Main Roster: Tye Dillinger


Dark Match Jobber
Like many, I find myself enjoying NXT more than Raw or Smackdown more times than not. One of my favorite reasons to tune in is to see the "Perfect 10" Tye Dillinger. The past few weeks we have seen him in matches with Aries and Nakamura and both of which he received a great crowd reaction. The gimmick certainly seems to be getting over and Dillinger seems to be having fun himself. My question is, will the "Perfect 10" ever make it to the main roster? Will he ever amount to any form of "success" in NXT? If he does make it to the main roster, will he be anything more than a guy used to put others over?
Not at the rate he's being booked. If WWE wants to make him matter, and they should because he's damn good, then they need to start putting him over. He needs to build up huge wins and walk out of NXT with some serious steam. Otherwise he'll end up worse than Tyler Breeze.
If he's called up today, he'll go alongside Tyler Breeze and the Ascension in Jobber Town within weeks. And I wouldn't mind, because that's all he's been presented as in NXT anyway.

I like Tye, but I have little desire to see him at the top of the card. He's a fine wrestler, but others are better. He's entertaining, but others are more so. I enjoy him as the goofy, mid/low-level jobber to the stars. There's nothing wrong with that spot, especially when the fans are actually invested with your squashes the way the NXT audience is.

If Dillinger can't climb the ladder within the relative safety of NXT, there's no way he'd get very high on the more competitive and volatile main roster.
I went to learn more about Tye before posting to this thread. I'm shocked to discover that Dillinger is/was Gavin Spears. He had an uneventful run as part of the 2006 ECW revival. So in a way, Dillinger was a part of the main roster, where he ultimately failed and was released.

It's fair to note that ECW was a C brand, and NXT is essentially ECW and FCW rolled into one, so his main roster status is debatable at best.

The Perfect 10 gimmick has been a lot of fun. The promos reminds me a bit of Scott Steiner's match outcome math promos, though a bit more logical and with less roids.

He's not the first one to use perfection as part of a gimmick. Curt Hennig obviously, Shawn Stasiak also did it in WCW. The thing that troubles me is Tye has basically been booked as being anything other than perfect.

Gavin Spears did nothing but lose, so too has Tye Dillinger. His gimmick is fun, but are the NXT fans responding to it the way they are because it's NXT? These are the same people No Way Jose is getting over with right now mind you.

Tyler Breeze won a lot of matches in NXT, he lost the biggest ones, but won a lot nonetheless. Dillinger has mostly lost his small and big matches. You have to wonder if a move to Raw or Smackdown would really do anything for him other than lying down for the main roster.

Another factor to consider is age. Styles, Aries, Nakamura, Joe, Anderson, Gallows, and likely soon others are all debuting north of 35. The difference here is all those names bring their own brands and most are former world champions. Tye Dillinger is essentially on the wrong side of 30 to be still figuring out a gimmick and a brand. Age is irrelevant, if the best performer is over 30 then he's still the best performer. It's just not a great position to be establishing yourself at that age.

I'm a Tye Dillinger fan, but I'm also a staunch realist. What is over huge in NXT isn't necessarily going to translate into main roster success. It would be a different story for him if he was never released in 2009, and now time may have passed him by. I have no doubt he'll be a decent midcard hand, but that place might be best in NXT.
We've seen a few come up to the main roster and it hasn't gone well, I would hope Dillinger's run will be different. I like his gimmick, but really have no idea how it will play out on the main roster.

Look at Breeze, very gifted athletic but his gimmick has sort of bombed, would hate to see that happen to Dillinger. This is why I think sometimes NXT should hold matches on the main roster, so these guys aren't just thrust out there and no one knows who they are.

Especially with the brand split coming it might open more time to preview an NXT match here and there, gives them the experience of going in front of a huge crowd who won't give them the reaction they are used too. Also it gives casual fans who might not watch NXT a glimpse of who and what they can expect to see in the future.

He's on NXT. If you watched it you would know who he is. He calls himself the Perfect 10 and his motto is "His existence exudes perfection while simultaneously looking down on those who walk hand-in-hand with mediocrity." or something like that.

He's got a good look but don't know if the gimmick will translate over if and when he moves up. I think Breeze kind of already uses part of it, Ziggler too with his Showoff stuff.
Tye Dillinger is one of those guys who'll never move up from NXT, not because he sucks or anything, but because he's usually the guy who works with the rookies the most. Part of his job seems to be getting the new signees or developmental guys comfortable before WWE actually starts doing something with them. He's also somewhat of a locker room leader and it's not like he's 25 years old. Plus, his gimmick probably won't translate very well with the main roster crowd, that's just a hunch though. I think WWE gets a lot more out of Dillinger by having him on NXT and they likely know that.

He was also a jobber before he became the Perfect 10 and even with the new gimmick he's still a glorified jobber. I love Tye Diliinger and for that reason I would like him to stay in NXT. I highly doubt he gets treated with any sort of respect on the main roster considering his position on the card.

I do remember Owens mentioning him as somebody that doesn't get near enough credit, and I would agree with that. The guy is a very solid hand who really seems to get the short end of the stick, and it would be cool to see him achieve something on the main roster but it won't happen. Vince or Trips or whoever seems to have a pretty set opinion on Tye, I don't see it changing anytime soon.
I don't see it happening. There are better wrestlers in NXT, male or female, who should be brought up instead. Dillinger has spent almost 3 years in NXT without really making much of an impact or generating any real buzz. He's over with the NXT crowd but, then again, so were the Ascension and there's just nothing all that special about him. The guy's a 35 year old nobody who hasn't made a dent of impact in the pro wrestling business.
He's on NXT. If you watched it you would know who he is. He calls himself the Perfect 10 and his motto is "His existence exudes perfection while simultaneously looking down on those who walk hand-in-hand with mediocrity." or something like that.

He's got a good look but don't know if the gimmick will translate over if and when he moves up. I think Breeze kind of already uses part of it, Ziggler too with his Showoff stuff.

I don't watch NXT. I have ZERO (O) interest in that product. His gimmick sounds lame and cliqued, I see why he's a NXT jobber.

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