**MERGED** Championships WWE Should Consider (keep it in here!!)

WWE Junior Championship, could it work?

  • Y'know what Steve, you might be onto something here...

  • Na'h, let's keep the odd titles and maybe unify them, but that's it.

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I have said this before, but I like to comment on the state of the titles so.....

WWE Title (unified with the World Title)
From what I have read, the only/main reason the WWE and World title have not been unified is because the WWE likes to have a World Title match at house shows. I don't think that is a good enough reason to keep both. Now the brand extension is over the World title needs to go, one roster of wrestlers appearing on both Raw and Smackdown should mean one WWE World title. This would also help the Intercontinental title as it would be the 2nd most important belt in the WWE

Intercontinental Title
With the World title gone, this would now be belt number 2. Guys like The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, Mark Henry, Big Show, Christian, Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio and Dolph Ziggler could compete for this belt, all of whom are former WWE World Champions (Ziggler is recognised as a former champion). Throw in the likes of Kofi Kingston, Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes and you have a pretty damn good division. Also coud see Antonio Cesaro maiking a good IC champion.

US Title
Whilst I would prefer the TV title, I can't ever see the WWE having this tite due to TNA having the belt. The US belt is the modern day European title, sits just below the IC title but some of the IC title challengers would also be happy with the US title, such as Kofi Kingston, Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes. Guys like Sin Cara, Zac Ryder, Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, Jack Swagger and the current champion Antonia Cesaro make for another good division.

Cruiserweight Title
I ummmed and ahhhed about this one, but when you have the likes of Sin Cara, Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, Evan Bourne (if he ever comes back), Brad Maddox, Yoshi Tatsu, Primo, Epico and Hunico and you have the making of a competitive division. Some of these guys are listed as contenders for the US title and that is how it should be, they have a belt for their weight division but they also have the ability to compete with the bigger guys.

Tag Team Titles
The tag team division is getting better, continue the good work and change the belts **SIDE NOTE - Each belt should say Tag Team Champion, not Tag Team Champions, as one person is not the Tag Team Champions (waits for someone to say Daniel Bryan or Kane.......)

Women's Title
Get rid of the Divas title, replace with Women's title and do as the WWE say they want to do in 2013 and work on the Divas/Women's division.
I'd create some new secondary Titles....

I have two ideas. The Internet Champion - Matches are either shown on the internet or determined by the fans vote. If you're attending a Show at MSG you can go online and enter your name and ticket info and vote on what type of match or what opponent will challange for the title

What you could do is vacate the the IC title which has been merged with 3 or 4 other titles - North American, South American, European, and Hardcore. I'd bring all them back except the Hardcore Title.

And you Could actually create an Australian, Asian, and African Champion. Before anyone says thats too many titles. You could create a rule where two Continental Titles are Merged the belt becomes the IC Champion. Then have a tournament crowning a new IC Champion merging the Continental Titles.

In the short term...

North American Champion - Anyone
South American Champion - Alberto Del Rio / Sin Cara / Memo Monetnegro / Rey Mistero
European Champion - Wade Barrett / Cesaro / Mason Ryan / Gavin Read / Oliver Grey / LeFort / Alexander Rusev
African - Kofi Kingston / Ezekial Jackson / Justin Gaberial / Leo Kruger
Asian - Yoshi Tatsu / Tensai / Sakamoto
Australian - Anyone
They do not have the depth in superstar talent for this. They may have enough wrestlers to do it, dont know. But I dont think they have enough talented superstars that could. Also creative for the most parts seem to already have a hard time now. It’s not like other eras where wrestlers were clawing and scratching to reach stardom. Wrestlers now days seem to be fine with waiting their turn.
I'd create some new secondary Titles....

I have two ideas. The Internet Champion - Matches are either shown on the internet or determined by the fans vote. If you're attending a Show at MSG you can go online and enter your name and ticket info and vote on what type of match or what opponent will challange for the title

What you could do is vacate the the IC title which has been merged with 3 or 4 other titles - North American, South American, European, and Hardcore. I'd bring all them back except the Hardcore Title.

And you Could actually create an Australian, Asian, and African Champion. Before anyone says thats too many titles. You could create a rule where two Continental Titles are Merged the belt becomes the IC Champion. Then have a tournament crowning a new IC Champion merging the Continental Titles.

In the short term...

