Live Discussion: Raw 23/6/2008

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Oh dang thats right oh well I don't watch SD! anyway I might now though:Umaga,Hardy,Kennedy,HHH(OMG I still can't believe it),J.R. the place is looking up.
Dude, there are epic numbers of people online (like over 300)- 117 or so viewing WWE etc. I think this is the most I've seen in my few months here.

Only around 85 are actual members though:p

It could be what was needed. This was great until the end of the show and the injury thing. It was kind of a letdown for me.
Injury angle=What was going to happen with Vince is Dead last year.

Nooo, sheesh get something right for could the injury angle happen with "Vince is Dead" last year? For Christ's sake...he'd be DEAD...that's pretty much as injured as you could be.
Hasn't been really since Edge saved the show... Now we get to watch him own the other Hardy boy

Edge's talent=Hardyz talent so I don't really care who wins those matches dude.Edge is a better draw though which is why Vince puts Edge over more.
i could see a possible storyline with mcmahon ( i thought of this on my own)

someone is upset with draft picks for ecw, they try to take out Mcmahon

that's as far as i got but its possible
not a bad idea but they are going to use the ideas they had with the Vince is Dead storyline they had last year but with Vince thrown in the mix cause he is alive.
haha real funny Shango.

I'm not joking I'm serious. I would completely believe that he has more than one illegitmate child.

Maybe make it a daughter this time. Hornswogglina. She could chase Charlie Haas around and stalk him while he's in the shower. Turns out her mother is Luna Vachon, bring her back in the mix. Hornswoggle can get a crush on her, then it'll turn out Finlay is the father again, and Vince finally gets his incest angle. They can double date with Paul Burchall and Katie Lea. That's a whole summer of fun (and ratings!!) right there.
So if it's Trips over Cena and the WWE Title goes back to Smackdown, can we finally get rid of its stupid "bling bling" design? I mean, the title would be on a show in which Cena isn't even a part of.
trips going surprised the hell out of me, i was with everyone who thought cena was gone.
With HHH going to SD! I think this is how it's going to play out...

Edge beats Batista, keeps the world title on SD!

Cena beats HHH, keeps the bling belt on RAW

The problem with this to me: if the rumours of Undertaker going to RAW are true, I can't see him wearing that bling belt(if he wins the belt mind you)
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