Main Event Mafia a bad idea??

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Pre-Show Stalwart
now i like the idea of the main event mafia and i liked how they started out but now its not as good as it was. i mean y is somoa joe in the mafia. y isn't he doing his own program with taz as his advisor. and y is everything about the mafia. the british invasion and kyoshi and bashir and eric young basically did the mafia's dirty work last week. (quick side note how do you have a british group, an arabian, and a japanese together. just because they r heels doesnt mean they have to join forces or like eachother). then they had a battle royal to find their mafia knockout. everything in tna should not revolve aroung the mafia. and think if the mafia had not been started. think of the matches we could have. angle vs booker, booker vs joe, angle vs joe, sting vs booker. i would cut steiner and nash because they r too dam old to wrestle.

the mafia has taken over tna too much. i mean they hold everytitle. isn't that a step down for them. all former world champs and only one of them now holds a world title, the rest r stuck in tagteam and lower level titles. and since when does having a title give you control of the company. they r getting "TNA management" too involved in this story line.

now i like the idea of the main event mafia and i liked how they started out but now its not as good as it was.
Really, what has changed that drastically?

i mean y is somoa joe in the mafia. y isn't he doing his own program with taz as his advisor. and y is everything about the mafia.
They are the top heels, and really they're the top main eventers. Noone can elisit the reaction that they get.
everything in tna should not revolve aroung the mafia. and think if the mafia had not been started. think of the matches we could have. angle vs booker, booker vs joe, angle vs joe, sting vs booker. i would cut steiner and nash because they r too dam old to wrestle.
It should when they're consistent, the top players, and garner the most attention. And, each member can get involved in a seperate program, iv'e seen it done numerous times. Just becasue they're in a stable doesn't mean a wrestler from that stable can not soley feud someone.
the mafia has taken over tna too much. i mean they hold everytitle. isn't that a step down for them. all former world champs and only one of them now holds a world title, the rest r stuck in tagteam and lower level titles. and since when does having a title give you control of the company. they r getting "TNA management" too involved in this story line.
Again, they're currently the top dogs, so it's deserving, otherwise, it'd be different. The storyline is just to add heat.
Of COURSE the Main Event Mafia storyline is a bad idea. It was a bad idea ten years ago when WCW still wouldn't let the NWO die and continued to drag it on long after it had worn out it's welcome. MEM is just yet another version of the NWO, only with a different name.

I'm not saying a main-event stable isn't a good idea. It can be in the right circumstances. But this is not one of them. TNA is still too small for something like the MEM, it instantly cuts the entire main event picture into tiny little pieces. Who's left that isn't involved with MEM? Sting? Foley? Jarrett? This stable has all but killed the entire main event scene of TNA.

They need to kill this angle, and quickly. It isn't working, and I think the buy rates for Slammiversary show that.
yeah,tna is small,and there is hardly anyone on the roster.perhaps screw legends championship,have suicide,daniels,sheley,sabin, lashley in the frontline,the beatiful people(yumm,exceptbilly gunn)join the mem,etc.

don`t spam me.when will i be able to post threads and pictures
Lol at the angle not working because a bunch of internet marks feel that way. Too bad, the wrestling world doesn't cater to you and too bad fans like you don't represent the majority of wrestling viewers:lmao:

The main event scene is fine and TNA has tons of guys on there roster. You've got AJ, Sting, Jarrett, newly arrived Lashley, you've got the rising Matt Morgan, you've got the return of Hernandez and you've got 2 former world champions on the roster like Rhino and Abyss, 2 guys they can easily bring back up to the main event scene if they wanted to. MEM is good because it frees up space for other stars to be created instead of having guys like Booker, Steiner, and Nash floating on tv by themselves and trying to find a spot.

And lol at people talking about the Slammiversary buyrates which has been confirmed to have been made up.:lmao: Impact's rising viewership proves MEM is doing fine for TNA.
NWO was great when it first started it was a nice small net of people just not caring doing whatever they wanted.. and it just kept going and going and going and was one of the reasons WcW went from the best show to being killed.

If anyone watched TNA in the early days they again tried this with S.E.X (sports entertainment Extreme) it worked again at the start since TNA was new fresh and had tons of talent.. after a while it just became old again and was eventually stopped..

Now TNA has a big net of HUGE superstars and they are trying it once again.. if the mafia caused more trouble and stuff it might be okay.. (loved when they took over the broadcast that one week and booker and i think it was nash was doing commentary). But no they keep growing and its going to end up killing TNA and i enjoy TNA.. This weeks impact was the best its been in a while if you ask me.

Them having every title is just the NWO all over again.. they were pushing that they were all having there first title shots last night.. who do they fight? lets see Nash fights Amazing Red.. who when TNA first started was awesome to watch.. give him an x-division title shot okay.. but against nash? really?.. and then booker and steiner fight those reject security guards.. which i was kinda impressed with at the end of that match till they were cheated out against.. It's going to get old next week they will put nash against like jay lethal (who yes has a win over angel but wont matter here!) and they will not fight real contenders or teams for the tag titles..

