*MERGED* Christian: What's next for Captain Charisma?

So heres how I feel...Christian did not need the MITB win but it would have been nice. I have always like Christian and Edge and would not be opposed to seeing them team up again but I would prefer pushing him on to the main event scene on Raw. With HBK gone, Orton a tweener, Cena megaface, he might have to become a heel. The reason I did not specify HHH is because I think he might go to SmackDown, with Steph being pregnant again, he might like the lighter schedule. Christian has potential this year to take the ball and be mega over ala Jeff Hardy or take the heel route and be better than Jericho.

With Swagger winning the MITB and MITB PPV coming, maybe if he has not cashed the case in maybe the main event would be Swagger vs someone for the case, then the other matches would include shots for the other titles. To me that would be Christians only hope to get the instant title shot.

Which ever show Christian goes to, he will be pushed in the mid card for a little and we will still support him, because THATS HOW WE ROLL!
07/18 - Money In The Bank

Perhaps we haven't seen the last of Christian getting his shot at MITB. I could actually see Swagger hanging on to his case, cashing it around this time, then Christian potentially cashing his case in on Swagger as Swagger is celebrating. Bam instant feud!
I don't know, and hell I was pissed off when I saw Jack shove the briefcase in Christian's face and win MITB.

But what can we do? Whats done, is done.

Now as far as what I predict Christian will do, well not much really. Yeah I'm a huge Christian mark, he's been my favourite wrestler since 2005 and all but I think he's gonna become like Kane or Rey Mysterio, you know? Never really winning world titles but sometimes featured in the matches, and possibly one world title reign, but thats it. I used to have such high hopes for Christian, but I know the "E" wont push Christian to the moon as I had hoped. :disappointed:
Christian didn't need the Money in the Bank. All he needs is a push. With HBK gone (for now...yeah I still don't believe it lol) and Undertaker taking time off, as well as the potential for HHH and Mysterio to take some time off, the WWE is going to need some more people to use in the main event. Orton's a face now, so that takes a huge section of that out, but whose to say Christian doesn't turn heel and start a program with Edge after the draft? Right now we only have Batista, CM Punk, and Jericho as the real heels, with Big Show being a tag team guy and the Miz being very busy, and McIntyre and Sheamus not ready for true main event status, so Christian turning heel is something I can definitely see happening. Christian/Cena, Christian/Orton, Christian/Edge, Christian/Mysterio, Christian/Taker....yeah.
I definitely pulled for Christian to win the Money in the Bank match. When I read the results and saw Jack Swagger won it instead, I was shocked. But then after thinking about it, Christian winning it would've been too obvious as I think the majority of WWE fans bet on Christian. Having Swagger win it was a great move on the WWE's part because it was unpredictable. Besides, I think Swagger needed it more than Christian.

But Christian should have a reign as either the WWE or World Heavyweight Champion, even if it's just one and lasts a couple of months, to go along with his two reigns as NWA Champion and two reigns as ECW Champion (Technically, the ECW Title was still considered a world heavyweight title up until the ECW brand ended).

With Michaels retired and Taker, HHH and Mysterio taking time off, it would be the right opportunity for Christian to step up. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
After today, I think Chrisitian will be in the upper mid card level for the year. It was a brillant move for Swagger to win MITB. He was the main event, and got to be in there with Cena, Orton, and Batista. He held his ground, and showed some charisma tonight. I think Christian will fight Miz once he loses the tag titles.
I am hoping for a Christian vs Swagger feud. Those two worked really well last year in their matches so this year round could be a treat. However it appears Christian is going to be stuck round the midcard area..AGAIN until further opportunity arises. The Miz is one competitor who springs to mind as to the next opponent
This year will be Christians upper mid card year but I think he'll be WHC or WWE Champion soon enough. A feud with Swagger would be great since it was a solid program back on ECW. Christian will take on Miz once the tag titles are dropped. I hope to see a Christian vs Orton feud. That would be pretty insane to see. Orton has to be a tweener. No way he's a face and a program with Christian would go far.
We all know how Vince's mind works, look what he did to WCW. Rather than turn it into a viable alternative to WWE he buried it to show that hes the big man and that nobody f***s with him or his company.

