that role could work but there are still believable dream matches out there for him, cena, edge, orton, punk and unfinished business with jericho and hhh.

a pipe dream maybe but one to think about

That's what I'm thinking. Maybe with a part-time schedule, similar to Bret Hart's, but be around more often and for a longer time. Maybe for like, a month, he'll leave and promote a movie, than he'll return again.

I can't see why there's ba any reason for him to not do that. If he leaves for good in like 4 months, he'll be a obvious hypocrite and a complete liar. He'll rpobably lose some fan's too, because of his constant lying.

I think he may be back, for a year or two at the most. Hell, when are they gonna do Rock RAW he was talking about in a interview? Maybe WWE will do another old school RAW and it'll be morel ike the 90's?

He can't say, "And I give you me word, I'm never ever going away." Just to leave after Wrestlemania. H'ell be around for a while IMO.
I've thought about it and honestly I think with the recent announcement of Wrestlemania 28 in Miami, I think it's basically a guranDAMN-Tee that The Rock will be inducted into the Hall of Fame in Miami before Wrestlemania 28. If that's the case, I don't think it's impossible that he would fight "one final match" at Wrestlemania, in front of his home fans, against John Cena.
It would be billed as the biggest match ever.

That's the only way I see him coming back. Maybe continue the feud btw The Rock and Cena through this wrestlemania with the Rock making occassional appearances but not wrestling then they'd have enough build up for the match at WM 28.

If he wrestles another match, that's the only scenario I see. One more match, in Miami, at Wrestlemania vs. John Cena.
Don't take it so literally when he says "I'm never, ever going away". I took that completely to mean that because of the fans, he'll be around forever, even after he's gone, because of the legacy and imprint he's left on the business and because of how much people will continue to remember him way down the line.

Don't take that line at face value, I'm pretty sure he was being poetic.
i dont thnk its gonna be against cena

IF and a huge IF he does wrestle i thnk its gonna be one final match against stone cold. a farewell to wrestling for both of them. and the rock is gonna win to keep the final score even. 2 austin 2 rock. and tht way i thnk itl be the best conclusion. no tie breaker. because it has been the wwe's biggest accomplishment to keep both superstars on the same level. usually when u thnk of rivalries in most ppls minds rock/austin comes to mind. sure theres bret/shawn cena/orton taker/shawn rock/hhh austin/hhh but none of those feuds come close to rock/austin..

with one final match with the rock winning the scores level up and the whole world can easily see tht none of them is bttr than the other.
Don't take it so literally when he says "I'm never, ever going away". I took that completely to mean that because of the fans, he'll be around forever, even after he's gone, because of the legacy and imprint he's left on the business and because of how much people will continue to remember him way down the line.

Don't take that line at face value, I'm pretty sure he was being poetic.

i actually had a feeling it escaped his mouth before he thought it through...

thts a reasonable argument as well
I don't even thhink its about him wrestling on a part time schedule why not give him a managerial role for someone WWE wants to push but has poor Mic skills aka Mason Ryan maybe? Then the Rock with get his stick with WWE written on it 20-30 mins a week (so fans are happy) and he'll never habe to lace up a pair of boots again? Just a suggestion (he wouldnt even need a fupl time schedule, just make sure he has another good Mic worker who WWE wants to push aka Miz).

Sorry for failure typing I'm on my phone doing it >.<
This is exactly what I took it to mean as well. After he first left, he distanced himself from WWE and pro wrestling in general saying he wanted to be called Dwayne Johnson and not The Rock and basically said he was done with WWE.

The other night when he said he is "never going away" I took it to mean that he'll make himself more available to WWE and will keep "The Rock" character alive. I do believe he'll never wrestle in a match again however now he's open to appearing for WWE so don't be surprised if we see him every once in awhile on an anniversary show or special edition of RAW or whatever.

i actually think tht the words escaped his mouth before thinking them through properly. he might want to make more appearances thts without a doubt but never ever leave are three really strong words. so IMO it was more of an accident than really mean it.

but thts just me
I'd like to see Rocky as a guest commentator every once in awhile. Maybe if he's in the city where RAW is that particular week, he'd do something like that.

