MD61: Sean Cruz vs. Jack Skinner vs. S.H.I.T - Mayhem Contender's Match

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Becky Serra arrives at the Hot Body Tanning Salon for her scheduled interview with Jack Skinner. After checking with the front counter, she finds the bed he is in, and taps softly on the lid.

Becky Serra: Jack? It's time for our interview.

Jack slowly lifts the lid, and pokes his head out. Upon seeing Becky, he assumes a Playgirl-inspired pose, resting his head on his hand, and propping one leg up, directing his groin at her.

Jack Skinner: Becky? Why are you here? I thought I told the powers that be, that Leon is to do all my interviews. He's my buddy! Oh! I got it! You couldn't resist the temptation of seeing me. It's all good. I'm used to it.

I've been hit on by practically every guy on the roster. Not you. Please, not you. They sent me, because they want to see if you can "branch out". You keep close to Leon, and you've established yourself a comfort zone. Do yourself, and me, a favor, and "branch out", by being different from the rest of the guys.

OK, OK. I apologize. I can be a perfect gentleman. I'm just used to the rich playboy lifestyle.

Jack finally gets out of the tanning bed, and starts getting dressed.

That's fine. I'd rather not do the interview here. I didn't realize where it was set for, until I got here. I was only given an address.

How about Panera Bread? Purely professional, scout's honor.

You better keep it professional, or I will walk out, and you can kiss your chances of winning goodbye.

Jack and Becky leave in separate vehicles, and make the short drive to the local Panera Bread.

********** ********** **********

Jack and Becky both sit, order their drinks, and quickly start the interview.

Now, Jack...

Before you start...Something you said, before we left the tanning salon, caught my ear.

What's that?

"You can kiss you chance of winning goodbye"...As if this match is something I'm not expecting. Like you know something I don't know. I'm a reporter, Becky. We're both the same animal. You know we don't deal well with not knowing the facts.

And they told me you weren't as quick on the draw, as the other guys. Seems like you're learning something...finally.

I'll admit, it's a little different than I thought it'd be. These guys have a bit more skill than I would've thought, and this business is rougher than it looks from the sidelines. I still think, nay knowI can pull it off. I'm here, so I might as well make the most of it. Who knows? I may be the one to end that record reign of Ty's.

Becky lets out an audible chuckle, but gathers herself without embarassing Jack.

Rumor has it, you've been taking some official lessons. Learning the ropes, so to speak. That true?

I may, or may not, have stopped at the gym a time or two. No big.

If you take the business, and yourself, a bit more seriously, you could be a legit guy around here, and not some curtain-jerker the crowd loves to hate.

Jack pauses, visibly hurt by Becky's words. He thinks for a second, and gets back to the topic at hand.

C'mon, Becky. What's the deal? This match I have coming up. Who's it against? i'll admit I've been a bit lazy, since Leon usually opens up with all that info.

Sean Cruz, a former tag wrestler looking for his place in WZCW, much like yourself, and S.H.I.T., a supposed wrestling robot. He's a bit of an oddball.

I'm wrestling a dancer, and a robot? Why don't they just team up? They'd certainly have a great gimmick.

Laugh now. Laugh all you want. Sean Cruz just recently faced Titus, and earned a handshake. S.H.I.T. has been impressive, or as impressive as you'd expect.

I'm not scared, Becky. It's about time I pick up my first win around here.

As Jack raises his water for a sip, Becky breaks the news.

Um, Jack...This is a Mayhem Contender's Match.

Jack spittakes all over a passing waiter, and chokes on the idea of competing in a Mayhem match.

Next time you have news like that to give me, wait for me to swallow, OK?

I told you they want to see you branch out. They want to know if you're taking this seriously, or just here to collect a paycheck. Well, what is it?

I'm really trying to put the effort in, but a Mayhem match? That's ludicrous. I'm not made for that. I'm too pretty. What if blood gets on my clothes?

Sometimes, you have to deal with a little dirt, to move up in the world. You know this. Like you said earlier, we're both reporters. I've been through the muck of freelancing. You've made a name for yourself. Do it again, or go home, and save yourself.

