KWF Se7en

The Kid

Pre-Show Stalwart
KWF Se7en

- Edge def. Christian
- Dudley Boyz def. The Colon Brothers in a Table Match
- The Miz def. Big Show
- Rene Dupree def. Samoa Joe, AJ Styles & R-Truth to become the NEW KWF Television Champion
- Sheamus w/ Ted Dibiase def. Sean O'Haire
- Randy Orton def. Cody Rhodes
- Jeri-Storm def. The Nation (MVP/Monty) to become the NEW Tag Team Champions
- Shelton Benjamin def. Kofi Kingston
- JBL def. Bryan Danielson
- Kurt Angle def. Muhammad Hassan in 60 minute Iron Man match (3-2)
- The Hooligans & Matt Hardy def. The Crows Nest (Mr. Kennedy, Dolph Ziggler & Jeff Hardy)
- The Undertaker def. Sting
- CM Punk def. John Cena to become NEW Intercontinental Champion and REMAIN the KWF World Champion
- Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels RETIREMENT match ends in a NO CONTEST after CM Punk throws both men off the stage.

The Kid has issued this statement:

"I know Wrestlemania 3 was supposed to be the end of the KWF, but the way CM Punk acted, coming out and ruining what was supposed to be the final match of the KWF, has enraged me. I have rage in me that I have never felt before. The passion I have for the KWF is as strong as this rage I have towards CM Punk. The KWF will continue and it will end on my terms. Not on the terms of CM Punk. As for CM Punk, I will see him at RAW. I will personally air out everything I have to air out towards CM Punk, in front of the world. The KWF continues...."
KWF Champions

World Champion- CM Punk

Intercontinental Champion- CM Punk 2x

Tag Team Champions- Jeri-Storm

Television Champion- Rene Dupree

The Kid issued this statement:

"Only the best will remain in the KWF. The Pay Per View system will not be the same. The whole system will change. Every match will mean something. Welcome to the wrestling franchise, the KWF, the greatest of all time. Only the best will survive. The KWF ends on my terms and when the KWF ends, the best the KWF has to offer will be the last man standing. I will see everyone at RAW. The Kid has spoken."
The cameras open up and we are backstage. Every KWF superstar stands in a crowd in the middle. They all look over at each other, confused, shrugging. Finally The Kid comes walking down the halls. He looks over at his wrestlers with a very serious look.

The Kid- Things are about to change right here! Things are going to change right now! No job is safe. If you think you're going to keep a job here by losing matches, you are wrong. From this moment on, this roster is going to change! Only the strong will survive to head into the next season.

Kid smiles, nodding his head.

The Kid- That's right. I said, seasons. We are doing four seasons from now on. Each season ends with it's major Pay Per View. Right now is the opening season. Summer season. It's going to be a HOT summer.

The sadistic smile remains on the face of The Kid.

The Kid- The Summer Pay Per View will be Summerslam. We are all familiar with these names, but let me explain to you that you truly have no idea. The Fall Pay Per View will be Survivor Series. The Winter Pay Per View will be King Of The Ring. And finally, the Spring Pay Per View will be WRESTLEMANIA!

The smile is now gone from the face of The Kid. He has a very serious look on his face.

The Kid- This is season one. 30 men will make the cut. I will split the 30 up into two divisions of 15. Only 30 men will make the cut. After the season is done, those same 30 will not follow us to the following season. I have not made up my mind yet on which 30 will continue into the season. I will do that next week. We will take care of all that next week. I've had some other things in my mind, you know?

The Kid begins chuckling with a crazed look in his eyes as he looks over at the superstars.

The Kid- At this very moment, we should all be at some party, saying goodbye to each other, relaxing for a bit. We all know I was going to pay very well to give all of you a nice, deserved break after the KWF shut its doors, but that didn't happen! What happened instead was that piece of shit, CM Punk ruined everything. He ruined everything! For me! For all of you!

The Kid paces back and forth, furious. The KWF wrestlers look over at The Kid.

The Kid- And tonight, I told him to come here and meet me face to face. We were going to discuss this face to face. But just like everything I plan, he finds a way to ruin it. That son of a bitch is not here tonight. My security crew can't find him. Well, he has my gold and he is contracted to be here. I can easily call the cops and they'll find him and they'll arrest him, but that is NOT what I am going to do! No. If the cops get him, he goes to jail and we deal with it in court. I don't want that. He didn't take some money from me, no, he took MY dream from me. My dream for the KWF to shut its doors with class. NOW, the KWF doors remain open and the doors will close my way. And my way is by war!

Kid is huffing and puffing as he paces.

The Kid- Whoever brings me CM Punk, I will give them whatever they want. I will sign off on that! Whatever it is! I want CM Punk!

They all look over at Kid, confused.

The Kid- Do you hear me? I WANT CM PUNK! I WANT CM PUNK! I WANT.... CM... PUNK.... NOW!

The wrestlers all sprint away. The Kid stands there, breathing heavily. A sinister look in his eyes. He turns and looks at the camera and an evil grin appears on his face.

The Kid- The show.... must go on.

Episode 1

Coming soon....

.... John Cena is shown making his way down the ramp, with his Intercontinental Championship around his waist. A huge grin on his face as he gets ready for the battle of the champions. CM Punk comes out next with his World Championship around his waist. A lot of concentration on his face.

Both men are inside of the ring as the referee gets in between them and raises the titles up into the air, signifying that both titles are indeed on the line. The bell sounds and the two men begin to go at it.

Both men battle it out as hard as they can. Neither man backs away, counters and reversals are all over the ring. John Cena lifts CM Punk on his shoulders and hits the Attitude Adjustment! CM Punk pops out on two and a half!

Jim Ross- John Cena was that close to winning! He was that close to becoming a double champion!

John Cena goes for another Attitude Adjustment, but CM Punk slips out and behind him. Punk turns Cena around and connects with the Go To Sleep! CM Punk dives on top of John Cena and hooks the leg for the pin and....


Both men are shown locking in their signature submissions on each other. Neither man quitting. CM Punk goes for the Go To Sleep, again, but John Cena leaps out of his arms and takes Punk down with a Tornado DDT! Punk's skull crashes against the mat. John Cena slowly pushes himself up to his feet and hobbles to the turnbuckle. CM Punk slowly pushes himself up and as soon as Cena gets to the top, Punk dives to the ropes and trips Cena up!

John Cena collapses crotch first onto the top turnbuckle! CM Punk looks up at the defeated face of John Cena as he grimaces in pain and exhaustion. CM Punk uses whatever adrenaline he has left to climb the turnbuckle and hook the arms of John Cena behind him. Punk looks around at the crowd for a split second before leaping off with the REVERSE PEPSI PLUNGE! John Cena's face crushes the mat! CM Punk rolls the body of John Cena over and hooks the leg....

.... ONE!

.... TWO!

.... THREE!


CM Punk is shown raising the titles, high into the air at the top of the ramp. A mixed reaction from the crowd. A grin finally appears on the face of CM Punk as he looks at the Montreal, Canada crowd of Wrestlemania 3.

Jim Ross- Up next is the main event! Shawn Michaels vs Canada's own, Bret Hart! The history behind what I just said is unbelievable. This main event, the final match in the history of KWF is going to be unbelievable! IT'S NEXT!

The grin of CM Punk as he holds two titles up into the air is the final image.

Episode 1

Coming soon....
We go back to Wrestlemania 3....

.... Shawn Michaels makes his way down to a chorus of boos. The Montreal crowd throws garbage at him. Fans jump over the barricade and go to attack Shawn Michaels, but they are taken down by security. One gets to Shawn and Shawn knocks him right onto his back with his fist. HBK quickly exits to the back, again.

HBK sprints down the halls, irate and he finally stops when he reaches The Kid.

Shawn Michaels- I can't have this match! I'm going to get killed out there! Do you see what's going on?!

The Kid- Alright, calm down. We got the arena filled with security and cops. They're going to....

Shawn Michaels- I'M NOT GOING OUT THERE!


Kid and Shawn Michaels just stare into each others eyes. HBK smiles.

Shawn Michaels- You want me to go out there?! FINE! Understand this, Kid, you are going to need me one day. You see, you're young. You want to close the doors on the KWF right now, but I know one day you're going to get bored. You're going to get bored and you're going to want to do it, again. You're going to want to open the doors for something. For anything! Maybe not the KWF, again, but maybe one show. Maybe one show to get some more money in your pockets. Whether it's wrestling related or not, one day, you are going to need my help, again. When that time comes, I will not be there.

HBK smiles. Kid nods his head, looking right into the eyes of Shawn Michaels.

The Kid- Thank you for the favor. Now go close the doors on the KWF with style.

Shawn Michaels- You're right and you're wrong. You see, I'm not doing you a favor. I'm doing this for myself. Just like you want to finish this once and for all, so do I. I want to finish this once and for all also. I want the whole world to know for 100% fact that I am, always was and always will be better then Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

HBK looks into the eyes of The Kid with intensity.

Shawn Michaels- And you're right. I will finish the KWF once and for all. I am.... THE SHOWSTOPPER!


Bret Hart's theme blasts through the arena. The crowd actually cheers as the security guards and police officers try and restrain the crowd. Bret Hart comes down the ramp with a microphone in his hand. He gets into the ring and looks around at the crowd.

Bret Hart- There was a time when I would have loved what has just happened.

The crowd erupts in cheers.

Bret Hart- But tonight is not that night. Not here! Not in the most beautiful place in the world, not in Montreal, Canada! We are better then this! I know you are all trying to help me, help get our revenge on Shawn Michaels, but this is not the way to do it. No. The way to do it is locking in the Sharpshooter on Shawn Michaels until his palms bleed from tapping out! And once he bleeds out, he will lay under me unconscious. That is how we get the revenge! Not like this!

The crowd has toned down from the rioting and are actually listening to Bret Hart.

Bret Hart- I know this moment means a lot to all of you, but this moment means everything to me. I am asking you all, if you really want to help me, I am asking everyone here in attendance to let me handle it. Let me fix it. Let me....



Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring, again, security guards and police officers surrounding him as they escort him into the ring. Many fans have been taken out of the arena and arrested, but many still remain as they scream over at Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels keeps his eyes locked inside of the ring at Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Bret walks the microphone over to the ropes and stands waiting. Shawn Michaels slides into the ring and charges right at Bret Hart! The two men are taking their years of frustration out on each other with vicious lefts and rights.


The match continues and both men counter and reverse each other. Both men are viciously thrown to the outside of the ring by the other. Both men are busted open from separate encounters with the outside steel turnbuckle post. First Bret Hart and then Shawn Michaels.

Bret Hart finally locks in the Sharpshooter on Shawn Michaels making the place erupt in cheers. Shawn Michaels muscles his way to the ropes, though. The loud cheering is temporarily put on mute when Shawn Michaels stuns Bret Hart with an out of nowhere taste of some Sweet Chin Music! HBK's weakness forces him to take a few seconds to get to the pin and that is enough for Bret Hart to get his senses back and get his shoulder off the mat at the 2 count.

The battle wages up the ramp all the way to the top as the bloody Bret Hart drags the equally bloody Shawn Michaels up by the hair. They reach the top of the ramp and Bret runs HBK face first into the steel part of the titantron. Bret Hart has a look of intensity and desperation on his face. He picks Shawn Michaels up to his feet and gives him a loud Piledriver right onto the steel floor! The Canadian crowd is standing on their feet in excitement. Bret Hart rolls the body of Shawn Michaels off of him and pushes himself up to his feet. Bret walks over to the end of the ramp and looks down at all the tables holding television screens. A 15 foot drop. Bret looks around at the crowd and they scream as loud as they possibly can, approving of the idea in Bret Hart's head.


King- I think he wants to finish Shawn Michaels off for good! I think he wants to throw the body of Shawn Michaels off of the stage and the crowd is approving it! I knew Canadians were evil! AH!

Bret Hart nods his head at the crowd and pulls down his two straps. He wipes some blood and sweat away from his eyes and walks over to Shawn Michaels as he lays spread eagle on his back and....

.... KIP UP!


The crowd fills in silence as the body of Bret Hart collapses, almost in slow motion, right to the steel floor. Bret lays there, eyes shut, head to the side and nothing is moving. Shawn Michaels falls to his face and lays there, breathing. He knows he just finished Bret Hart. The silence in the arena gives off the same impression. Shawn Michaels begins crawling over to the body of Bret Hart and....


Jim Ross- IT'S CM PUNK!

CM Punk comes from the back and grabs the crawling and limp body of Shawn Michaels and lifts him off the ground by the pants. Without hesitation, CM Punk runs to the end of the ramp and throws Shawn Michaels off of the stage head first! The body of Shawn Michaels goes flying a few feet forward, before crashing through a stacked table of televisions. The crowd erupts into cheers as CM Punk looks around. CM Punk looks to be just as shocked as the crowd and he then turns his head over to Bret Hart. CM Punk smiles as he walks over to Bret. He then looks around at the crowd and points down at Bret Hart and begins screaming....


CM Punk yanks the body of Bret Hart up to his feet as Bret slowly opens his eyes, obviously dazed. Punk grabs the arm of Bret Hart and lifts it high into the air. The crowd cheers their brains out.

Jim Ross- It seems like CM Punk is saying that Bret Hart is the winner of this- WAIT A DAMN MINUTE! NO!

CM Punk runs to the end of the ramp, holding onto the arm and head of Bret Hart and he tosses him off the stage and Bret Hart goes flying and crashes and burns through a seperate table with television screens on them. Sparks go off from the television circuits being snapped as both the body of Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels lay off the stage. EMT's and security guards run to the aid of the two men as does The Kid.

The Kid looks down at the bodies of Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels and then turns his attention over to CM Punk, in disbelief. CM Punk looks down at The Kid with a smirk before screaming....


Episode 1

Coming soon....

Episode 1- "Find me Punk"
Episode 2- ????
Episode 3- ????
Episode 4- ????
Episode 5- ????
Episode 6- ????
Episode 7- ????
Episode 8- ????
Episode 9- ????
Episode 10- ????
Episode 11- SUMMERSLAM

Episode 1- ????
Episode 2- ????
Episode 3- ????
Episode 4- ????
Episode 5- ????
Episode 6- ????
Episode 7- ????
Episode 8- ????
Episode 9- ????
Episode 10- ????

Episode 1- ????
Episode 2- ????
Episode 3- ????
Episode 4- ????
Episode 5- ????
Episode 6- ????
Episode 7- ????
Episode 8- ????
Episode 9- ????
Episode 10- ????
Episode 11- KING OF THE RING

Episode 1- ????
Episode 2- ????
Episode 3- ????
Episode 4- ????
Episode 5- ????
Episode 6- ????
Episode 7- ????
Episode 8- ????
Episode 9- ????
Episode 10- ????
Episode 11- WRESTLEMANIA 4

The Kid had this to say:

"All seasons will be divided into 10 episodes of RAW, followed by the 11th episode, the season finale which will be the seasonal Pay Per View. Each episode will be cut into four posts of 30 minute intervals. Only the best will remain in the KWF from season to season. I hope they're ready, because it's going to be a LONG year."
"Find Me Punk"

Live from Ontario, Canada

The show opens up with the camera going around the Canada crowd. Signs read, "PUNK SCREWED BRET!" and "DEATH TO PUNK". Jim Ross and King are at ringside.


The crowd begins to boo as JBL makes his way from the back. He has a huge smile on his face as he makes his way down the ramp. JBL gets into the ring and he walks around with a microphone in hand. The crowd continues to boo.

JBL- Before I speak....

The boos begin overlapping the voice of JBL. JBL smiles at the crowd and begins shaking his head.

JBL- .... now, now, let's all show a little respect for....

The boos continue getting loud and the smile comes off of the face of JBL.

JBL- ENOUGH! I am trying to speak. Now, I....

The boos don't stop and JBL furiously walks over to the ropes and points at one section of the audience.


JBL angrily looks at the fans, but turns his anger into a smile, again.

JBL- I WANT.... everyone to turn their attention to that titantron screen and I want you to know that what you are about to see is, from this moment on, considered classic wrestling history.

JBL points up at the titantron.

Bryan Danielson vs JBL

We go back to WM3 and we see Bryan Danielson making his way out first, followed by JBL next. The teacher versus battle begins with Bryan Danielson surprising JBL with a quick attack of vicious kicks. The match continues with Danielson using his speed and JBL using his power.

JBL has Danielson up on his shoulders for a Powerbomb, but Danielson counters it into a hurricanranna pinfall combo! JBL pops out at 2 1/2. JBL is stunned from that possum move from Danielson.

As the match continues, Danielson locks in the Yes Lock on JBL and JBL gets stretched out, but manages to get to the ropes. JBL begins favoring his right arm.

Jim Ross- Bryan Danielson tried to rip that right arm out of the socket of JBL. A smart move! If he can damage that arm long enough, it'll become impossible for JBL to hit that Clothesline from Hell!

The match continues and Danielson is in control. He has JBL stuck in the middle of the ring as Danielson gives him kicks to the ribs and to the legs. After a dozen kicks, JBL falls to his knees and Danielson charges across the ring, hits the ropes and comes charging back and....


JBL jumps up from his knees and nearly decapitates Bryan Danielson with the Clothesline from Hell. JBL hooks both legs of Bryan Danielson for the pin and the win!

JBL is in the middle of the ring with a huge smile on his face. He begins nodding his head at the crowd.

JBL- What you watched right there is the final match in the career of the Wrestling God.... J... B.... L!

The crowd boos JBL and he just continues smiling.

JBL- I came back from retirement to humiliate Bryan Danielson! The same man that I bought into KWF and trained and watched over that turned his back on me! The funny thing about the teacher versus student rivalry is, majority of the time the student wins and it becomes this wonderful, heart warming moment. But quite frankly, those teachers are idiots! Like each and every single one of you here tonight!

The crowd boos louder for JBL as he smiles. He begins wagging his finger around from side to side.

JBL- Now listen, I'm not saying that I'm leaving the KWF. No. I'm going back to being a manager and I am going to bring in the next KWF World Champion!


Bryan Danielson makes his way out from the back and he comes out with another man besides him. Bryan Danielson has a microphone in his hand as he speaks while making his way down the ramp.

Bryan Danielson- JBL, it was an honor to be the man you faced in your final match in the KWF. I just wanted to come out here and apologize.

Danielson begins nodding his head. JBL looks surprised in the ring, but nods his head with a smile.

Bryan Danielson- You see, I bought my friend along with me. He is a professional wrestler just like me and he really wants to be a part of the KWF. Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Dean Ambrose.

The crowd gives a small applause as Dean Ambrose just looks over at them. They reach ringside, but Danielson continues speaking.

Bryan Danielson- What I should really be doing right now is searching everywhere with Dean, looking for CM Punk. Maybe that big catch would get my friend over here a contract to be a part of the KWF. And for me, well, let's just say, I have some things I want, as well.

Danielson smiles as he climbs up the steel steps and gets into the ring. He looks across the ring at JBL.

Bryan Danielson- I just couldn't do that with a clear mind, because I kept thinking about last night and the way I've been acting lately. I just feel it deserves an apology.

JBL- You're damn right it does!

Bryan Danielson- So I am here to apologize for....

Bryan Danielson sighs and looks over at Dean Ambrose and nods his head.

Bryan Danielson- .... not doing this sooner.

Dean Ambrose pulls brass knuckles from his pocket and cracks JBL right on the side of the skull with them. JBL collapses onto a knee as his white hat flies off of his head. JBL is obviously dazed and Danielson charges across the ring and runs his knee right into the face of JBL. The two men begin pounding away on the face of JBL. Dean Ambrose continues laying into the face of JBL with the brass as JBL begins bleeding from his forehead. The extremeties stop moving for JBL and finally Danielson pulls himself and Dean away from JBL.

Bryan Danielson walks over to the microphone and picks it up. He begins smiling as Dean stands beside him with a sadistic look on his face. Danielson slowly lifts the microphone up to his mouth.

Bryan Danielson- The American Dragon.... is back!

Danielson smiles as he drops the microphone and looks into the cameras. Ambrose stands beside him with his sadistic eyes looking right into the camera.


The cameras are in the back where we see Bryan Danielson walking down the halls with Dean Ambrose. Staff members in the hallways look t them and walk the other way. Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose both got their heads faced straight and both have blood all over their hands.

They turn the corner where they bump into The Kid. The Kid angrily looks over at Bryan Danielson.

The Kid- Who is this guy?! What the hell are you doing?!

Bryan Danielson- His name is Dean Ambr-

The Kid- I know! I heard you when you were inside of the ring! You can't just bring a man into the ring with you, with brass knuckles on his hands and attack one of your coworkers.

Bryan Danielson- You see, Kid, you're letting CM Punk get into your head. The old Kid would've loved to see that. The old Kid would've ran over to Dean Ambrose with a contract in hand and tell him....

The Kid- You want the old Kid? Hey, Dean, you want a contract here?

Dean Ambrose nods his head with a very serious look on his face.

The Kid- Fine. I am going to put you in a match inside of that ring. You will fight a man of my choosing. If you can beat this man, you will take his contract and become a new member of the KWF and your opponent will be terminated.

Kid smiles and gets closer to Ambrose.

The Kid- You better go wash that blood off of your hands because that match is next.

Kid walks away, leaving Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose there. Dean smirks as he looks over at Danielson.


Dean Ambrose is inside of the ring as Bryan Danielson stands on the outside. Both men await to see who this mystery opponent is that'll be defending their KWF contract against Dean Ambrose.



Dean Ambrose and Bryan Danielson look over at each other, quickly. Neither man is smiling or excited anymore. A look of shock and fear appears on their face.

The Big Show makes his way from the back and he has bandage on his forehead from the beating he took in the hands of The Miz at Wrestlemania 3. Coincidentally, also from brass knuckle shot. Big Show has a look of rage on his face, obviously angry about his defeat from Wrestlemania 3. Show also knows he's fighting for his job, so the intensity is even higher. Show gets into the ring and stands there, eyes glued on his opponent. Dean Ambrose leans against the ropes and his eyes go up and down as he analyzes all 7 feet of the Giant he is about to deal with. The bell rings!

Dean Ambrose w/ Bryan Danielson vs The Big Show

Dean Ambrose quickly begins sprinting around the ring, looking for a hole. Big Show stands in the same place and watches Dean move around. Dean finally charges over at Big Show and begins kicking away at Show. Show gets hit with a few good shots, but finally latches onto the head of Dean and sends him down with a vicious headbutt. Dean bounces off and quickly jumps back to his feet where he walks into a hard clothesline. Big Show is in control.

As the match continues, Big Show has held complete control of the match. Bryan Danielson watches helplessly from the outside of the ring. Big Show continues to toss Dean Ambrose around the ring, showing no mercy for his body. Big Show is in total control and the rage continues to build in him. Show looks over at the crowd and rips off the bandage on his forehead that was covering the scar from Wrestlemania 3. Stitches are still fresh on his forehead. Big Show points at his stitches and then points over at Ambrose, signifying that he wants to give Ambrose matching scars. Show nods his head, hungry for blood.

Big Show walks over to the turnbuckle post and rips off the padding of the top one. Show makes sure that the whole turnbuckle is exposed. Big Show points down at it and nods his head. He turns around and walks over to Dean Ambrose, who is on all fours. Show yanks Ambrose up to his feet, by grabbing his head with both whole hands. All of a sudden....

.... Ambrose strikes Show with a fury of lefts and rights to the face. Ambrose sends Show stumbling back a few inches with an uppercut. Ambrose charges cross the ring and comes flying back at Show for a diving clothesline, but....


