Matt Hardy's ROH Anti-Bullying Message

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop

The best thing Matt Hardy has done since Version 1.

Like most of you I was real sick of Matt Hardy around the time of his public breakdown and schemes to gain attention to feel relevant once WWE and TNA had fired him. He was annoying, extremely arrogant, did a lot of stupid stuff (helping Jeff shoot on CM Punk, the grape eating video, didn't he do one alluding to suicide? I forget but there were others) and more-or-less destroyed any shred of credibility he once had.

At the end of 2012 ROH announced they were bringing Matt Hardy back. He returned at an iPPV and entered an angle with Adam Cole, initially playing a tweener but then he went full out heel and embraced the literal hatred any ROH crowd has for him - if heat is what determines how successful you are as a bad guy in wrestling then Matt is at the very top, he gets booed out of the buildings.

And now, Matt Hardy has officially won me back. This video is an example that the guy finally has his mind together and knows how to work the hatred surrounding him. I know most will probably still say the same shit, "lulz, Fatt Hardy" despite the majority of people who say it not exactly being the premiere image of health and fitness, but this promo is engenious, the idea is probably Delirious' as Matt credits him for how hes being booked but his performance of the part is to a tee entertaining.

And the best part is, they are playing a piano senti-version of his Monster Magnet theme!


*opens arms* Come here you fat sack, give your old fan a hug!
I don't know whats funnier. His toys in the background, the piano cover of his WWE theme, or the fact the promo is good because he didn't say anything.
Couldn't make it through a minute of this video.

1) The ROH fan base is right

2) I think him being fat is due to a problem he has with his intestines, so I don't poke fun at that.

3) Calling yourself an icon when you've never sniffed a main event run in any promotion is ironic and hilarious.

4) His woman doesn't respect the business and Matt doesn't teach her any better, which makes him as bad as she is.

5) The rest of that sentence is "Matt Hardy will not die.... before Jeff."
I don't mind Matt Hardy at all. I was a HUGE Hardy Boyz fan back in the day when I was at school. Everyone loved Austin or Rock and I got laughed at for The Hardys being my favourite wrestlers, so I have always got time for Matt.

Good to see he is healthier now, it was depressing to see both of their lives go down the shit pan

And yeah, that video is the best thing he has done in ages
3) Calling yourself an icon when you've never sniffed a main event run in any promotion is ironic and hilarious.

It's to work crowds and it obviously works.

4) His woman doesn't respect the business and Matt doesn't teach her any better, which makes him as bad as she is.

I don't get what your trying to say. Shes had a couple run ins with some performers but then again, who hasn't in the wrestling business? Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose talks about her in his shoot and says she was just fine, she actually has a clue about wrestling.
Plus what he says in his promos are right - find one wrestling fan present, past, now or whenever who doesn't know the name Matt Hardy for better or wose?

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