Looks like a Record Rating is on the way.....

This is the equivalent of the Pittsburgh Pirates ending a 10-game losing streak with a 15-0 win ... and then Pirates fans proclaiming that things are gonna be better from now on.

One week means absolutely nothing. If they can't sustain it - which they've proven time and time again that they can't - then this one-time mini-spike in the ratings will be as memorable as the last time TNA fans proclaimed the company had turned the corner.

I think the more noteworth news surrounding TNA recording a record-high 1.9 rating is that the company has never drawn a 2.0 rating in it's nearly decade run. Even Nitro was pulling a consistent 2.3 in its infancy.

Exactly. One HUGE swerve at a PPV isn't going to bring TNA to the cusp of being a top promotion. A swerve and a story has to have staying power. Do any of you see this storyline having any staying power with us? Will we be talking about it six months from now?

I'm glad TNA's finally finding an audience, but consistency is key right now. If they pull a 1.5 + the next month, THEN we can talk about TNA breaking some ground. Otherwise, it's just a Hot Shot Booking deal that fizzles out.
Hmmm... good (and bad) points from both sides, as usual.

One question to ask is if the viewers who watched last weeks Impact were intrigued enough by it to want to watch it next week, because on one hand, it was an amazing episode, but on the other hand, there were like 3 "matches."

Another question is in fact, if TNA can take this momentum and do something with it. Thing is, I'm not just talking about the show itself. TNA really does need to market itself better. I think that some form of detailed research in what TNA fans watch on TV outside of TNA would do wonders, because while I don't watch TV that much, I don't see nearly as many TNA commercials as I do WWE commercials.

Finally, someone said something about TNA beating RAW in ratings... guys, let's work on beating SmackDown first. Baby steps.
sorry but im not spamming at all, just wanted to bring up a point.i dont know if anybody has posted it yet or not but maybe it was due to all the media coverage that jwoww got from her appearance at the impact zone....id wait for the segment by segment breakdown before id toot any horns or give credit to this "they" angle..and for the record im a huge fan of both products, so dont start with the bashing. hahaha again "im just sayin..."
Gee I don't know. Maybe because he was in the midcard for his whole career until he had one PPV main event?

So in other words he's Shelton Benjamin but the TNA version? Got it.


All better than Dinero. He's not in the top 5 or really even close to it.

Yeah Rock and Hogan were both ULTRA SERIOUS when they got over.

You mean the Miz that has slowly risen up the card to the point where he has awesome heat on him and is getting better and better in the ring while getting bigger and bigger wins? Yeah I don't see how he's getting close to the main event either.

Again, maybe because he's been in the midcard all his life?


really for a guy of your stature i expected a better post

seriously how long has been dinero's career.5 years.so basically in that time you have to be a main eventer or you are a midcarder for life.so i guess stone cold is a midcarder for life because he was in the midcard for eight years before main eventing

also for god's sake rvd is better than dinero on the mic???isnt this the same guy who was looked upon as a charismaless spot monkey.the guy whom all of you bashed for cutting a wtf promo against abyss when he was injured by him.at least be consistent in your criticism.

jay lethal our resident legend impersonator is better than dinero on the mic??? OHHH YEAHH....WOOOO...:lmao:

AJ has been better on the mic as a heel but come on he just tells other faces that they suck.what a great mic guy.undoubtedly one of the greats in ring though

hardy uhh isnt he incoherent and sounds like on crack all the time???thats what tna haters say

maybe you should have mentioned flair or foley.they are ages better than dinero but out of the ones you mentionedd only angle is better than dinero on the mic.possibly haardy will improve as a heel

and hogan i guess had an over the top gimmick.he was serious within the realms of his gimmick.rock also cut serious promos if i remember correctly

and the miz has great matches.........against daniel bryan.so basically it takes aa guy who has maade a career out of having great matches to have a great match with the "ever improving miz".yeah he's my main eventer
seriously how long has been dinero's career.5 years.

He debuted in 03. I watched him for years in OVW and he was on PPV for WWE in 06. Get your facts straight please.

so basically in that time you have to be a main eventer or you are a midcarder for life

Rock's whole career was 7 years. He did ok for himself.

also for god's sake rvd is better than dinero on the mic???