The Big Show smiles before tossing Ambrose backwards and over his head. Ambrose hits the mat hard and lays on his side at the bottom of the exposed turnbuckle. Big Show pulls down his straps and begins nodding his head as he slowly turns around to look over at Dean Ambrose, who is back on all fours. Ambrose slowly pushes himself towards his feet as Big Show stalks him. When Ambrose reaches his feet, Show charges full speed at him and....



The Big Show's head bounces off the exposed turnbuckle and he leans against it on his feet, nearly unconscious. Ambrose quickly gets to his feet and jumps on the back of Big Show and wraps his legs around the mammoth size of him. Ambrose uses his arms to grab the giant head of Show from both ends and Ambrose begins viciously slamming the face of Show straight down into the exposed turnbuckle.


Dean Ambrose reaches 10, before the referee rips him off of The Big Show. Dean Ambrose gives the referee a sadistic smirk. The Big Show is unconscious on his feet against the exposed turnbuckle, blood leaking out of his old scar from the thuds against the steel. Ambrose walks to the ropes and exits onto the apron. He walks over to The Big Show and just shoves him off the turnbuckle. The body of The Giant just falls back and boom, collapses spread eagle. The Big Show is a bloody mess and he's unconscious. Dean Ambrose smiles over at Bryan Danielson and then climbs to the top turnbuckle. Ambrose gets to the top and looks around at the Canadian crowd with a sadistic look on his face, before flying off with a FLYING SPLASH!

Dean Ambrose hooks the legs of The Big Show for the pin and the win!
Winner- Dean Ambrose

Bryan Danielson quickly slides into the ring, with his arms raised high. Dean Ambrose gets off the bloody and unconscious body of The Big Show and he just looks down at him, with a huge and sadistic grin on his face. Bryan Danielson grabs the arm of Dean Ambrose and raises it high into the air as the crowd cheers him on.

The Big Show is now officially fired from the KWF with that loss. Dean Ambrose is officially the new member of the KWF roster. What an impressive debut by Dean Ambrose.

"Find Me Punk"


The Canadian crowd erupts in cheers as the NEW KWF Tag Team Champions, Chris Jericho and Lance Storm make their way from the back. They both have their titles wrapped around their waist as they stand at the top of the ramp, grinning widely at the fans.

We look back at their win at Wrestlemania 3....

Wrestlemania 3 shows....

Jeri-Storm make their ways down to the ring first to a huge ovation from the crowd. They smack hands with the fans on their way down the ramp. The Tag Team Champions, Monty Brown and MVP of The Nation come out next with their titles on their shoulders. They come out to huge boos.

MVP and Chris Jericho start the match off first and it's a quick paced match. Neither team backs down from the other. The Nation is forced to wrestle this match without their counterparts, R-Truth and the leader of the Nation Shelton Benjamin, at ring side.

As the match continues, Chris Jericho and MVP are battling it out on the apron. Both men trying to throw the other one off. MVP swings a right at Jericho, but Jericho blocks it and counters with an eye rake to MVP. That blinding distraction is enough for Jericho to have the leverage and come flying off the apron with a diving bulldog to the outside of the ring! Both men are down, but MVP is in excruciating pain as he flops around like a fish out of water.

Inside of the ring, the two legal men are Monty Brown and Lance Storm. Lance is in control as he has Monty in a sleeper hold. Monty looks like he might be going to sleep, but wakes up and begins backpeddling with Storm on his back and he crushes Lance Storm against the turnbuckle. Storm releases the hold and lets out a huge scream. Monty stumbles away, holding onto his throat. Lance Storm begins stumbling forward, before falling to his knees and then his face, holding onto his midsection.

Monty Brown sees the opportunity and he begins cracking his head from side to side. He looks at the crowd and begins nodding his head. Monty begins howling, before shouting out "POUNCE!" Monty gets himself into position as he keeps his eyes focused on Lance Storm, who is slowly getting to his feet and Monty Brown charges forward and....


.... POUNCE!

Monty Brown POUNCES Chris Jericho, sending Jericho flying across the ring. Monty is amped up as he leaps to his feet, throwing his arms out to the side. Monty turns around and....


Monty Brown collapses onto his back and Lance Storm dives on top of Monty Brown and hooks the leg for the pin and the win! Canada erupts as the odd couple, their hometown boys of Jeri-Storm are the NEW KWF Tag Team Champions!

Chris Jericho and Lance Storm are both in the ring. Chris Jericho is in his wrestling gear as he hands his title over to Lance Storm. Chris Jericho is ready for action as he awaits his opponent.



The crowd boos as Shelton Benjamin leads his men from the back. MVP, Monty Brown and R-Truth follow. Shelton Benjamin holds a microphone in his hand.

Shelton Benjamin- At Wrestlemania 3, my boys over here were robbed of their titles. Monty Brown and MVP should still be the Tag Team Champions right now if not for your heroic, yet illegal move during the match. Yes, I'm talking to you, Jericho.

Chris Jericho smiles, shaking his head at the stupidity of Shelton Benjamin.

Shelton Benjamin- You were not the legal man in the match, yet you got involved and took the hit for your partner. Heroic or not, if you want to get technical, that is illegal. Not to mention that eye rake you blatantly gave MVP to get an advantage on the apron.

MVP shakes his head, disgusted by Jericho. Storm walks over to the ropes and is handed a microphone.

Shelton Benjamin- Now, I say this....

Lance Storm- If I could be serious for a moment....

The crowd cheers at Lance Storm interrupting Shelton Benjamin. Shelton watches on, in anger.

Lance Storm- Ladies and gentlemen, one half of your NEW Tag Team Champions has something he wants to say.

The crowd erupts in cheers as Lance Storm hands the microphone over to Chris Jericho. Y2J smiles at the crowd, before raising it to his mouth and looking over at Shelton Benjamin, in disgust.

Chris Jericho- WOULD YOU PLEASE.... SHUT.... THE HELL.... UP!

The crowd erupts in cheers as The Nation shakes their head, in disgust.

Chris Jericho- Now, I believe I am scheduled to go one on one against you, Shelton. So why don't you and your blonde hair put that microphone down and make your way down that ramp and get a good ol' Canadian ass kicking!

The crowd explodes in more cheers. Shelton begins nodding his head as he throws the microphone to the floor. Shelton takes off his shirt as The Nation follows him down the ramp. Shelton gets into the ring and the trash talking between Shelton and Jericho continue. The bell sounds.

Chris Jericho vs Shelton Benjamin
The two men circle the ring for awhile, before finally meeting up in the middle in a lock-up. The power of strength quickly turns into a power of agility as both men quickly take the other man down to the mat. Shelton Benjamin is coming off an impressive win against Kofi Kingston at Wrestlemania 3 and he looks to keep his winning streak going.

As the match continues, The Nation continues cheering on their leader. Storm does the same for his Tag partner, whom he shares the titles with. The match is fast paced all around and Shelton reverses an Irish Whip with an Irish Whip of his own, sending Jericho into the turnbuckle. Jericho hits it hard and leans against it. Shelton comes charging forward and leaps into the air with the SHELTON SPLASH and....


Shelton hits it hard, belly first and then stumbles around right into the CODEBREAKER!

Chris Jericho rolls Shelton over onto his back, hooks the legs for the pin and the win!
Winner- Chris Jericho

The crowd erupts in cheers as Chris Jericho gets to his feet. MVP quickly slides into the ring, followed by Monty Brown. Y2J sees this and quickly runs to the outside of the ring. Although a fan favorite, Chris Jericho plays it smart and knows they'll lose the number games to The Nation.

The Nation checks on Shelton Benjamin as they help him to his feet. Lance Storm hands the other Tag title over to Chris Jericho and the two men make their way up the ramp, smacking hands with the fans from Ottawa, Canada.


The NEW Television Champion is shown as Rene Dupree stands in front of the camera with his title on his shoulder. Dupree has a huge grin on his face as he rubs his title, giving it an extra shine.

Rene Dupree- At zee Wrestlemania 3.... I, Rene Dupree, zee French Phenom finally accomplished zee goal I have been trying to set since my debut in zee KWF.

Dupree looks over at his title.

Rene Dupree- I have finally captured singles gold. I am a former rookie of zee year, a former wrestler of zee year, I have been a part of one of zee best feuds in wrestling history, I have held zee Tag Team championships, but I have never until Wrestlemania 3, walked out with my own gold. I am zee new KWF Television Champion!

The crowd is heard cheering from ringside as Rene Dupree stands there, nodding his head.

Rene Dupree- A few minutes ago, Zee Kid came up to me and vanted to tell me that my championship was not safe. He warned me that being zee Television Champion means being on zee television every single opportunity defending it. Well, he decided to give me a little break. A two week break. You see, on zee third episode of this season, I, your KWF Television Champion, will be defending zee title against the winner of a mini tournament.

Dupree smirks.

Rene Dupree- I am a fighting champion and I know that which ever one of these four men that escape zee survivor will get zee ass kicking of their life!

That brings loud cheers from ring side.

Rene Dupree- Zee first two matches will be tonight and next week will be the Finals. The four men who are destined for zee boot of zee French Phenom are....

Dupree pauses and smirks.

Rene Dupree- Samoa Joe.

That gets cheers from ring side.

Rene Dupree- AJ Styles.

That also gets a huge ovation from the crowd at ring side.

Rene Dupree- The Miz.

The crowd continues to cheer from ring side. All of a sudden, a laugh is heard. Ted Dibiase walks into the screen with a huge smile on his face as Sheamus follows him.

Ted Dibiase- Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Rene Dupree, I would like you to meet the final man in this mini tournament and the man that will take that title away from you. My Irish friend, Sheamus! Ha, ha!

Sheamus looks over at Rene Dupree with anger on his face.

Rene Dupree- I don't see him. Eez he a ghost? Oh, there he is! Looks like zee Irishmen needs a little bit of color on his skin!

Dupree smirks as Sheamus goes to charge forward at him. Dibiase puts his arm out, stopping Sheamus. Dibiase shakes his head with a smirk on his face.

Ted Dibiase- Don't listen to him. You know the French. All talk, no walk.

Rene Dupree- Oh really?

Rene Dupree points at his Television Championship.

Ted Dibiase- Yeah, I see that title. I want you to start to say goodbye to it. Don't get too emotionally attached to it. Ha, ha!

Dibiase smiles and then points over at the hungry Sheamus and begins talking.

Ted Dibiase- Last night, I watched this man nearly decapitate one of my former employees in Sean O'Haire. And up next, I'm going to watch this man decapitate AJ Styles. I'll see you in two weeks. Ha, ha!

Ted Dibiase and Sheamus walk away as Rene Dupree watches with a smirk. Up next is AJ Styles vs Sheamus! The winner advances to next weeks Finals where the winner gets to face off against Rene Dupree for the KWF Television Championship!


AJ Styles vs Sheamus

AJ Styles looks to fight his way to another shot at that Television Championship after coming close to winning it at Wrestlemania 3. The Great White stands in front of him with vicious power.

AJ tries to use his speed and agility to get the best of Sheamus, but when Styles comes off for the flying crossbody, Sheamus makes him pay! Sheamus catches Styles in his arms, maneuvers him around (showing off his strength) and lifts him up into the air and sends him flying with the CELTIC CROSS! The body of AJ goes flying across the ring, but Sheamus is not done, yet as Dibiase laughs from the outside of the ring.

The heart of AJ Styles pushes him up to his feet as he gets up, turns around and....


The force forces AJ Styles to do a back flip and Styles lands flat on his face. Sheamus smiles as he looks down at the lifeless body of AJ Styles. Sheamus falls to his knees and easily rolls the body of AJ Styles onto his back. Sheamus hooks a leg for the pin and the win!
Winner AND advancing to the FINALS- Sheamus

Sheamus gets off of AJ Styles and angrily looks into the crowd. Ted Dibiase gets into the ring, clapping his hands in excitement. Sheamus will move on to next week where he will face the winner of Samoa Joe and The Miz.


The Kid is shown in his office and into his office walks John Cena. The Kid sighs before getting to his feet.

The Kid- How can I help you?

John Cena- Listen, I know with the new transformation of the KWF, the old rematch clauses no longer exist, but I just want to say that I know when that opportunity arises again that I get my hands on CM Punk, I will tear him apart limb from limb and I will have my revenge.

Kid smiles.

The Kid- Is that so?

John Cena- You're damn right!

The Kid- At this very moment, I have men all over the arena and outside of the arena searching for CM Punk. You, on the other hand, I have you in my office asking me to get you CM Punk. Do you even see the irony in that?

John Cena- I'm not asking for nothing.


The Kid is irate, as he shakes his head.

The Kid- If you want CM Punk, go find CM Punk!

John Cena smirks and begins shaking his head.

John Cena- Maybe you forgot who I am, but I'm John Cena. I'm the Doctor Of Thuganomics. I do not go on manhunts for no man! I come and do my job and my job is to get into that ring and put the beat down on any man that stands across from me! I win some and yes, I even lose some. At Wrestlemania 3, I lost my Intercontinental Championship and my chance to become the KWF World Champion! I have been in the KWF since you opened those doors and the very minute I finally hold gold, I get it taken away from me! You see, you may think you're the only one who wants CM Punk, but you're not! He took your dream and your vision away, well, he took mine too! I had a dream to walk out of Wrestlemania 3 holding both championships high into the air, but that didn't happen!

John Cena is amped.

John Cena- When CM Punk comes, you better believe I will be right behind you on that line ready to get my revenge, but don't think I'm going to go out there looking for a man who is not man enough to step! The reason I am standing in front of you is because I want a match. I want that match to be tonight! You give me a match against anybody! I don't care who it is! Whoever that man is will step into the ring and feel this anger I have inside of me get unleashed!

The fire in the eyes of John Cena look right over at The Kid. The Kid nods his head.

The Kid- The main event for tonight will be John Cena going one on one against....

Kid smiles. The Kid snaps his fingers together and walking through a door comes....

The Kid- RHYNO!

John Cena looks over at Rhyno, who is heavily breathing. John Cena nods his head.

John Cena- Thank you.

John Cena walks out of the office of The Kid with a smile on his face. Kid looks over at Rhyno.

The Kid- Destroy him.

Rhyno nods his head as he smacks himself on the forehead a few times, amping himself up. The Kid smiles as he stares into thin air.

End of Part 2.
"Find Me Punk"

We look back at another match from WrestleMania 3, the Iron Man match!

WrestleMania 3 shows....

Muhammad Hassan is shown making his way out to the ring accompanied by Daivari. Muhammad Hassan said that he wanted Kurt Angle in a country that will not be biased towards either one, Canada. Kurt Angle accepted the challenge and decided to defend his undefeated streak of Iron Man matches against Muhammad Hassan. The first time Kurt Angle defeated Muhammad Hassan, Rene Dupree and Shelton Benjamin in the first ever Fatal Four Way Iron Man match.

Kurt Angle would make his way out next, decked out in red and gold, duplicating the Iron Man look. Both men would stare off in the middle of the ring, no talking, just staring. The 60 minutes shows up on the clock and the bell rings, officially starting off this hour of wrestling.

The first pin fall was an unexpected one as Muhammad Hassan attempted out wrestling Kurt Angle, only to get rolled up into the ANKLE LOCK! Muhammad Hassan taps out immediately to avoid any further damage on the ankle this early in the match. Kurt Angle takes a 1-0 lead with 53:27 left on the clock.

The second pin fall would come much later as Kurt Angle continues to get his shoulders off the mat on a 2 count, frustrating Muhammad Hassan. Muhammad would have to seek other ways of getting a score as he would duck a clothesline from Angle and shove Angle into the referee. The referee takes a tumble, but is unhurt. Those few seconds of stumbling back, though, was enough distraction to give Muhammad Hassan the opening for a low blow from behind. Muhammad Hassan quickly grabs the bent over Kurt Angle and roll him into a schoolboy for his first score in the match. The score is tied at 1 with 34:56 left in the match.

Muhammad Hassan would hold control of the match after the ten second wait is up. Muhammad Hassan walks Kurt Angle around on the outside of the ring, smashing Kurt into the barricade. Muhammad uses this time to catch his breath, as well as he continues throwing Kurt Angle into anything that would hurt and stop the fall. In complete control, Muhammad Hassan rolls Kurt Angle into the ring and follows him into it. Muhammad Hassan stalks Kurt Angle who slowly gets to his feet and Angle turns around right into the JIHAD DRIVER! Kurt goes face first into the mat and Hassan rolls him over for the pin and the lead. Muhammad Hassan takes a 2-1 lead with 25:38 left in the match.

Muhammad Hassan would continue to hold the advantage. Hassan continues to wear down Kurt and the time remaining. Kurt Angle comes out with a burst out of nowhere and begins laying Muhammad out with some wicked uppercuts and jabs. Kurt Angle would swing a wild right, though and Hassan would duck underneath it and send Kurt Angle down with a swinging neckbreaker. Muhammad Hassan seems to be a bit furious from that quick attack from Kurt Angle. Muhammad Hassan angrily looks over at the audience and shakes his head. He then walks over to Kurt Angle, who is laying on his face holding onto his neck. Muhammad Hassan gets on top of Kurt's back and lifts the head of Kurt Angle up and makes the cut throat gesture against his opponents throat. Muhammad Hassan grabs the arms and head and locks in the CAMEL CLUTCH!

The crowd watches in anticipation, knowing that if Kurt Angle taps to this, the match could be over. With the amount of time left, it does sound impossible.

However, much to the displeasure of Daivari who begins screaming from the outside of the ring, Kurt Angle has life in him! A lot of life! With a sudden burst of adrenaline, Kurt Angle begins pushing himself with the full weight of Muhammad Hassan on his back, to his feet. Muhammad Hassan holds the face lock on for a bit longer, but decides that it's best to let go. Muhammad spins the fired up Kurt around and locks in the arm for the JIHAD DRI-

- NO! Kurt counters it into a hooked belly to belly suplex! Hassan gets to his feet, dazed and turns around right into the ANGLE SLAM! Kurt quickly gets on top of Muhammad Hassan, hooks the leg and ties the match up! The match is tied at 2 with 14:54 left to go.

The crowd comes alive as Kurt Angle has tied this match up out of nowhere. A little bit of time passes and Kurt Angle raises Muhammad Hassan up into the air and hits with another ANGLE SLAM! Kurt covers Hassan for the 1, 2, THRE- NO! Muhammad Hassan just gets his shoulder off the mat. Kurt is stunned by this as he gets to his feet. Kurt looks up at the time and sees that this match is nearly done. Kurt angrily puts his straps down as he begins stalking Muhammad. Muhammad gets to his feet, turns around and Kurt lifts him into the air for the ANGLE SL-

- NO! Muhammad Hassan leaps out of the arms, in mid air and lands on his feet, stumbling back into the ropes. Hassan waits for Angle to turn around before charging forward for a clothesline and NO! Angle dives into the right knee of Hassan shoulder first. Hassan falls down to both knees and Kurt quickly grabs the right foot and locks in the ANKLE LOCK! Muhammad tapped immediately the first time, but knows that if he taps out now, he may run out of time and lose the match. Hassan screams in pain as Angle makes the move that much tighter by scissoring the right leg of Hassan in between his. After a few more seconds, Muhammad Hassan realizes that there is no escape and he is just wasting time. Muhammad Hassan taps out! Kurt Angle takes the 3-2 lead with 8:43 left.

The crowd is fired up as the match continues. Kurt is in control until Daivari jumps on the apron once it hit the final 2 minutes. Kurt quickly runs over to Daivari and flips him over the top rope and into the ring. Daivari is shocked and he gets to his feet and walks right into the ANGLE SLAM! Kurt is fired up and he begins kicking at the body of Daivari until he has been rolled to the outside of the ring. Kurt Angle lets out a roar of adrenaline as he looks over at the crowd. Kurt turns around and walks right into the JIHAD DRIVER! The crowd is stunned and Hassan takes a bit of time, finding the energy to roll over the body of Kurt Angle before hooking the leg! ONE! TWO!


We reach the final minute and Muhammad Hassan is in disbelief as he looks up at the arenas roof, from his back. Muhammad sits up and looks at the clock and sees there is 45 seconds left. Hassan quickly pushes himself up to his feet and rolls the body of Kurt Angle over. Weak and tired, the moving of the body takes a bit longer then it usually would. Finally, Muhammad Hassan gets on top of the back of Kurt Angle, locking in the arms and the head and the CAMEL CLUTCH! 28 SECONDS REMAIN!

The crowd is on their feet as Kurt refuses to tap. Muhammad Hassan has his eyes facing the titantron and the clock. He watches as he swings the head of Kurt from side to side, trying to submit him. Kurt must be looking at the clock, begging for it to move faster. It hits the 10 second mark. The crowd begins counting down.

5! 4! 3! 2! KURT ANGLE'S EYES SHUT CLOSE! 1! 0!


The buzzer goes off and Kurt Angle has won the Iron Man match 3-2! Kurt Angle lays flat on his face, unconscious as Muhammad Hassan falls back onto his back, exhausted, eyes beat red in disbelief.

Muhammad Hassan is shown backstage and he looks pissed. Standing beside him with an equally angry face is Daivari.

Muhammad Hassan- Many men in the backstage area are satisfied with "stealing the show." Win or lose. Just happy to know the fans went home talking about your match. After my Iron Man match, every fan went home saying that we stole the show. It was the best Iron Man match ever. How Kurt Angle is unstoppable in Iron Man matches. NOT one fan went home and said to themselves, "Kurt Angle was unconscious with 2 seconds left in the match and therefore that should have been considered a KO via submission."

Hassan angrily stares forward.

Muhammad Hassan- I was screwed in Canada and all anyone can talk about is what happened to Bret and HBK. If anything, I take that as a blessing. If the doors shut on the KWF, nobody would ever hear nor speak the truth of what happened to me, Muhammad Hassan at WrestleMania 3!

The anger on his face is unmatched.

Muhammad Hassan- I was watching the show tonight and I watched a man win a KWF contract. By doing so, he took another mans contract. I personally went to The Kid and I told him to find me a man who wants to have a KWF contract. I told him to get me a Canadian. Up next, I will get into that ring and all vengeance will be unleashed on the body of this filthy Canadian.

The crowd is heard booing from ring side. Hassan stays focused in rage.

Muhammad Hassan- You know who is unable to be here tonight, because of the beating they took at WrestleMania 3? That's right. Kurt Angle. Now a poor soul will suffer the consequences for Kurt Angle.

Daivari steps in front of Muhammad Hassan and points directly into the camera.

Daivari- *Arabic screaming*


Muhammad Hassan vs Petey Williams

Former KWF superstar who once held a title that no longer exists in the KWF, the Cruiserweight Championship, shocks the world as he returns fighting for a contract. Not only is he fighting for a contract, but he is fighting for Canada!

Petey had Canada behind him, but never stood a chance. After a grueling and exhausting 60 minute Iron Man match, Muhammad Hassan has come out with everything, again. Muhammad Hassan sends Petey Williams down with the JIHAD DRIVER! Hassan doesn't stop there as he shakes his head at the booing Canada crowd. Hassan walks over to Petey, who lays flat on his face and he yanks his head up and makes the cut throat gesture against his opponents throat. Muhammad Hassan then locks in the CAMEL CLUTCH and Petey Williams is only able to stay in it for a few seconds, before he taps out.
Winner- Muhammad Hassan

Muhammad Hassan keeps the submission locked in for a few more seconds before finally letting it go. Muhammad gets to his feet and angrily looks at the Canadian crowd. If he hasn't proven himself in the KWF, yet, maybe that dominant performance may change some minds.