I think now he'll always be around and make himself as much available as possible to be involved in WWE even if it's not necessarily wrestling.
Sorry have not had time to read though all the comments. Rarely post but have to on this moment. The last time I marked out for WWE this much was Bret's return and I don't think I marked out this much. A few points.
1.) Well done to WWE for the entrance(and I'm guessing a lot of that credit goes to Kevin Dunn) It was a special moment and the entrance really made be feel that(let me put it this way if after that entrance you'd heard "come on down,the price is right" and Bob Barker(One rumoured host) had come down you'd probably be in jail now!
2.) have heard a few reactions that the Rocks doing it for the money. Nonsense! The guy is a millionaire many times over and doesn't need the cash.I think he is sincere when he says he's doing it for the people.
3.) Michael Cole played his "role" perfectly,watch some of his old interviews with the Rock and you'll see how far he's come.
4.) I cannot see how John Cena can possibly carry on as a face much longer after this. CM Punk has pretty much shown that his character is a liar.And now the Rock has destroyed his catchphrase and dress sense. I don't think WWE would risk this if a heel turn was not on the cards. Also after how the Rock was GENUINELY funny how are Cenas lame jokes going to cut it any more?
5.) cannot wait for mania. The Rock is a must see element a solid card was missing.I'll happily part with my money.
as a wrestling fan, i wait for mights like monday. it was one of those 1 or 2 special wrestling moments that happen every 5 years. i am a huge rock fan so it was more special for me. i actually dont care if he wrestles again (although a fued with cena would be great). i have waited along time to see him on raw again. i am probably repeating stuff other people have posted, if so sorry it has taken two days and several watchings for it to sink in that the rock is back. the only other time for me in the last 5 years i was even as close as being as excited as i was monday, was when cena was the surprise 30th entry in the 08 royal rumble.
the promo was easily the best in the last seven years and made all of the decent promos that have happened in the last 7 years seem mediocre at best. he is the best promo guy ever and further proved that monday.
im glad he is back and i hope he sticks around like he says
i definitely had a wrestling hangover on tuesday
as a wrestling fan, i wait for mights like monday. it was one of those 1 or 2 special wrestling moments that happen every 5 years. i am a huge rock fan so it was more special for me. i actually dont care if he wrestles again (although a fued with cena would be great). i have waited along time to see him on raw again. i am probably repeating stuff other people have posted, if so sorry it has taken two days and several watchings for it to sink in that the rock is back. the only other time for me in the last 5 years i was even as close as being as excited as i was monday, was when cena was the surprise 30th entry in the 08 royal rumble.
the promo was easily the best in the last seven years and made all of the decent promos that have happened in the last 7 years seem mediocre at best. he is the best promo guy ever and further proved that monday.
im glad he is back and i hope he sticks around like he says
i definitely had a wrestling hangover on tuesday

Totally agree except I watched it Tuesday and had my WWE hangover today. Could think of little else! CM Punks is the best promo guy in the WWE today but he couldn't touch the Rock. And welled up with tears when he spoke to us as "Dwayne".
If I was booking Mania, here's how I would do it. In order to give "The People" Cena/Rock, we have to have Cena lose TEC. I think Sheamus should win TEC. After that, have Lawler beat Miz when Cole's interference backfires. Next night on RAW, have Sheamus declare he wants the title shot that night, have Cole get revenge on Lawler, & Sheamus is Champ. Then when the 2-21-11 promo pops up afterwards, have it be HHH, saying he's waited for this moment to get revenge for what Sheamus did to him, and what grander way to do it than by beating Sheamus for the title. Sheamus won't agree unless HHH puts his career on the line, of course HHH does so. SO we have Cole/Lawler, HHH/Sheamus, when Cena realizes he isn't headling WM, he turns his attention to The Rock, calls him out & tells TGO to bring it @ WM. Rock agrees & that is set. As far as 'Taker goes, have Diesel show up on SmackDown & call him out, saying he isn't happy HBK was forced to walk away by him. Have Taker accept the challenge, but Diesel sneaks in a clause that says if Diesel wins, HBK can return, playing off on how Nash loves politics, plus give fans hope Diesel will win. I don't see why 'Taker retires HHH when Sheamus would benefit so much more from it. So we would have HHH/Sheamus, Cole/Lawler, Edge/Del Rio, Diesel/'Taker, MITB, & Rock/Cena. A very loaded line-up indeed.
so Rock came back on RAW and is the host of WM27 but my question is will he also appear onRAW every week or maybe just a few times? or maybe not at all? thoughts and opinions?
I took Rock saying he is never going away and saying the Rock is back as he will not dump The Rock name like he did before and will not distance himself from WWE and will make a few special apperances a year. Unless he is coming back to wrestle a couple of dream matches(which i'm certain he isn't) then having him appear a couple of times a year would keep those moments special.