I believe the same to be true for Christian. He has not been forgiven for joining TNA. Vince will always hire someone back only to get revenge and bury them. He could do so much with Christian but has the small timr mentality of revenge over personal gain.

I think Christian will languish for a while yet. If not for good. If you don't believe me then look at Matt Hardy and what happened to him after the Edge / Lita affair.

Christian was not a long term champion on ECW for nothing.

Even though he hasnt won the MITB breifcase he will still climb his way out of obscurity, now that the main event veterans are starting to get a little thin there is more room for younger talent to get spots especially with the rumored time off triple H and the undertaker will be taking.

I see Christian probably feuding over the United states championship with the Miz or maybe the tag team championships once a suitable partner is found.

The WWE has plans for him none the less otherwise they would not be pushing him as hard as they have done since his return to the company, he will have his place in the upper midcard, even if it is after the draft.

The guy is young and has his place in the company , he is also a seasoned vet who has a wealth of experience in the company within the midcard, so for those who say his future is bleak i plead that his time will come, even if it does take another few years.
I was really hoping Christian would be moved to Raw after ECW went away. With Edge turning face, it would've been nice to see a reunion with these two. I think Christian will be stuck on the mid card for a while on Raw. Him winning MITB was really his only shot at being involved in the WWE championship picture. I find it hard to believe he will get a shot at the title any time soon or in the next few months.
It's been said already but with HBK gone, this could be a great opportunity for Christian to step up and solidify himself as a legitimate world title contender. I also don't feel that Christian NEEDED to win MITB and that putting it on Swagger would've been the better long term move.

However because he didn't win MITB, he really needs to step up his game so he can step into the main event. Perhaps a feud with Orton is what he needs. It worked for Kofi. I'm still a bit skeptical if WWE is really turning Orton face and if that happens to be the case, then Christian may turn heel. Build him up by having feuds with current Main Eventers before tossing him into the title picture.

On the other hand, there's always the WWE Draft. Once again, WWE could do as I stated above by having him feud with credible superstars before perhaps being drafted to SD! With 'Taker most likely taking time off, Christian could perhaps take over his spot as the face of SD. He was the face of ECW so who's to say he can't pull of being the face of WWE's B show? But in order to fill the void left by 'Taker, Christian desperately NEEDS to establish himself as credible enough to fill that spot so he isn't stuck in the shadow of Edge. Also, considering that SD is a tad bit short on the babyface side this could help balance that out a bit.
He beat DiBiase on Monday so to me that signifies that he's getting their. I think he's in an upper-mid card position where once Miz has dropped the tag belts (a month or two?) they'll feud over the us Belt with Christian eventually winning to elevate The Miz. I still feel Christian's time will come.
I do believe Christian will win a World Championship in the next year.He has greatb in ring work.He has chrisma, can put on a great match.But in the near future he might face Miz over the United States Championship and win.Then after he loses straight to the Main Event.
He didn't need to win MITB, He had just been one of the biggest stars on WWECW, and holds the record for longest ECW title reign within the WWE. Swagger on the other hand, needed it, because he was being drowned in the deadly ocean we call "raw"
I think Christian should have a couple of midcard feuds instead of going straight to the main event, he may even win the strap aswell a couple of times. So all I am saying is that Christian didnt need to win MITB
I have a suspicion Christian will be like Jeff Hardy in 2008, chasing the championship for ages before finally winning it.