Yep. More people actually care and we don't have to hear random bullshit about why a pope is a godfather knockoff.

isnt this the same guy who was looked upon as a charismaless spot monkey.the guy whom all of you bashed for cutting a wtf promo against abyss when he was injured by him

No, not really. He was a solid midcard guy in a major company and now he's a main event guy in a glorified indy company. How was it a WTF promo? He should have been in the arena. That's Hogan and Bischoff's fault, not his.

jay lethal our resident legend impersonator is better than dinero on the mic??? OHHH YEAHH....WOOOO...

I laughed insanely hard at his WOO-off with Flair. He's a funny guy.

AJ has been better on the mic as a heel but come on he just tells other faces that they suck.what a great mic guy.undoubtedly one of the greats in ring though

Which is what this whole thing is about but you started talking about mic work. I guess that fits for TNA though since they do far more talking than wrestling.

hardy uhh isnt he incoherent and sounds like on crack all the time???thats what tna haters say

But he's the centerpiece of THEY! He has to be amazing right???

and the miz has great matches.........against daniel bryan.

And just about everyone else he's in the ring with.

so basically it takes aa guy who has maade a career out of having great matches to have a great match with the "ever improving miz".yeah he's my main eventer

He's worth more than Dinero ever will be.

Miz that is. Bryan has drawn maybe a few thousand dollars his whole career.
He debuted in 03. I watched him for years in OVW and he was on PPV for WWE in 06. Get your facts straight please.

Rock's whole career was 7 years. He did ok for himself.

Yep. More people actually care and we don't have to hear random bullshit about why a pope is a godfather knockoff.

No, not really. He was a solid midcard guy in a major company and now he's a main event guy in a glorified indy company. How was it a WTF promo? He should have been in the arena. That's Hogan and Bischoff's fault, not his.

I laughed insanely hard at his WOO-off with Flair. He's a funny guy.

Which is what this whole thing is about but you started talking about mic work. I guess that fits for TNA though since they do far more talking than wrestling.

But he's the centerpiece of THEY! He has to be amazing right???

And just about everyone else he's in the ring with.

He's worth more than Dinero ever will be.

Miz that is. Bryan has drawn maybe a few thousand dollars his whole career.

1. Don't really care when the Rock started.

2. The Rock was in the WWE when there was no scripting and he was allowed to cross that line every night to be entertaining. Everyone on the roster was over at this time. The Pope however was in the WWE when everything is scripted and you only get over if they want you over. Ask MVP, Christian, Evan Bourne, and many others who are having roller coaster careers because the WWE for some reasons likes to fuck with everyone's career. You can't compare The Pope to the Rock.

3. More people care about what RVD says because he is RVD. Not because of his mic skills. I could understand if RVD had a flow to his promos, but he sounds like he is ready from a script that is not there. Comparing things like this just makes you sound ignorant. The Pope has a flow and entertains you on the mic. AJ and RVD don't do that. People care about them because they are over and not because of their mic work.

4. Jay Lethal better than he Pope? No one cares about Jay Lethal unless he is mocking a legend. His Flair stuff is gold, but what has he said or done to put him over the Pope? I believe the Pope was smack dab in the middle of the deception angle and then had to fight a 5 on 1 match this past Impact against Immortal. You know what Jay Lethal is doing? Giving a tour of his house and family on ReAction.

5. Lets not even get started about more talking and less wrestling. I have watched Raws where they barley crack 12 minutes of wrestling on the show and people praise the fuck out of it and I am sure you are one of them. They are recent Raws also so it is not like this happened years ago.
He debuted in 03. I watched him for years in OVW and he was on PPV for WWE in 06. Get your facts straight please.

isnt ovw a developmental school?? im talking about his time in either wwe,tna or other indies and stuff.not a territory owned by wwe

Rock's whole career was 7 years. He did ok for himself.

what about austin??? he did pretty well too

Yep. More people actually care and we don't have to hear random bullshit about why a pope is a godfather knockoff.