The Miz vs Samoa Joe

The Miz makes his way out first to an ovation from the crowd. He gets into the ring and awaits his opponent. Samoa Joe comes out to an ovation, as well as he angrily makes his way down the ramp. Samoa Joe gets into the ring and stares across at The Miz. The bell rings, officially starting the match.

Samoa Joe backs up and leaves the ring....?

The crowd is confused by this as Samoa Joe heads up the ramp and to the back. The Miz stands inside of the ring, shrugging at the referee. The referee shrugs back and counts all the way to 10 counting Samoa Joe out.
Winner by countout and advancing to the FINALS- The Miz

The Miz stands inside of the ring, confused, but shrugs it off and smiles as he raises his arms into the air. All of a sudden....

*HA, HA!


Ted Dibiase walks out from the back, laughing as he claps his hands for The Miz. The Miz keeps his eyes locked at the top of the ramp as he nods his head, waving his arms for Dibiase to come out. A look of fright appears on the face of The Miz as he hears footsteps behind him. The Miz turns around and....


Sheamus snuck into the ring behind him and nearly decapitated him. Sheamus stands above The Miz, heavily breathing as these two men will square off next week in the Finals of this mini tournament.


Samoa Joe is walking in the backstage area. His eyes focused straight. All of a sudden, The Kid turns the corner and angrily looks over at Samoa Joe.

The Kid- What was that?! What the hell was that?! Did he pay you?! Did Ted Dibiase pay you?! HOW MUCH DID HE GIVE YOU?


The Kid is taken aback by the scream from Joe. Kid begins shaking his head, disappointed.

Samoa Joe- I would never go out there and purposely lose for money. The only reason I walked out of that match is because I had the Television Championship and I lost it at WrestleMania 3. My time will come where I will get my chance at my title, again, but right now is NOT the time.

The Kid has a confused look on his face.

Samoa Joe- Tonight is going to be a big night. Tonight, I am going to find CM Punk and I am going to bring him to you and I am going to get whatever title shot I want. Who knows, Kid.... I might want Punk.

Kid smiles at Joe and....

.... his cell phone rings. The Kid looks at his phone, with frustration.

The Kid- It's Danielson. What does he want?

Kid answers the phone on speaker.

The Kid- What?!


The Kid- Wait, what?! You found him?! Where?! Where is he?!

Bryan Danielson- We got him in his favorite lobster house out here. You have to remember, I knew him for a long time and I know what he wants. Dean Ambrose and me, we found him! We're bringing him to RAW! We'll be there in a half hour.

The Kid- Okay, great, alright. I will see you then.


The phone hangs up and The Kid has a huge smile on his face and he looks over at the disappointed Joe.

The Kid- Looks like you should have tried your luck in that tournament.

Kid slaps the shoulder of Joe and walks away. Joe stands there angry, before walking away.

End of Part 3.
"Find Me Punk"

The cameras are in a dark room with a dim light. Sitting on a chair is a masked Cody Rhodes. He has his side facing the camera as he looks away.

Cody Rhodes- At Wrestlemania 3, I was supposed to make a name for myself. I was supposed to defeat the 2 time Intercontinental Champion, the 1 time KWF World Champion, I was supposed to decapitate The Viper and I was supposed to kill The Legend Killer. I stood on the top turnbuckle, ready to make my Wrestlemania moment and I got caught. I was defeated.

Cody sits in silence, remembering the RKO he received after jumping from the top turnbuckle, after attempting to surprise Randy with some high flying action.

Cody Rhodes- Some say it was Randy Orton and his killer instinct. Some even say it was my inexperience that cost me. I call it luck. Well, luck is about to turn around. Next week, I have been given a tag team match. Next week, it's going to be Muhammad Hassan teaming up with me to take on Rene Dupree and.... Randy Orton.

Cody turns his head to look at the camera. He shakes his head, before turning sideways, again.

Cody Rhodes- Next week, I will exact my revenge and I will grab the snake by it's head and stare right into the venom that drips out of his mouth and I will make him bleed it all out. I will make him....


Cody Rhodes leaps to his feet, in anger, as he faces behind the camera.

Cody Rhodes- What are you doing?!

Standing at the door, with his hand still against the light switch is GOLDUST!

Goldust- That was.... very.... fierce.... very.... passionate.... very.... terrible.

Cody marches over to his brother.

Cody Rhodes- Get out of here!

Goldust- My brother.... I will guide you down the road you want to head down. I will....

Cody Rhodes- Are you hard of hearing? I don't want your help, nor need your help! Where were you during Wrestlemania 3? Oh, that's right, home. Watching!

Goldust- Yes, watching you lose.


Cody is furious with Goldust.

Cody Rhodes- That's all that matters. So why don't you do what you always do these days and go home and watch. I want you to watch what I am going to do to Randy Orton next week. I want you to pay close attention, because when that match ends, you will think twice before barging in on me. You will know what I am capable of and if you have any brains left in that gold head of yours, you will STAY.... AWAY!

Goldust looks into the eyes of Cody Rhodes and does a slight shiver.

Goldust- Oh, I'm shaking in my gold trunks.

Goldust bites his teeth together, making a "crunch" noise, before exiting the room. Cody slams the door shut, in anger.


Rhyno vs John Cena

Rhyno makes his way from the back first and is all business as he keeps his head straight and focused inside of the ring. John Cena comes out next to some cheers and he looks ready to throw down with The Man Beast. The two men have a distant stare down and the bell rings! The match is officially under way.

John Cena and Rhyno have a battle of power throughout the match as neither man really holds the advantage over the other for too long. John Cena gets control as he hits a running bulldog out of nowhere. Rhyno gets to his feet and is taken down with a DDT. That sets him up for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. John is amped up and he signals for the end. He stalks Rhyno and when Rhyno gets to his feet, he turns around right into the arms of John Cena and....


Rhyno shoves Cena forward and Cena stumbles towards the turnbuckle. Rhyno charges at him full speed and goes for the GOR-

- NO!

Cena moves out of the way and Rhyno goes crashing shoulder first into the turnbuckle post. Rhyno falls all the way to the outside of the ring, holding onto his right shoulder. Cena sees the opportunity and exits the ring, going to the body of Rhyno. Cena grabs Rhyno and stands him up and hits him with right after right after right after right. Rhyno continues to stumble up the ramp and to the top of it. Cena sees this and charges at Rhyno hitting him with a spear! Almost mocking the Gore that Rhyno has put many away with. Cena stands over the body of Rhyno, who lays on his back on the top of the ramp and he motions his hands across his face saying, "YOU CAN'T SEE ME!"

John Cena picks the body of Rhyno off of the floor and lifts him onto his shoulders. He looks around at the crowd and smiles. John Cena walks over to the edge of the ramp and his smile turns into a face of anger and....


The body of Rhyno goes crashing through a table filled with equipment and the referee calls for the bell, ending the match.

John Cena stands at the top of the ramp, unfazed by the sound of the bell as he just looks down at the destroyed body of Rhyno. John looks up at the fans with the stern look on his face, before turning away and calmly walking to the back.


The cameras are in the back where John Cena is walking through the halls. The Kid comes marching over to John Cena with a smile on his face.

The Kid- Oh is that your way of getting revenge on me?! Taking out my man?! Taking out the man that I was going to take out to the ring with me and punish CM Punk?! That's what you do?!

John Cena- Nothing personal. You put a man in front of me in that ring and I will do whatever I got to do to punish them. Not you. Them. You knew that and you put him in a match with me. You took the risk.

The Kid- I took the risk?!

Kid starts laughing.

The Kid- Fine! Well, guess who is going to escort me to the ring now to get my revenge on CM Punk? YOU!

Kid smiles at Cena as Cena just looks into the eyes of Kid. Cena nods his head.

John Cena- Well, then let's make one thing clear right now. If I come out there with you, don't try and stop me from getting what's mine.

The Kid- And what's yours Cena?

John Cena- Revenge.

Kid and Cena just stare at each other and all of a sudden, ruckus is heard from behind. Kid turns around with a huge smile on his face to see....

.... Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose dragging CM Punk down the halls. The title belt tied around the throat of Dean Ambrose.

Bryan Danielson- WE GOT HIM!

Kid walks over to Punk with a huge smile on his face. Punk looks dazed as his hair is everywhere. Punk's hands are tied behind his back with steel chains. He looks up at Kid and spits at him. The spit lands right on the face of The Kid. The Kid smiles while wiping away the spit. Kid looks up at Danielson and nods his head.

The Kid- Bring him out to the ring. NOW!

Kid smiles and walks away. Kid taps Cena on the back as Cena looks down at the beaten Punk who is dragged down the halls by his arms by Danielson and Ambrose.

The Kid- Let's go.

John Cena looks over at The Kid and follows him down the halls. Danielson and Ambrose try and keep up as they drag the beaten body of Punk down the halls. They're heading to ring side!


The Kid and John Cena have reached the ring as Danielson and Ambrose are still dragging the body of Punk down the ramp. Punk is barely making them struggle as he must have received a nice beat down prior, when he was captured. They finally reach ring side and Kid shouts into the microphone.

The Kid- Slide him into the ring! Just throw him in!

They roll the body of CM Punk into the ring and Punk sits up, hands tied in steel chains behind his back. Danielson and Ambrose crawl into the ring.

The Kid- CM Punk....


The Kid turns away from CM Punk and an angry Samoa Joe makes his way down the ramp. He, too, holds a microphone in his hand.

Samoa Joe- I would've found CM Punk if I didn't have to compete in the tournament. So if you think I'm going to sit in the back and watch these two men get their glory for capturing him, you're out of your mind.

Danielson angrily looks at the outside of the ring at Joe. Joe quickly slides into the ring and gets in Danielson's face.

Samoa Joe- I'm not leaving.

Danielson angrily breaths in the face of Joe and Kid begins tapping his hand on the microphone.

The Kid- Fine. Stay! I don't care. Everyone can watch! I want everyone to see what I'm about to do to you, CM Punk!

Kid gets in the face of Punk and smiles.

The Kid- What you did at Wrestlemania 3 was unfair, but I'm a fair guy. I'm going to let you have your final words before you are humiliated. Hey Dean, welcome to the KWF! You get the privilege of holding the microphone to his mouth while he makes his final statement. So here you go, Punk. What do you got to say with your hands tied behind your back?!

Kid hands the microphone over to Ambrose and Ambrose smiles at it and puts it to his mouth.

Dean Ambrose- Thank you.

Dean then lowers it to the mouth of Punk.

CM Punk- KISS.... MY....

Kid punches Punk in the side of the head. Kid angrily grabs the microphone out of the hand of Samoa Joe, who was holding his own. Kid gets in the face of CM Punk.

The Kid- What were you saying?! Now, think wisely, because these are the last words that are going to be coming out your mouth. What do you want them to be?

Punk smiles as he looks up at Kid.

CM Punk- It's over.

Kid laughs and begins backing away from CM Punk, only to bump into the chest of John Cena. Kid turns around with a smile on his face to look at Cena and Cena has his arms crossed and a stern look as he looks into the eyes of The Kid.

Behind The Kid, CM Punk rises to his feet as he holds the steel chain in his left hand and now holds the microphone in his right hand. Kid turns around to see this. Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose and Samoa Joe have stern looks on their faces as they stand behind a smiling CM Punk.

CM Punk- Maybe you didn't hear me clearly, but it's over.... FOR YOU!

John Cena turns The Kid around, lifts him onto his shoulders and....

.... F-U!

The body of The Kid bounces off the mat and he lays there, on his side. CM Punk drops the microphone to the floor and wraps the steel chain around his right fist and he falls to his knees, besides the head of The Kid and....


Blood begins rushing from the forehead of The Kid, as he lays unconscious. The Canada crowd are in silence at this as the security guards and KWF officials begin running down the ramp and into the ring. They quickly begin pulling away Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose and John Cena who put up no fight. Punk gets a few more steel chain shots in, before finally being pulled off of the bloody Kid. CM Punk backpeddles to the other four men and he smiles at them. Dean Ambrose takes the title from around his neck and hands it over to CM Punk who lifts it high into the air.

The final image is a ring surrounded by officials and security guards over the bloody body of The Kid. Standing besides that crowd is: CM Punk, John Cena, Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose.


The critics are raving....










The Kid sits at a table with an interviewer:

Interviewer- Kid, is a pleasure to sit here and interview you. You are a true ICON. A true LEGEND.

Kid- I am.

Interviewer- Yes, you are. I want to know. The world wants to know. How do you manage to not only write epic stuff in DMW and KWF, but how do you manage to be in both places at once? I mean, you're fighting for your life in DMW and you're fighting for your company in KWF. A lot of fighting. How are you at two places at once?

Kid- I'm always in two places at once.

Interviewer- Oh yeah? So are you in two places at once right now, as we speak?

Kid- I am.

Interviewer- Oh yeah? Ha, ha. You're too much Kid. If your here, where is the second place you're at right now?

Kid- Your mind.

The Kid just stares into the eyes of the interviewer who looks on, frightened. The Kid finally turns his attention away from the interviewer and looks directly at the camera.

Kid- I am The Kid.... and I'm God.


.... NOW!
"The Explanation"

- After The Kid's plan of exacting revenge was foiled, The Kid was assaulted. KWF World Champion and Intercontinental Champion, CM Punk had the set up of The Kid helped by John Cena, Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose. Once The Kid was in the ring, John Cena took him down with the F-U. CM Punk finished the job by pummeling away at the head of The Kid with steel chain shot after steel chain shot. The Kid has been hospitalized and will not be in the building for the second episode.

- HOWEVER, the men responsible for taking him out WILL be. They will explain their actions as the world waits. Their destruction on RAW went from taking out JBL to Rhyno to the boss himself, The Kid. A lot of destruction for one night.

- After Kurt Angle defeated Muhammad Hassan and Randy Orton defeated Cody Rhodes at Wrestlemania 3, a tag team match has been set up for RAW. Muhammad Hassan and Cody Rhodes look to exact revenge for their losses at the gran stage. It should be a classic.

- A four man mini tournament was made last week where the winner will face off against Rene Dupree on episode 3 for the Television Championship. Sheamus manhandled AJ Styles to get to the championship round. The Miz went untouched in his match as Samoa Joe got himself counted out. Led by his manager, The Billion Dollar Man, Ted Dibiase, Sheamus was able to sneak in and give Miz a taste. A lethal taste of some boot. The Brogue Kick. Don't expect The Miz to be afraid, though. He is a former Intercontinental Champion and just finished defeating The Big Show at Wrestlemania 3. Rene Dupree will be watching to see which man earns a shot at his KWF Television Championship.

- After siding with his brother over The Crows Nest, The Hardy Boyz have requested the time of the audience to let the world know what really went down at Wrestlemania 3. Everyone wants to know what went through the mind of Jeff Hardy when he had a chance to knock out Matt Hardy with the steel chair, but instead hit the member of The Nest, Dolph Ziggler. Many questions shall be answered.

- The Nations problems with the Tag Team Champions, Chris Jericho and Lance Storm has only gotten worse. After Chris Jericho defeated Shelton Benjamin, the bad taste remained in the mouth of The Nation. Shelton promises revenge as The Nation is involved in two matches. The Alpha Male, Monty Brown goes one on one with Lance Storm hoping to now hit the Pounce on the man he targeted at Wrestlemania 3. MVP will also be in one on one action as he will square off against the former leader of The Nation, Kofi Kingston!

- This and much more! Tune in for Episode 2!

Announced matches:
- #1 Contender for TV Title- Sheamus (with Ted Dibiase) vs The Miz

- Kurt Angle & Randy Orton vs Muhammad Hassan & Cody Rhodes

- Monty Brown vs Lance Storm

- MVP vs Kofi Kingston

- The explanation

"The Explanation"


The camera opens up on the face of a smiling Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose. A white wall is behind them. They both have sadistic smirks on their faces.

Bryan Danielson- You're probably all wondering why we have decided to go in front of this camera in an unknown area. Look behind me.

Danielson turns around and smacks the concrete wall with his hand.

Bryan Danielson- Can you guess by this wall where we are? I didn't think so!

Danielson laughs to himself as Ambrose sticks his face towards the screen.

Dean Ambrose- Surely, someone must know where we are right now. There's a man facing a camera at us. Surely, an employee of the KWF must know where we are. Camera man, reveal yourself.

The camera man turns the camera to himself and smiles at it. It's Samoa Joe.

Samoa Joe- Everyone has questions. Everyone wants to know why we did what we did. Why Daniel? Why Dean? Why Joe?

Samoa Joe turns the camera and it faces John Cena.

John Cena- Why me?

The camera turns away from John Cena and faces CM Punk.

CM Punk- Why us?

CM Punk begins laughing and creeps up to the camera. Punk puts his face right in front of the camera lens. The piercing on his lip shines as his laugh slowly turns into a wide grin.

CM Punk- This is only the beginning.

The camera turns off on the up close image of CM Punk.




Shelton Benjamin leads his men from the back. Shelton Benjamin has a microphone in his hand as The Nation continues their march down the ramp. They reach ring side and Shelton leads the way up the steel steps and into the ring. They march into the ring in a straight line with MVP, Monty Brown and R-Truth following Shelton, in that order. They get into the ring and Shelton stops by the opposite ropes. The rest of The Nation stops behind him in a lateral line, before they all simultaneously throw their right fist into the air. When Shelton lowers his arm, the rest follow.

Shelton begins speaking.

Shelton Benjamin- To most people, last week would just be a little bump in the road. To us, last week was more then that. As a matter of fact, the past week has been terrible. Before last weeks embarrassing showing, we encountered another problem. Wrestlemania 3.

Shelton lowers the microphone and angrily looks over at his man. He slowly walks over to them and then points over at R-Truth.

Shelton Benjamin- You were put in a fatal four way ELIMINATION match for the Television Championship. I am emphasizing the word ELIMINATION, because you were the very first person to be eliminated. The point is, you lost.

Shelton then turns over to look at MVP and Monty Brown and he begins shaking his head.

Shelton Benjamin- As for the two of you, I helped you win those Tag Team titles. Thanks to me, the two of you walked around with gold. You are given one match, in the grandest stage of them all and the only difference is the two of you have to do it alone, since we were banned from ring side and what happened? You lost!

Shelton walks away and looks over at the crowd.

Shelton Benjamin- Last week, I was screwed out of defeat. By looking at the footage, you are probably wondering how. I lost fair and square. You're wrong.

Shelton looks over at the crowd, shaking his head. A very serious look remains on his face through all of this.

Shelton Benjamin- I was mentally distracted by my surroundings.

Shelton turns around and angrily looks at the three other men from The Nation.


The Nation angrily look over at their leader, but their anger doesn't match the anger on the face of Shelton Benjamin. Shelton stares his men down for a few seconds as the microphone has been lowered. Shelton Benjamin then turns around and looks over at the crowd.

Shelton Benjamin- Just in case you don't believe me about the distraction, allow me to show you some footage of dominance to remind you.

Shelton points over to the titantron screen as the footage begins to play.

The footage shows Wrestlemania 3....

We see Kofi Kingston make his way out to the ring first. Shelton Benjamin makes his entrance next. The two men square off in the middle and the two begin countering just about everything and simulating each others speed. Kofi Kingston is shown connecting with the Trouble In Paradise. Shelton Benjamin falls back and luckily falls through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring.

Kofi Kingston leaves the ring and quickly grabs Shelton Benjamin and rolls the lifeless body of Shelton into the ring. That alone took enough time that when Kofi did get the pin fall, Shelton Benjamin was able to get his shoulder off the mat at 2.

The match continued at a speedy pace as Kofi Kingston was slammed into the turnbuckle. Shelton Benjamin charges full speed and leaps for the Shelton Splash, but Kofi ducks and avoids it. Shelton catches himself on the turnbuckle, avoiding any self damage and he quickly turns around to see Kofi Kingston with his back turned on a knee, catching his breath. Shelton quickly charges over and yanks Kofi up and off of the floor and hits with the German Suplex Bridge Pin!



Both men scamper to their feet and Kofi leaps out of nowhere for the Trouble In Paradise and....

.... Shelton Benjamin ducks underneath it!

Kofi hits the mat and slowly pulls himself up and turns around right into a SHELTON KICK!

The super kick hits Kofi Kingston right in the jaw as he collapses onto his back. Shelton Benjamin leaps on top of Kofi Kingston, hooks a leg for the pin and the win!

Shelton Benjamin is now shown in the ring, smiling as he looks over at the titantron. He turns his attention to the crowd with the smile on his face.

Shelton Benjamin- You see that?

The crowd boos Shelton Benjamin as his smile slowly fades to a much more serious one.

Shelton Benjamin- Do you know what the biggest difference there was? I did NOT have these losers....

Shelton points to the three members of The Nation.

Shelton Benjamin- .... by my side.

The crowd continue to boo Shelton Benjamin, tired of his arrogance. Shelton Benjamin keeps his eyes locked on the three members of The Nation, continuing to speak to them.

Shelton Benjamin- The reason I came out here tonight is not to sit here and humiliate the three of you. It is to make a point. The point is that starting tonight, I want things to change. Two of you have a match tonight. Later on tonight, Monty Brown, you will be facing off against Lance Storm. What do you have to say about that?

Shelton walks the microphone over to Monty Brown and puts the microphone by his mouth. Monty Brown has a fierce look on his face.

Monty Brown- Can't wait.

Shelton puts the microphone back to his mouth.

Shelton Benjamin- And what are you NOT going to do?

Monty Brown- This time, I'm not going to miss the POOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNCCCCCCEEEE....

Shelton pulls the microphone away from the mouth of Monty and looks over at the energetic Alpha Male and nods his head.

Shelton Benjamin- I was looking for you to say you're not going to lose, but....

Monty leaps towards the microphone.

Monty Brown- PERIOD!

Shelton backs away and nods his head.

Shelton Benjamin- Good. Up next, MVP, you are facing off against the former leader of The Nation, the man I took the position from, the man that I defeated at Wrestlemania 3, the man they call Kofi Kingston.

The crowd cheers at the announcement of his name. Shelton Benjamin turns his attention away from MVP for a second and angrily looks over at the fans. Shelton turns his attention back to MVP and continues speaking.

Shelton Benjamin- What are your thoughts on that?

Shelton puts the microphone by the mouth of MVP.

MVP- I'm going to do my thing and I most definitely am not going to lose. I'm Montel Vontavious Porter AKA....

Shelton pulls the microphone away from the mouth of MVP.

Shelton Benjamin- We get it. Now prove it.

MVP nods his head and begins waving his hand while saying, "Bring it on!"

Shelton Benjamin- But here is the little change I'm going to add to those two matches tonight. Under no circumstance does any member of The Nation come out and get involved in this match. That's right! I am banning us all from ringside!

The Nation looks over at Shelton Benjamin, confused.

Shelton Benjamin- It's time to prove yourselves and you're going to prove yourself alone!

Shelton angrily looks at the three members.

Shelton Benjamin- You either make an example or I make the example.

Shelton keeps his eyes on them for a few seconds, before straightening up all the way.

Shelton Benjamin- Monty.... Truth.... let's go!

Shelton leaves the ring and walks down the stairs. R-Truth and Monty Brown slap MVP on the shoulder for good luck before following Shelton. The three men march up the ramp without looking back as MVP stands in the ring, waiting for his opponent.


MVP vs Kofi Kingston
Kofi Kingston would make his way out to a huge ovation from the crowd. The match begins as soon as Kofi gets into the ring, because MVP looks to take the early advantage by attacking him as soon as he was in the ring. MVP would pull Kofi away from the ropes and drag him to the middle of the ring, before kicking down on him with vicious stomps. Kofi was trapped in a bad situation.