Sadly I see the MeM eventually being the downfall of TNA if they keep it in the direction its going now something needs to make it implode soon or TNA wont last another 7 years
It's not so much that I have a problem with the concept of a faction comprised of Main Event wrestlers. What I more so have the problem with is them being given the name "Main Event Mafia". That, in my opinion, is a complete slap in the face to the rest of the roster while putting themselves up on a pedestal while essentially giving the impression that the rest of the roster is beneath them. That essentially subtly tells the audience that everyone not in the MEM is essentially not important.

I am simply not a fan of the words "Main Event" being included in the faction's name.
It's not so much that I have a problem with the concept of a faction comprised of Main Event wrestlers. What I more so have the problem with is them being given the name "Main Event Mafia". That, in my opinion, is a complete slap in the face to the rest of the roster while putting themselves up on a pedestal while essentially giving the impression that the rest of the roster is beneath them. That essentially subtly tells the audience that everyone not in the MEM is essentially not important.

I am simply not a fan of the words "Main Event" being included in the faction's name.

That's the whole point. There arrogant and they're supposed to be better than everybody. Btw, they're heels. You're not supposed to be a fan of anything they do, represent, or stand for.:lmao:
Lol at the angle not working because a bunch of internet marks feel that way.

"Internet marks" (which doesn't make any sense if you actually knew the definition of the word "mark") comprise pretty much all of TNA's audience. Who the hell else is watching TNA besides hardcore wrestling fans? It's not even remotely mainstream, and is never advertised for. The only people who watch the promotion are these "internet marks" you're talking about. So I'd think our opinion would be pretty indicative of the general feeling among TNA fans.

Too bad, the wrestling world doesn't cater to you and too bad fans like you don't represent the majority of wrestling viewers:lmao:

...Who the fuck do you think watches TNA? The majority of TNA fans ARE the exact internet fans that you claim don't matter. Do you actually think casual wrestling fans watch TNA? It's still practically an indy promotion, the only people watching are hardcore wrestling fans.

The main event scene is fine and TNA has tons of guys on there roster. You've got AJ, Sting, Jarrett, newly arrived Lashley, you've got the rising Matt Morgan, you've got the return of Hernandez and you've got 2 former world champions on the roster like Rhino and Abyss, 2 guys they can easily bring back up to the main event scene if they wanted to.

AJ Styles hasn't been used as a main eventer in quite awhile, though I'm a fan and would love to see him in that spot again. Sting wrestles so sporadically at this point that his odds of ever winning a World title again are pretty slim. Jarrett as a main eventer has always been a laughable notion. Lashley will be wrestling part-time at best, and the odds of TNA sticking him into a serious main event spot are slim at best, he won't be in TNA for very long. Matt Morgan still isn't ready. Hernandez I could see, but I think the fans would shit all over it. And Rhino and Abyss can no longer be considered main eventers, considering they've been stuck in the midcard for years now.

The main event scene isn't as great as you think. The majority of the scene is comprised of old, old men at this point on the door of retirement.

MEM is good because it frees up space for other stars to be created instead of having guys like Booker, Steiner, and Nash floating on tv by themselves and trying to find a spot.

I agree with you here. At the very least the MEM makes it so we can keep guys like Nash away from the ring at all costs.

And lol at people talking about buy rights which has been confirmed to have been made up.:lmao: Impact's rising viewership proves MEM is doing fine for TNA.

Even if they have turned out to be false, it's pretty obvious TNA has been on the decline. Impact viewership, contrary to what you've just said, is actually on the decline.

Average Impact Rating January 1st, 2009 - April 9th, 2009: 1.21
Average Impact Rating April 16th, 2009 - July 16th, 2009: 1.17

While it's only a minor decline, it's still a decline. You can't claim they're rising when they aren't.

Besides, what about the buy rate for Against All Odds? 14,000 buys is a disgustingly low amount for any PPV. I for one don't think the buyrate for Slammiversary are as bad as they're being reported (7,000 is unrealisticly low) but I doubt they'll be very high either. I'd venture to say somewhere around 25,000 buys.

TNA is declining, not improving, and I think anyone who's watching the show realizes this. They need to make some serious creative changes if they want to have any hope of competing with an organization like the WWE.
That's the whole point. There arrogant and they're supposed to be better than everybody. Btw, they're heels. You're not supposed to be a fan of anything they do, represent, or stand for.:lmao:

I'm looking at it from the entire product's point of view, with the message it sends to fans about the rest of the roster.

I am not looking at this from a kayfabe standpoint. Your clarification really wasn't needed.:lmao:
Thats the issue, TNA isn't Improving, instead of attempting to bring in bigger named talent maybe they should think about establishing the names of the talent they have, theyve practically turned half the roster heel... have two heel factions already, they are too many face and heel turns going on that reality is becoming more appealing then kayfab.