No, not really. He was a solid midcard guy in a major company and now he's a main event guy in a glorified indy company. How was it a WTF promo? He should have been in the arena. That's Hogan and Bischoff's fault, not his.

there is a reason why he was a midcard guy in wwe.because he wasnt great on the mic.his charisma disappeared every time he spoke.he was always a good albiet spotty wrestler.

plus cant see how pope is a godfather knockoff.cant see him coming to the ring with ho's either.godfather wasnt a street preacher.he was just a pimp

Which is what this whole thing is about but you started talking about mic work. I guess that fits for TNA though since they do far more talking than wrestling.

uh wrestling matters but is it the only thing?? maybe thats the reason why chris beniot was the face of wwe.OH WAIT!!! that was scsa!!!!but how can that be because benoit was better in the ring???guess it has to be mic skills

just saying that dinero is good on the mic

He's worth more than Dinero ever will be.

coz vince mcmahon said so.coz he's working in the wwe and wwe is a much bigger name than tna.talent aint exactly the deciding factor here

dinero is better on the mic and in the ring but he's in a smaller company.thats all there is to the story.

also miz has been feuding since 2009 with john cena-the face of the company.

bret hart-a legend

daniel bryan-estaablished independent star.

so you are bound to get heat if you insult the right set of guys.miz got no reaction when he feuded against r-truth
I'm saying wow, good for tna.... they might not be competing against monday night football or whatever else wwe competes against, but seriously for a company that usually draws 1.0 rating this is good. What did they get last year after bfg? guarantee it wasn't what they drew this year. so it is a step in the right direction.... also gotta look at what they were up against. I love the office and it's always sunny in philadelphia, both highly rated thursday shows... they are competing against high rated shows... alot of people like me ignored those shows this past thursday and watched tna. While not monumental, tna is growing, and I think will continue to do so. Hell, I'm rooting for them just like many people did for raw when wcw was gonna "put them out of business"
I also really hope people could realize that tna is a up and coming business... bischoff and hogan coming in is gonna take time to increase ratings.... nothing happens overnite.... I'm not saying they are gonna take raws spot,but they have been holding steady in their ratings.... They got potential and are surely but steadily growing.
For fuck's sake I had to click ALLLLL the way to page number 6 and bash my way through all the bickering and quoting. When did ya'll become a TV station?

Anyway, this is a good rating. They drew a nice number - greatso, but don't pop a fuckin' boner about it. I'm a TNA die-hard and I will ONLY be impressed if ratings like this go on for at least a month. One big rating ( for TNA ) doesn't mean squat. WCW didn't beat WWE with one huge rating, they killed them for about two years, kickin' their asses all over the place. Bischoff's WELL aware of that, I trusted the guy to give me a good show and nice ending/beginning to that "they" storyline and he didn't let me down. I'll trust him again.

Good job on the sweet ass show, TNA. Keep this up and we'll see some real positive stuff.
I said this in another forum before, and I will say it again. If wwe was tna and tna was wwe, the ratings of tna would go down fast, fastest in history. The only reason wwe is still doubling the viewers is because it's a much more bigger company with viewers that has been following them for years. Against all their disadvantages, without ted's big bucks, without having the media support tna is actually doing great. Wcw brought all the famous wrestlers when they were competing with wwe. Tna on the other hand reached these viwevers by trying to do something different week after week. Yes they do have flaws, that's why they can't compete with wwe yet, but they are on the right direction.
isnt ovw a developmental school?? im talking about his time in either wwe,tna or other indies and stuff.not a territory owned by wwe

what about austin??? he did pretty well too

there is a reason why he was a midcard guy in wwe.because he wasnt great on the mic.his charisma disappeared every time he spoke.he was always a good albiet spotty wrestler.

plus cant see how pope is a godfather knockoff.cant see him coming to the ring with ho's either.godfather wasnt a street preacher.he was just a pimp

uh wrestling matters but is it the only thing?? maybe thats the reason why chris beniot was the face of wwe.OH WAIT!!! that was scsa!!!!but how can that be because benoit was better in the ring???guess it has to be mic skills

just saying that dinero is good on the mic

coz vince mcmahon said so.coz he's working in the wwe and wwe is a much bigger name than tna.talent aint exactly the deciding factor here

dinero is better on the mic and in the ring but he's in a smaller company.thats all there is to the story.

also miz has been feuding since 2009 with john cena-the face of the company.

bret hart-a legend

daniel bryan-estaablished independent star.

so you are bound to get heat if you insult the right set of guys.miz got no reaction when he feuded against r-truth

:worship::worship::worship: so true miz has never done anything meaning full unless he was placed by someone who was super over like cena like bret, Bryan is well known in the indy scene and was always known asthe guy michael cole hated so everyone loved him.

