**MERGED** CM Punk Time Off Thread. (Keep it all here!)

ChicagoMade Punk

Dark Match Winner
Now its been said that he will be taking some time off after Mania to take some well earned R&R, but tonight when he walked off the stage his face looked more like an actual goodbye than I'll be back. Im just wondering, what if Punks done. He has said he doesn't want to do this forever, and hes huge right now, so what if Punk has decided to hang 'em up while he's white hot. What more does he have to do? He just came off a huge title reign, and he faced the undertaker at WM. Hes held I believe every championship in the WWE. What more does he have to prove? As you can tell I'm a huge punk mark and I'll be the first to admit it, and I hope he will return. What do you think? Is punk gone, or will he do a return?
He'll come back of course. This was just a way to get Punk off of TV for a while. If the various reports I've read are true, Punk is pretty banged up and looking for time off. The year long+ WWE Championship reign, high profiled feuds with Cena and The Rock, and a streak match with Taker at Mania. Punk has had one hell of a run, but he's a human being, and nobody's invincible, so he needs time to recharge the batteries.

Punk did a good job of selling himself as a sympathetic figure. Punk listed his list of accomplishments over he past year, and you wanted feel for a guy, who put himself through so much. Being a fighting champion, losing to The Rock twice, and falling to Taker at Mania. That's a lot to go through, and you could feel for Punk and his recent shortcomings. But I wouldn't flag this promo as a sign for a face turn, or anything like that. Punk loves to play mind games and tease everyone. He could easily come back, and taunt the fans for falling into his trap of a sappy and sentimental goodbye speech. Too early to tell, but I highly doubt tonight's promo is the first sign of a face turn.
It's just an angle, I'm not even sure Punk is off TV just yet, there may be another segment where Heyman tries to get an answer from him about what's up. Either way this wasn't the end of CM Punk, he's due a rest for sure but I'd say he'll be around for a few more years yet.
I don't think he's gone just yet. I do think he is taking some time off though. The man's been working through all kinds of injuries and I think this is a way of writing him off TV for a while. The unexplained way he left also builds suspense for when he does come back.
As many have stated, it's just an angle. Punk wouldn't go away that quietly. He does have one thing left he wants to do anyway and that's truly main event a Wrestlemania. If that doesn't happen in the next couple years I wouldn't be surprised if he got out, but I'm sure he'd put somebody over in a big way on his way out. Somebody who needed it.
Punk has definatly earned some time off. I could see Cesaro taking some time off as well after losing his title on Raw and a signing of Colt Cabana on the horizon. As Punk is ready to come back, we could finally have the Kings of Wrestling in the WWE the way it should be, with Punk, a returning Cesaro dropping that name and coming back as Claudio, Chris Hero getting a call up to the main roster and Colt to round it out. Just an idea.
Punk is taking time off and needs to after a heavy schedule and a couple near misses inring

i think he should have a run at the US title to round out his resume, seeing that he has held every other belt in his WWE career.

As for a face turn - not while Heyman is around, he has not managed a face and i dont see his style working in that area.

Ryback is gonna go the way of Tensai, might even get the belt but will eventually get fed to SuperCena
and by the time Punk is ready for ring action, only the Heel berth will be available.
Are you kidding? Of course he'll be back.

The new PPV "Payback" is in Chicago in June. They won't have that PPV without Punk. Either he returns shortly before or at the actual show.
haven't seen it yet but it's obvious he's just playing his character, pissed off that he lost his lengthy title reign and then not only does he not get the title back but he lost at WrestleMania in a match that was his for the taking.

His whole world has come crumbling down, but just like when he walked off with the WWE title he will be back.
Punk will be back. He's just taking time off to rest up. The real question is what will happen once he returns. I thought WWE did a great job in leaving people wondering what the future holds for Punk once he does come back. Punk looked like someone who had been humbled really, his facial expressions told a good story, as he wasn't the arrogant, smarmy blowhard that he generally is.

So will he come back as a babyface? Will he possibly resume his feud with Taker in order to gain some measure of redemption? Will he wind up back in the WWE Championship picture? Will he still be the same old heel CM Punk? Will he still have Heyman at his side?

