Making a name in the Forums...

The Big Gunnzbowski

Damas y Caballeros...
I read about people talking about newbies spending less time in the Spam Zones and putting more effort into the Non Spam Sections...

I don't think you veterans realize that you make this place so appealing.

I make it a point to post a few times a day, if possible, in the non-spam zones, but fuck... You guys are hilarious in here. It's like a bunch of disorganized fucking football hooligans... until you taste blood. You guys make this place fucking awesome... so thank you.

Oh, and fuck all of you people who try to make a name for yourselves by being douchenozzles. Watch and learn... these guys can teach you how to survive in here.
I don't think I ever told you, but It was a pleasure to debate with you in the first 3-way of the DL. I think me and you should team up on Mitch next year. :rolleyes:
I think posters can make it even if they stick to the Spam section. Look at Magnum. No seriously look at him. He's done fine, and he has no significant words in non-spam, or not any I could be arsed to read.

Proud of ya kid!
DirtyJosé;3836558 said:
When people say "go to non-spam first", it's code for "you aren't Serious Jones or SNS".


Best possible way to get people to respect you round here - post non spam until people start telling you to post in the bar, then dazzle them with your brilliance.

I speak from experience, of course.
I was in the Bar on day one. These people don't know what they're talking about.
See, I have been in the bar room since day one as well... I was fortunate enough to fall into the good graces of people like KB, FTS, NorCal, IC25, CM, and those guys...

I think it's all about how you present yourself, accepting that you're not going to get everybody to like you, and have to be willing to take shit from people. If there's any advice that I can offer to new posters, it's lighten the fuck up. Don't be a fucking moron and don't intentionally fucking piss people off.
I haven't really made a name for myself but I haven't pissed anyone off so I count that as a moral victory in itself
I was in the bar room after a week or so, after I sent Crock what he called an epic PM. I pissed a few people off initially but it faded away after a couple of weeks. To my knowledge only one poster still holds his dislike for me, most know who that is.
Personally, I don't care if a newbie goes spam or non-spam, as long as they have something worthwhile to say. You get my respect from quality posts, not because you think you have to swing your tiny dick around in the bar room trying to impress the big dogs by calling them weak ass insults. Doesn't mean they can't go into the bar room, but you can participate without being a fucking douchebag to everyone trying to be a pitbull, when in reality, you are just a little chihuahua. Don't be a little chihuahua pretending to be a pitbull. You might get to be a pitbull someday, but today is not that day.

Like Johnny Gunnz wrote, don't be a fucking moron and don't intentionally fucking piss people off.

Best possible way to get people to respect you round here - post non spam until people start telling you to post in the bar, then dazzle them with your brilliance.

I speak from experience, of course.

What Harthan said here. Seriously, in the 2 or 3 years I've been here, after a few weeks, nobody noticed I had left the Music section (where I initially set up camp).
You want to get known here? Forget about any hard and fast rule like "stay out of the bar room". Just be good at what you do. If you're shit, you'll be shat on or ignored wherever you post.
I told myself I wouldn't come back into the Bar Room for awhile, but I decided this is worth it.

I agree you should have to really make a name for yourself in the non spam areas before posting in mostly spam sections. When I first joined I as being a huge tool, no doubt. Since then, I decided to "Straighten myself out" by posting in the WWE section a lot more.

I don't think I'll come back into the Bar Room until I get a good bit of Non Spam posts, and a good Rep Power.
I feel like the spam sections have much more interesting topics and discussion which is why I almost entirely stay out of the non-spam sections. The WWE section is horrible, but I like to take a look or two into General Wrestling or Old School from time to time. The other ones... meh, I don't really care.

To me making a name isn't important so I don't look where a post will gain most rep and keep silent if I'm not all that interested. I mean, does a green box or two really make you that more happy?

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