Whoever was arguing with you must be some young chump who doesn't know wrestling all the greats started off at mid card Stonf cold, HHH, HBK, Scott Hall, Chris Beniot, Eddie Guerruero, Rey mysterio, Chris Jericho. Its just what you do Edge, jeff hardy, John Cena, Randy Orton, Cm Punk, Kurt Angle, all those guys mid carded for close 3+ years its a stupid argument.

In one year of doing his dinero gimmick Pope has become a mainevent player despite going down with an injury and dispite not having some ultra bad ass feud with a top guy in the company sure he wrestled kurt and Aj and lost to both of them and it wasnt really a feud, just matches and pope got over because of his mic skills

The rating is high because people where interested whether it was they, jeff hardy tuning heel, flair and hogan joining forces, jwoww, w.e. it maybe they got the ratings they wanted so now people want to bash the TNA wrestlers.

calling them mid carders or WWE rejects, if thats the case then stfu and change the channel when or turn off your computer when undertaker, HHH, Austin, Edge, Chris Jericho are on the screen because they were ALL mid carders/wcw rejects who werent believed to be main event talent.
Same goes for pope and anderson trying to prove their worth in TNA

TNA is doing well because they have noticeable names(hogan, flair, bischoff, hardy) they have GREAT in ring talent that is waiting to be unleashed, for the first time in a while they have a solid storyline in place, They have heels in Bischoff, and hogan that EVRYONE wants to see fall, they are unique and a breathe of fresh air to wrestling, yea they dont have the names, and the setup, and the money that WWE has, but they do something that WWE does not do and thats take chances and try to entertain to the best of their abilities, and I have been a huge WWF/E fans all my life but its obvious they could do better on so many levels to entertain and captivate viewers in their storyline, TNA is at least trying and has me wondering and wanting to know whats next?
Good job TNA, and by all means let it continue. I may not be the biggest fan of TNA but I watch the occasional episode and if it continues at this rate I swap WWE and TNA around. However I have the feeling this won't happen forever :p
TNA are drawing ever near to eclipse SD! ratings and viewing numbers, once this happens Vince will almost certainly look at them as competition and then we might just get to see another company war *woot*.
Yeah far too early for TNA to shout about anything. The starting ratings are really good - no doubt about it. But you can't have a "they" reveal every single week.

More concerning is that they haemorrhaged viewers between the start of the show and the end, will be interesting to see if things picked up - but losing 0.3 in the ratings DURING the show is not a good thing.

Give it a few weeks, if TNA is still drawing 1.4/1.5, then they deserve something. Past history says they won't.
Yeah far too early for TNA to shout about anything. The starting ratings are really good - no doubt about it. But you can't have a "they" reveal every single week.

More concerning is that they haemorrhaged viewers between the start of the show and the end, will be interesting to see if things picked up - but losing 0.3 in the ratings DURING the show is not a good thing.

Give it a few weeks, if TNA is still drawing 1.4/1.5, then they deserve something. Past history says they won't.

Agree with this statement and people can't compare WWE RAW to TNA, they can maybe compare SD! to TNA but seriously RAW is in absolute comination mode in wrestling at the moment it's a bit obvious they would have double the ratings, but SD! on the other hand if VERY close to what TNA can achieve I think. Once they push McMahon to join RAW and SD! you know he's taking TNA as real competition =].

EDIT But that would absolute domination in WWE's case which means TNA never really has a chance to climb up =[ sad really they are trying everything and probably deserve even the slightest mainstream stay, EDIT
TNA are drawing ever near to eclipse SD! ratings and viewing numbers, once this happens Vince will almost certainly look at them as competition and then we might just get to see another company war *woot*.