The only problem is that you'll have a ton of internet fans who will build up Punk's return in their minds. In their fantasies, they'll have whatever scenario they think Punk should be in when he returns. Of course, you'll hear constant bitching & moaning for a month or two if Punk's path isn't the one they think he should take.
He has said he doesn't want to do this forever, and hes huge right now, so what if Punk has decided to hang 'em up while he's white hot.

One thing about the ups & downs presented us by WWE is that it's easy to confuse real life with storyline, particularly in the case of Phil Brooks, whose entire Summer of Punk revolved around a whole "Is it real?" concept.

In this case, it isn't real. As others have stated, Brooks has been scheduled to take some time off, and this is an effective way of getting him off TV for awhile. I have the feeling his return will involve something big; a whole new course for him to follow.

As it is, Brooks has been a good soldier these past months. After a long, long title reign in which he was featured way more than a performer of his talent should be (in my opinion), he suffered high-profile losses at PPVs.....and even a nice one to John Cena on Raw. Yes, he's been jobbing; but only to the absolute best in the business. If he has the degree of creative control many think he has, it's a tribute to his spirit that he'd take a few for the team (which is something I never thought I'd get to say about Phil Brooks).

But that's over. When we see him next, they're going to have something huge for him to do. It's probably been developed and in planning for a long time now.

Watch for it.
Personally I could do with a break from Punk. I tired of him a while ago now. He's still gone out and had some of the better matches on a card and his promos are top-notch, but he's been a constant on WWE TV for nearly 7 years straight and its time for him to leave for a while.

Give him a year off, have him return and feud with the new guy who'll take his place. I'm being optimistic, I don't think for a second a new guy will take his place.
He'll be back and, if you are allowed the opportunity, it is always the right thing to do to stop your character getting stale.

That is the problem with Orton/Sheamus/Big Show/Mysterio/Kane et al; they are dead weight with nowhere to go, and no possibilities to make them interesting because of over-exposure.

Triple H always picks his spots to come back and he has kept his image and character fresh; I am personally not a fan but by marrying into the family, it has clearly given him the options to do so. CM Punk now has some influence, and he is smart enough to know that sometimes less is more.
He is simply taking time off to recover from the arduous schedule he has endured over the last 18 months or so. It's interesting to see what injuries he has because if it is one serious injury it would have put him out a while ago but perhaps it is just several that make it impossible to get through a match. He will be back and instantly in a top feud with someone like Cena,HHH, Orton or Kane. Any of these feuds would be good and entertaining - that is what Punk does. Personally, I would like to see a program with Kane as they previewed that and there is definitely the need to end Team Hell No.
Only thing that confused me last night on his promo was if he turned face.As you could see,he was being very polite and humble.He put over The Rock and the streak and Taker,which a heel doesn't do.It felt if he was a great face,who respects everyone in the business.I think heel Punk has served its purpose.And besides,there are too many good heels in the roster now.So a face turn can be appriciated for Punk.
Last night it did look like punk was saying goodbye than i will be back. If Punk is indeed done(I dont think he is)what more does punk have to prove? He has done it all in the business. He has gone through a lot this year though,losing to the rock twice losing to taker,damn there breaking his leg on the table at WM.

CM Punk is a sure fire HOF 1st ballot HOF. Punk needs some time off to heal up and recharge and truly last night he looked like a man who is burned out. I dont know how these stars do it. 300 days out of the year your on the road yr after yr. I look for punk to return in June when payback is in Chicago! No way in hell Punk misses that one.

I can see Heyman actually turning his back on CM Punk saying Punk has lost his fire and gone soft. His Client though Brock Lesnar has never lost that fire and is hard as nails. I think upon returning Punk will be a loner neither a face nor heel!
Maybe he'll go back to Ring of Honor, maybe he'll go to New Japan Pro Wrestling :rolleyes:

Of course Punk is coming back. He just needs a break. And to be honest in any pre-WrestleMania interview I read of his all he did was complain and come across as a bit of a douche. I know hes a douche because I've seen his pre-WWE shoots, hes always been a douche but he seems almost bitter towards WWE for not placing him in the main event of WrestleMania, this despite the fact he also said he doesn't care Rock beat him for the WWE Championship.