The fact is TNA needs to get rid of its creative team and start putting together a get out of jail plan and quick otherwise they will end up losing more and more money that they will never even be considered in the WWE's level, yes the WWE screws up but not as big as TNA is screwing up at this point.
i'm tired of so many threads about the MEM, i think its about time the dismantled and kevin nash pissed off, hes to old now a days, maybe even steiner, but at least they may include a decent story for when they are defeated.
Well consider that Jeff Jarrett is sticking his creative dick into every storyline, you gotta figure that this craps only gonna get worse. I say have Jarrett stop bothering the writers and just wrestle. He doesn't have to have creative control. MEM would be awesome if Jarrett had not come up with it.
The MEM will come to an end at bound for glory or sometime before i think. when tna thought of the mafia they didnt expect it to last a year and its just to put there younger guys in the main event by beating the washed up ones on thier way out
The Main Event Maphia is a good idea as long as it doesn't turn into the NWO. The Maphia has dominated for a year now which is good. It gave them time to reach a peak of having all of the championships.

Now give them two months or so and then have them start losing their edge. Have Nash lose his Championship to someone, then have Beer Money have a few tries against Booker and Steiner while losing until they finally get over the hump and win.

To get the young guys over the old guys have to be dominant to the point that they can't be touched. Then make the young guys get better and finally win some major victories causing problems within the group making them slowly fall apart. I believe that to get the effect of getting the young guys over they have to have the Mafia lose while they are at their peak. Then the mafia would have served it's purpose.
Honestly, the MEM is the reason i started watching TNA again. I like the old Legands like Nash, and now Taz as Joe's manager. I do have to say though it needs to be done right. Have em have their run, and then dissolve the faction. Don't have them go NWO and become the herpes of TNA, where it just always seems to come back no matter wha.
this may be really dumb or really funny, but i was thinking that the reason tna is so bad lately is maybe wwe officials have been paying secretly tna writers to make dumb story lines lol??? just an opinion
Im actually enjoying MEM now more then ever. It's refreshed with Tazz and Tracey, although Im not a fan of the Joe Tazz clone shit. My main problem is Nash and Steiner. I love Nash as a personality but in the ring umm no, And Steiner is wrecked as well. I would like some new blood in it like maybe EY should of jumped to MEM insteaf of the what's it called World Elite? Long term it will completely kill the real talent like Shelly/Daniels and others who dont get half of what they deserve. But it's on fire now so leave it be for the time being, Im enjoying it.
They're letting the Mafia dominate right now to set it up for the big fall and the TNA "originals" will come out looking great.

I still say that they'll pull one more swerve and have Joe turn on Angle.

But overall I think the Main Event Mafia has been the best thing for TNA.
I feel this story is one of the best to happen in TNA in years but the problem is not the MEM it is how TNA is booking the entire war which started out great but was ruined along the way.
But it looks like they're on the right track...have the MeM dominate for a while...but not for too long as it's kinda laughable that Nash, with gray hair, can easily dominate younger, more athletic's apparent even 8-9 years ago he couldn't do it too well then.

Steiner has a mass of back and health problems and Booker, despite his gold-laden resume, is just a joke lately (anyone else see the way he was posing in the ring on Impact as Angle was delivering his promo?). I liked him when he originally came to TNA, but since then, he seems on a downslide...

I'm just saying it could continue along the current track, but even TNA marks can tell that age is taking its toll on the MeM. The only members who can carry a match are obviously Angle and Joe.
I feel this story is one of the best to happen in TNA in years but the problem is not the MEM it is how TNA is booking the entire war which started out great but was ruined along the way.

Very true. It was very intriguing at the beginning, with Sting becoming a pseudo-heel and all of the "vets" talking about respect. It kinda hit a few bumps in the road, but I think it was refreshed after the Sacrifice PPV when Sting regained control of the Mafia.

In turn, the other members kicked him out, Joe turned heel, and the Mafia regained a new sense of direction. There are only a few complaints I have about the current direction of the storyline:

Joe didn't have to turn heel and be part of the Mafia
. I think he served a better purpose as a renegade, doing Taz's will. There could have been feuds going both ways with either the Mafia or the Originals, Steiner and AJ / Daniels for example. They should have kept Joe and Taz as their own "faction," the Nation of Violence.

What happened to the Frontline? They kinda just fell apart, losing credibility as the story was turned toward the infighting in the Mafia. This made the Frontline, or the Originals, seem pretty much worthless from a non-kayfabe point of view. This, in my opinion, has hurt their standing in the overall direction of the storyline.
I love the MEM, every time I hear their theme on Impact as they make their entrance I smile.

I think one thing they need is a really cool t-shirt, that might sound stupid but just remember how iconic the nWo and DX t-shirts became. I think they need something simple that they all wear regularly.

I agree that Taz and Joe don't really fit in but I expect them to eventually turn on them as Joe goes on a violent rampage towards the title.
When they started out, it seemed like it was a good storyline but now it reminds me a little bit of the NWO. All the top guys were in the NWO at different times, MEM top guys are in the faction. Plus the whole thing has gotten out of control, it started out being about respect but it has completely changed to the point where I don't even know what's going on. Its just a mess IMO.
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