North American Champion - Anyone
South American Champion - Alberto Del Rio / Sin Cara / Memo Monetnegro / Rey Mistero
European Champion - Wade Barrett / Cesaro / Mason Ryan / Gavin Read / Oliver Grey / LeFort / Alexander Rusev
African - Kofi Kingston / Ezekial Jackson / Justin Gaberial / Leo Kruger
Asian - Yoshi Tatsu / Tensai / Sakamoto
Australian - Anyone

Why would they have an Australian title? There has almost never been a good Aussie wrestler in WWE save Outback Jack and even he didn't last long iirc.
(I apologize if this is already a recent thread, and would be glad to move it if need be.)

OK... I know WWE already has plenty of title belts and most are mishandled and little more than props... however, I think a TV title could be used in some specific ways to possibly help some guys get/stay over. These are just my opinions on things, feel free to weigh in without ripping me to pieces.

First, I like title belts. I just think most guys, especially heels, seem more legit with some championship gold. Right now the WWE's low/mid/upper card picture is so uncertain with guys like Kofi, Barrett, Miz, Ryder, etc. needing pushes but not being ready for the heavyweight title, and simply not being able to all have the two mid-card singles titles. (Don't hold me to those guys, so many different ones could have been named instead.)

Anyway, not only would the TV title be at least one more strap to put on a guy who could use it, but I believe it could provide a few other specific things as well. One, I've always liked the concept of the TV title belt because it is a belt for the fans that watch each and every week. It's a belt that is almost always defended on TV. Another cool thing about the TV title in my opinion is that it is a World title. So, there are a lot of bragging rights for heels on any card level to say they are a 'world' champion. The TV title can be a title for any superstar in the locker room. I think it could be held by low-mid carders or even propped up by upper carders as 'the next best' type of title. The IC and US belts are great, but have always been mid-card belts, and everyone knows it. I feel like the TV champ would really determine the value of the title, not the title determining the value of the superstar. (All titles should be like that really, and often are with great champs, anyway..) It would be a new belt that didn't have a historical card status, would be a 'world' title belt, and would be a great bragging piece for heels.

I have some more specific ideas, but would rather first hear from you. Would the TV title be useless and overkill, or could it have a place in WWE? I'm not interested in hearing people say things about how WWE's terrible writers wouldn't be able to use it, so "NO", or whatever. Just simply if it would have a place in WWE based on the current status and roster. Thanks for reading.
A Television title in theory is a great idea....if it is defended on tv at least weekly.

I mean they could have it defended on Raw one week, Smackdown the next and so on and so forth.
The title could also be defended on pay per view, each match a 10 or 15 minute time limit. The mid card or actual skilled wrestlers should be pushed for chasing this title. Keep the shit like Khali etc away from this title. Have the Tyson Kidds and Kofi Kingstons and Evan Bournes and Wiliam Regals etc feuding over the belt.
This gives the bottom third of the card a fair bit of exposure also, instead of wasted on shit like Vicki Guerrero and Santino comedy skits
The idea of adding a Television Championship in WWE seems useless to me at the moment. There's nothing that they could do with a Television Championship that they cannot do with the Intercontinental or United States Championships. They have two midcard belts, so why not make one be defended each week on Raw or Smackdown exclusively and the other can be up for grabs either on tv or on PPV? The US Championship seems the less important of the two at the moment so I would have that one be used the same as the Television Championship would if one was coming. That way it also helps Night of Champions out if that is the only PPV where the United States Championship was ever on the line.

Plus then you have the issue of adding a new belt when they already are having issues with needing to restore prestige to every single title in the federation other than the WWE Championship. Even the World Heavyweight Championship hasn't been treated with the respect it deserves lately. WWE should not even consider adding a new title until the World Heavyweight, Intercontinental, United States, Divas, and Tag Team titles have all had a decent amount of prestige brought back. I'm against adding a new title right now. They are on the right track with the Intercontinental title as it has seemed more important again lately, but the US and giant pennies sure don't. I won't even start on the divas belt.... A new title would just get lost in the shuffle and immediately become unimportant, so it would be better to turn the US Championship's purpose into that of a Television Championship as opposed to bringing in a new belt.
The only way I could see them justifying a new title belt is by eliminating some of the championships they have. Perhaps if they re-unified the World Titles, you'd add a higher level of prestige to getting "the top belt." That, in turn, would make the IC and US titles more valuable. And ultimately, you'd open the doors for a new, entry-level title.