Go home? I can't do that. If I leave now, and don't follow through on my contract, I'll never get another writing job. Looks like I better hit the gym. Sorry, Becky, but I've got to go.

Jack tosses down his napkin and hurries off.
The man stumbles through the back alley, it’s dark and foggy and as a result he trips on a bin bag, falls spectacularly face first into a puddle, he lets out a groan and tries to pull himself back to his feet, eventually he gives up content to lie there and let sleep take him.

Another figure makes his way out of the gloom, the fallen man doesn’t even look up as he starts to chuckle.

Come for me at last haff you?

The other man kneels down close to him

Gustav Gustavsson

The man now known as Gustav finally does look up

You are knowing it is me, houndink me through ze streets, not a moments rest for Gustav, oh no, a boxer loses a fight, rich men lose zere moneys and everybody iss gunning for Gustav. Yess, I admit it, I told him to throw ze fight, we are both richer because of it, but you people have made my life HELL!

Gustav stands up and starts pulling at the bottom of his trousers, he does this for some time.

You vant to smash my kneecaps or vatever it is you are doink? HERE! I’ll make it easier for you.

He gives up with this method and attacks the belt buckle instead, this method is more successful and soon his trousers are round his ankles.

Zere, do your worst

The other man steps forward, Gustav flinches and closes his eyes but stands his ground. The other man extends his hand with a small card in it.

Gustav Gustavsson, agent and trainer to Champion prize fighters, have you ever considered a career change?

Gustav opens his eyes and looks at the card, the other man gestures he should take it. He does so.

S.H.I.T Industries? I haff never heard of you

The other man smiles.

There is something ridiculous about you

Gustav looks down, his trousers round his ankles, pink boxer shorts on display.

Your accent is wildly inconsistent

With that said the man turns and leaves. Gustav stands in the alleyway for a while longer.

What a day


The office was quiet, Gustav liked this, for the first time in days he felt well rested. Clean shaven and washed he was feeling more like his old self, the office was spacious, decorated with light colours to make it appear more so, the furniture was sparse, his chair, his desk, another chair in front of the desk and a plant in the corner which he was pretty sure is plastic.

He’d received two notes since setting up his office here, the notes seemed to be the only contact with management. The first one was a profile, a profile of what seemed to be a robot, which was strange enough, the second had come two days later, it simply said “make it a champion”.

A knock at the door, Gustav looks up from behind his desk and breathes in deeply.


The door opens, two burly men in security uniforms escort the “thing” into his office, Gustav raises an eyebrow. Without instruction the two men turn and leave, leaving Gustav alone with the robot, a long silence follows, Gustav seeming keen to wait it out, make it act human. No such luck.

So, you are S.H.I.T correct?


You are built to wrestle?


And now you are booked to contend for ze Mayhem Title in a triple threat match?


Haff you learnt about your opponents?


Describe Jack Skinner to me


Gustav sighs

Anything else?



Very Narcissistic

Right, and vat about Sean Cruz?

Feminine playboy millionaire

Not the kind of people you’d expect to be competing for a Mayhem Title Shot


Zis could be zere strength and veakness S.H.I.T, viz ze champion you know what your goink to get, but he vill come at you hard. Zese two could be out of there depth, advantage S.H.I.T, or zey could take to it like a duck is taking to water, in vich case you must be prepared. No mercy in zis kind off environment S.H.I.T.

You must seek to destroy zese men, zere is nothink personal in it, I might go for a fine German beer with Mr Cruz or even Mr Skinner afterwards, you can come too if you so wish. But in ze ring, no mercy, use every veapon you can. Understand?


Goot, now, lets go, ve haff vork to do. You must be prepared.

With this the man and robot exist the office.​
Titus: You've earned your place here, youngster. Apply the lessons I have taught you and you will go very far. I'll be watching you closely....

Weeks after his clash with Titus, these words still run rampant in Sean's mind. It's been a very eventful couple of months for the up and coming superstar. He's been seperated from his teammate and forced to go it alone for an undetermined amount of time. He's also been scouted by Titus, a man steeped in legends among the WZCW fans and performers. This week Sean has finally been giving a reward of sorts for his effort and talent; a match in which the prize is a shot at the Mayhem Title. Cruz, known as a man who is easily rattled, takes some time out to meditate among the waves of his favorite beach, and gather himself for the upcoming match.

