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Kofi Kingston Heel Turn?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
This past Monday Night on Raw, we saw the team of Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne become the new WWE Tag Team Champions! I, for one, couldn't be happier, as I saw absolutely nothing good about having Michael McGillicutty and David Otunga as the champions. Otunga still needs work as a wrestler, and McGillicutty should either be a single's wrestler or have a better in-ring tag partner. There is no doubt that Kingston and Bourne will be superior tag champs.

Now, back to Kingston. It seems that Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne are good friends. They go all the way back to the ECW days, in what I guess you can call a "mutual" feud with Shelton Benjamin. They've teamed up together several times in the past and have great chemistry in the ring as partners. From what I remember, I do believe they've had one match against each other. Back in 2009, when Kofi Kingston was the U.S. Champion, one of his only losses as champ came at the hands of Evan Bourne.

With the WWE hopefully making tag team wrestling relevant again, I hope to see Kingston and Bourne have a very lengthy reign as tag champions (atleast 4 months), with several title defenses under their belt.

However, what about after the team is done? Will they just go their seperate ways? Or is there a possibility that they lose their titles in some crazy fashion, causing Kofi to snap and attack Evan Bourne? Is a heel turn all that's needed to get Kofi to the top? Or am I just reading too much into this? Thoughts?
O fuck's sake another "turn X wrestler heel" thread? How many people do you guys want as a heel?

You don't need to turn someone heel to break up a team. Characters can evolve in other ways. What if they get drafted to seperate brands after they lose the titles? What if Bourne just allows Kingston to go try to achieve bigger things? Think about it like the end of Good Will Hunting, they're best friends but Ben Afflac wants Damon to leave because he knows he can achieve more.
I talked about this on another thread a few days ago and I said if he is going to become something big he has to be a heel and change his gimmick.After him & Evan are finished I do see him turning on Evan and atttacking him.Later he could cut a heel promo about him losing to evan back in 09 and saying that he has been waiting so long for this moment and was just waiting fir the right moment.If Kofi was to go heel it would be better for him but then no doubt about it he has to change his moveset because if he still uses the same moves the crowd will still get behind him,and he would need to change his theme song,attire and gimmick.

Back at the end of 09 he had that great fued with Randy Orton where he showed a aggresive side and it was so entertaing,if he is going to big he has be aggresive like he was bac then.Also he could say that the anger he showed to Randy was him letting out the frustration he had towards Evan and still has some left to give out.By the time him and Evan break up they will both be over with the crowd big time and Evan will get the crowd behind him and they will start hating on Kingston for what he did.The Kofi heel turn would be intresting but then the more I think about it the less likely it is due to his fanbase and his moveset even tho he could alter his moveset a little.
Yeah I agree with Hunted-Rko. He has such a high flying arsenal he would have to dramatically change it to turn Heel. I really don't picture him as a heel If anything I would want the agrresive Kofi again during his 09' Fued with Randy.

The Break Up will probably be Kofi wanting to branch out and make it to the top. They will shake hands and probably end the tag team. Not everyone has to turn heel. Kofi may well go on an be irrelavant if he was to turn Heel. Just Because a Likeable Guy like R-Truth turned on his friend and turned heel i don't think Kofi is fit to. But stranger things have happened in the WWE.
Kofi is a perennial face!!! I cannot see him as a heel...personally i'd like to see this team stay together for a long time. Splitting them up immediately after losing the titles would just be another way of proving that tag teams mean nothing. If the tag division is now expanding and becoming important again, the WWE will need stable teams to spearhead this movement...teams like The Uso's, Airboom or whatever Kofi and Evan will be called and, by all accounts, The Kings of Wrestling...turning Kofi heel would be counterproductive anyway since Raw is lacking in faces.
There are some guys that are just meant to be face. Mysterio being the prime example. Hell I don't see them being able to find a way to turn Santino heel again, just because it will always revert to the incredibly-fan friendly persona.

Hell, even a guy like RVD never would really get over in a true heel role when he was with WWE. When you perform in front of a HUGE audience, you have to go by the general appeal. What appeal would there be for a crowd of 20,000 people watching Kofi Kingston in casual wrestling gear with no pyros beating down Goldust in a squash match?
After him & Evan are finished I do see him turning on Evan and atttacking him.Later he could cut a heel promo about him losing to evan back in 09 and saying that he has been waiting so long for this moment and was just waiting fir the right moment.

For Fucks sake! WHHHHHY!!!! Kofi has nothing to prove against Bourne. I dont want to see another "I attacked you because you beat me" feud. Punk did it with Orton when he took over Nexus. He had a legit reason. Orton cost him a title...not just any title though, the WWE title.

What is Kofi going to say "I waited 3 years to get my revenge because you beat me in one match. Sorry, but thats how these revenge plots go."????

It would make NO SENSE for Kofi to attack Bourne just so WWE can turn him heel. They have had so many other chances. Case in point...Kofi vs Orton 09 when Kofi had his street gimmick for all of a week. They could've turned him heel then after finishing with Orton. Orton got the upperhand and won that feud. Kofi could've easliy taken his frustration out on someone else...thus turning HIM heel in the process and starting a feud with someone else.