The match would continue with MVP still in control, powering away at Kofi in the corner. MVP would look to turn Kofi's matters from bad to worse. MVP would leave Kofi standing against the turnbuckle, in pain and exhausted. MVP has now bought himself across the ring as he stands arrogantly by the opposite turnbuckle. MVP rubs his right boot on the ground with a smug look on his face. MVP then charges across the ring and goes for the Game Changer and....


MVP gives the top turnbuckle a hard boot, before stumbling back, holding onto his knee. MVP turns around and walks right into the TROUBLE IN PARADISE! MVP collapses onto the mat. The first offensive move the whole match by Kofi Kingston is his finishing move! Kofi goes for the cover to secure the first ever KWF one hitter quitter.


The match is over!
Winner- Kofi Kingston

The crowd erupts in cheers as MVP lays flat on his back, eyes shut. Kofi Kingston crawls off of MVP and scatters to his feet. Kofi's momentum makes him stumble into the ropes where he catches himself and throws one arm up into the air, in victory. Pain shows on the face of Kofi, although he tries to cover it up with a smile.

He knows that he just got beat around the whole match and the pain shows. However, the smile is no fake one. He knows that he just knocked MVP out in one shot after getting his butt handed to him the whole match.

A killer instinct.

End of Part 1.
"The Explanation"

Jim Ross- Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been told two huge stories that we must immediately share with all of you. Like tonight's main event.

King- JR, I can't wait! Actually, I'm so excited that I'm going to tell them! Tonight's main event will be the match between The Miz and Sheamus! The Finals of the four man tournament for the rights to face the Television Champion, Rene Dupree!

Jim Ross- That's right and the winner of that match will get the opportunity to open up RAW next week! Episode three! We will be doing our rounds to Summerslam as our next stop after Green Bay, Wisconsin is to the home of the Packers biggest rivals, Chicago, Illinois!

King- That's right! The home of none other then, CM Punk!

Jim Ross- Yes and that leads to our next big news of the night. Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose, Samoa Joe, John Cena and our World and Intercontinental Champion, CM Punk will be gracing us with their explanation tonight.

King- They want to close the show, again and you know what?

Jim Ross- What?

King- Who's going to try and stop them?!

Jim Ross- Nobody.


The cameras are in the back where we see Randy Orton walking down the halls. A snake like grin on his face. He continues down the halls when he stops and smiles as he looks over and sees an almost frightened, but angry Cody Rhodes. One half of his opponents for tonight, the man he defeated at Wrestlemania 3.

Cody Rhodes- What are you looking at?!

Randy laughs.

Randy Orton- Prey.

Randy laughs to himself and walks away, obviously waiting to let his fighting do the talking later tonight. Cody Rhodes stands there angrily.


Cody Rhodes turns around and angrily looks over to see GOLDUST!

His brother in gold, shakes his head as he looks over at the furious, Cody Rhodes.

Goldust- Very intimidating.

Cody Rhodes- I warned you! I warned you to get out of my life!

Goldust- Then leave.

Cody Rhodes- I DID!

Cody begins nodding his head, now grinning at Goldust.

Cody Rhodes- A LONG TIME AGO.

Cody continues nodding his head, but the smile is gone. He looks at Goldust, in disgust.

Cody Rhodes- I left that life the day I came into this business and I didn't look like a morbidly obese bumblebee or like you! A glittery, confused, golden thing! I didn't become a creature of a living thing like you all did. No! I became my own man! I kept the name and I have been trying my best this whole time to bring some respect back to this name.

Goldust- That's the thing, brother. You're not doing anything!

Cody Rhodes- Really? I could've sworn while you were at home, watching me wres-

Goldust- Wrestle at Wrestlemania! Blah, blah, blah! I get it. You lost.

Cody Rhodes- I beat you, didn-

Goldust puts his hand across the mouth of Cody Rhodes and pins him against the concrete wall.

Goldust- Shhhhhhhhhhh. Don't resist, brother. Just listen to me.

Goldust puts hit mouth close to the face of Cody Rhodes.

Goldust- Be yourself. If you forget who you truly are, then the world forgets who you ever were.

Cody stops resisting the pressure by Goldust and his eyes are filled with rage as he looks up at his older brothers, golden face.

Goldust- And nobody will ever forget the name....


Goldust crunches his teeth together by the ear of Cody Rhodes.


Goldust lets go of the mouth of Cody Rhodes and walks away. Cody Rhodes begins wiping his mouth and spitting on the floor. Cody Rhodes looks across the hall at his fading brother, in rage and complete disgust.

Cody Rhodes- Freak!


Cody Rhodes & Muhammad Hassan vs Randy Orton & Kurt Angle

The match opens up with Kurt Angle on one side. Muhammad Hassan and Cody Rhodes argue over who is going to start the match. Kurt Angle laughs from across the ring, but decides to make the choice for them. Kurt Angle charges full speed and takes both men down with a double clothesline. The impact sends Cody rolling to the outside of the ring. Muhammad Hassan tries to do the same thing, but he attempts to crawl his way out of the ring. Kurt Angle doesn't allow that and he grabs the foot of Muhammad Hassan and drags him to the middle of the ring. Kurt Angle locks in the Ankle Lock! The crowd erupts in cheers as Muhammad Hassan screams in agonizing pain. Hassan still has all his energy and strength left in him so he manages to crawl himself towards the ropes and grab hold of the bottom rope. Kurt Angle is finally forced to relinquish the submission. Muhammad Hassan hugs the bottom rope with a look of sheer terror on his face.

We almost had our second out of nowhere, quick finish.

As the match continues, Kurt Angle and Randy Orton are having a grand time tagging each other in and sharing their offense on the body of Muhammad Hassan. Daivari is going insane from outside of the ring as Cody angrily watches.

Finally, Randy smiles as he looks across the ring at Cody. He points over at Cody and nods his head. The crowd cheers as they want to witness Randy Orton getting his hands on Cody Rhodes, again. Randy Orton drags the body of Muhammad Hassan across the ring and drops it off there. Randy Orton takes slow steps back and points down at the body of Muhammad Hassan, practically giving the tag to Cody for free. Cody nods his head and reaches into the ring and tags himself in.

Cody gets into the ring and begins slapping his chest, pumping himself up as he circles the ring with a smiling Randy Orton. Cody Rhodes charges at The Viper and is quickly sent down with a momentous arm drag. The crowd loves it and Randy has taken control of the match, just like that.

The match continues and now Kurt Angle and Randy Orton are sharing their assault on Cody Rhodes. The two men in the ring right now are Kurt Angle and Cody Rhodes. Kurt stalks Cody and then lifts him up for the Angle Slam, but Cody leaps out and lands on his feet. Cody dives at the ankle of Angle shoulder first and sends Kurt down to a knee. Cody then runs to the ropes and comes bouncing back, charging at Angle for a clothesline, but Angle leaps into the air and lifts Cody over his head and sends him flying across the ring with a belly to belly suplex. Cody hits the mat hard and looks up to see himself right by his corner. Cody Rhodes nearly sighs through all the pain and reaches up for the tag.

Muhammad Hassan just looks at the hand and then looks into the ring and watches Kurt Angle get to his feet and hears the crowds loud cheers and he shakes his head. Muhammad Hassan looks down at his partner, in disgust and walks down the steel steps and begins heading up the ramp.

Muhammad Hassan is leaving his partner!

The crowd boo their brains out as Daivari chases a very frustrated Muhammad Hassan up the ramp. The two men exit through the curtains and to the back.

Inside of the ring, Cody Rhodes watches on in shock as he is on all fours, with his back to his opponents. A look of dread appears on his face and he hears a loud CLAP from behind. Kurt Angle has tagged in Randy Orton to a huge ovation. Cody Rhodes knows this and quickly goes to escape from the ring, but Randy catches him through the ropes and Cody Rhodes is trapped!

Cody flails like a fish out of water as Randy Orton stands and spins the body of Cody Rhodes on the apron and through the middle ropes. Randy has the head locked in between his arms and he pulls the body of Cody Rhodes out from the middle ropes in a lateral position and DDT! Boom goes the face of Cody Rhodes on the mat.

Randy Orton leaps up to his feet and a smile appears on his face. He falls down to all fours and begins punching down on the mat. The signal for the end. The pain Cody is going through from that DDT is echoing out the thuds of The Vipers fists. Cody slowly pushes himself all the way up to his feet turns around and RK-

- NO!

Randy Orton stops himself!

Randy has the head of Cody caught, but a smile appears on the face of The Viper. He turns around and kicks Cody Rhodes square in the gut. Cody falls down to all fours, holding onto his chest. Randy Orton runs the short distance to the ropes and comes charging back with THE PUNT!

The boot cracks right into the nose of Cody Rhodes as blood splatters in the air. Cody collapses onto his back. His head turned to the side, unconscious, as blood comes rushing out of his nose. Randy Orton smiles as he looks down at Cody Rhodes and hooks the leg for the pin and the win!
Winner- Randy Orton

The crowd erupts in cheers as Randy Orton stands from his feet, looking down at the bloody and lifeless body of Cody Rhodes. Kurt Angle gets into the ring with a smile on his face as he claps his hands, walking over to Randy Orton. The two men stand above the body of Cody Rhodes and smile. Both men are fan favorites and both men just showed the world why they are two of the best in KWF history.


Wrestlemania 3 is shown....

Matt Hardy and The Hooligans are shown coming out first, followed by The Crows Nest. Mr. Kennedy, Dolph Ziggler and Jeff Hardy all coming out with steel chairs in hand. The six man tag match will also be competed in a one pin wins, no disqualification, tornado tag match. The match was just as wild as it sounds. Filled with mayhem.

Jeff Hardy going for the Swanton Bomb off the top turnbuckle and to the outside of the ring on Paul London, only for Paul London to move. Bryan Kendrick going for the moonsault on Mr. Kennedy, only to be caught in the air and sent down with a sit down tombstone pile driver! With all the men involved in the match, it was too hard to get the three count.

As the mayhem continued, Dolph Ziggler has hit the Zig Zag on Bryan Kendrick on the outside of the ring. As Dolph looked down, a grin of celebration, he turned around into a huge smack from a steel chair from Paul London. Paul throws the chair down with a huge smile on his face as Dolph Ziggler collapses onto his back. Paul London turns around, huge smile still in tact and CRUSH! Mr. Kennedy crushes the skull of Paul London with a steel chair of his own. Mr. Kennedy smiles as he throws the chair down. He then walks to the ring and goes under it where he pulls out a pretty big mirror. He smiles as he looks into it and and then rolls into the ring with it.

Inside of the ring, The Hardy Boyz are battling it out and neither man is giving up. Both men are down and are trying to push themselves up to their feet. Mr. Kennedy sneaks up behind Matt Hardy and kicks him in the back of the head, sending Matt down from his knees to his face. Kennedy smiles as he looks at Jeff. Kennedy motions his hand around the ring, showing there is nobody left. Kennedy hands the mirror over to Jeff and shouts, "FINISH HIM!" Jeff looks down at Matt who is slowly trying to push himself up to all fours. Jeff holds the mirror in his hand and looks down at it. Behind him, Mr. Kennedy sports an evil grin.

Matt Hardy finally pushes himself up to all fours and gets his body up to his knees. Matt looks up at his brother, exhausted and defeated. His upper body swings back as he can barely hold himself up from all the pain. Jeff takes a deep breath and....


Mr. Kennedy collapses onto his back as the glass is shattered all over the ring. Jeff Hardy grabs his brother and drags him over to Mr. Kennedy and Matt just plops on top of him for the pin and the win! Jeff Hardy has just helped his brothers team pick up the victory!

Matt Hardy and The Hooligans have won!

The Hardy Boyz are shown backstage as they smile into the camera.

Jeff Hardy- Everybody wanted to know why I turned my back on my brother months ago and joined The Crows Nest. Now everyone wants to know why I turned my back on The Crows Nest and helped my brother.

Jeff smiles as he shakes his head.

Jeff Hardy- When I was fighting it out with my brother inside of that ring, I saw how much heart he had. He was fighting his heart out and he wasn't doing it to hurt me. No. He was doing it to rescue me. He was trying to remind me of who I am. When I looked in the mirror, I saw who that man was. At that moment, I was looking into the eyes of a man who is a traitor to his family and to what is right. I looked into the eyes of a man I didn't want to be anymore. So I decided that man I was staring at was the only man who can change all that. I also realized that the moment to do all that changing was right then and there. So I gave the KWF a little twist of faith and I broke that mirror over the skull of Mr. Kennedy!

Jeff smiles into the camera.

Matt Hardy- I think it was a little more simple then that. The point he is trying to make is that he did what he did, because that is what we do! We are brothers now and we will be brothers forever. No man, no title, no belief, no thing in this world can ever change that!

Jeff Hardy- So tonight, we are going to bring this place some fun! Some action! Up next, the two of us will reunite as a team inside of that ring and we will go against two men that were involved in all of this drama for the past few weeks, two of our very good friends, The Hooligans!

Matt Hardy- See you soon!

The Hardy Boys walk away from the screen, exposing the wall behind them that has "The Hardy Boyz" symbol spray painted against.

The Hardy Boyz are back!

End of Part 2
"The Explanation"

The Hardy Boyz vs The Hooligans

The match starts off with Matt Hardy and Paul London. The two men slap hands in the middle of the ring and then circle the ring. They lock up, but the speed of Paul London is blocked off by the power of Matt Hardy. Matt takes the early advantage.

As the match continues, Bryan Kendrick has the advantage on Matt Hardy and he is using his speed to keep Matt off balance. A running Enzuguri sends Matt down to the mat and Kendrick quickly jumps on top of Matt for the pin!



Paul London hurries into the ring and grabs Jeff and throws him through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring. Jeff crashes and burns on the outside of the ring and gets to a knee, holding onto his ribs, in pain. Paul London runs across the ring and bounces off the ropes and comes jetting towards Jeff's direction and Paul goes flying with the SUICIDE DIVE THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THE ROPES AND....


Paul London goes crashing face first to the outside of the ring and Jeff falls to his side, in pain. The crowd erupts in cheers at the high flying move from Paul London.

Inside of the ring, Bryan Kendrick picks up Matt and turns him around and grabs him from behind. The man formerly known as Spanky charges to the turnbuckle and goes for THE KENDRICK AND....


Bryan Kendrick lets out a huge scream and falls back onto the mat. Bryan attempts to push himself up to his feet, but he only stumbles into the arms of Matt Hardy and the TWIST OF FAITH! The crowd erupts in cheers as Jeff gets in his corner apron. Matt sees this and smiles at the crowd, before tagging in his brother. Jeff doesn't go into the ring, but instead goes right up to the top turnbuckle and comes flying off with the SWANTON BOMB! The crowd erupts in cheers and Jeff Hardy hooks the leg of Bryan Kendrick for the pin and the win!
Winners- The Hardy Boyz

The crowd erupts in cheers as The Hardy Boyz have picked up the victory. Matt Hardy raises the arm of Jeff Hardy into the air as the two men celebrate. All of a sudden, we hear....


The sound of that arrogant voice is too hard to forget. It is the voice of none other then Mr. Kennedy. Green Bay's own!

Mr. Kennedy is shown smiling on the titantron. His buddy, Dolph Ziggler stands beside him. Both men stand right by the screen., just like The Hardy Boyz did earlier, taking up the whole screen. Almost mocking The Hardy Boyz.

Mr. Kennedy- It is I, the man who hails from Green Bay, Wisconsin..... MISTAHHHHHHHHHH KENNNNNNNNNEDDDDDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYY!

The crowd actually cheers at their hometown boy.

Mr. Kennedy- Kennedy!

Kennedy smiles an evil smile into the camera.

Dolph Ziggler- Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler. We are very apologetic that we couldn't be there tonight to share this glorious moment with you all. I mean, look inside of the ring. It is the reformation of The Hardy Boyz. Some things never change.

Mr. Kennedy- But just like you two, another thing that never changes is us. Our thirst for blood. Our hunger for blood. We are not vampires, no, do not mistaken us for that. We are two men on one mission and that mission is to hurt people. And if that day comes, like it did, where somebody betrays The Nest, then that man will suffer the ultimate consequences. Jeffrey, your moment shall come.

Dolph Ziggler- Maybe not tonight, but it will come.

Mr. Kennedy and Dolph Ziggler split away from the camera and the black and white face of STING is shown. He stands there with his eyes blank on the screen.

Sting- The Crows will rise and fly, again.

The screen goes black and The Hardy Boyz stand inside of the ring. Both men have a look of anger on their face.

The crows will rise and fly, again. Sting's words.


The cameras are in the back where we see the Tag Team Champions, Chris Jericho and Lance Storm in their dressing room. The titles are hanging as Lance Storm is tying up his final boot, ready for action.

Chris Jericho- You got this right? You don't need me out there?

Lance Storm- No.

Lance Storm finishes tying his final boot and stands straight and he looks over at his partner.

Lance Storm- If he is going to go to the ring by himself, so am I.

Chris Jericho- Alright, just know if they try something sneaky and try and get involved, I will be out there before you even realize. Alright?

Lance Storm- Alright.

The Tag Team Champions chuckle amongst themselves.


Chris Jericho and Lance Storm look at each other, before nodding their heads.

Chris Jericho- Come in!

The door opens up and it's The Dudley Boyz!

They walk in with grins on their faces.

Bubba- Guess what news we just got told?

Chris Jericho- You two are not real brothers?

Bubba- Very funny, but also very wrong. You see, our match must've impressed The Kid so much at Wrestlemania 3, that we were told that next week on RAW, the two of us are going to face off against The Hardy Boyz and the winner will face the two of you the following week for those Tag Team Championships!

Chris Jericho and Lance Storm look over at their titles that are hanging as Bubba points to them.

Bubba- So what I'm trying to say is, it's about time to say goodbye to those titles and a big hello and a welcome back to Dudleyville!

D-Von- Oh my brother, testify!

Bubba and D-Von smile and they turn away from Jeri-Storm and go to walk out of the locker room when....

Chris Jericho- WAIT!

The Dudley Boyz turn around and look over at the Tag Team Champions. Chris Jericho has a confused look on his face as Lance Storm looks on with a serious look.

Chris Jericho- You two do know that you're not really brothers.... right?

Lance Storm lets out a laugh as the Tag Team Champions smile over at The Dudley Boyz. A look of anger spreads across the face of The Dudley Boyz. Bubba licks his lips, angrily, before speaking.

Bubba- Two weeks, Jericho. Two weeks.

The Dudley Boyz walk out of the locker room as Chris Jericho and Lance Storm smile and shrug at each other.

Chris Jericho- Well, it looks like we got ourselves a match to defend those titles in two weeks. You know what that means, right?

Lance Storm- We need to train harder.

Chris Jericho- No! What? No. It means, you have to go out there and defeat Monty Brown right now. I need you back in one piece.

Lance Storm nods his head.

Lance Storm- I'll be fine.

Chris Jericho- Go get'em.

Lance Storm nods his head and exits the locker room. Chris Jericho stands there smiling as he is not going to be escorting his partner to ring side. The Nation will not be following Monty Brown, either. The two men will be going one on one and it is next!


Monty Brown vs Lance Storm
"The Alpha Male" Monty Brown makes his way out to the ring first and he has no Nation behind him. His fierce look on his face shows that he doesn't care nor need them out there. Lance Storm comes out next to a huge ovation. No Jericho and no gold around his waist. He is bringing just himself and his skill into the ring for this match.

The match begins with the two men circling the ring and Monty charging full speed at Lance, trapping him in a corner and slamming him spine first against the turnbuckle. Monty Brown begins putting the pain to Lance Storm with vicious lefts and rights to the ribs.

As the match continues, Lance Storm takes the advantage back and goes after the legs of Monty Brown with vicious kicks. He also surprises The Alpha Male with his strength as he slams Monty down with a few suplexes. The match is going both ways. Neither man is backing away.

Monty Brown goes for the advantage as he charges at Lance for a decapitating clothesline, but Lance Storm ducks underneath it. Lance Storm charges across the ring and comes bouncing off the ropes and he goes for a clothesline of his own, but he is taken down with a vicious spear from The Alpha Male! Lance Storm is nearly split in half and The Alpha Male leaps to his feet. His eyes are huge and wide as he looks over at the audience. Monty begins shaking his head, it's time for the end! The adrenaline is flowing through the body of The Alpha Male as he stops a few feet away from Lance Storm and begins stalking him.

Lance Storm is slowly pushing himself up to his feet and he has his back turned and when he turns around, the bulldozer charges directly at him and....


He literally dives to the side and Monty Brown goes crashing into the turnbuckle, shoulder first. Lance looks up and quickly begins crawling behind Monty Brown and rolls him up from behind for the pin and the win!
Winner- Lance Storm

The crowd erupts in cheers as Lance Storm quickly jumps off of Monty Brown and escapes the ring. He begins sprinting up the ramp when....




The crowd erupts in boos as Shelton Benjamin marches down the ramp. Besides him is MVP and R-Truth. They look over at Lance Storm, who watches on, exhausted. Shelton looks over at his men and screams, "DON'T TOUCH HIM!" MVP and R-Truth angrily look over at Lance Storm and walk past him. Lance Storm lets out an accidental sigh and he finishes walking up the ramp and heads to the back.

Shelton Benjamin leads MVP and R-Truth up the steel steps and into the ring. Monty Brown is on all fours, in pain and angry. Shelton Benjamin speed walks over to the ropes and demands a microphone. He is quickly handed one and he angrily walks over to the members of The Nation.

Shelton Benjamin- GET UP!

Shelton angrily shouts down at Monty and The Alpha Male listens to his order and gets to his feet.

Shelton Benjamin- Man, what the.... you know what? We're going to do this my way right now. Ref, don't go nowhere!

The referee that just refereed the match between Lance Storm and Monty Brown stops in his tracks and looks over at Shelton Benjamin.

Shelton Benjamin- We're about to have ourselves a match and you're going to be the referee.

The referee is confused, but he nods his head, in fear of the consequences if he disagrees with Shelton Benjamin.

Shelton Benjamin- Right now, we are about to have ourselves a match and it's going to be you, R-Truth....

R-Truth looks over at Shelton Benjamin, surprised.

Shelton Benjamin- .... against me!

The look of surprise turns into a look of shock as R-Truth stares at his leader, Shelton Benjamin.

Shelton Benjamin- MVP, Monty, get out of the ring. Right now!

MVP and Monty Brown sigh, before exiting the ring. Shelton Benjamin throws the microphone to the outside of the ring and yells, "RING THE BELL" at the referee and the referee does so, officially starting this unscheduled match.

Shelton Benjamin vs R-Truth
Shelton quickly charges at R-Truth and slams him against the turnbuckle and begins pounding away on him with lefts and rights. R-Truth tries to block as many shots as possible, but he is having a hard time as he is trapped in the corner.

Shelton shows no mercy as he pulls R-Truth away from that turnbuckle and gives him an Irish Whip across the ring into the other turnbuckle. R-Truth hits it hard and leans against it. Shelton Benjamin charges at that direction full speed and leaps into the air connecting with the SHELTON SPLASH! Shelton backs away from Truth a little bit and Truth stumbles forward right into the T-BONE SUPLEX! Shelton quickly leaps up to his feet and angrily looks down at R-Truth. MVP and Monty Brown watch on from the outside of the ring, almost feeling bad for what's going on to R-Truth.

"GET UP!" Shelton Benjamin angrily screams down at R-Truth.