It still has not sunk in that The Rock is back! I marked out like I never have before when watching Raw, it was just incredible stuff, and i've watched it back a few times on youtube too, but I just cannot believe after 7 years, my boyhood hero, The Peoples Champion is back!

I would love it if Rock wrestled again, but I don't see it, however if he was to come back and wrestle say 2/3 more matches I'd have to go for Rock/Cena, Rock/Punk and Rock/Miz, in that order too, with Rock/Miz at WM29 or 30 because while Miz is awesome now, he will be even better in a few years.
so Rock came back on RAW and is the host of WM27 but my question is will he also appear onRAW every week or maybe just a few times? or maybe not at all? thoughts and opinions?

This thread will probably get merged, but my guess is that he will not appear again until Mania. The way Rock spoke and given his short video promo that is on WWE.com it sounds like he won't be back on TV again, at least in person until Mania, and that is probably a smart move from WWE given WM buyrates, although they hav already given away his actual return for free, so I don't see what they have to lose.

I hope he appears, but I can see him appearing via video link when Cena is in the ring so that WWE can keep the face to face meeting of the two for Mania. Imagine how EPIC that moment is going to be, it will be up there, although not on the same level as the Hogan v. Rock staredown at Mania 18 before their match.
I'd say yes.

How could he not, really?

Fan's will flock to see The Rock in person. Fan's will be cheering his name all night. Fan's want to see him, fan's won't want to wait till Mania on PPV, fan's will want to see him live.

I can see him being on RAW a few times, maybe interrupt a few promo's, taped or live, be called out occasionally, be named Special Guest referee for Cena vs. Miz at WM.

I know he's the guest host of Wrestlemania, but he's also one the biggest star's ever. And he just returned! How could not be on RAW. I'm saying 4 or more show's at the least.

I'm guarenteeing next week's RAW begin's with a loud "Rocky" chant.

"We want Rock." "Rocky, Rocky." All night long.

To sum it all up, he has to show!
He may not be wrestling but because of the great one, everyone is ultra excited and is reliving their childhood one more time. Its like wrestling is alive again. Hes appearance and that epic promo made everyone realize how mediocre the wwe has turned into. That epic 20 minutes including entrance must have gotten everybody eyes glued to the television. When was the last time you pay full attention to a guy for 20 minutes long on what they have to say (besides flair and micheal's farewell)?

I hope the wrestling fans at this time can appreciate, enjoy and get the most out of the next 4-5 weeks of wwe programming. Because IT IS NOT GOING TO LAST LONG. The Great one will most likely going to leave after wrestelmania and we will be back having the fruity pebbles guy making lame jokes.
Well, let's see the Rock and Stone Cold killed WCW and saved WWE awhile ago. I'm pretty sure with The Rock along with Cm Punk and the crew can kill TNA and save WWE again.

Heck, everybody is talking about the Rock's return even those who say 'wrestling is fake and UFC is better' is excited about The Rock returning.

PS- how old is Dwayne? He looks young almost early thirties.
People seem to forget that 'The Rock' name is still officially owned by the WWE company. I do recall reading a transcript from an interview a while ago and the question was asked if Stone Cold Steve Austin couldn't have the rights to that name (the Stone Cold part I believe) then why did he give the rights of 'The Rock' to Dwayne?
VKM answered that WWE still owns the rights of the name, they just licensed it out for Dwayne to use.
That would indicate to me that although Dwayne was no longer contractually obligated to the WWE, they would still make money off his movies if he as so much uses it. How would one feel knowing that some of the money you're making will have to go to a company that let your contract run out? I don't think it would go down to well with most people. So it made sense for him to drop 'The Rock' name.
It really had nothing to do with the rumours about him wanting to forget his wrestling roots so he got rid of the name. He had a legit reason to do so.

Rock also didn't say he was never going to leave. He said he will never ever go away. IMO they are hinting two completely different things. If he had said he was never going to leave then that means he would be back in a more fulltime position. Something like the General Manager or maybe play a vital managerial role on his show, Smackdown. Who else can breathe new life to it other than The Great One himself?