Punk is very hard to read. But he'll be back when hes all healed up. I imagine some time before Summerslam. I honestly think its cool, we've not had a big Superstar just leave for a few months with the question being when and where he'll return. It's like when Austin or The Rock used to take a hiatus back in the day, now you wait for his return.
I know Punk's good, but he's not THAT good. Instead, someone is incredibly gullible, or the s word.

Punk's not gone. Maybe that look on his face was a sign of relief that he's done with this bullshit for a while. Has he taken a dip or what ...
Personally I could do with a break from Punk. I tired of him a while ago now. He's still gone out and had some of the better matches on a card and his promos are top-notch, but he's been a constant on WWE TV for nearly 7 years straight and its time for him to leave for a while.

Give him a year off, have him return and feud with the new guy who'll take his place. I'm being optimistic, I don't think for a second a new guy will take his place.

Love the pic in your sig - but not your post...

Not for a second should someone take your post seriously. Punk if anything needs MORE time on TV because he is far far more entertaining that the next best alternative be it Orton, Sheamus or Ziggler.

Arguably - if you were to pick out 5 of the best matches in the past year, he'd have a reasonable claim to each berth. And for that reason alone, he needs to be back on TV at whatever cost...
oh, no doubt he WILL be back. he's pretty banged up from what reports say. I think he will get his R & R and then return and hopefully (if he still is a heel) will have a Royal Rumble win, then go on to beat John Cena at WM in what would likely be a great match.
I see him taking time off for a month or so and then coming back and going back to his pipebomb days. 'Tweener mode' as you kids call it.

Punk wanted to be the number 1 heel in the company, he got that, but with Ryback changing recently, Brock hanging around and Orton rumoured to be on the verge (think he will turn on Sheamus) it looks like he could mayeb turnh again.

I would love to see him come back and have a fued with RVD and Heyman who allign during his absence. Finally Punk gets the big dog at Summerslam against Brock Lesnar - thats money.

Punk as a heel is off the back of 2 losses to Rock, a big Raw loss to Cena, and then the Mania loss to Undertaker. He needs a change of direction now. A rest and a small turn in character should do the trick.
Reports suggest punk is not returning till SummerSlam.If that's the case,WWE should hold of his return till RR.He should return and win the Rumble.Cena should also hold the strap by then.After that Cena and Punk should have their feud end in the main event of WM30.Their feud has been one of the best in recent times and it deserves a WM main event finish.Also let the crowd decide who should be the heel/face in this one.And it should be Punk's last and Cena's second last main event feud.Punk then should put young talents over and Cena should look forward to challenging the streak.
The way he left Heyman in the ring leaves them an option to have Punk come back as a babyface. I am not saying he will, or that I even think he will, but it does look like they have that option out there.
I don't think Punk is leaving. He's had quite an emotional roller-coaster ride as the workhorse of the WWE. Year as champ and attraction, will wear ANYONE out. I think he needs to recharge his batteries and take a deep breath. Good times are coming again.
Word on the street...err dirtsheets, is that CM Punk will be sidelined until SummerSlam. We all know that long absences are bad for heels, especially if you want to keep them that way. My guess is that the roof will blow off the building when Punk makes his return.

So what do you do? Continue pairing him with Paul Heyman in a heel role...or do you stop fighting the WWE universe and turn him back to face??

I guess the first thing you do is look at the rest of the roster. Brock (heel) will be around for a while, off and on. Ziggler (heel) is slowly gaining some momentum. Mark Henry (heel) is ok, but not top level. Ryback (newly formed heel) will surely get big pops by the crowd, so at this point he might be considered a tweener. The Shield (heel) but works as a faction and will be doing tag matches for the forseeable future.

Then we have the faces. Cena, Taker, Jericho, Orton, Sheamus, (Rock?).

What to do with Punk?? That is the question.

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