Using everything inside of him, R-Truth slowly begins pushing himself up to his feet and when he reaches his feet, Shelton Benjamin sends him right back down with the SHELTON KICK! The super kick cracks R-Truth right in the jaw and he collapses onto his back. Shelton Benjamin looks down at R-Truth, in disgust, before falling to his knees, hooking the right leg and covering R-Truth for the pin and the win!
Winner- Shelton Benjamin

Shelton Benjamin angrily gets to his feet and just looks down at R-Truth and then over at MVP and Monty Brown. Shelton Benjamin shouts, "THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT!" at the direction of MVP and Monty Brown, before walking over to the ropes to look down at them. He then shouts, "GO HELP HIM!" before exiting the ring.

MVP and Monty Brown quickly slide into the ring and check on R-Truth. Shelton Benjamin marches himself up the ramp and to the back, leaving The Nation inside of the ring.

Shelton Benjamin set the example.

End of Part 3.
"The Explanation"

The cameras are in the back where we see The Miz standing by with "Coach" Jonathan Coachman.

Coach- I am standing by with the man who is going to be fighting for a shot for the Television Championship, The Miz! Last week, you earned a count out win after Samoa Joe left and....

Miz- Oh, get over it! I am sick and tired of hearing about it. I'm not deaf, I hear the whispers. For days now, I have heard the whispers, everyone keeps talking about how I'm only in the finals because Samoa Joe counted himself out.

Coach- Well, excuse me for one second, but that's exactly what happened.

Miz- Yes, but not because he had bigger plans. Not because he was concerned about his game plan of helping to take The Kid out. That's not why he got himself counted out and the fact that people keep talking about it is starting to piss me off. Samoa Joe saw what I did to The Big Show at Wrestlemania and he thought twice about it. The fact that his little buddy, Dean Ambrose, got a job here by taking Big Shows spot on the roster is because of this guy. Because of me! I weakened Big Show so badly that it was a piece of cake to eat him.

Coach- So maybe that was a "thank you" gift Joe was giving you.

Coach smiles at his own joke, but Miz just looks over at him, angry.

Miz- Enough about that match. Lets talk about what I am going to do right now. In a few minutes, I am going to walk down that ramp, get into that ring and make the pale skin of Sheamus match the color of an apple! I am going to earn my shot at that Television Championship and when I do, people will stop talking about me like I'm not a former Intercontinental Champion and a soon to be Television Champion. Must I remind you that I won the Intercontinental Championship in my first career match in the KWF and....

Coach- I'm sorry to cut you off, but hold on.

Coach pulls the microphone away from The Miz and holds his ear piece closer to his ear. A look of shock and surprise fill the face of Coach as The Miz angrily watches on, stunned at the disrespect.

Coach- I'm getting word that one of the KWF superstars has just been taken out somewhere in the back and I'm.... sorry, Miz. I got to go.

Coach extends his arm out for Miz to shake his hand, but Miz shakes his head instead.

Miz- You're interviewing the man who is about to be in the main eve- HEY!

Coach is running off.

Miz- I want to see who this person is that is just so important to attend to! I'm coming with you!

Miz chases after Coach.


The cameras roll and we see Coach and The Miz stop in their tracks when "The Billion Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase and Sheamus walk towards them. Sheamus has a very stern look on his face as Ted Dibiase laughs.

Ted Dibiase- Miz, I applaud you. Ha, ha. Brilliant.

Miz- What are you talking about?

Ted Dibiase- You know what I'm talking about.

Miz- I have no.....

Coach- Oh no!

Miz turns away from Dibiase and Sheamus and walks over to Coach who stands behind the paramedics and laying on the floor, a bloody mess is none other then....


The Television Champion is sprawled out, blood everywhere. Next week he is scheduled to defend his title! How will he do that in the condition he is in now?

The Miz turns around and smiles at Ted Dibiase and Sheamus.

Miz- Really? Really? Really? Really?

Ted Dibiase- Really what?

Miz- You really think I'm supposed to believe that wasn't you who did this?

Ted Dibiase- Ha! I've done cruel things in my life, but when I sign guys to wrestling contracts now, I do it with such confidence that I know they can beat everyone. I don't need to go behind people's backs to assault them to give my man, Sheamus, a better chance. Every time this man steps into the ring, he has the automatic advantage.

Miz- I don't believe a word that's coming out of your mouth. I know what money can buy and I know what your money can buy. So when we get to that ring tonight, I will give your ginger ghost a whooping that he nor you will ever forget. Free of charge.

Miz smiles as Sheamus goes to step forward, but is stopped by his manager. Ted Dibiase just smirks back at The Miz, showing no fear.

Miz- Because I am The Miz and I'm.... AWESOME!

Dibiase laughs and grabs Sheamus by the arm.

Ted Dibiase- See you out there.

Ted Dibiase leads Sheamus away as "The Billion Dollar Man" laughs all the way down the halls. Miz turns around and watches Rene Dupree get put on a stretcher and wheeled away. Coach looks at The Miz and begins shaking his head, nervously.

Coach- This is not good.

Miz smiles.

Miz- No, this is AWES-

Coach walks away, leaving Miz there halfway through his word. His smile vanishes as he angrily watches Coach walk away.

Up next, the main event! The Miz versus Sheamus! Winner gets a shot at the Television Championship next week. However, how will Rene Dupree be able to defend it?


Ted Dibiase leads Sheamus to the ring first. The crowd boos as Dibiase smiles all the way down. Sheamus has an intense look in his face and he is ready to fight.

The Miz comes out next to some boos. He angrily walks down the ramp and gets into the ring. The two men look at each other from across the ring as the referee begins telling Ted Dibiase to step to the outside. "The Billion Dollar Man" is about to leave and....



Everyone turns their attention to the top of the ramp as CM Punk, John Cena, Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose make their way from the back. CM Punk has both of his titles draped over his shoulder, but is still holding a microphone in hand. A huge smile on his face. The four others have very serious looks on their faces. CM Punk begins to talk while he leads his men down the ramp.

CM Punk- I'm sorry for ruining the main event, but that's kind of my thing. Like at Wrestlemania.

The crowd boos as CM Punk laughs to himself.

CM Punk- I'm going to be nice this time an give you guys a chance. Get out of that ring, go to the back and well.... let us just say that if you don't, we will do to you what we did to Rene Dupree.

The crowd erupts in even louder boos. CM Punk is loving it.

CM Punk- Ted, for once in your life, you should stop worrying about money and actually use your brain and go. Actually, I would call that a good business move. You don't want your big investment getting hurt, do you?

CM Punk and the four others have now reached ringside and they just look into the ring. Sheamus looks ready for a brawl as his knuckles are clenched tightly. Ted Dibiase, however, knows they are outnumbered and knows it is best to leave. He looks over at Sheamus and tells him that it is time to go. Against his will, Sheamus listens and follows his manager out of the ring.

CM Punk- Good. See. We're not going to hurt you two. You listened. Miz, I highly suggest you find it somewhere in that small brain of yours to do the same. Now.

Punk smiles at The Miz as he backs away and exits the ring on the other side by the announcers table. CM Punk nods his head at his men and they all get into the ring. CM Punk smiles at the crowd.

CM Punk- Now that we got that out of the way, I think....

Miz- I'm not going anywhere!

CM Punk stops talking and turns his head to the side as all of his men are doing the same. Outside of the ring, The Miz stands there with an angry look on his face.

Miz- I'm only going to ask once so I hope you are all listening. I want you all to step out of that ring, go to the back and wait until my match is over.

The five men just look over at The Miz.

Miz- Get out of my ring!

Punk smiles at the other men. He slowly raises the microphone to his mouth.

CM Punk- Make us.

The eyes of The Miz open wide. Almost as if he is surprised that they didn't listen. Miz fumbles with the microphone as the anger is building up in him.

Miz- I am getting sick.... AND TIRED.... of being disrespected around here. You want a piece of me? Fine!

The Miz throws the microphone to the outside floor and angrily jumps on the apron. CM Punk backs away and leans against the ropes, across the ring. He watches on with interest. The Miz looks at the other four men, taking deep breaths. Finally, The Miz answers. He looks at the four men and....

.... Miz charges at Samoa Joe and begins exchanging punches with him. Ambrose grabs Miz from behind, but Miz drills him with an elbow to the face. Danielson grabs Miz and spins him around, but Miz cracks him with an uppercut.


Cena cracks Miz in the back of the head with a huge forearm shot. Miz falls to a knee an Joe quickly sneaks up behind him and locks in the COQUINA CLUTCH!

The Miz swings his arm around as he is being choked out. Punk walks over to the submission with a serious look on his face.

CM Punk- It's people like you, Miz. It's people like you that became the obsession of this creation. Do you all want an explanation?!

CM Punk looks around at the crowd as Samoa Joe continues choking The Miz out.

CM Punk- Well, you ain't getting it!

The crowd erupts in boos. CM Punk shakes his head.

CM Punk- You see, this is Green Bay, Wisconsin. I HATE Green Bay, Wisconsin!

The boos get even louder and CM Punk is loving it.

CM Punk- You see, only one place deserves to hear the explanation live and that place is the place we are going to be next week, my hometown, the greatest city in the world, Chicago, Illinois!

The Green Bay crowd erupts in the loudest boos of the night.

CM Punk- And there is NOTHING anybody can do about it!

CM Punk smiles as he then looks over at Samoa Joe who has finally released the submission on The Miz. The Miz has been choked out cold. Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose kick his body until they finally force him out of the ring. The unconscious Miz falls to the outside of the ring, hard. CM Punk looks around at the crowd and waves his hand.

CM Punk- Goodbye Green Ba-



The crowd erupts in cheers, shocked at the noise. The five men inside of the ring make a circle facing every entrance possible into that ring.

Nobody comes out.

CM Punk loosens up and begins laughing, shaking his head.

CM Punk- I figured we crippled Shawn Michaels. Nice try in the back. Who put you up to this? Was it Kid? Well, Kid, these mind games are not going to work on us. Next week, in the best city in the world, we are going to prove to the whole world that nobody....

????- Hey Punk.

Punk stops talking and turns around to look up at the titantron and there is....

.... Shawn Michaels!

The crowd erupts in cheers. HBK still has bruises and lacerations on his face from being thrown off the stage, face first.

CM Punk notices this and laughs.

CM Punk- Hey Shawn! I see your face is healing up nicely. Except I'm noticing something different about you. You seem to have a very stern look on your face. Did you.... lose your smile?

A smile spreads across Punks face as his men stand behind him with serious looks on their faces. Shawn doesn't seem to be phased by the trash talking coming from the ring.

CM Punk- But hey, maybe you want to come out here and talk about it. I will warn you, though, it might not be a good idea.

Punk points on the outside of the ring as The Miz is sitting up against the barricade, being checked on by KWF officials.

CM Punk- I see you don't like to respond to me, so allow me to ask you a question. Maybe if I simplify it, you'll understand. I can imagine the damage I did to your brain when I tossed you off the stage. I'm sure that might be causing some problems.

HBK- Do you really think it would be that easy to take me out? Do you really think it would be that easy to take the....

CM Punk- Yes. Yes. Yes. A big, fat yes. Save your BS and please give me a reason to not find you and really make sure to take you out of the wrestling business for good. Give me one good reason, because you interrupting me right now is enough for me to make sure tht you never wrestle, again.

HBK- I stepped into Canada and fought Bret Hart. I was attacked by the fans and I still went out there and we were fighting our hearts out.

CM Punk- Well, you should thank me. You are no longer the biggest villain in Canada. I am!

Punk smiles.

HBK- Maybe you're right. However, I was thinking.... maybe I should come thank you in person. Now when and where should I do that?

HBK smiles.

HBK- Your hometown. Chicago, Illinois!

CM Punk begins laughing.

CM Punk- Wait! You really want to come into my hometown? Are you crazy?!

CM Punk laughs.

HBK- The craziest man you have ever met.

John Cena grabs the microphone from CM Punk, who is still smiling.

John Cena- You want some?! COME GET SOME!

The crowd boo John Cena as he hands the microphone back to CM Punk.

HBK- See you in Chicago, boys.

HBK disappears from the titantron and the smile is no longer on the face of CM Punk. He is angry.

CM Punk- Who are we?

CM Punk looks around the arena and....

.... The Miz is back into the ring!

The Miz charges at Punk and begins drilling him. Quickly, The Miz is taken down from behind by the rest of the men and they begin stomping him out. CM Punk is furious.

CM Punk- Get him up!

They lift The Miz up and toss him towards CM Punk, who drops the microphone and Punk lifts Miz into the air and GO TO SLEEP!

The Miz collapses flat on his back, out cold. CM Punk grabs the microphone and looks down at The Miz as the five men have now surrounded him.

CM Punk- Who are we?!

CM Punk looks up and away from The Miz and at the audience. A stern look on his face.

CM Punk- We are THE SOCIETY!

CM Punk pauses as he seems to build up some more adrenaline.

CM Punk- And we are.... THE BEST IN THE WORLD!

Punk drops the microphone and picks up his title that also fell when The Miz attacked him.

CM Punk lifts one title into the air with each hand. He poses besides John Cena, Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose as the crowd boos. A look of determination, arrogance and straight up confidence fills all five of the faces of the members of The Society.

End Show.
"The Society"


Jim Ross- It's going to be a wild night! The group that people are now calling "The Society", a group consisting of CM Punk, John Cena, Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose! Well, they're supposed to come out here tonight and explain their actions. Explain their unity. Explain why they did what they did to The Kid.

King- Yeah, but that's not all! Is it, JR?

Jim Ross- No it is not. Some actions do result in consequences and while they've yet to feel any consequences for their actions in the past two weeks, they might tonight. "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels will be coming out here, the hometown of CM Punk, Chicago, Illinois, unafraid and ready for revenge!

King- When he faced Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 3 in Montreal, Canada, he was attacked by fans making his entrance. That man went back out there, because The Kid forced him to. The Kid gave him extra security, but over 50 fans were arrested that night from violence. Violence they got from the hatred of Shawn Michaels. So I don't think Shawn Michaels is afraid to walk out here tonight. I still think it's a bad idea, though!

Jim Ross- Well, needless to say, it's going to be a wild night. Last week, The Miz was assaulted by The Society as was the Television Champion, Rene Dupree. Both men are not here tonight. However, we will start the night off by giving you a title match for next week as Rene Dupree will be back in that ring and defending that TelevisioN Championship in a Triple Threat Match.

King- Oh, it's going to be a big match.

Jim Ross- It sure is. The Miz will be one of the opponents and he, too, will have to fight two weeks after the beatdown.

King- Which is why the third man, Sheamus, is my favorite to win the match. Ted Dibiase is known for picking out winners as a manager and I think he got another one in Sheamus.

Jim Ross- Well, the match is a triple threat match because of The Society as they interrupted the finals of the mini tournament last week which pitted The Miz against Sheamus. I just really can't wait to hear what they have to say. Especially John Cena! I expect this kind of foul play from CM Punk, but not John Cena. I can't wait to hear what he has to say. I've been waiting for far too long and so has the rest of the world.

King- Well, we will find out, but our night starts off with singles action. Last week, these two men teamed up, but Muhammad Hassan ended up walking out of the match leaving Cody Rhodes alone in the ring against two men where he was embarrassed and defeated.

Jim Ross- That didn't sit well with Cody Rhodes and he doesn't want to hear an explanation from Muhammad Hassan, he just wants to fight him!

King- Well, that is the opening match and this Chicago crowd looks ready!

Jim Ross- And one last tidbit of information, next week on RAW, we will be live from Miami, Florida! This new theme of the KWF has us flying all over the United States and Canada in 11 weeks, but that 11th week is the big one. The 11th week is Summerslam! The season finale of the KWF. Where all talk gets put into action!

King- And next week, we find out the location of Summerslam! We will have a special, surprise, celebrity guest host announce us the city and state where Summerslam will go down! Do you know who this person is?

Jim Ross- I have no idea! Nobody knows! However, let's focus on tonight and we'll get to next week when we get there. Up next, Cody Rhodes and Muhammad Hassan go one on one.


Cody Rhodes vs Muhammad Hassan
Cody Rhodes makes his way to the ring first and he is wearing bandage on his face from the beating that he took last week in the hands of Kurt Angle and Randy Orton. Especially being on the receiving end of the Punt. Muhammad Hassan makes his way out next with Daivari by his side.

The match starts off with a battle of strengths, but the sneakiness of Muhammad Hassan works to his advantage. Both men share the advantage through the match, but at this point, Cody Rhodes seems to have it. Cody has Hassan down to one knee and Cody quickly gets over to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top. He stalks Muhammad Hassan as he slowly pushes himself up to his feet and Cody comes flying off with the Cross Body and....


Muhammad Hassan grimaces his teeth using all his strength to keep the body of Cody Rhodes in his grip. With all his strength, he lifts Cody up higher and throws him up onto his shoulder and charges forward, driving the face of Cody Rhodes smack against the top turnbuckle! Cody goes crashing down to the floor, holding his already damaged face in agonizing pain. Muhammad Hassan takes some deep breaths, but he stands himself up straight and smiles as he looks down at his damaged opponent. Muhammad Hassan turns his smile to the crowd where he receives loud boos. He bends over and lifts Cody Rhodes up to his feet, slowly and puts Cody's shoulder over his head and falls back, slamming Cody Rhodes face first with the JIHAD DRIVER!

Muhammad Hassan smiles as he sits up, besides the body of Cody Rhodes that lays flat on its face. Muhammad Hassan slowly gets to his feet and his smile disappears as it changes to a stern look. He walks over the body of Cody and stands above him. Hassan bends over and picks the head up of Rhodes and shows the crowd his beaten up face. Hassan frees his own right hand and gestures across the throat of Rhodes with the "cut-throat" gesture. CAMEL CLUTCH!

Cody Rhodes swings his arm forward, but with barely any momentum. Hassan continues putting more pressure to the lower back and most importantly, the already damaged face of Cody Rhodes with the submission. Cody Rhodes is left with no choice and he taps out!
Winner- Muhammad Hassan

Muhammad Hassan keeps the submission applied for a few more seconds, before letting it go, finally listening to the referees pleads and demands. Muhammad Hassan casually walks over to the ropes and looks down at the clapping Daivari and yells over at him for a microphone. Daivari grabs one and walks it over and into the ring to Muhammad Hassan. Muhammad doesn't hesitate to raise it to his mouth and speak.

Muhammad Hassan- I have a special announcement!

The crowd erupts in boos. Muhammad Hassan lowers the microphone from his mouth and angrily looks over at the crowd. Muhammad spits on the mat and continues to disgustingly stare at the crowd.

Muhammad Hassan- I said, I have an announcement!

The jeers get louder and this time, Daivari grabs the wrist of Muhammad Hassan and raises the microphone over to his mouth.


The heat continues as they get even louder with boos. Muhammad Hassan pulls the microphone away from Daivari and slowly raises it up to his mouth.

Muhammad Hassan- I have spoken through worse.

The crowd gets louder, but it doesn't seem to faze Muhammad Hassan anymore.

Muhammad Hassan- People have talked about me behind my back for this past week saying that I am a coward for leaving Cody Rhodes alone in the ring last week. I'm no coward, I'm far from it! Talking behind my back, now that's being a coward! Nobody deserves an explanation from me and nobody will get an explanation!

That gets more boos from the hot, Chicago crowd.

Muhammad Hassan- One important thing happened to me this week, though and that is a message I received. A message that I've long awaited for. Next week.... on RAW.... I welcome, no.... I DEMAND everyone present for a ceremony. A ceremony hosted by a legend, my former manager, The Iron Sheik!

The crowd give a mixed reaction. Booing their hatred for Sheik, but applauding for nostalgic reasons.

Muhammad Hassan- Next week, you will all witness the Inauguration of the NEW Sheik! I! Muhammad Hassan!

Muhammad Hassan throws the microphone down to the mat and smiles at the booing crowd.


The cameras return and we're in the backstage area where we see Cody Rhodes sitting on a chair as a KWF medical worker checks under the bandage, at his face.

Cody Rhodes- How bad is it?

Doctor- Well, it may have gotten a little bit more swollen. I did recommend you give it two weeks to....

Cody Rhodes- GET OFF OF ME!

Cody shoves the doctor away from his face and stands up and angrily looks at him.

Cody Rhodes- I don't need to take time off! As a matter of fact, I don't need you! I don't need your help! I mean, come on! What kind of medical advice do you give me? Not to compete? And then you tell me, it got a little bit more swollen? I can figure that out on my own! I DON'T NEED YOU!

Cody jumps into the doctors face as the doctor backs away. Cody angrily turns around and stops short and angrily looks up at....


Cody Rhodes- WHAT?!

Goldust- Tisk, tisk, tisk, tisk.

The swelling can't even block the look of rage on the face of Cody Rhodes.

Cody Rhodes- Can you do any better?!

Goldust- That's the wrong question, brother. The question you should be asking is.... "Can CODY do any better?"

Cody Rhodes- I know I can! He got lucky! I made one mistake and that's what cost me. Plus, he went after my face and look at it! Look at me! My face is ruined!

Goldust- I'm looking at you, but you need to look at yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror, brother and look past the physical damage and look at who you are. Your mistakes end when you find yourself. Let me help you find who you are!

Cody shakes his head with disgust.

Cody Rhodes- You don't hear me, do you? I.... DON'T.... NEED.... YOU!

Cody gets in his brothers face and angrily looks into the eyes of Goldust.

Cody Rhodes- STAY.... OUT.... OF.... MY.... LIFE!

Cody goes to walk away, but Goldust stops him.

Goldust- Let's make a deal! Hear me out!

Cody begins breathing heavier as he looks up at Goldust.

Goldust- Face me one on one in the ring. If I beat you, you follow my orders and let me bring you to where you need to be. You allow me to help you find yourself. No arguments!

Cody smiles.

Cody Rhodes- Face you one on one? Are you out of your mind? I've already defeated you. I don't need to prove anything to you!

Cody walks away from Goldust, until Goldust speaks.


Cody rushes back to Goldust.

Cody Rhodes- Afraid of you? I stopped being afraid of you a long time ago!

Goldust- So face me one on one.

Cody Rhodes- Alright, so let me get this straight. If you win, I must follow your orders. What happens WHEN I win?

Goldust smiles.

Goldust- If you win.... I leave you alone.... FOREVER!

Cody laughs to himself.

Cody Rhodes- That's it? That's all I got to do to get you out of my life? FINE! YOU'RE ON! I'll see you next week!

Cody goes to walk away.

Goldust- WAIT!

Cody stops and angrily turns around.

Goldust- It's in Miami. Be careful of the zombies!

Cody disgustingly turns away and storms away from the smiling, Goldust.


We come back and we are at ringside where "The Billion Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase stands by with Sheamus. Sheamus is in his wrestling tights as Ted Dibiase holds a microphone, in hand.

Ted Dibiase- Next week, Sheamus will step into the ring in a triple threat match and will walk out of that ring the NEW Television Champion! Ha, ha!

The crowd begins to boo the arrogance of "The Billion Dollar Man".

Ted Dibiase- Well, my boy Sheamus over here doesn't feel like waiting until next week to fight! So, if there is a man in the back that is brave enough and stupid enough to accept this challenge, please make your way through the curtains and into the ring and step into the water with "The Great White!" Ha, ha!

Dibiase continues to laugh away from the microphone as Shemaus and him await to see who comes out.



The crowd cheers as Zack Ryder makes his way through the curtains. He has his sunglasses on and a huge smile on his face. He holds a microphone in his hand.

Zack Ryder- Shut my music, broskis! I got a few things I want to get off of my chest!

Zack begins making his way down the ramp as his music stops. He walks and talks.

Zack Ryder- Many people may have forgotten about me, so first allow me to reintroduce myself! I am Long Island Iced Z, Zack Ryder!

The crowd erupts in cheers.