Are you out of your mind? TNA Impact isn't even close to Smackdown. Smackdown has double the ratings Impact has now. Do you realize how many MILLIONS and MILLIONS of actual people that is? I'm really tired of people making such a big deal about nothing. Going up and down .1s is not a good thing, that happens constantly with shows all the time. They're at the same place they've always been, and everything that was built up for the last EIGHT MONTHS to Bound for Glory hasn't changed a thing. TNA fans need to stop pretending it has.
2. The Rock was in the WWE when there was no scripting and he was allowed to cross that line every night to be entertaining. Everyone on the roster was over at this time. The Pope however was in the WWE when everything is scripted and you only get over if they want you over. Ask MVP, Christian, Evan Bourne, and many others who are having roller coaster careers because the WWE for some reasons likes to fuck with everyone's career. You can't compare The Pope to the Rock.

I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your stuff, but this needs to be corrected. The Rock debuted in 1996. By this time, Vincent Russo was the head writer of the WWE (he took on this position in 1996 and held it until mid 1999 when he left for WCW). Between he and Ed Ferarra, they wrote every Raw. Just as it works now, back then, things were scripted. To babble off nonsense saying it wasn't just takes away from any remote credibility you are looking to have. Wrestling is an episodic TV show. Back then, it wasn't even a live episodic TV show (a reason WCW was able to ruin the results for WWF a few times). Thus, do you really think these performers went out there with nothing to say and just winged it?

The way it works in the business is that when you are lower on the card, you have everything given to you. All your lines, everything. If you do well with it and make it your own, you might get over. As you begin to get over and you start moving up the card, the writers and management start to trust you more. That is when you start having leeway as to chipping in your thoughts on your stories, promos, etc. I'm leaving out matches because it's a different animal, but as far as promos go, you need to basically be at main event level or damn close to it before the writers even remotely listen to your suggestions. It was like that then and it's like that now. The only difference was the type of language you could use then. You still had to work your way up the card to even remotely be able to say a few words off script. Please don't spout out stuff that's completely false. No one will take you seriously. Thank you.

As far as the ratings go, I said it before and I'll say it again. They are disappointing. There's no way around it. This was the big reveal and traditionally in any wrestling company, the show after a Pay Per View gets the best rating of the month. This was the show after the Pay Per View with the culmination of a 6 month storyline and it didn't draw much more than the week before. That's a problem no matter how you slice it. Defend it all you like, but you know in your heart you were hoping for more if you are a TNA fan. You know that because you know that it will be tough to build from here since you big reveal is over and there's nothing on the horizon that will be major enough to draw fans in. You have to hope they are into the story and just watch. With little marketing and the bigget part of the story over, that is a tall task. TNA was definitely looking for a higher rating here and they didn't get it. I guess we'll just have to ride along for a few months and hope the ratings can maintain until the big debut of MATT HARDY!!!!
Are you out of your mind? TNA Impact isn't even close to Smackdown. Smackdown has double the ratings Impact has now. Do you realize how many MILLIONS and MILLIONS of actual people that is? I'm really tired of people making such a big deal about nothing. Going up and down .1s is not a good thing, that happens constantly with shows all the time. They're at the same place they've always been, and everything that was built up for the last EIGHT MONTHS to Bound for Glory hasn't changed a thing. TNA fans need to stop pretending it has.

Smackdown last week was up with a 1.8 drawing 2.63 million. TNA this week did around a 1.4 drawing 1.90 million. Please explain how this is double and millions of milllions more when it isn't even a full million more.

I can understand why some are saying the rating isn't that good but they are overlooking a few things. First, this is their second highest viewing ever. Hard to call that a bad thing IMO. Second, the idea that one good thing will jump the ratings huge is a myth. Anyone I have ever heard talk about how you build the rating that is credible says you can only do it slowly. This seems to be a step in the right direction in that regard. Keep people interested and keep building. There is no magic button to press that instantly jumps TNA to 2.0 in one night. Third, who cares what WWE draws. It is a pointless comparison. TNA does not have the same expenses as WWE.
Why is it that everytime TNA goes up in the ratings, everybody still complains that it's not a big jump. Yet SmackDown! and RAW continue to drop in the ratings, and there's always excuses of the Friday night timeslot and Monday Night football. Maybe people just don't like the WWE product anymore. Yet you make all the excuses in the world for WWE, but still continue to bash TNA. Even though you might not have like who was revealed as "They", the world is talking bout it and TNA has been gaining in the ratings for weeks now. Last week for the Live Show they got a 1.32 rating or something like this, and this week they could have gotten over a 1.4 rating. Since TNA is so inferior to WWE, why is it that they are slowly inching closer to the rating of SmackDown!. Yeah they are on two separate nights, but still they are close to beating them. RAW didn't get a 5.0 rating in one year and they actually had horrible ratings in the beginning. Now they are slowly getting back down to the horrible ratings that they had back then. Yet TNA supposedly sucks. Maybe some people don't know what works as much as they seem to believe that that they do.
Good job TNA, and by all means let it continue. I may not be the biggest fan of TNA but I watch the occasional episode and if it continues at this rate I swap WWE and TNA around. However I have the feeling this won't happen forever :p