I agree with you in that a Cruiser/Light Heavyweight title would definitely carry a negative connotation with it. You're essentially saying that only a specific weight class could obtain that title and that would eliminate a guy like, say, Khali, from capturing the belt. While I don't think Khali should even have a job, he'd be a great candidate to compete for some bottom-level title.

As for a name? I wouldn't know where to begin. I would just personally avoid anything that defines a geographical place (i.e. European) or a weight class. I guess the history of the TV title would make it a suitable addition.
First of all, there is absolutely ZERO need for a new Championship in WWE until the WWE and World Heavyweight Titles are unified. I will predict that will happen by next WrestleMania... WrestleMania 30. Would be a PERFECT time to do it.

Once those titles are in the process of being merged the IC title should have been getting solid attention and storylines around it that speak to its prestige and the honor it would be to hold it. The IC title will then become the 2nd most prestigious title in the company but in no way confused with the prestige of the WWE title. The IC title can mostly travel around with the "SmackDown tours" and be the top title in that brand... kind of silly because there really isn't any notably brand separation these days but I've heard that's one of the reasons the WWE is concerned about merging the top two titles because they want a main title for the SmackDown brand. This would solve there problems.

Then the US title becomes the official Mid-Card title.

Personally, I think that could be enough.

That would leave the WWE with the following:

WWE Championship
Intercontinental Championship
United States Championship
WWE Tag Team Championship
(Divas Championship)
(NXT Championship)

I put those last two in brackets because they are basically their own division. While the Divas division is on regular WWE TV it is, of course, it's own kind of thing and not a big concern for most people.

However, the NXT Championship, if anyone watches NXT, is basically the crown for the WWE's developmental league. It isn't really acknowledged on regular WWE TV but is highly important on NXT broadcasts.

So, only having 3 singles titles in WWE may seem a problem since sometimes I feel they don't use their full roster to the most of it's ability, I don't think it would really change much except it might make things MORE interesting. With one less title each Superstar should be more focused on their path.

They will either be a singles wrestler eying the US title, IC title or WWE title or they will find a partner and concern themselves with the hunt for the Tag Team Titles. There will always be jobbers who 'pose' as if they are in the WWE for any reason and lose to other Superstars who are really getting pushed OR those 'jobbers' will just get phased out and let go. This is a process that has gone on for years but I think the WWE would be more helped than hindered if they re-asserted the undeniably importance of the WWE Championship over any other title but allow the other titles to have their own importance by showing certain Superstars who desire to obtain them.
I wouldn't combine any titles but break up the tag titles again with the sudden emergence of teams. I believe there is around 50-60 male superstars on the roster, so that breaks down to about ten wrestlers per title. The biggest thing is that between all the shows the titles each need story lines and air time with RAW showing clips of what is going on in each show.
The WWE should just bring back the Lightheavyweight and CW Titles.

XPAC is a free agent. Have some one take the title off Hornswoggle and start defending the belt again.

The WWE has a ton of high flying talent.

Sin Cara, Brad Maddox, Epico, Primo, Hunico, Tyson Kidd, Justin Gaberial, Evan Bourne, Tatsu, etc.
I was going to start a thread along similar lines but decided not to when I found this because I always get an infraction whenever I start one that slightly relates back for something else.
I started one once to do with whether or not a certain wrestlers actual physical appearance added to his popularity or not and got raped by the admin. I think it was that brain guy from memory.

So I'll just let my opinion known here.
A Junior or up and commer type belt isn't a bad idea but I think it's something that belongs more in a smaller company like TNA.

As for WWE I wish they would just have a lightweight world championship because we'd get to see the small guys wrestle against each other more.

The smaller wrestlers are extremely athletic and can do heaps of moves, but not against anyone much bigger than them. Small against small makes for better matches.
Remember how good the wcw cruiserweight matches were? thats what I want to see in WWE. Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, Tyson kidd even Daniel Bryan would be more entertaining in the ring at least if they had their own division.

I actually felt embarrassed to see smaller guys like Mysterio and Bryan as heavyweight champion and thought it was just too unrealistic that they could beat normal to big sized guys.
Maybe after their years of work they deserved a spot at the top but in my opinion there's no shame in being the best in your weight class. They'd get more respect if they could just have the chance to be.
A light weight world champion is still a world champion and being in the wwe just gives it more credibility.
The WWE should just bring back the Lightheavyweight and CW Titles.