Zack Ryder- And I made my KWF debut at the EXACT, SAME time as The Miz! Since then, I have been given one title shot, in my debut and I was on the unlucky end. So for months, I've seen and heard The Miz brag about becoming the Intercontinental Championship in his debut match, MY debut match! Since then, I was never given the opportunity to redeem myself. Well, this looks like the time! And you know what? When I'm done laying the wooo, wooo, wooo on you, I will take your spot in that title match next week and walk out the NEW Television Champion.... BRO!

Zack smiles at the cheers from the crowd.

Zack Ryder- And maybe instead, next week, you can pay for a spray tan for Sheamus. Wooo, wooo, wooo, you know it!

Ted Dibiase laughs and then slowly raises the microphone to his mouth.

Ted Dibiase- A man with jokes. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Welcome to Dibiase Island! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Ted Dibiase leaves the ring, laughing as Sheamus stands there, ready to attack. Zack Ryder gets into the ring, throws the microphone to the outside and takes off his sunglasses and smiles over at Sheamus. The referee asks both men if they're ready. Ryder nods with pursed lips and Sheamus just continues staring at Zack Ryder. The referee takes that as a "yes" and calls for the bell, officially starting the match.

Sheamus vs Zack Ryder
Zack Ryder is fucked.

Sheamus quickly charges at Zack Ryder and begins annihilating him with lefts and rights. Ryder didn't even get a chance to move, before this assault began. Sheamus pins Ryder against the turnbuckle and fires away at him with punches, elbows and kicks. Sheamus grabs Ryder by the wrist and gives him an Irish Whip into the ropes. Ryder comes back right into the BROGUE KICK!


Just like that, Zack Ryder is unconscious and flat on his back. Sheamus doesn't even go down to pin Ryder as he just puts one foot on the chest of Ryder. The referee gets down to the mat and makes the obvious three count.
Winner- Sheamus

The crowd boos as Ted Dibiase still hasn't stopped laughing from before. He gets into the ring, clapping his hands for Sheamus. Sheamus continues to prove to be another excellent talent scouted by "The Billion Dollar Man". He has been money!


We see a camera, facing a wall. A fist appears and begins knocking on the camera lens.


A second voice is heard.

????- WHO'S THERE?

The original voice speaks, again.

????- The Society!

All of a sudden, the first talker reveals his face as Bryan Danielson smiles at the camera. Dean Ambrose reveals himself as the second man.

Dean Ambrose- The Society Who?

Samoa Joe walks into the picture.


Joe swings wildly at the camera, crushing the lens. The laughter is heard from Dean Ambrose and huge green font appears on the screen....

TH3 S0Ci3TY...


End of Part 1.
"The Society"



The boos from the crowd pick up as Shelton Benjamin leads his men down the ramp. He is followed down the ramp by MVP, Monty Brown and R-Truth in that order. They get into the ring and Shelton Benjamin quickly walks over and asks for a microphone. As soon as he is handed one, he speaks.

Shelton Benjamin- Are we broken? The answer is.... NO!

Shelton looks over at his men, nodding his head.

Shelton Benjamin- Last week, I watched you guys humiliate yourself and I had to take matters into my own hands. Unfortunately, it led to what it led to. Now that we're a week past that, we are given another chance to prove ourselves. Shall I say, YOU are all given another chance to prove yourself. Tonight, we are put in the main event. It will be MVP and Monty Brown going against Randy Orton and Kurt Angle.

The crowd erupts in cheers as they hear the names of two of their favorites. They're also happy with the announcement of the main event.

Shelton Benjamin- Now the reason I bought you all out here tonight is simple. I want to allow each of you to express your feelings. However, I'm not going to let you do it by speaking. I'm going to give you an opportunity to do it by physicality.

Shelton slowly creeps up to R-Truth. He smiles in the face of Truth.

Shelton Benjamin- Do you got a problem with what I did last week? Do you got a problem with me beating you down and humiliating you in front of the world?

Truth just looks into the eyes of Shelton.

Shelton Benjamin- If you got a problem.... hit me.

They continue there stare down. Truth doesn't move. Shelton smiles and walks over to Monty Brown.

Shelton Benjamin- How about you? Do you want to hit me?

Monty Brown gnarls and heavily pants. His rage is trying to creep out of him. He doesn't swing, though. Shelton then walks over to MVP and continues smiling.

Shelton Benjamin- How about you? Do you got a problem? Do you want to hit me?

MVP smiles and begins nodding his head. Shelton is shocked by this and he begins nodding his head back at MVP.

Shelton Benjamin- Oh, do you? SO HIT ME! HIT ME! DO SOMETHING!

MVP seems about ready to swing at Shelton Benjamin when a voice is heard....


The Nation turns their attention over to the titantron where we see....

.... Elijah Burke!

The former manager of MVP is no longer dressed in the baggy, gangster clothing he used to wear with MVP. He is in an all black suit with a white tie. He smiles at the camera, showing off his great teeth.

Elijah Burke- I'm sure you all remember me. Hey MVP, how are you doing, old friend? No hard feelings!

Elijah smiles to himself.

Elijah Burke- You guys all turned your back on me and formed this mockery of a group. A mockery to all African Americans. You call yourself the Nation Of Domination? That's a joke. An embarrassment!

Elijah Burke doesn't stop smiling and continues speaking.

Elijah Burke- Me? I call myself "The Pope" and "The Pope" has one message for you men. One last hope to save yourselves. Next week, in Miami.... I will bring a former member of the ORIGINAL Nation Of Domination to the ring and he will show you the way.

Elijah closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, smelling the fresh air through his nose.

Elijah Burke- Smells like brotherhood.

Elijah smiles and the camera goes off. The Nation stands inside of the ring, confused. All except Shelton Benjamin who angrily looks up at the titantron. Shelton throws the microphone to the floor and leads his men out of the ring and up the ramp. MVP and Shelton Benjamin do not look at each other at all as they continue exiting in single file.


AJ Styles vs Kofi Kingston

The KWF has decided to let these two superstars have a mini bout amongst each other. A best of 3 series. Tonight is match 1, next week will be match 2 and if a third match is necessary, it'll be the following week.

The Chicago crowd leaps out of their seats in cheers for both men as they are both high flying and excitement bringers. The match starts off with the two men smacking hands out of respect and circling the ring. The two actually go for a test of strength first as they lock up. Styles slips out and trips Kofi up from behind. Kofi squirms around on the floor and manages to trip Styles down, as well.

The match continues keeping the crowd hot as Styles leaps into the air for a Hurricanranna, but Kofi hits him with a sit down powerbomb! Kofi keeps the position for the pin.



The match continues as Styles takes Kofi down with a swinging neckbreaker. Styles sees the opportunity and quickly sprints towards the turnbuckle. He climbs to the top and Kofi quickly leaps to his feet and sprints towards the turnbuckle and pushes the leg of AJ to the side and BAM! AJ goes testicles first to the top turnbuckle. Kofi leans against the ropes as Styles sits up, in agonizing pain. Kofi walks backwards to the middle of the ring, eyes focused on his opponent. Kofi charges forward and leaps into the air and onto the shoulders of Styles and Kofi Kingston is going for the FLYING HURRICANRAN-

- NO!

AJ Styles catches Kofi Kingston in his arms and Kofi is hanging upside down! Styles positions his legs and wraps the arms of Kofi Kingston and....


The crowd erupts in cheers as Styles connects. Styles rolls the body of Kofi over for the pin and the win!
Winner- AJ Styles

AJ Styles rolls off of Kofi Kingston and sits up, panting. Styles claps his hands together, happy about the result as he slowly pushes himself up to his feet. He walks over to Kofi Kingston and checks on him. Styles then walks away from Kofi and grabs a microphone. He walks over to Kofi Kingston and helps him up. The two men shake hands, showing respect for one another, knowing that next week, they will have their second match. A must win for Kofi Kingston.


The cameras are in the back where we see Kurt Angle sitting down, cracking his neck from side to side. He seems to be stretching out, knowing he's in the main event for tonight. The door opens and he looks up and it's Randy Orton.

Randy Orton- Hey man. How are you?

Kurt Angle- I'm doing alright. Loosening myself up before tonights main event.

Randy Orton- Yeah, I was just about to go and do the same.

They nod at each other as the awkwardness builds up.

Randy Orton- So I was thinking, the two of us have done a lot in the KWF. I mean, I can sit here and talk forever about my accomplishments. I've won the Intercontinental Championship twice, I'm the first ever King Of The Ring for the KWF, I'm a former KWF World Champion. KWF Rookie Of The Year. Hell, I'm the most accomplished superstar in the KWF.

Kurt Angle gets up, laughing.

Kurt Angle- I may not have held gold in the KWF, but think about it. How many times did I actually get a shot at it? Once? However, if you want to talk accomplishments, I've been involved in some of the greatest feuds in the history of the KWF. Against two men. Muhammad Hassan and the one I won several awards for, my feud with Rene Dupree. I'm also 2 and 0 in Iron Man Matches. I won both at two straight Wrestlemanias! I did it in a Fatal Four Way match the first time and then....

Randy Orton- I get it.

Kurt Angle- No you don't. I'm not finished. I'm the KWF Iron Man, I'm an Olympic Gold Medalist and may I add, I won that medal with a broken, freeken neck! You want me to keep going?

Randy Orton- No, I get it, I....

Kurt Angle- Because I can keep going!

Randy Orton- That's fine. I believe you. The reason I came to you tonight is to ask you a question. Do you think that we're wasting our potential teaming up? I mean, yeah, it was a lot of fun beating down Cody Rhodes last week and it's probably going to be a lot of fun winning tonight, again, but, I don't know. I feel like I accomplished a lot in that ring and I should be fighting for the title, instead of....

Kurt Angle- Instead of stealing the show?

Randy pauses and looks over at Kurt.

Kurt Angle- You see, I set a goal for myself. My goal was to continue getting into the ring and fighting anyone and everyone. If it takes teaming up with you, then so be it. I wake up every morning at 5am and go to the gym and I stay there for hours and hours. I do it for one reason. I do it for the ring. Because when I step into that ring, there is no man in the business that can keep up with me. That's why I'm the Iron Man! That's why no man can outduel me in an Iron Man match. That's why no man can say that they didn't step into the ring with me and nearly leave without their ankle. If you don't want to come out there and team up with me, that's fine. I'll take the extra challenge.

Randy Orton- No, no, I'll be out there. Just remember this, when I get in my zone, I will take someones head off. Whether it be with the RKO or a nice punt to the face. No man leaves my presence the way they arrived. I am The Viper, The Legend Killer, the greatest KWF superstar that ever lived.

Kurt smiles and nods his head.

Randy Orton- I'll see you out there.

Randy goes to walk away, but Kurt speaks.

Kurt Angle- Hey Randy.

Randy stops in his tracks and turns around.

Randy Orton- Yeah?

Kurt Angle- I don't trust you.

Randy smiles over at Kurt.

Randy Orton- You shouldn't.

Randy Orton leaves the room, leaving Kurt Angle there with a serious look on his face. These two men will be teaming up for their second time ever, tonight, in the main event!


A split screen is shown of The Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz walking in the halls. Both teams ready for their upcoming match. The winner gets a shot at the Tag Team Champions next week on RAW! Which team will face Jeri-Storm? We'll find out really soon, because....

.... IT'S NEXT!

End of Part 2.
"The Society"

The Dudley Boyz vs The Hardy Boyz
The Tag Team Champions Jeri-Storm have come out to watch this match to see who they will be defending their titles against. The Dudley Boyz make their entrance first to cheers from the crowd. The Hardy Boyz follow next to slightly louder cheers. Matt Hardy and D-Von start the match off. They circle the ring and all of a sudden.....



The crowd is stunned and nobody knows what's going on.


The crowd gasps at the loud echoing sound of the crow. The lights remain off. The anticipation continues to build. The arena is silent trying to hear the slightest sound of what's going on. All of a sudden....

.... the flapping of wings is heard in the arena. The caws from what sound to be crows are getting louder and more frequent. All of a sudden....


Above the ring, crows fly in a corcular motion around the ring, cawing and flapping their wings intensely. Inside of the ring The Dudley Boyz are piled up on top of each other with MR. KENNEDY sitting on top of them with a grin looking at the announcers table at the Tag Team Champions. To his right across the ring, The Hardy Boyz are on the mat with DOLPH ZIGGLER looking down at them. Standing behind them is STING! Sting points the bat down at The Hardy Boyz. In Stings other hand is a microphone.

Sting- Jeffrey, you have commited the ultimate sin. You have betrayed your nest. Now you will suffer the consequences. As for Matthew, our original target. We will sacrifice your brother for you. You will be pardoned, but only physically. Because what we are going to do to your blood brother, we are going to do right before your eyes.

Sting nods his head at Dolph and Mr. Kennedy. Dolph quickly grabs Jeff Hardy and sits him up on his knees in front of Sting. Mr. Kennedy hops off of the backs of The Dudley Boyz and sits Matt Hardy up to his knees and forces his head up to face his brother being held by Ziggler and kneeling in front of Sting. The crows continue to fly in a circle over the ring as Sting looks up at them. Sting raises the microphone to his mouth as he keeps his head looking up at the crows.

Sting- When a crow leaves his best, he leaves his crows. When a crow betrays his nest, he's feast to crows. When he's feast to crows, he meets the crows.

Sting looks down at Jeff Hardy. He looks absolutely dazed as he can barely look up at Sting.

Sting- Now you have met yours, Jeffrey. Now we shall feast. We shall feast at this table of crows with the whole world watching. Including your brother, who gets the special privileges of front row seats. Now Jeffrey, the time has come....

????- Cut!

Sting turns his attention behind him at the announcers table where the Tag Team Champions, Jeri-Storm are seated. Chris Jericho has a microphone in his hand.

Chris Jericho- Crows, blood, sacrifice, I can't watch anymore. Would you do me a favor, Stinger? Would you please SHUT.... THE HELLLLLLLL.... UP!

The crowd erupts in cheers. Sting quickly holds his bat out to the side, which apparently made his men stand by as they halted when it rose.

Chris Jericho- Lance and I are a little creeped out about this and we really would appreciate if you left one team stable enough to fight us next week.

Lance Storm has a microphone in hand, as well as he raises it to his mouth.

Lance Storm- Or else!

Sting seems slightly humored by this and he slowly raises the microphone to his mouth.

Sting- Or else.... WHAT?

Lance Storm and Chris Jericho smile at each other and nod their heads, before taking off their title straps and charging at the ring....

.... Sting raises the bat up to the sky and....


The crowd is silent, again and this time.... POOF! The lights come back on quicker then earlier.

King- AH!

Jim Ross- What the hell? Where are those crows? Where did Sting and his clan go? What is going on?!

True to the words of Jim Ross, the crows that were flying in the sky are no longer in sight. Sting, Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy are no longer in the ring. The bodies if The Dudley Boyz remain piled up while The Hardy Boyz lay flat on their faces. The Tag Team Champions, Jeri-Storm are in the ring looking around. Finding nothing. Seeing nothing.



.... WHAT DO YOU SEE....


The Chicago crowd erupts in cheers as their homeboys theme music blares through the arena. The roof nearly collapses once CM Punk steps out. He has a huge smile on his face as he looks around at the crowd. He walks to one side of the ramp and begins waving his arms up, motioning for the crowd to get louder. CM Punk charges to the other side of the ramp where he does the same hand motion. The crowd is as loud as they can possibly be. The smile on the face of CM Punk is wide as he looks around at the crowd.

CM Punk then turns around and walks back through the curtains and into the back. The crowd continues cheering, but you can tell the noise level has dropped. All of a sudden, appearing on the titantron, we see:

TH3 S0Ci3TY...


End of Part 3.
"The Society"

Kurt Angle & Randy Orton vs The Nation
MVP and Monty Brown are escorted to the ring by R-Truth and their leader, Shelton Benjamin. Not one of the four men seem to be in a good mood. Kurt Angle and Randy Orton come out next one at a time. Both to cheers from the crowd. The match starts off with The Alpha Male and Kurt Angle. Monty Brown huffs and puffs as they circle the ring. They simultaneously charge at each other and Monty charges with too much force as he is quickly tripped up and Kurt locks in the Ankle Lock.

MVP quickly gets into the ring and breaks off the submission by kicking Angle off. The referee quickly gets involved before this match takes a crazy turn. MVP is forced to his corner and Kurt is told to back away as Monty Brown pushes himself to his feet, knowing he just came close to losing in embarrassing fashion.

The match continues as Randy Orton and MVP are now in the match. Randy goes for a neck breaker on MVP, but MVP pulls away and charges at the ropes and comes bouncing back with a diving clothesline that sends Orton falling through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring. Randy Orton falls beside Shelton Benjamin and R-Truth. MVP realizes this and quickly grabs the referee and points to his knee distracting him with a "fake injury". Shelton and Truth quickly stomp away at Orton on the outside.

Kurt Angle has seen enough as he quickly charges around the ring and takes Truth down with a huge clothesline. Shelton and Angle then stare each other down, remembering their history. Shelton Benjamin was Kurt Angles protege in the KWF until Shelton stunned Kurt by defeating him in the Semi Finals of the KOTR. However, Kurt would attack Shelton after the match, breaking his ankle. Shelton would still limp to the ring and would be quickly defeated by another man involved in this match, Randy Orton, who would go on to be the first ever KOTR. The only one to this point.

Shelton backs away from Kurt as the referee has realized that MVP is full of crap and turns his attention to the outside. Kurt bends over and helps Randy up to his feet. Randy shoves Kurt out of the way as the two angrily look at each other. Orton then goes back into the ring where the match continues.

As the match progresses, MVP and Randy Orton are the legal men, again, after a few tag ins. MVP has control, though as he kicks Orton in the gut and sets him up for the Balling Slam! A move where he lifts his opponent in the air and gives a running, tossing powerbomb. A move he has put many men away with.

Randy Orton is high in the air, but kicks out and stumbles forward where Kurt reaches in and tags himself in. Kurt charges into the ring and MVP runs at him for a high boot, but Kurt ducks and....


Randy Orton falls right into the turnbuckle where he ends up falling into a seated position. Kurt uses his momentum from ducking to charge across the ring and give a running elbow to the face of Monty Brown, knocking him off the apron. Kurt turns around and sees R-Truth is back on the apron and he hits him with an uppercut. Truth goes flying to the outside of the ring. Shelton Benjamin slides into the ring, leaps to his feet and ANGLE SLAM!

Kurt Angle is on fire as Shelton Benjamin rolls to the outside of the ring. MVP spins Kurt around and Kurt grabs him in a bearhug and sends him flying with the belly to belly suplex! The crowd erupts in cheers as Kurt Angle leaps to his feet and pulls his straps down. He is amped up as his veins are coming from his neck, he turns around and sees MVP charging at him and he charges back and BOOM! Double clothesline!

Both men hit the mat hard. Both men roll over to their side as they know that this is a huge opportunity to capitalize on. Randy Orton stands up, leaning against the turnbuckle and looks over at both men. Both men are slowly pushing themselves up to all fours. Randy has a sadistic grin on his face and he charges at both men and....

.... PUNT!....

.... TO MVP!

The crowd lets out a sigh, worried for a second that Randy Orton was going to hit his own man. Kurt Angle seems to be shockingly surprised, as well, as he looks up at the grinning Viper. MVP has been sent flat on his back.

On the outside of the ring, Shelton Benjamin holds Monty Brown and R-Truth back, not letting them get involved. Possibly enjoying watching MVP, a man who wanted to hit him earlier, take this beating. Member or not.

Randy Orton backs away from Kurt Angle and lets Kurt hook the leg of MVP for the pin and the win!
Winners- Kurt Angle & Randy Orton

Kurt Angle sits up from MVP and looks up at Randy Orton. It seems like that punt came a little too close for comfort for Kurt Angle. Randy smiles as he leaves the ring. He looks over at The Nation, who get held back by Shelton Benjamin. Kurt Angle waits until Randy Orton is half way up the ramp to leave the ring. He, too, walks past The Nation without any physicality thanks to Shelton Benjamin holding his men back. Shelton looks furious, but doesn't seem to be in the mood for anymore physical altercations that could lead to embarrassment. Monty Brown and R-Truth slide into the ring to check on MVP as Shelton Benjamin watches from the outside of the ring, in disgust.


The crowd knows what's coming next. The main event has come and gone and they know that up next will come the explanation they've waited weeks for. All of a sudden, we hear....


.... WHAT DO YOU SEE....


The crowd erupts in cheers as their hometown boy CM Punk comes walking from the back. Following him is: John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose and Samoa Joe! All five men are in black shirts with the word, "SOCi3TY" written in huge, green font. The men make their way down the ramp and circle the ring. The crowd is going insane as all five men grab a microphone. All five men then enter the ring. CM Punk with a huge smile on his face. Dean Ambrose and Bryan Danielson with sadistic smirks on their faces. John Cena and Samoa Joe with stern looks on their faces. CM Punk is the first to raise the microphone to his mouth.


The crowd erupts in cheers as CM Punk laughs.

CM Punk- It's my hometown. The city and state that I have personally made relevant, again.

The cheers slowly go away at that and some even boo.

CM Punk- Oh, it's the truth. There is no need to boo. We are not the bad guys. Trust me. You see, for weeks, the misconception about the five of us has been that we are the bad guys. We are NOT the bad guys. We are not doing this to walk out in arenas to boos. We are a group of men who had the same goal that got together and have made sure that our goals are being fulfilled.

Punk pauses and smiles over at his men.

CM Punk- Now believe it or not, I am NOT, I repeat, I am NOT the man who put this all together. No, I am just the Intercontinental and World Champion in the KWF. I am just the man that happens to hold the two highest titles in the KWF, at once! Never before done in the KWF and something that will surely never get duplicated.

Punk's ego is pouring out of his mouth with every word he speaks.

CM Punk- Now the man who stands besides me, John Cena, could be the man talking about those accomplishments, but we stole the show at Wrestlemania and unfortunately, only one man can walk out victorious. However, the next show, we both.... NO.... we ALL walked out winners. That is including you, the audience. Because if it wasn't for us, there would be no more KWF. The Kid would've packed his bags, closed the book and called it an end.

CM Punk nods his head, smiling. Biting on his lip ring, at times.

CM Punk- Now, let me pass the podium off to the orchestrator of all these ideas, ladies and gentlemen, Dean Ambrose!

To the shock of everyone, Dean Ambrose steps forward and shakes hands with CM Punk. Dean smirks as he looks up at the crowd.

Dean Ambrose- They say inspirations lead to greatness. I say inspirations lead to perfection.

The eyes of Dean pace back and forth at the crowd as he sadistically stands still.

Dean Ambrose- When I was sitting at home watching Wrestlemania, I cringed at Samoa Joe losing his Television Championship, I cringed when I saw Bryan Danielson lose to a has been and I celebrated when CM Punk won his match. No offense, John.

John Cena- None taken.

The two men nod their heads at each other.

Dean Ambrose- Then I was forced to watch two, balding men limp around the ring. I kept it on not out of respect for the two men, but in hope that I would get to see one of the two men croak right in that ring.

The crowd is kind of offended by the disgusting words of Dean Ambrose.

Dean Ambrose- What I got was, believe it or not, better. An instant classic. I sat there and watched CM Punk come out and risk his whole reputation in the wrestling business by destroying the main event of Wrestlemania.

Dean smiles as Danielson taps him on the back.

Bryan Danielson- I'll take it from here, Dean.

Bryan Danielson steps forward as Ambrose slowly steps back, still sporting that sadistic smile.