But unfortunately, that is unlikely to happen. IMO what he meant by never going away is he will appear occasionally (could be once or twice a month) on the Raw and Smackdown weekly shows and feature more prominently in PPV events like Wrestlemania. He will not go missing in action for longer periods of times like...7 years!

I also think that you can't rule out the Rock lacing the boots up again. By being involved in a somewhat active role this time around, my hope is nostalgia will sent in and the thrill of getting in the ring becomes too much for him to bear that he just has to wrestle again.
PS- how old is Dwayne? He looks young almost early thirties.

he's 38 (according to wikipedia).

I think the Rock could be the savior of the WWE but it's too early to tell. It comes down to what he'll be doing (wrestling or strictly mic stuff) and how long he'll be back for (just till wrestlemania or into the summer).

he's drawing a lot of great attention back to the product and will regain a lot of lost viewers just to tune in to see him. once again, WWE has to be smart not to over use him and not have their shows completely revolve around him. have him mentioned and in the main event picture but still focus on the WWE youth movement and important stories.

p.s. I'd love to see The Rock and Alberto Del Rio cut a promo. could be really funny
He may not be wrestling but because of the great one, everyone is ultra excited and is reliving their childhood one more time. Its like wrestling is alive again. Hes appearance and that epic promo made everyone realize how mediocre the wwe has turned into. That epic 20 minutes including entrance must have gotten everybody eyes glued to the television. When was the last time you pay full attention to a guy for 20 minutes long on what they have to say (besides flair and micheal's farewell)?

I hope the wrestling fans at this time can appreciate, enjoy and get the most out of the next 4-5 weeks of wwe programming. Because IT IS NOT GOING TO LAST LONG. The Great one will most likely going to leave after wrestelmania and we will be back having the fruity pebbles guy making lame jokes.

I would agree that The Rock would be WWE's saviour IF he was staying around in some capacity! A gm or at least a part- time wrestler. A ref or an occasional promo is a waste. So due to the fact that he's not staying he indeed is not their saviour.
I don't think so, people are paying to watch him at Mania, so to give him away on RAW is kind of bad business and would make his appearance at Mania less special. Though I certainly wouldn't mind him having segments with different superstars.
Hold on there, bud. The WWE is not in any need of being saved. Albeit, that promo that the Rock cut did raise the bar in terms of what people are to expect from promos from this day forward; but the fact is, just about all the talent that the WWE has is more than capable of handling their own and doing a fine job.

I think that the problem here is that many of always tend to compare the current guys to the likes of Rock, Stone Cold, all those huge stars with full knowledge that there will probably never be people as great as them with few in exceptions.

Eithery way, it doesn't matter as most of the people who make these comparisons are your everday whiners of the WWE.
Hmm, yeah seeing the Rock return was just awesome. The only thing I'm worried about is that with how so many people think the WWE is in a working stage of pushing young people, then the Rock will overshadow whatever push some of them are getting. I mean his whole promo monday was just awesome. Bashing of John Cena threw two ideas into my head. First is that unless Cena goes back to his old rapper gimmick, the superCena can't hold a torch to Rock in promos. My personal opinion to a person who can do promos as good as Rock in the current roster is maybe... maybe CM Punk. But thought number 2 is does this mean, ok maybe not wrestlemania 27 but 28? 29? Rock vs Cena? I mean Rock looks in better shape NOW then when he left so I'm sure there wouldn't be ring rust and honestly I'd be stoked to see just how that whole match would progress. Time will tell but at the very least, when Rock said he's not going anywhere any time soon or well however he worded it, hopefully he'll stick around post mania. Would love to see him wrestle again but I know I'll sure enjoy the hell out of him being back in the WWE.
Thing is everyone wants to see him, so finanically it makes sense to hold him back from appearing again. Having been a fan for so long(okay, i'm only 21 but i've been watching since I was 7) and seeing how so many scenarios develop I just cannot see WWE giving us Rock, if they hold him back until Mania the fans will have no option but to buy the PPV to see him.

Edited to add: Maybe WWE will give us one more appearance where he is named the special referee of Cena/Miz, but the problem is that he is already the host of Mania, which is seperate from being a referee, hell maybe he will not be advertised as the referee before Mania but at Mania he makes himself the ref.

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