Sean: Why was he watching me of all people? My win loss record is nothing to take notice of. And without Armando here, I'm pretty much a lame duck. No one's ever gonna take me seriously alone...

Sean nervously fiddles with his necklace as an unfamiliar young woman approaches him. In stark contrast to our melancholy protagonist, she carries herself with the kind of confidence and bravado Sean can only dream of.

???: Excuse me, aren't you Sean Cruz, the boy that wrestled Titus a few weeks ago?

Sean: Yeah that's me.(Oh great, now I'm known for losing.)

???:Oh my god, it's really you! I just love your entrance music! And you're not too bad in the ring either! Oh, where are my manners? My names Nikki Almark!

Sean: Hi, Nikki. I'm glad someone's a fan.

Nikki: Are you kidding! My friends and I tune in to watch you all the time! I even have your entrance music as my ring tone!

Sean: That's pretty cool. I appreciate the support.

Sean gives a sincere smile that hides more negative emotions. Nikki picks up on his sadness and takes it upon herself to be a part of the solution.

Nikki: Are you okay, Sean?

Sean: I'm all right. You don't have to worry about me. ^_^

Nikki: You don't have to put on a brave face. I can tell something's bugging you.

Sean: It's just that... I really miss my old tag team partner you know? When I was teaming with him, I was confident, I was brash, I felt invincible. Now I'm just worried about getting through my next match unharmed.

Nikki: But you're the Billionaire Playboy! You're supposed to be the picture of charisma.

Sean: I know I am, but without the support of friends I become unsure of myself. I start to doubt every move I make. That's why I come out here, to try and reclaim what's left of me so I can continue to compete. I don't really have anyone left.

Nikki: Well, consider yourself fortunate, island boy, because now you have me! I'm gonna stick by your side no matter what!

Sean: Are you sure? I assure you I'm not very fun to be around sometimes...

Nikki: Would you cut it out with the sad sack routine!? Nothing's ever gonna get better if you don't believe it will. Now I say we get you out of here and into the gym! You're scheduled to compete in a Mayhem Contender's Match and you're gonna need skin like armor to tough it out, okay?

Sean: But, what do you know about training for a wrestling match?

Nikki: I don't know anything, but as long as we've got the right idea, it should be no problem!!!

As Sean is being dragged away from his pensive meditation, he begins to wonder if Nikki's sudden appearance is a sign of some sort. Thinking nothing else of it, he indulges in here training believing he had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Just hours before the match, the spitfire Nikki Almark gives Sean a gentle massage and pep talk. The Sean we see before is not the same young man we left out on the beach. He seems to have a new glow, an air of confidence not seen in him since his days as a founding member of the Paradyse Cruz.

Nikki: Now remember, this match is critical to your future as a key member of this roster. Go out there and give it your all.

Sean: To be honest, Nikki, I'm happy just going out there and giving the fans a good show.

Nikki: Your modesty is starting to disgust me.

Sean: :O

Nikki: You know, it's possible to please the fans and pick up some sweet title belt along the way right? You need to stop being so soft and start taking these guys down! You wanna get to the top? You wanna be a mainstay on this roster? Then you gotta step on a few people first. And tonight, you're gonna step on a guy who thinks he's a robot, and some cocky enthusiast with a blogspot account. You're my odds on favorite to win this, but you've gotta want it, Seanie!

Sean: Nikki, you've rekindled a fire long lost within my weary heart. I'm going to go out here and win this. And the next! I'll keep winning all the way to the top! I can stick around here and wait for Armando to return. Whether I like it or not, I'm on my own now. No, I have you in my corner, giving me that push in the right direction. I'm gonna take these guys down, and I'm gonna look good doin' it!

As Sean delivers one of his signature poses in a show of confidence and bravery, lovers and fighters across the globe ponder his fate and future given his newfound sense of purpose. But who exactly is Nikki Almark, and where has she obtained all of this knowledge about Cruz as well as other members of the WZCW roster? And just what does she have to gain in aiding the young upstart Cruz? It looks like these questions can't be answered in the ring alone...
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