WWE would be dumb to turn Kofi heel by attacking Bourne. Thats the oldest trick in the book. Time to create some new tricks.
Kofi is just fine where hes at right now being one half of the new wwe tag team champions!! I am ecastic as hell right now as mcgillicutty or however u spell his name and bore otunga are former champs!! kofi is a huge face right now him going heel makes no sense whatsoever IMO!! Hes over with the crowd everyone likes him him going heel only hurts him and everything he has built for himself!! Again IMO!!
No I don't see Kofi Kingston turning heel. He doesn't need to turn heel. Raw has enough heels with nothing to do. The only thing they need to do with he and Evan Bourne is to elevate the Tag Titles. They have a great team chemistry going and now isn't the time to derail that by some heel turn that nobody wants.
Ok this is the problem with tag teams that are just thrown together. Everybody automatically thinks that eventually somebody will turn on a person. Theres 2 reasons why I don't see this occuring.

1. Kofi unfortunately will always be in mid-card. Even if you turn him heel its not like he has the size or skills like an r-truth to make it work. Prime example of this is Rick Martel. Martel turned on Santana and everyone though he'd be a star. He acheived some success but not as much as I'm sure it was though originally.

2. WWE needs tag team wrestling and bad. I could see the WWE pushing this tag team in all aspects...merch, tv commercials etc..its good business. This is a great tag team to build a division around. Personally I would've rather had Primo Colon instead of Kofi but hey thats me.
WOW................. whoever said making kofi heel because evan beat him 3 years ago in 09 was just a dumb idea im sorry 09 really?? Turning kofi heel would be so dumb lol becuse like rey he is born a face. for him 2 turn heel he would have on a plain attire no pyro and he would have just a I am mad fear me attitude. He would have to scrap the S.O.S and Trouble In paradise for the Paydirt/ The 305/Play of the Day/The What's Up (for some reason most of the black wrestlers recycled this move) and thats asking kofi to be a whole new superstar
Actually, they've had two matches against each other. Evan took a win and Kofi took the other, but that's not what's important. Once again - and like everyone has said - not everyone needs to turn Heel to make it! Not even to separate a tag-team. The draft, "injury", or simply just deciding to go solo again could all work, attacking your partner isn't the only option. And like I've said many times before, the only thing I think Kingston needs to do is get serious and have another high-profile feud to make it to the top. No need to change his entrance or song or attire like it's been suggested so many times, just let him get pissed off and kick some ass, watching him throw Ziggler around was entertaining TV.
How many heels have u seen flying around the ring? His move set doesn't allow for much aggression. Sure, in his feud with orton he proved he can change it up, but i'd rather see that guy than him turn heel.
For Fucks sake! WHHHHHY!!!! Kofi has nothing to prove against Bourne. I dont want to see another "I attacked you because you beat me" feud. Punk did it with Orton when he took over Nexus. He had a legit reason. Orton cost him a title...not just any title though, the WWE title.

It was the WHC not the WWE title:) I did not say I want it to happen did I? Kofi will always be better as a face even if he will be stuck in the Mid-Card forever.Him being a heel dosen't suit him but I said i might imagine it happening.I dont even want him to turn Heel.
I can see Evan Bourne if anything going heel when they break up as a team. WWE wants to restart the Cruiserweight division and it would be the perfect time for Bourne to make the switch. Either have him beat down Kofi or Sin Cara and then go on the Mic and turn on the fans. I would say Kidd would make a good heel but Bourne has a better move set to match a Lucha Libre style match.
I could see Kofi turning heel on Bourne to eventually end this tag team. I would rather they stay together for a long time but WWE seems to love splitting up tag teams way earlier than they should. If and when this team does split up.... It will be Kofi who gets pushed ahead of Bourne. Unless Bourne wins the US title or something, this may be the only belt he ever holds. Kofi has main event potential though. Remember that feud with Orton a while back? He just needs to get angry because if he had continued that direction with his character then he would be main eventing by now. Frustration with Bourne over losing would do just that. As a heel Kingston could finally leave the midcard one day. Attacking Bourne when this team ends its run would be the perfect time for it.
There is no need to turn Kofi heel right now however if he ever turns heel, it will probably be the Kofi that was going against Orton in 09 or against Ziggler on Smackdown in 2010.
Kofi can join turn on Bourne and eventually join forces with R Truth. Kofi has a huge attitude change. A new "Nation" has formed
Every single time I see a thread concerning Kofi Kingston, there are always multiple people saying they want to see the "aggressive Kofi that faced Orton". Guys, you need to face facts. That Kofi is nothing more then a distant memory, never to be seen again. He has been in countless feuds, been on television virtually every week, and almost every pay per view since that time. You haven't seen anything close to "aggressive Kofi" and with good reason. It's not going to happen. It is gone, please let it go. Please.

That being said, Kofi Kingston will never be a heel. Everything about Kofi Kingston screams face. His mannerisms, his moveset, his ring attire, his name, his so-called gimmick, his pyro during his entrance, his music, his appeal to children. All of these things are meant to make him appealing as a face. Truth be told, it has worked too. He always gets a good reaction and sells a lot of merchandise. To turn him heel would be to totally tear him down and build him back up from scratch. WWE simply isn't going to take on that project.

The "Air Boom" team is just two random guys thrown together in a tag team. When they lose the titles and their subsequent rematch, it will simply be the end of the team. There will be no feud, and no explanation as to why they are no longer teaming. We have seen this many times before, and we will again. There is no real reason for them to team up in the first place, outside of them having nothing to do on their own. They will have their time with the titles for awhile, then they will go right back into the midcard as guys with no chance of ever advancing past the Intercontinetal Title.
a heel turn for him would be fine as long as they let these two team for at least several months and build a strong relationship or otherwise it would probably fall flat.
just my opinion here, but i honestly dont think kofi has what it takes to be a top guy.
he is a fine wrestler, good but not great, i just dont see him being a flag bearer.
he is probably better face anyway, as heels arent allowed to do as many flashy 'spot' moves as faces, or the crowd begins to cheer them.

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