Make A Wrestlemania Card With Posters As Participants

Money in the Bank for the shot at cashing in to win modship:

Triple Naitch vs FunKay vs Theo vs The Crock vs Uncle Sam vs Hulk Hogan

Should be an easy match to book. Hulk cannot climb the ladder but he loves wrestling, BROTHER!, so he'll keep hulking up while circling the ladder. Naitch will get an erotic text message from his girlfriend and leave. Funkay will leave too because the comic book store has announced a discount. Sam is not too interested in the match but he will see that one of the commentators is plugging Chris Jericho's new book and so he'll just beat them up for the fun of it.

That leaves Crock and Theo. Both climb up the ladder and Crock will bring out a pair of really big scissors and threaten Theo that he will cut off his beard if he goes for the case. Theo will back out and it looks like Crock's plan is working when Doc will come out through the crowd. Crock gets angry and will try to do a crossbody on Doc from the top of the ladder only to end up crashing down on the mat. Then Doc will say that he had just come out to say sorry for his past behaviour and that he is over all that now.

So in the end Theo wins.

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