Considering Raw drew a 2.5 three weeks ago. I wouldn't say forever.

Yeah far too early for TNA to shout about anything. The starting ratings are really good - no doubt about it. But you can't have a "they" reveal every single week.

More concerning is that they haemorrhaged viewers between the start of the show and the end, will be interesting to see if things picked up - but losing 0.3 in the ratings DURING the show is not a good thing.

Give it a few weeks, if TNA is still drawing 1.4/1.5, then they deserve something. Past history says they won't.
Past history says they did not have a major storyline going continuously and a major star involved with it. They drew massive ratings last week off of Mickie's return and Flair/Foley. They continue this week, I don't see why they can't continue this.
it's a shame so much emphasis gets put on ratings when comparing TNA to WWE. it would be nice if there was another way to compare the 2, because regardless of what the ratings are that doesn't mean the WWE product is that equivalently better than TNA.
it's a shame so much emphasis gets put on ratings when comparing TNA to WWE. it would be nice if there was another way to compare the 2, because regardless of what the ratings are that doesn't mean the WWE product is that equivalently better than TNA.

First off ratings are inaccurate regardless. Ratings data tells you Raw draws only 5 million viewers when we all know they have more people around the world that watch. Anyone who owns Cable (without DVR) or DirecTV (without DVR) wouldn't appear in ratings data. So that's about 51% of the US that do not get counted in ratings data. And that's just with Cable TV alone.

So, Raw could draw 10 million viewers in all and TNA could draw more than 1.9 million viewers one a weekly basis and Ratings data would never show that.
I'm going to be honest... I'm surprised TNA did so well this week. I am a TNA supporter that was really disappointed with BFG and its end. And I thought the majority felt the same: cheated. I was expecting low ratings.

Well, I was wrong!!! People are interested in TNA and its product. And I hope TNA continues this path. So people, DON'T STOP WATCHING!

I read the SPOILERS and wasn't impressed by them... but decided to watch it anyway! And I'm telling you, it was better than I expected. There was a lot of backstage promos that were not in the SPOILERS that did a very good job syncing everything together.

I also read the SPOILERS for next week and the program should be WAY better... so I'm really going to watch it.

So people, DON'T STOP WATCHING! We need TNA to succeed.
Are you out of your mind? TNA Impact isn't even close to Smackdown. Smackdown has double the ratings Impact has now. Do you realize how many MILLIONS and MILLIONS of actual people that is? I'm really tired of people making such a big deal about nothing. Going up and down .1s is not a good thing, that happens constantly with shows all the time. They're at the same place they've always been, and everything that was built up for the last EIGHT MONTHS to Bound for Glory hasn't changed a thing. TNA fans need to stop pretending it has.

What a blatant lie this post is.
Smackdown is constantly in the 1.7-1.9 range. "Double" would mean they regularly need 2's or higher.

FYI that isn't "millions and millions" so don't be so condscending when you are WRONG
Rating 1.4 means that they went up by 7.7%, compared to the impact before BFG (i.e, 1.3). In addition, it was not a live show, whereas the one before BFG was a live one. It is not a secret that live shows have generally higher ratings then the taped shows, thus, IMO 1.4 is a pretty good results.

However, it is still to early to celebrate. The question is whether TNA can keep this number. Personally, at this stage I would be happy if next impact(s) got above 1.2. Simply because in recent months, TNA ratings went over 1.2 only a few times. So, if they can get over 1.2 on weekly basis, than it would be a good thing, IMO.

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