Christian is popular, he has great mic skills and can work good matches with pretty much anyone. He'll possibly fued with a midcarder like Miz to give them some credibility before fueding with a main eventer and going onto the world championship (hopefully)
I was actually thinking of Christian and The Miz having a fued over the U.S title aswell and I think that would be a great idea just think of the promo's and how much this can improve The Miz and maybe even make Christian a main eventer. But their are also 2 other scenerios Christian could be drafted to Smackdown and get the Jeff Hardy treatment to chase after a World title until he finally wins it with him and only 2 maybe 3 proven main eventers. And on the other side their's supposed to be another MITB PPV coming up soon so Christian winning MITB isn't entirely out of the question yet he still has a chance.
I'm pretty sure alot of Christian's Peeps including me wants to see him compete and win either the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship but as of right now he's not competing for no title and he's not going to compete for the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship anytime soon I believe. So while he's not competing for any title I think he should go out for the either the U.S. or The Million Dollar title. The Miz hasn't defended the U.S. title in months and I'm getting tired of seeing him defend it against the same old people Kofi and MVP. At least with Christian we will see a new opponent for The Miz and just imagine the great promo's we can see out of the 2. I know these 2 can have good matches and if their good enough they both could possibly be main eventers by the end of the year. And lets not also forget The Miz is a tag team champ with the Big Show and the a draft could be coming up soon. Maybe Edge could be drafted to Raw and E & C can reunite and take the titles from ShoMiz while Christian and Miz can continue to fued for the U.S. title, I can see many possibility's with this fued. On the other side we have the Million Dollar championship which Ted DiBiase Jr. has brought back basically as a present from his father. For the last 2 weeks on Raw he has faced Christian and it seems as if they sort of have a fued going on. If this is the case I'm pretty sure we will be seeing DiBiase put the Million Dollar Championship on the line against Christian sooner than later. I think this fued will benefit DiBiase more than Christian but it can still be a good fued. So out of the two which title do you want to see Christian go after.
honestly a feud with DiBiase is stupid for christian nobody wants to see him carrying the rich kids ass for a couple of months but him and miz could have something to it they are both really good wrestlers un like DiBiase and can steal the show on any card and both are destined for main event greatness so why not start a long term feud between the two
As much as i would like to see him go for either the wwe or world heavyweight championship (especially whc, he could become apart of the swagger jericho edge fued setting up a match at fatal four way) going after a championship is better than nothing. Out of the two options i would prefer the us title (or better yet tag titles with edge). Him and miz could put on great promos and matches. Miz hasnt had a real fued over the us title since winning it that i can remember anyway (apart from that mini fued with mvp) so it would be good for him too and he hasnt defended it since elmination chamber, i think the wwe are putting too much focus on the tag titles and hardly any on the us title so this feud would be good for both christin, miz and the us title
What makes you think the Million Dollar Belt will ever actually need to be "defended"? It isn't a real championship! Ted can carry it around as long as he wants and never have to defend it. Because its not a real title.
why do people keep trying to involve him with titles does anybody start to think he came to the company for money and is content on where he stands dont gotta be on tv all the time but still one of the top favorites of the crowd
im a HUGE peep wether hes a heel or a face like mrbrownstone said i would like to see CHRISTIAN in the world title picture right now but the million dollar championship probaly wont ever be defended out of those choices i would like to see CHRISTIAN and THE MIZ fued for the us title and carry that over into a reuniting of EDGE AND CHRISTIAN vs SHOWMIZ for the tag titles but i HOPE by the end of the year CHRISTIAN is a world champ
:banghead: The...Million...Dollar....Championship...Isn't...A....Real....Championship...

Of course WWE could make it that way if they wanted, but I HIGHLY doubt it.

Now with that out of the way, Christian is going to be where he is in the WWE until the Draft comes along. Sadly, as witnessed Monday, he did job to Ted Dibiase Jr. But as everyone should already know by now they are pushing "the rich kid" up into a noticeable rank. Didn't he slap his daddy on live tv? You think WWE would work that angle just to have him robbed of a title that's not even in contention?

As for The United States Championship. I would love to see it. But like I said I am guessing Raw will do nothing with Christian until the Draft is up. I predict he will go over to Smackdown and team with Edge, possibly getting a tag-team push. It's needed in that division anyways.
What makes you think the Million Dollar Belt will ever actually need to be "defended"? It isn't a real championship! Ted can carry it around as long as he wants and never have to defend it. Because its not a real title.

That still doesn't mean that the WWE wont let have an angle were Christian challenges DiBiase for the belt. Sure we all know the belt isn't real but Ted DiBiase Sr. did put the belt on the line against Virgil and lost it, so what makes you think they wont do the same with DiBiase Jr. and Christian.

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