Kevin Steen Officially Signs With WWE


According to via an announcement at, Indie star and former ROH World Champion Kevin Steen has officially signed with WWE.

Steen has been on WWE's radar for about a year now and was given a tryout earlier this year in which reports said he impressed officials with his work inside the ring and on the mic. He was ultimately brought to Triple H's attention by William Regal after Regal attended a Pro Wrestling Guerilla card. Regal spoke to Steen after the match and told him how impressed he was with his work and the rest is pretty much history.
That's great news. Triple-H really is taking the future very seriously and probably wants to take WWE's share of the pro-wrestling market from around 90% to 99%.

I wish they do a live signing ceremony with him too; would be pretty awesome if Sting presides over his signing, like Hulk Hogan was for KENTA.

Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville will have to stay at the top of their game. With these experienced and highly capable wrestlers coming in, and not many slots open in the main roster at the moment, they better not slip up.
Been waiting for the official announcement for a while, I'm so happy it's finally done! As Smark said above, this creates even more competition at the top of NXT for the few spots available on the main roster. I'm very hopeful of some truly epic matches taking place on NXT. This roster is so stacked, I'm nearly at a point where I'm more excited to watch the next NXT show than I am the next Raw etc. NXT is already more interesting than Smackdown.
Reading the official announcement has been the highlight of my day so far. WWE will definitely benefit from having a guy like Steen in the company. He's an excellent wrestler and brawler and has one thing WWE sorely needs: boss-level trash talking ability. Steen is a true renaissance man.

Time to clear my schedule so I can watch all upcoming NXT events. With Steen, KENTA and Devitt in the fold, it's going to be fun to watch.
He is an awful wrestler from ROH is from quebec Canada Kevin Steen[1]
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu He will be lost in the shuffle with all other wrestlers and held down look at Rusev
I've never understood what all the fuss is about with Kevin Steen.

I saw guys like him at every show I wrestled at... I'm not saying he's not capable in the ring, but from what I've seen there's really no glaring specialty to him.

I would say that if Kevin Steen can "make it" in the WWE, then it's proof that the WWE owns too much of wrestling. Basically, it's come to "if the WWE says you're good, you're good".
I just hope that the WWE doesn't push this guy as the new Big Boss Man aka Big Bubba Rogers. A different look in wrestling is always a good thing. But like WWE hall of famer Stone Cold Steve Austin said via Twitter to Steen, "cardio". And we'll just see how far Kevin Steen goes in the WWE. Hopefully farther than "Husky Hurris" did lol.
I've seen some of his matches, but I'm not an expert of the guy. I liked what he did, but in an age where looks is everything, I expect to see him make some changes like dropping some weight.

I hope he gets a shot in WWE. If that's his dream, but I think a lot of people get there only to have to deal with bs and be out the door. Many have been called many have failed to make it through. I agree with AIM though, the WWE is the sole decider of what's good in wrestling, is very problematic.

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