Bryan Danielson- I was in a bad mood that night. I thought I blew my chances of leaving the KWF with a good impression. I lost to a man who is not half as good as me. I was embarrassed by myself up until I got that second chance. That second chance was the phone call Dean Ambrose made to me. That phone call led to a chain of phone calls. That chain led to a plan. That chain led to this!

Bryan Danielson points around the ring at the other four men. Samoa Joe steps forward as Bryan Danielson steps back into his former spot.

Samoa Joe- We are five men that have sacrificed our bodies and our lives for far too long to get sent home and be told that the doors have closed. We have made wrestling in this ring our lives and when you try and take a mans livelihood away, you open the flood gates. Except, this time, there is no water coming through. Just the five most elite guys in the wrestling world today!

Joe is amped up.

Samoa Joe- The best don't leave on anyone else's turns. The best leave when they want to hang up their boots and right now, you are looking at the best and none of us are hanging shit up!

The crowd roars in cheers as Samoa Joe's passion has accidentally allowed profanity to slip out. Joe doesn't seem fazed by it as he backs up and lets John Cena step forward. The mixed reaction comes from the crowd. John Cena's stern look turns into a grin.

John Cena- The NWO? Old men hanging onto fame. D-X? Old men acting like teenagers. What do they all have in common? They both kissed ass and they're both finished!

John Cena looks around, trying to calm himself down.

John Cena- For years and years, I have been looked at as a "kiss ass", the "chosen one", but not once has that kiss ass, chosen one walked out World Champion. Not once. You look through the list of the KWF Champions and it started with Shawn Michaels....

CM Punk lifts his microphone to his mouth and....

CM Punk- Boooo!

John Cena- Chris Jericho.

CM Punk- Boooo!

John Cena- Randy Orton.

CM Punk- Boooo!

John Cena- And CM Punk.

CM Punk grins as he smiles at the crowd.

John Cena- What do they all have in common? They did it their own way. My problem has been that I've been doing it everyone's way but my own way. When CM Punk defeated me inside of that ring, I had this horrible feeling inside of me. This feeling that I let everyone down. I felt like I let all my fans down. All those little kids that looked up to me as their hero. I felt that I let them down.

Cena smiles widely now as he looks around at the crowd.

John Cena- I felt that way up until these four men approached me. They approached me with this idea. At first, I was against it until I realized what it was all about. Up until I realized what The Society is.

CM Punk- And what is The Society, John?

John Cena- The Society is the best wrestlers in the business joining in as one to make sure that the KWF lives on an to make sure that when it does live on, the future takes over!

CM Punk- That's right! There is no reason that a Champion vs Champion match should not be the main event of Wrestlemania. There is no reason that match was not the main event. There is no logical reason as to why the KWF was supposed to end with two men, fighting over something that happened ages ago. Nobody wants to see Shawn Michaels anymore. Nobody wants to see Bret Hart anymore. Nobody wants to see Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Mick Foley and oh, my all time favorite, The Ultimate Warrior!

Punk laughs at this one.

CM Punk- See, here's a secret. The real reason The Kid wanted to shut the doors on the KWF is not because he was happy. No. He wanted to shut the doors of the KWF, because he was no longer the man. He was no longer innovative. He was no longer the talk of the wrestling world. Once his huge, childish ego got involved, he was ready to run away and pack his bags. He wanted to be remembered as a legend and not somebody who "lost it!"

John Cena- Well, we weren't ready to let those doors close. We were not going to let the KWF come to an end knowing that we would be forgotten and everyone would talk about the main event of Wrestlemania.

CM Punk- The oh so innovative main event. That's it, Kid, that's how you get people talking. Put a feud from the 1990s as your final match. While everyone moved on from the past, you continued living in it!

John Cena- See what we did, Kid, is we did a favor for you. A huge favor for you. The night that CM Punk ruined your finale, he saved you. And the night we surrounded you, we saved you.

CM Punk- Open up your eyes, Kid. Look around the world. Nobody wants to see old men wrestle. Is this the KWF or the GWF? Is this the Geriatric Wrestling Federation? If your answer to that question is "yes", then I got some bad news for you, Kid. Not anymore!

Bryan Danielson- We are the elite!

Samoa Joe- We are the new age!

Dean Ambrose- We are the saviours of wrestling!

CM Punk- We are the best in the world!

John Cena- We are each and every single person who loves wrestling. We are The Society!

The crowd erupts in cheers. CM Punk laughs to himself as he slowly raises the microphone to his mouth.

CM Punk- In short, we did what we did and we saved the world of wrestling. We are The Soci-

CM Punk is interrupted by static heard from the titantron. The Society turns their attention to it and there appears Shawn Michaels. A smile on the face of HBK. His smile is met by one very similar on the face of CM Punk.

CM Punk- I guess you were a little too afraid to come down to....

Shawn Michaels- So they call you guys The Society, huh?

CM Punk- We call us The Soci-

Shawn Michaels- That's cool, I guess. Let me introduce myself to you fine gentlemen. I go by a lot of names, lets see where should I start?

CM Punk- How about when I threw you off the....

Shawn Michaels- They call me "The Heart Break Kid", "HBK" for short, the "Showstopper", the "Main Event"....

CM Punk- Yeah, that main event went smooth.

Punk laughs to his men, but HBK is throwing out nickname after nickname without flinching. CM Punk is getting angry at being ignored by HBK.

Shawn Michaels- Did I mention that I was the very first KWF World Champion and I held onto it for over a year? Yeah. I'm sure I mentioned that already.

CM Punk- Answer me this question, Shawn....

Shawn Michaels- Growing up, my favorite part about me was my looks, but as time went on, I learned to love my brain. My intelligence. My experience that always puts me a step in front of everyone.

CM Punk- Answer me this ques-

Shawn Michaels- I always realized I was smarter then most of my opponents. I was never the biggest man and the fact that I've been so successful in my career is by making sure my opponent is where I always want them to be. It's like hunting. I can take my enemy out anywhere, but none feels better then when plotting works to perfection.

CM Punk- Come out here, Shawn. Nobody wants to listen to you. Don't worry, Chicago won't hurt you. I will.

Punk smiles as HBK shows no care in the world on the titantron as he sips his water.

Shawn Michaels- Now I know Chicago is a scary place and a place no man wants to get cornered. Yes, I am crazy enough to come out in my enemies hometown and fight them. I'm also a lot smarter then to come out, again to a crowd that physically attacks me like Canada did at Wrestlemania. I mean, there's no question to any of that. The only two questions I have are: how fast is Shawn Michaels? And how many members of The Society can I take out before anyone notices? I guess we're going to find out. I'm going to find out in about four hours when RAW starts. As for you fellas, you find out....

Shawn Michaels looks directly into the camera....

Shawn Michaels- .... NOW!

From under the ring comes Shawn Michaels. He slides into the ring and....




HBK quickly dives through the middle ropes and exits the ring and runs up the ramp. He reaches the top of the ramp and smiles into the ring at the furious CM Punk and John Cena. Dean Ambrose checks on Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe. CM Punk throws his microphone to the outside of the ring, irate. Shawn Michaels waves at The Society and walks through the curtains. The security guards and police officers hold back rowdy fans from hopping the barricade.

The final image shown is CM Punk and John Cena standing up watching Dean Ambrose check on Bryan Danielson and Samoe Joe. The Society have been fooled by "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels.

End Show.
Episode 4
"A Miami Tune"

- Many people have already stated that this upcoming RAW may be the greatest RAW in the history of the KWF. A night that will go down in the beautiful city of Miami. Love in Florida.

- Last week, The Society came out and spoke about their purpose. They spoke about why they joined forces. CM Punk, John Cena, Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose and Samoa Joe came out and stunned the world with their actions and now their words. The stunning came back to them via some Sweet Chin Muisc. A master at mind games, Shawn Michaels resorted to his old tricks to get his revenge on The Society. It might not have been exactly what he was looking for, but flooring Samoa Joe and Bryan Danielson with the Sweet Chin Music was definitely a great start. A week shall be passed from that, but there will be consequences. Except for who?

- The Television Championship will be defended as Rene Dupree will finally defend it against The Moz and Sheamus. With the confidence of The Miz, Dibiase managing Sheamus and Dupree with his strength and experience, this is bound to be a classic.

- An innaguration of a new Sheik will take place on RAW. Legendary wrestler, The Iron Sheik will come out and grace Muhammad Hassan as a Sheik. Muhammad Hassan welcomes Miami and the world to his ceremony. A must see as this is the first ever innaguration of a new Sheik and it's our Muhammad Hassan.

- The return of Elijah Burke came as a disgusting surprise for Shelton Benjamin and his Nation. He promises Miami and the world that he will be bringing back a former member of The Nation and he says it "smells like brotherhood." Who will this former member of The Nation be that is coming to confront them in Miami. It could only be one man!

- FRESHLY ANNOUNCED! With The Hardy Boyz out of action, the Tag Team titles will not be defended tonight. However, the Tag Team Champions will be in action. Jeri-Storm will be going against two men who have been on a hot streak as of lately as a team, Kurt Angle and Randy Orton! It should be an awesome match.

- Speaking of The Hardy Boyz, Sting and The Crows Nest ran out of time in sacrificing Jeff Hardy last week in a memorable KWF moment when crows flew around the ring. Jeri-Storm interrupted the moment. What will Sting and his Nest do next?

- Another match scheduled is Goldust facing his struggling younger brother, Cody Rhodes. This match means a lot. If Cody wins, Goldust is out of his life forever! If Cody loses, he has to go under the wing of his older, deranged, golden brother, Goldust. Goldust will be his mentor for the foreseeable future in the KWF. Who will walk out victorious?

Episode 4
"A Miami Tune"


Jim Ross- WELCOME TO RAW! I am good ol' JR and alongside me is The King, Jerry Lawler! Is tonight going to be the greatest RAW in history or what?

King- It sure has the potential, JR!

Jim Ross- Well, it is going to be a great night that will be closed out by the triple threat title match for the Television Championship! Rene Dupree defends it against The Miz and Sheamus!

King- Including a big non title tag team match with the Tag Team Champions, Jeri-Storm goes against the unlikely duo of Kurt Angle and Randy Orton!

Jim Ross- Those two have had a lot of luck as a duo lately and if they can defeat the Tag Team Champions, don't you think it makes them the number one contenders with the Hardy Boyz?

King- It could jump them over The Hardy Boyz as they are injured after the assault they received in the hands of Sting and his Crows Nest.

Jim Ross- I don't even want to be reminded of that chilling experience. We had crows flying over our heads and well, let's get this show started!

King- AH! I can't wait!



The crowd erupts in boos as Shelton Benjamin comes out from the back. He's in an all black sweat suit and he stands at the middle of the ramp as R-Truth, MVP and Monty Brown stand behind him. Simultaneously, all of the men raise their right fist into the air. Shelton Benjamin cockily leads his men down the ramp, up the steel steps and into the ring in a straight line. Shelton poses with his Nation in the simultaneous fist rise in the middle of the ring, this time. The boos continue from the crowd.

Shelton Benjamin walks over to the ropes and demands a microphone. He walks towards his men and begins nodding his head at them.

Shelton Benjamin- Now, we....

All of a sudden, a different voice is heard and it's coming from up the ramp.

????- Now, hold on one minute!


The crowd cheers as Elijah Burke stands at the top of the ramp with a smile on his face. He lightly holds a microphone in his right hand as it sort of leans against his smiling cheek.

Elijah Burke- Correct me if I am wrong, but did I promise to bring Miami an old member of the original Nation Of Domination?!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Elijah Burke's smile grows wider.

Inside of the ring, Shelton Benjamin angrily runs over to the ropes, pointing up the ramp, shouting into the microphone.

Shelton Benjamin- LET ME TELL YOU....

Elijah Burke- WHOA! WHOA! Now, now, Shelton, you'll get your turn. Take it easy. Your mouth is only going to get you in trouble.

Shelton Benjamin- We don't need no former member of the Nation Of Domination coming out there....

Elijah Burke- No, but you do! So Shelton Benjamin, you can shut your mouth, Miami, Florida, you can open your mouths as much as possible and scream at the top of your lungs, because ladies and gentlemen, introducing, one of the original members of The Nation Of Domination, the GREATEST member of The Nation Of Domination....

The crowd erupts in cheers as Elijah Burke smiles, looking around. Miami is going crazy!

Elijah Burke- .... I SAID.... the GREATEST member of The Nation Of Domination.... he needs no name introduction, if you don't already know him, well buddy, you're sure about to find out! Miami, Florida, people all over the world, rise to your feet, rise your right arm into the air and salute your captain!

Silence and anticipation....


The fans go silent and to everyones surprise, out comes....

.... Mark Henry?

Miami is let down by this and they begin booing as Mark Henry comes out in an all black suit. He has a microphone in his hand and a smile on his face as he walks down the ramp. Elijah Burke follows behind with a smirk on his face, exposing one shiny tooth, as he sports a black pimp hat. They enter the ring and Shelton Benjamin goes to walk over to Mark Henry and he is shoved out of the way by the beast!

Mark Henry- GET OUT OF MY WAY!

Shelton looks over at Mark, in shock. Mark walks in front of the three men who just look over at Mark Henry, concerned. Mark Henry turns around and smiles at the crowd. Mark, arrogantly, screams into the microphone.


The crowd erupts in boos. Some "ROCKY" chants begin.

Mark Henry- Ya'll stupid! He's retired! And ya'll deaf, too! Correct me if I'm wrong, Elijah, but didn't you say that the greatest member of The Nation Of Domination was going to come out?

Elijah Burke- You sure did, my brother.

Mark Henry- And ya'll screaming for The Rock?!

The "ROCKY" chants begin to get louder. Mark shakes his head, disgusted.

Mark Henry- Miami, I got news for you, ya'll need to stop sitting in the sun because ya'll dumb as hell!

That gets huge boos from the crowd. Mark Henry angrily looks over at the fans as Elijah Burke smiles behind him. The swag on Elijah Burke is indescribable.

Shelton Benjamin- Alright, we get it, you think you're the greatest member of....

Mark Henry angrily turns around and gets right in Shelton Benjamin's face.


Shelton Benjamin looks up, in disbelief. MVP, Monty Brown and R-Truth run over and get in between the two men. Shelton angrily leans against the ropes. Mark Henry smiles at the three men.

Mark Henry- What you gunna do? Hit me? Well, come on, hit me!

The four men just look at him.

Mark Henry- You see that, Shelton? When you asked last week, one of your men was about to do it. When I ask, nobody moves a muscle, because they're afraid I will mistaken it for an attack or a lack of disrespect! Now Shelton, that is LEADERSHIP!

Mark Henry is amped up and he begins smiling at Monty Brown. He walks over and gets right in Monty Brown's face. The two men go forehead to forehead. Mark Henry backs away smiling and raises the microphone up to his mouth as Monty paces back and forth, ready for a fight.

Mark Henry- Who you supposed to be? Me? HA!

Monty goes to step up, but R-Truth reaches forward and pulls him back. Mark angrily looks over at Monty.

Mark Henry- Don't step up, I'll eat you in this ring! I'll eat you!

Mark's anger goes to another smile, as the sadistic side of Mark is definitely being shown world wide right now.

Mark Henry- And you! They call you R-Truth! You know what I call you? A REPLACEMENT! MVP replaced my brother over here, Elijah Burke, with you? HA! That leads me to my main goal! The man that goes by three letters, M.... V.... P! Montel.... Vontavious.... PUSS!

The crowd is stunned by the word usage from Mark Henry.

Mark Henry- You not just a puss, you a puss puss! You know what that is, MVP? A confused, afraid, little boy!

MVP begins smirking, nodding his head.

Mark Henry- A lucky one as a matter of fact. If it wasn't for Elijah Burke forgiving you for the way you took advantage of your friendship with him, you'd be some puss puss that I would SQUASH IN THIS RING!

Elijah Burke- Now what my brother, Mark Henry's point is, you are all given one final choice. One choice to either sit there and continue to make a mockery of the name of The Nation.... OR.... you could join my brother, Mark and I, Elijah Burke on bringing The Nation to the top once more!

Shelton Benjamin- How about the two of you do us all a favor, leave the ring and let me run my group. I appreciate your input, I really do, but I got everything under control.

Elijah Burke smiles his wide smile as he looks over at Shelton Benjamin.

Elijah Burke- Now my brothers, you are about to make your decision, but before we do that, we singled someone out. Shelton Benjamin. We do apologize, you must've slipped the mind of Mark Henry when he was giving out his opinions. So Mark, what do you think about Shelton Benjamin?

Mark smiles as he walks towards Shelton Benjamin, who doesn't back down. Mark slowly lifts the microphone up to his mouth and then throws it to the mat, grabs Shelton Benjamin, lifts him up and....


The crowd actually cheers for this as Mark Henry has flattened Shelton Benjamin. MVP, Monty Brown and Elijah Burke go to charge forward, but stop when Mark Henry angrily looks up at them. Mark quickly pushes himself up to his feet, using the face and chest of Shelton Benjamin as leverage up. Mark looks over at the three men. Elijah Burke walks over besides Mark Henry and the two of them look a few feet ahead of them at the three men. Elijah Burke and Mark Henry rise their right arms into the air as Elijah Burke shouts into the microphone.

Elijah Burke- WE ARE THE NATION!

Across from them, like brainwashed robots, MVP, Monty Brown and R-Truth throw their right fists into the air and simultaneously scream....


The five men stand inside of the ring with their right fists high into the air as Shelton Benjamin lays flat on his back a few feet behind Elijah and Mark.


Cody Rhodes vs Goldust
A match that means a lot for the struggling Cody Rhodes is a match where he goes off swinging quickly. As soon as the bell sounds, Cody charges at his brother and begins putting a beating on him with lefts and rights. Cody backs Goldust into the turnbuckle, but Goldust ducks a forearm and swings Cody against the turnbuckle, turns him around so he's chest first and then slaps Cody on the ass! The angry Cody turns around and BAM! Clothesline right into the turnbuckle! Goldust backs away and Cody stumbles forward. Goldust charges across the ring, hits the ropes and comes back with a powerful clothesline, sending his brother to the mat. Cody rolls away and leans against the ropes, holding them, looking up at his brother, in shock. Goldust begins rubbing his body bringing the crowd to their nostalgic ways. Cody is disgusted as he stands himself to his feet.

As the match continues, Goldust is in charge and he has Cody against the turnbuckle. Goldust charges forward and goes for a clothesline, but Cody moves out of the way! Goldust goes crashing into the turnbuckle, turns around and Cody grabs him and he's going for CROSS RHOD-


Goldust is down to both knees, Cody turns around and UPPERCUT!

Goldust surprises Cody from his knees with an uppercut. Cody spins around, holding his jaw and Goldust quickly leaps to his feet, grabs Cody from behind and....


Goldust gets on top of Cody Rhodes and hooks the leg for the pin and the win!
Winner- Goldust

The crowd erupts in cheers as Goldust rises off of Cody Rhodes. Goldust smirks as he looks down at his dazed, younger brother. Goldust leaves the ring and begins walking up the ramp. Cody Rhodes looks over, in disbelief. He begins shaking his head at it has finally hit him that he now has to let his older, deranged, golden brother, Goldust.... mentor him!

Cody leaves the ring, shaking his head as he speed walks up the ramp and through the curtains.


The cameras are in the back where we see Goldust walking down the halls. An angry Cody Rhodes comes running down the halls. He jumps in front of Goldust.

Goldust- Oh, no, this is not how it works. You don't have to follow me everywhere I go!

Cody Rhodes- I'm not foll- what?! I'm not following you! Well, I am! I want a rematch! That was luck!

Goldust- No, Cody, that was faith! Now, be a good boy and follow through with what the deal was. Now I must mentor you and you must listen to everything I tell you to do with no repercussions coming to me!

Cody Rhodes- You're not going to give me a rematch?!

Goldust- Nope.

Cody Rhodes- FINE! I'll let you mentor me! I will NOT let you make a fool out of me, though!

Goldust- A fool? No. A Rhodes? Yes. I have a lot in store for you for the next few weeks and I promise you one thing, Cody, you will be wrestling in the season finale of Summerslam!

Cody looks taken aback by this.

Cody Rhodes- Oh really?

Goldust- I am the director. You follow my orders and you will win your Oscar, Cody!

Cody Rhodes- I don't want an Oscar!

Goldust smiles and drapes his arm over Cody's.

Goldust- Summerslam, here.... we.... come!

End of Part 1.
Episode 4
"A Miami Tune"

The cameras are in the back where we see Kurt Angle by a vending machine. Kurt puts a dollar into the machine and follows by putting another one in. Kurt looks around at the drinks and then laughs.

Kurt Angle- Great! Just great!

All of a sudden, Randy Orton walks by.

Randy Orton- What's going on?

Kurt looks over at Randy, in disappointment.

Kurt Angle- Look at this vending machine. What are they missing?

Randy looks over at the vending machine and then smiles.

Kurt Angle- Well?

Randy Orton- I don't know. What is it missing?

Kurt Angle- MILK! There's no freeken milk in the vending machines!

Kurt angrily looks over at the vending machine. Randy sees how serious Kurt is about this and decides to replace the smile on his face with a much more serious look.

Kurt Angle- Something should be done about this.

Randy Orton- Yeah, but there's nothing we can do about this now. On the other hand, Kurt, I was thinking about something. About something that we can do. Remember when I said that I feel like we could be wasting our time teaming up? I was wrong. Kurt. Are you listening?

Kurt finally turns his attention away from the vending machine and faces Randy, with anger.

Kurt Angle- Yeah, Randy, I'm listening.

Randy Orton- If we can go out there tonight and defeat the Tag Team Champions, we could become the number one contenders for their title. That was the whole point behind this. We were meant to become the Tag Team Champions. Think about it. I've won the KWF World Championship, which might I add, I beat Chris Jericho for it! I also won the Intercontinental Championship twice! Which might I also add, I was the first one to ever win the Intercontinental Championship in the KWF! And now I can become the first ever Triple Crown winner in KWF history!

Randy Orton smiles wide as he looks over at the uninterested Kurt Angle. Randy stops smiling and then points over to Kurt.

Randy Orton- Oh and this could be your first time ever holding gold in the KWF.

Kurt smiles over at Randy. Randy smiles back.

Kurt Angle- You know what the funny thing about championships are? I've held a bunch in my lifetime and I've lost them all. There is two things that I have held in my career that no man has ever defeated me for. My gold medal, which by the way, I won with a broken, freeken neck!

Kurt points to his neck and then moves his finger over to his chest.

Kurt Angle- And my undefeated record in KWF Iron Man matches! And nobody will ever beat me in an Iron Man match! I am Mr. Iron Man and that's the only title I need to say that I am the best!

Kurt smiles, nodding his head.

Kurt Angle- Oh, it's true. It's damn true!

Kurt walks away, amped up. Randy watches his partner for later tonight walk away and he turns his attention over to the vending machine. Orton smiles and clicks refund and right quarters come pouring out. Randy grabs the quarters and walks away.

The vending machine is left alone until Kurt Angle comes running back.

Kurt Angle- I completely forgot about my drink! Alright. There's no milk. We settled that. I guess I'll settle for some Sprite. I haven't had a Sprite in forever. It's not as healthy, but....

Kurt stops speaking to himself as he furiously pushes the Sprite button. Kurt looks at the machine and it reads, "INSERT MONEY." Kurt's eyes open wide and he turns his head to the side that Randy Orton walked away in and he angrily says.

Kurt Angle- That snake!

Kurt Angle angrily walks away.


Match 2
AJ Styles vs Kofi Kingston

AJ Styles makes his way out first an he knows that if he wins tonight, he wins the best of three. This was just made for entertainment value and fun, bragging rights by these two buddies. Kofi Kingston comes out next to huge cheers.

