King of the Ring 2012?

I would like to see KOTR return in 2012. I think the winner should be a superstar who needs a push. Of the last 3 winners Sheamus, Booker, and Regal, Sheamus didn't need the push but Jomo did, Regal winning did nothing for his career, and Booker was the last one to take full advantage. Del Rio has been trying to get over for a while so if he isn't yet, don't waste this perfectly good opportunity to evolve a superstar on him. Cody and Dolph are shoe-in champions this year so they don't relly need it. A guy like Drew McIntyre or Jack Swagger are competitiors who need it. Maybe even a Mason Ryan or a Justin Gabriel. Don't waste a perfectly good chance to put over young talent on guys who have already or are going to make it.

I don't think anyone who uses the king gig is taken very seriously. Sheamus in alot of peoples eyes took a huge step back using the king thing. The only guy around now who could pull it off is Santino and that would be a travesty.

I think the KOTR tournament should be similar to the Royal Rumble. The winner should recieve a championship match at Summer Slam against the champion of his choosing. I believe that would bring the prestige back to the tournament and revive peoples interest. This needs to be a PPV tournament also. Let people buy in thinking it means something like before. Have it be a 16 man tournament and have the semi finals and the final on the PPV.
I think Dolph is pretty much over, and him winning wouldn't do too much. He's on the way up, so somebody could really use it more then him.

Majority of the KOTR winners have been heel (Angle, Edge, Lesnar, Booker, Regal, & Sheamus) so they should definately break the mold and give it to a up and coming face. I think someone like Ted Dibiase Jr. could definately use it to catapult him back to where he was, and establish him as a dominate face.
I would love to see King of the Ring come back as a PPV and like many have said axe Money in the Bank. I feel that KOTR was a great tool to give a superstar that final push to the top. Sure, there were cases that it fell flat (Mable, Billy Gunn) but there have been far more success stories come from the PPV than failures. As far as a winner I feel that Del Rio doesn't need it being that he is a former 2 time champion, Royal Rumble winner and Mania headliner (somewhat). If Ziggler were to win MITB which many believe he will at Mania then he doesn't need it neither being that he would have a title garuntee carrying around with him. Guys who could use the crown are:

Cody Rhodes What else does this guy need? I mean he has been on the brink of finally getting that main event slot for the past year now. An angle with Orton should have been his final leap, then he is shoved in a feud with Booker T. and now Goldust. A KOTR win would garuntee a title shot and maybe even a main event slot at Summer Slam if it is done like the past.

Wade Barrett Should have already been a world champion in my opinion. Why they didn't put the belt on him when the Nexus angle was hot is beyond me. I feel that he did lose a lot of steam on Smack Down and is just now gaining it back. A KOTR win would not only get him his steam back but may be that final push he needs to put the belt on him.

Ted DiBiase This is my longshot pick. I think DiBiase is a talented guy, I think he has a good look and he has been getting a little better in the charisma department. I always thought after Legacy broke up he would be destined for stardom but he kind of just fell off after his run as Million Dollar Man Jr.
after how horrible sheamus did as king of the not sure i wanna see the tournament make a come back unless the winner is going to be given a good push and basically...does as good as booker did with it i found him wicked entertaining as king booker i wouldnt mind seeing a 16 man tournament with people from raw and smackdown and have it end with a ppv match for the finals and from there you could have the king get a queen and/or "royal servants"
You know what I would like to see? A King of the Ring with a combination of up-and-comers and established stars. In 1988 they held the tournament with a mix of guys - huge stars like Randy Savage, Brutus "the Barber", and Ted DiBiase were present, as were rising talents Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty. Fast-forward to 2010's tournament... Big Show and Rey Mysterio were the only "big" names, while the rest were unestablished. Now, if you look at that same tournament today it would be awesome, but in 2010 DiBiase and Rhodes were a joke, MVP was on his way out, Swagger was terrible, nobody knew who Jackson and Tyson Kidd were... But even that was 10 steps above 2008's "tournament". None of the matches lasted more than 6 minutes, and it involved both Khali and Hornswoggle. Enough said.

Give me Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett, Alberto del Rio, Miz, R-Truth, Dolph Zigger, etc. I think they finally have enough upper-midcard talent to make the tournament worth it. But I would also like to see bigger names for the up-and-comers to topple on their way. Put in Booker T, just because he's a former "King". Put in Sheamus as he goes for two times in a row. You really want to make it worth watching, but in Randy Orton and John Cena, and strap a "winner faces the WWE or World champion" claus to the whole thing. Make me WANT to watch, rather than just force me on Raw with a bunch of terrible talents...
As a poster above stated I do not want a king of the ring full of squash/countount/DQ matches with a ten minute final. I want even the qualifying matches to be somewhat entertaining. King of the ring 2006 was the last real kotr to me but even that doesn't hold a candle to any other they did. I don't think it should go to heels, Im actually getting really sick of the generic heel kotr win, then goes on to have a terrible king gimmick. Give it to a face, don't give the royal gimmick, either establish him as a solid face, or slowly establish him as a heel with him getting over confident with the kotr win. And also like somebody previously stated, have it as a PPV about two months away from summerslam and have the winner face one of the champions like in 2002.
Now if we are talking about the King of the Ring Pay-Per-View you would have to go with a bigger name to make in relevant again. Like Big Show, Kane, Jericho, or even CM Punk. then i would build it up so when its the FOLLOWING year a mid card could win and that could be the start of his push.

If its just gonna be on raw then I agree with alot of you. I could see Wade Barret, R-Truth, Mark Henry( lol King Henry the 9th), Cody, Ziggler, Christian, and Jack Swagger (lol it would be like" the kings speech")

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