XPAC is a free agent. Have some one take the title off Hornswoggle and start defending the belt again.

The WWE has a ton of high flying talent.

Sin Cara, Brad Maddox, Epico, Primo, Hunico, Tyson Kidd, Justin Gaberial, Evan Bourne, Tatsu, etc.

WWE should only bring back ONE of those belts. I would prefer the Light Heavyweight Title as I feel that WWE should retire all of the WCW leftovers.

Hornswoggle isn't a factor. He was stripped of the belt on screen.

All of those talents would be good for the belt, but there are also som non-high flyers that I'd like to see in the mix as well, like Zack Ryder.

And I'd like for them to let uppercarders go after the belt every now and then. It would be nice if someone like The Miz, Cody Rhodes or Dolph Ziggler won the Light Heavyweight Title and carried it around as if it were a World Title.

Imo, the perfect championship line-up would be.

  • WWE Championship - For the absolute top guys
  • Intercontinental Championship - For the upper midcarders on the cusp of breaking through to the main event, or for main eventers stepping out of the World Title picture
  • European Championship (or a newly created Television Title) - For the pure midcarders who won't be in a high profile angle any time soon.
  • Light Heavyweight Championship - For everyone under 225 lbs regardless of their current position on the card
  • Hardcore Championship (or PG-styled equivalent) - All matches for this title are No-DQ, and Falls Count Anywhere. Available to wrestlers on all levels of the card.
I really don't think that a new title is needed.

I don't know if it would work because as far as I know NXT is only shown in Florida in the US. It's on SkySports over in the UK.

Anyway, I'd like to see the NXT title defended on Raw Smackdown on Main Event from time to time. It'll give the title some credibility and will give the younger guys more exposure to an audience.

Then at a PPV the title can be defended in the Pre-show.
would the WWE benefit from having something like the old WCW television title, being defended every raw?

i didn't mind the 24/7 hardcore title, but these would be actual matches.

i'm a big fan of organic feuds, and i'd perfer to see wrestlers fighting for "gold" etc, rather than some storyline.

sometimes two characters just don't fit together storyline wise, and that shouldn't stop them from fighting. ie, no "creative has nothing."
they have 4 titles (IC, US, Tag and Diva's) that could be defended every taping already but they don't why would adding another one be any different. Back in the day of the Hardcore title they had an abundance of talent on the roster and had to go for broke just to stay above water, that was different they were forced to pull out all the stops

I agree with the sometimes people just need to fight for no reason, which they already do to an extent, but never for a title.
I'd love to see a WWE Television Title. I personally think the WWE needs to restructure its title heirarchy. The number of belts is perfect, but they need to make it clearer who each belt is for. They have two "world titles" yet one is treated as more prestigious than the other. And they have two midcard belts that are supposed to be equal in kayfabe, yet one is given to bigger names than the other.

They need to get rid of the World Heavyweight and United States Titel and create the Television Title.

The title heirarchy should be:

  • WWE Title = For the top tier talent in the company.
  • Intercontinental Title = For the midcard guys with big potential to be main eventers. Also, for the big name guys that can't fit in the World Title picture that WWE still likes to pretend are main eventers (i.e. Miz, Wade Barrett, etc).
  • Television Title = For the pure midcarders that are strictly midcard and WWE doesn't try to present them otherwise (i.e. guys like Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, or Damien Sandow, all the way down to guys like Yoshi Tatsu). The TV title would have the biggest pool of contenders.
i'd love to see some stipulation where as, if you were to retain your title for a month, ie 4 wins, you get a title shot at the next tier title.

as stated, yeah random guys fight random guys, but you know the match is meaningless.

it's extra booking, but the matches mean something, and the nature of the title means it would be changing hands regularly, keeping more wrestlers relevant and basis for starting feuds.
I'd love to see to see the titles WWE already has being defended more regularly and meaningful feuds for them. Lets face Casero has a reign of around 225 days as United States Champion and only 2 feuds of any kind during this time one with R-Truth before he got injured and one with Miz which kinda sucked.

The IC champion Wade Barrett since winning the title late last year after a feud with Kofi Kingston has been basically throw into a mania match with Miz quite randomly after feuding with Bo Dallas from NXT for 2 weeks after the royal rumble.