The match starts and continues with both men using quickness to counter each others offense. Just like last week, the match ends up on the top turnbuckle. Also, just like last week, Styles is sitting on the top turnbuckle and Kofi sees the opportunity. The same opportunity as last week and maybe this time he won't mess it up. Kofi runs to the turnbuckle and leaps up and he's going for the hurricanranna from the top turnbuckle and....

.... AJ Styles catches Kofi!


Just like last week, AJ Styles has Kofi captured and he's going for the Flying Styles Clash, again and....


Kofi sits himself up, using the arms of AJ around his legs for leverage and he begins firing away with lefts and rights to the jaw of Styles! Finally, after nearly a dozen shots, Kofi back flips himself off the turnbuckle and stumbles around. Kofi has his back turned to Styles, who is sitting on the top turnbuckle and....


The crowd erupts in cheers at the leaping ability of Kofi Kingston. He cracked the sitting AJ Styles with the TIP and Styles falls forward, doing a front flip and landing flat on his back off the top turnbuckle and straight to the mat! Kofi looks over and quickly dives on top of AJ Styles an takes the leg closest to the ropes and hooks it for the pin and the win!
Winner- Kofi Kingston

The crowd erupts in cheers as Kofi Kingston gets up to a knee and throws his arms up into the air. He has tied this best of three series with an extremely impressive victory. All of a sudden, we hear....




The crowd erupts in cheers and out comes....

.... JAY Z!

The crowd is going absolutely insane in Miami. Jay Z stands at the top of the ramp with a huge smile on his face. Kofi Kingston and AJ Styles stand next to each other inside of the ring and they look to be just as shocked as the fans. Jay Z has a microphone in his hand and he raises it up to his mouth.

Jay Z- Miami, where you at?!

The crowd erupts in cheers at the name mention.

Jay Z- Now I ain't here to waste nobodies time. I came here for two reasons. The first reason is just like everybody out here tonight and that is to watch the great KWF superstars go at it.

The crowd cheers, respecting the KWF superstars. Jay Z smiles and nods his head.

Jay Z- Now the other reason I'm out here is to make three announcements and the third one was just to me just now. That news involves the two of you inside of that ring. I was just told to make this announcement while y'all are out there right now. The winner of next weeks match will be getting a title shot the following week. What title? The Intercontinental Championship! So one of you two will be able to get your hands on CM Punk in two weeks!

The crowd erupts in cheers as they would love to see one of their two fan favorites take one of the two titles away from CM Punk. The Intercontinental Championship would be a great start.

Jay Z- That is some big news, but I got even bigger news. That bit of a news is where the season finale of this season in the KWF will take place. If y'all know me and what I do, then y'all probably already know the answer. Just in case y'all don't, well ladies and gentlemen, SUMMERSLAM will be taking place in BROOKLYN, NEW YORK! The Barclay Center!

The crowd cheers as Jay Z nods his head and shows off his Brooklyn Nets hat. Jay Z then nods and smiles and holds up a finger.

Jay Z- And what's bigger news then that? Well, that is that next week, in Houston, Texas, we will all be graced by the return of THE KID!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Jay Z nods his head. Jay Z raises his arm to the fans and then disappears through the curtains and to the back.

The season finale of the KWF, Summerslam, will take place in Brooklyn, New York! The new Barclay Center!

RAW will be in Houston, Texas next week and we will see the return of none other then The Kid!

End of Part 2.
Episode 4
"A Miami Tune"

We are in the back where Shawn Michaels is standing by a camera. He has a smile on his face.

Shawn Michaels- I've been walking around this arena all day, looking for The Society. I was hoping that if I can't find them, they will find me. Just so I could get the rest of them.

HBK smiles.

Shawn Michaels- So Ambrose, Cena, Punk, when I find you, I'm going to make you three feel the same thing Danielson and Joe felt.

HBK smiles.

Shawn Michaels- I don't want Danielson and Joe to think that they are safe, because they are not. If need be, I will catch all five of you tonight. Society, take notice. The Heart Break Kid is coming for you! Except tonight, it's going to come with a good ol' Miami Tune!

HBK smiles, wider. HBK then walks away.


The cameras are in the back, where we see The Miz standing by a camera.

The Miz- Tonight, I win my second KWF championship. I won an Intercontinental Championship in my debut and dominated with it. I then went on to defeat The Big Show at WrestleMania. The Same 7 foot piece of trash that got fired for losing his match to Dean Ambrose, therefore setting up this travesty that runs around the KWF that calls themselves The Society!

The Miz angrily looks at the camera.

The Miz- The same Society that I stood up to when that pale white, ginger freak, Sheamus ran away with his Billion Dollar Pimp Daddy!

The Miz continues to angrily look into the camera.

The Miz- So Society, I hope you're still listening, because I'm not done with you guys, yet. The Miz does not walk away from any challenge and when you guys jumped me, you guys pissed me off! When I win that Television Championship tonight, I will have what is mine. THEN.... I will come and find The Society and get what's mine! I am The Miz and I'm....

????- HA, HA, HA, HA!

The Miz turns around, mid speaking and sees a laughing Ted Dibiase and an angry Sheamus come walking by.

Ted Dibiase- Pimp daddy? Ha! That's new!

Ted Dibiase smiles over at Sheamus, but Sheamus doesn't smile back. Sheamus is angry.

Ted Dibiase- Well, as you can see, Miz, my client over here is angry. Do you know what happens when Sheamus gets angry?

The Miz- Does his pale, white skin complexion change to a very dark green? Does he turn into The Hulk?

Ted Dibiase- No, my unfunny child, but he turns your skin into dark shades of purple, blue and black. He bruises you down until your body refuses to let your heart pick it up anymore. You see, Miz, you talk about the heart you showed when you stepped up to The Society. Do you remember what happened then? Your body refused to pick itself up no matter how hard your heart tried. You got beat down and couldn't get back up. Sheamus and I walked away unscaved, because we used a thing you may struggle with, your brain.

The Miz- Oh, real funny.

Ted Dibiase- I'm not done, yet. You see, using my brain has turned me from a nobody, to a Million Dollar Man all the way to now! The Billion Dollar Man! I have done it in the ring and I have recruited the best wrestlers I could find and turned them champions. Tonight, Sheamus will shut your mouth, but it's not going to be right here, right now. No. That's bad business. He's going to do it in that ring and when he is done, he is going to walk out the new Television Champion! You know why, Miz? Because you know what's the worst thing to do to an angry Sheamus?

Dibiase smiles at the unintimidated Miz.

Ted Dibiase- Making him hold in all of his rage.

Dibiase laughs as he walks away from The Miz, with Sheamus.


Jeri-Storm vs Kurt Angle & Randy Orton

Randy Orton went to give Kurt Angle a handshake, before the match, but Kurt Angle turned away with a disgusted look on his face. Randy Orton started the match off with Lance Storm and Randy took the early advantage.

As the match continued, Kurt Angle would tag himself in and get into action with Chris Jericho. The two would duke it out to a huge crowd reaction. Kurt Angle would nearly hit the Angle Slam on Chris Jericho, but Y2J would leap out and land on his feet. Chris Jericho would then turn around and go for the CODEBREAK-

- NO!

Kurt Angle catches the body of Chris Jericho, with his knees up and together. Kurt Angle uses his strength, lets out a monstrous scream and flips Chris Jericho over his head with a WILD SUPLEX! The crowd erupts in cheers as Kurt Angle leaps to his feet and lets out a monstrous scream. Chris Jericho rolls to the outside of the ring, by Lance Storm. Lance checks on his partner who was just flung like a flipping cannon ball. Kurt Angle walks over to Randy Orton and tags him in. Randy jumps to the outside of the ring and runs around, tackling Lance Storm and then attacking Chris Jericho.

Randy Orton rolls Chris Jericho into the ring and follows him. Randy begins stomping away at Y2J, forcing him to the middle of the ring. Randy picks Jericho up to his feet and goes to give him a kick to the stomach, but Jericho catches the foot! ENZUGURI!

The crowd erupts in cheers and both men are flat on their face. The crowd is loving this match as all four men are tearing the house down right now. Chris Jericho and Randy Orton are both slowly crawling to their respective corner. It's a snail race, but it's a tie! Randy gets to his corner a half second first and reaches up and....



Chris Jericho tags in Lance Storm!

Randy Orton looks over at Kurt Angle, in disbelief. Kurt Angle just passed up on the tag and has left the ring, leaving The Viper stranded. Kurt Angle angrily shakes his head looking over at Randy Orton. Kurt begins screaming, "YOU'RE A THIEF!" over and over, again. Kurt Angle angrily turns around and walks up the ramp. Lance Storm stands behind Randy Orton who has picked himself up to all fours, using the ropes. Lance Storm grabs Randy Orton, stands him up and rolls him up for the one, two, three!
Winners- Jeri-Storm


Lance Storm lets Randy Orton go and The Viper leaps up to his feet, in disbelief. He looks over at Lance Storm, with anger, but before he could step forward, Chris Jericho intervenes with a running forearm. Randy Orton stumbles back and falls through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm smile over at Randy Orton, but The Viper sees the number games and knows better. Randy Orton angrily walks away from the ring and up the ramp, possibly looking for Kurt Angle.

Inside of the ring, the Tag Team Champions celebrate their non title victory with a few laughs and they begin to pose for the crowd when....


Silence fills the arena as the anticipation is at an all time high in Miami, Florida.


The sound of a crow echoes the arena. Fear is taking over the arena as the flapping of wings echoes through the arena. The CAWs of the crows begin multiplying. All of a sudden....



Mr. Kennedy is inches away from the face of Chris Jericho and Dolph Ziggler is inches away from the face of Lance Storm. Sting stands behind them all with a bat, facing straight. Sting raises the bat up and....


After a few seconds, the same silence has filled the arena as before. The sounds of the crows have disappeared.


Chris Jericho and Lance Storm are standing inside of the ring, alone. They are unharmed! They look at each other and then up at the titantron where we see....

.... Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy smiling into the camera.

Mr. Kennedy- My name is....

Kennedy begins whispering.

Mr. Kennedy- Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiistahhhhhhhh Kennnnnneddddddddddddyyyyyyyyyy!

Mr. Kennedy smiles at the camera and then takes a deep breath and calmly, but not as low says....

Mr. Kennedy- Kennedy.

Dolph Ziggler then steps forward.

Dolph Ziggler- Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler. You may know the two of us as the blood loving blondes, but we're more then that. We're blood loving, blood hunting.... CROWS!

Mr. Kennedy- That's right and we just got extra close the two of you and you know what we smelled?

They look into the camera.

Mr. Kennedy- Fear.

Kennedy keeps a stern look on his face as Dolph smiles into the camera.

Dolph Ziggler- Now allow us to turn that fear into a reality. The next two men you were about to be introduced to may be known as two entertainers who have made crowds erupt in cheers. Two men who are known as not only brothers outside of the ring, but brothers inside of the ring. Team Extreme! The Hardy Boyz!

Dolph and Kennedy separate from each other, exposing the scene behind them. The Hardy Boyz are tied up to separate poles. They have their mouths taped shut and have blood stains on there foreheads. They have their heads down, as they look exhausted. Humiliated. Afraid!

All of a sudden, a dark figure begins lurking out of the shadows and it's STING!

Sting looks down at Matt and Jeff Hardy, with his back to the camera. He begins backing away from The Hardy Boyz, speaking.

Sting- When the sacrifice of human flesh is called upon, there is no stopping it. When you are chosen to be sacrificed by The Crows Nest, then you have no escape. You can run, but you can't hide. The crows will find you. AND WE DID!

Sting stops backing up, a few feet away from the camera. He then turns around and his black and white face paint is now colored with some red lipstick going through the sides of the lips. Like The Joker!

Sting- We will torture them for a week and next week, we will sacrifice Matthew Hardy and Jeffrey Hardy, also known as The Hardy Boyz!

Sting looks into the camera and....

.... BLACK!

Chris Jericho and Lance Storm stand inside of the ring, with rage filling their face. They look at each other, both looking as intimidating and confident as possible, but with no doubt, fear running through their insides. Sting and The Crows Nest have The Hardy Boyz and they will sacrifice them next week!

End of Part 3.
Episode 4
"A Miami Tune"

The cameras are facing the ring where a golden chair sits. Inside of the ring, The Iron Sheik stands with a giant of a man next to him. The ring has gold carpet in it and the ropes have white and gold string on it. It's a golden atmosphere and The Iron Sheik raises the microphone to his mouth to speak.

Iron Sheik- Tonight, you all open eyes and witness the crowning of the NEW SHEIK! MUHAMMAD.... HASSAN!


The crowd erupts in boos and Muhammad Hassan makes his way out in an all gold outfit. Daivari stands besides him in an all white outfit. The Iron Sheik claps his hands inside of the ring, the only man in this arena excited about this. Muhammad Hassan and Daivari climb up the steel steps and enter the ring. They walk over to The Iron Sheik and nod their heads. The Iron Sheik nods his head back. Daivari fetches a microphone and brings it over to Muhammad Hassan.

Muhammad Hassan- Thank you.

Iron Sheik- You welcome! Now is the moment you wait for! Now you become legend! Now you, Muhammad Hassan, become blessed with the name of THE GOLDEN SHEIK!

The crowd lets in the new name of Muhammad Hassan, sink in.

Iron Sheik- I represent every Sheik when I say those words! To finish up the ceremony, I come with three gifts. The first gift is the KEFFIYEH!

Iron Sheik walks over to the golden throne and picks up this red and gold head gear and walks it over to Muhammad Hassan. Muhammad is not wearing anything in his head, for his first time in a non wrestling moment and that is because he is about to get a new one. The Iron Sheik puts the Keffiyeh on the head of Muhammad Hassan and steps back, smiling.

Iron Sheik- The red and gold represent your power! Represents your name! The Golden Sheik! My next gift represents your immortality! It represents your legend! My next gift is the throne of the Sheik! Your golden throne!

The Iron Sheik walks Muhammad Hassan over to it and tells him to sit down on it. Hassan sits down with a smile on his face.

Iron Sheik- Congratulations to The Golden Sheik, Muhammad Hassan! To every Sheik comes his guard! His warrior! The Sheiks approve of Daivari as your ring manager and we agree that he serves great purpose!

Daivari nods his head, with a huge grin on his face. The Iron Sheik then points up to the giant that has been in the ring with him the whole time.

Iron Sheik- THIS is your guard! THIS is your warrior! THIS is the man who does anything you tell him to do, no questions asked! THIS is THE GREAT KHALI!

The Great Khali stands in the ring, all near 8 feet of him. A fierce, intimidating, monstrous look stays on his face as he looks straight at Muhammad Hassan.

Iron Sheik- Now, Muhammad Hassan, make your first speech as THE GOLDEN SHEIK!

Muhammad Hassan stays seated in his throne with Daivari beside him.

Muhammad Hassan- You said this man will do anything I tell him to?

Iron Sheik- Anything!

Muhammad Hassan smiles.

Muhammad Hassan- As the new Sheik in wrestling, I will not share this throne with anyone else. I am The Golden Sheik and I will be the best Sheik of all time! In order to be the best Sheik of all time, I will do the order of the man above and get rid of the humiliation that was once a great legend. I will start my time as The Golden Sheik by getting rid of The Iron Sheik! Great Khali! DESTROY HIM!

The Great Khali doesn't hesitate, he grabs The Iron Sheik, turns him around and a huge HAND CHOP to the top of the head. The Iron Sheik falls to the floor as The Great Khali stomps away at him. Muhammad Hassan stands up to his feet and smiles as he watches this. The Iron Sheik is laying on his face, having his back destroyed by this giant.

Muhammad Hassan- I am Muhammad Hassan.... I AM.... THE GOLDEN SHEIK!

Muhammad Hassan throws the microphone to the ground and pushes Khali out of the way and gets on top of The Iron Sheik and lifts his head up. Hassan makes the "cut-throat" signal across the throat of The Iron Sheik and then locks in the CAMEL CLUTCH! Muhammad Hassan pulls and swings away at the head of The Iron Sheik to huge boos from the crowd. After a few seconds, Muhammad Hassan finally gets off of The Iron Sheik and stands there between Daivari and The Great Khali.

The Golden Sheiks era has begun with the destruction of The Iron Sheik.


Rene Dupree (C) vs The Miz vs Sheamus w/ Ted Dibiase

The Miz makes his way out first to an ovation. Sheamus makes his way out next, accompanied by The Billion Dollar Man, Ted Dibiase. They come out to boos. Ted Dibiase eats it up with laughter on his way down the ramp and into the ring. Rene Dupree makes his way out next with the Television Championship around his waist. A very serious look on his face as he marches down the ramp. The crowd erupts in cheers for the Television Champion. The three men are in the ring as the referee shows all them the title, before raising it up into the air for the crowd to see. The crowd cheers as this triple threat title match has been a long time coming, thanks to The Society for taking out The Miz and Sheamus. The bell sounds and the match is now officially under way!

The Miz quickly attacks Sheamus and the two men begin battling it out, before Dupree joins the mix and just begins pounding on both of them. Dupree makes the crowd go crazy as he takes down both The Miz and Sheamus, with his strength.

As the match continues, The Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale on Rene Dupree strengths his way out and sends Miz down with a powerful clothesline. Sheamus quickly hits Dupree from behind with a running forearm that sends Dupree down to the mat. Sheamus begins pounding away on Dupree, to the love of Dibiase.

Sheamus is in control and he has taken Dupree out of the ring with a huge clothesline. Sheamus is then attacked from behind by The Miz and The Miz begins beating away on Sheamus, ready to bring out the rage from Sheamus. Miz shows his own rage as he powers down on Sheamus. The Miz has the crowd behind him as he takes Sheamus down to all fours. Miz runs to the ropes and comes back with a running knee to the side of the head of Sheamus. Miz quickly picks Sheamus up to his feet and gives him an Irish Whip across the ring and right into the turnbuckle post. Sheamus leans against the turnbuckle and The Miz charges across the ring and goes for his vintage Miz diving clothesline into the turnbuckle and....


The Miz crashes into the turnbuckle and sits up, facing it. Miz falls backwards and off of it and lays on his back. Sheamus stands across the ring, breathing heavily as he looks across the ring at The Miz. Sheamus stalks The Miz and....


The submission that Rene Dupree has used to dominate his way through the KWF is locked in on Sheamus. Sheamus swings wildly, trying to power his way out of it, but he seems to be trapped. Rene Dupree looks across the ring and sees The Miz getting to his feet and he knows that Sheamus is going to take awhile to tap out, so he throws Sheamus through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring. Sheamus crashes and burns!

Rene Dupree charges at The Miz, kicks him in the gut, lifts him up and FRENCH CONNECTION! The Michonoku Driver that Rene Dupree has used his own twist to the name has connected and he has the pin fall on The Miz! One! Two! THREE!
Winner and STILL Television Champion- Rene Dupree


The crowd erupts in cheers as The French Phenom leaps to his feet. He angrily walks over to the ropes and he is handed his title, but he demands a microphone, as well. Rene Dupree is quickly handed one and he walks across the ring, facing the titantron.

Rene Dupree- SOCIETY! I am still standing! I am still zee Television Championship! You punks want to attack zee French Phenom from behind and pretend that you intimidate me! Samoa Joe, you had your chance to face me and you walked out of your match! Samoa Joe, you are my number one target! I don't want to wait anymore! I am still zee champion and I am ready for you! RIGHT NOW! RIGHT HERE! Come face me face to face!



Coming through the curtains comes CM Punk, followed by the rest of The Society. Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose, Samoa Joe, John Cena and CM Punk have now filled up the top of the ramp. CM Punk has a microphone in his hand and a smile on his face.

CM Punk- You want some? Wait, this isn't my line.

CM Punk hands the microphone over to John Cena.

John Cena- IF YOU WANT SOME....

John Cena looks over at Samoa Joe and nods his head. Joe is rocking from side to side, ready to fight.


Rene Dupree nods his head, smiling.

Rene Dupree- There's five of you. One of me. Come to the ring right now.

CM Punk smiles and nods his head at his men. John Cena hands the microphone back to CM Punk.

CM Punk- Fine. We'll come to you. While we walk, we will talk. So now, open your ears and listen closely. Everyone talks about how they want to get their hands on us, well, you don't have to come looking for us. You're not going to find us unless we want you to find you. The thing is, we like to show our movement in the public eye. So, we do regret the way we beat you down last time, Rene Dupree, but tonight, we will give you your moment. You see, Dupree, you are exactly what we hate about this place. You are the KWF! You were made in the KWF! You are nothing without the KWF! The problem is when The Kid was ready to shut the doors, you didn't step forward. WE DID! I have a question for you, Rene Dupree, what are you without the KWF? WAIT! DON'T ANSWER IT! The answer is simple. The answer is nothing.

CM Punk smiles and The Society has now surrounded the ring. The Miz stands up next to Rene Dupree and begins looking around the surrounded ring. CM Punk laughs.

CM Punk- Oh, look. The Miz wants more. Well, boys, you are ready. We are ready. EXCEPT ONE THING!

Punk turns around and looks up at the titantron.

CM Punk- There is another man who was looking for us. So while The Society throws out the trash inside of the ring, I will stand right here and wait for The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels!

The crowd erupts in cheers and CM Punk drops the microphone to the floor as the thud echoes through the arena. With that thud, The Society slide into the ring and attack the two men! Danielson and Ambrose tackle The Miz down to the floor. Samoa Joe and John Cena take down Rene Dupree and begin beating down on him. The Society is taking control and all of a sudden....


CM Punk waves his hands forward as Shawn Michaels charges down the ramp. CM Punk quickly turns around and slides into the ring. Shawn Michaels slides right into the ring and CM Punk quickly leaps on top of The Heart Break Kid and begins pounding away on him. John Cena leaves Samoa Joe alone with Rene Dupree, as he is being destroyed on the floor. John Cena helps CM Punk beat down on Shawn Michaels.

MUSCLEBUSTER! Samoa Joe destroys Rene Dupree with the Musclebuster.

Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose lift The Miz up and walk him over to John Cena, who lifts him into the air and F-U! The Miz lays flat on his back, just like Rene Dupree does.

CM Punk lifts the body of Shawn Michaels up onto his shoulders and smiles at the crowd. The lip ring shines against the light and....


The Society finally stops beating down on Shawn Michaels, The Miz and Rene Dupree and stand in between the triangle of down bodies.

CM Punk picks up the microphone that Rene Dupree dropped when the attack began. CM Punk looks around at the ring.

CM Punk- You see this? This is only the beginning! The Society doesn't end here! This is just the beginning. You can make me defend my Intercontinental Championship in two weeks, but whether it's Kofi or Styles.... The Society will win!

CM Punk smiles.

CM Punk- Shawn Michaels, Miz, Rene Dupree.... you three are going to go down in history. You three will be the three that get remembered as the men that The Society destroyed to get to where they are. That goes for JBL! That goes for any man who has ever stepped up to The Society or disrespected The Society! The KWF will die when we want! The best part about that is when the KWF dies, it will die because WE.... KILLED.... IT!

CM Punk raises his hand with a sadistic smile on his face.

CM Punk- KWF, take notice. You're either with us.... or soon to be extinct!

Punk licks his lips, as his lip ring moves from side to side. John Cena, Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose and Samoa Joe stand next to CM Punk as Punk takes a deep breath.

CM Punk- Kid.... next week.... you come back.... and we FINISH YOU!

CM Punk drops the microphone as The Society stands inside of the ring with the down and out bodies of Shawn Michaels, The Miz and Rene Dupree down behind them.

End Show.

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