So I for one would rather have the WWE use it's current singles titles and create decent and fresh feuds for the champions it already has instead of creating a title it doesn't need and would neglect after 2 months.
I would love to see a Television title of sorts in the WWE. Have it defended at least on either Raw or SmackDown once a week alternating between shows each week. Plus defending it on Main Event from time to time wouldn't hurt either. However I feel that for something like this to work, they would have to unify the IC and US titles to accomodate the TV title as the secondary mid-card title.
they have 4 titles (IC, US, Tag and Diva's) that could be defended every taping already but they don't why would adding another one be any different. Back in the day of the Hardcore title they had an abundance of talent on the roster and had to go for broke just to stay above water, that was different they were forced to pull out all the stops

I agree with the sometimes people just need to fight for no reason, which they already do to an extent, but never for a title.

End of discussion right there.

There's absolutely no reason for WWE to add any titles. They can't book the ones they have. And it seems like a few of you are caught up on semantics. It doesn't matter if a belt is called the "Television Championship" or the "United States Championship." What good would this hypothetical belt really do anyone? WWE doesn't need a stepping stone to get to a midcard title, and if the TV title is defended weekly in time limit stipulated matches (like in WCW), then it'll actually get more exposure and seem more prestigious than the midcard titles. Also, as GameOver pointed out, Superstars already fight for no reason.

To answer the OP's question- no, the WWE would probably not benefit from having something like the old WCW Television Title. All belts are macguffins for guys to have matches, it doesn't matter what they are called. This is 2013, and there's no need to dredge up old belts.
I've been a proponent for awhile now to just get rid of the US and IC titles because they mean so little and the holders get very little rub from them. I'd like to see the US and IC titles changed to Raw and Smackdown television titles and only have one WWE champion who defends his championship on ppvs.
WWE maybe should consider switching the Television title with the US title or the Hardcore title but it's very unlikely that they will because the Television title is associated with TNA and they don't want to seem like they are picking up on their ideas and the Hardcore title was given to Mick Foley when he 'retired' years back so it's unlikely they will ever bring it back.

What "Championships WWE should consider" is not so much what different championships they should consider but consider the championships they have MORE.

First, they need to merge WWE and World Heavyweight Championship while simultaneously building up the IC title to be the 'undisputed' 2nd most prestigious title in the company and then that will make the US title clearly the 3rd best ... BUT, that doesn't mean it should be treated well.

The way they should try and separate and focus the Superstars is:

- WWE Title: For the top tier talents

- Intercontinental Title: For Superstars on the cusp of being top level talent or some former top level guys taking a break/veterans of the ring (I don't mean "Legends Contract" guys)

- US Title: Without trying to lose its prestige this title should be the one to use to 'try out' certain stars to see how the crowd reacts to them, Antonio Cesaro is a pretty good example but they have slowed down the number of feuds for the title he is in, which is what takes away from the title prestige.

- Tag Team Titles: Don't forget these. This is for tag teams but there are a few 'trio' teams like The Shield and 3MB who could consider using the Freebird rule and compete for this title to give most everyone on the roster a goal to at least appear to be after.
I'm of the mind that there are way too many championships in WWE already, but I do think a title that is defended every single week would be great for the product. Maybe it's about time they got rid of the US title, and replaced it with a WWE Television Championship, or just changed the rules of an already existing belt. Maybe Vince or Triple H decides they really don't like Antonio Cesaro, and forces him to defend the title every single week, or give it up.

TNA tried this with the TV title for about two months, and it was the only time I ever had any interest in the belt. I have no doubt WWE could do the same sort of idea, and do a much better job with it, simply because of the state of their roster. There are so many guys no being used that could pop up for a week to try their luck at the title. Not only would it create a buzz and provide fresh faces to the midcard on a weekly basis, it would get the champion over in a big way. Forcing Cesaro on TV in title matches every week would be great for his character. Same thing could be said for Wade Barrett.

The thing they risk doing is burning through talent, and within a few months having the same matches being done over and over again. Having the title change hands can fix that, but the other risk they run is never being able to do a real feud or program with the champ busy defending the belt every single week. I'm sure if creative was clever enough they could make it work, but I haven't seen a ton out of them in recent years to believe it will.

What are your thoughts on the weekly defended championship idea? Could WWE pull it off? Would it be good or bad for the product? What kind of matches would you like to see in the first few months?

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