Justin Gabriel Return

The Extract

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As most of us know, Justin Gabriel is out of action with a hyperextended and twisted elbow. Now what I'm wondering is:
How would you book his return?
I would have him back with Tyson Kidd facing off against Epico & Primo, Truth & Kofi, Hunico & Camacho, & Zig-Swag. That would really bring some life back to the tag division.
Okay, get this, cause I feel as though with this idea I could make it onto the WWE Creative team and Vince McMahon may pay me 4.2% more than the other writers, cause this idea is so original and creative that it will blow your mind.

Picture it, in your head, the Smackdown set. We're back from commercial break, suddenly in one of the most impactful returns of all-time, Tyson Kidd's entrance music hits and out walks... Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel. Amazing, right? I know. They receive the mild reception you'd expect, but It'll become such an illustrious return in the annals of WWE folklore that they'll play it maybe, once more, after the initial return, on Afterburn.

They face some tag team in a match, maybe Hunico and Camacho and they pick up a victory. Then the following week they face Epico and Primo... and lose. Amazing, right? Jesus I should be the new lead writer of Smackdown. Fuck Ed Koskey, I'm more of a visionary than he is.
While that's certainly a gem of an idea, I would personally replace Primo and Epico with The PrimeTime Players. The WWE seems to be big on pushing those two.
The real question is "who will they feed him to?" Assuming he comes back as a face, I'm betting it'll be Antonio Cesaro. Then again, maybe he can team up with Heath Slater as a heelish team so they can lose a handicap match to Ryback.
The only way Gabriel will have any kind of success is in a babyface tag team. He and Tyson Kidd could take the titles from whichever heel team beats Kofi/Truth. They'd drive the titles even deeper into irrelevancy but at least the matches would be fun to watch.
I'd bring him back with Tyson Kidd to bring a little fire to the tag division.

But we all know it will probably be just a hotly contested loss to Jinder Mahal on Superstars.
I'd have a Tag-Team Tournament to be the #1 contenders for the tag-team championship. I would book Brodus Clay and Hornswoggle to team up to face Ziggler and Swagger. Brodus could be in his dressing room and Hornswoggle could be waiting for him to come out, and suddenly Ziggler and Swagger ambush Hornswoggle. Then Brodus would be forced to have a new partner. Brodus comes out, and announces that he has a new partner. Then, Justin Gabriel will come out.

Or they could just have him team with Tyson Kidd in the tournament or just in a regular match.
Hey I love Gabriel and Kidd tag team as much as the next guy, but Gabriel is bigger than that. Remember just a few months ago he was feuding on smackdown with Cody Rhodes? Well lets make this an epic feud... Gabriel "claims" that he was injured at the hands of Cody, starts a feud, wins the IC, goes on to bigger and better things. just saying
Hey I love Gabriel and Kidd tag team as much as the next guy, but Gabriel is bigger than that. Remember just a few months ago he was feuding on smackdown with Cody Rhodes? Well lets make this an epic feud... Gabriel "claims" that he was injured at the hands of Cody, starts a feud, wins the IC, goes on to bigger and better things. just saying

I thought of this too. But Cody needs someone who is a main eventer to feud with. Yes, your idea would help Gabriel, but not Cody.
Gabriel should feud with Cody for the IC title...Why would Cody fued with a main eventer for the title? I thought moving on to main eventers is something he should do after he loses it but Anyways....Gabriel needs to do something. He is talented and is stuck doing nothing while I get to see Hornswoggle, Great Khali, Brodus Clay in five star matches!! They need to have him win matches for a while starting a streak and make it known he wants the IC title from Cody who "injured" him. And it fits him having the IC Title since he is from south africa and all
I'd have William Regal backstage and have him bump into Hunico and Camacho. I'd have the two of them then beat the crap out of Regal. Regal sells an injury and says since he can't wrestle he's going to find two guys who can represent him at the next Pay Per View. (Or since tag teams don't make it on Pay Per View at least have it play out on Smackdown. Moving on.) The next week William Regal brings our Mason Ryan and Justin Gabriel. William Regal says these guys are the Lords of the Ring. Boom...new team. Over the next few weeks, Gabriel and Ryan squash some scrubs teams like Reks/Hawkins or Bateman/Curtis. Hunico and Camacho attack and then the teams face off in some singles matches. Eventually culminating in a tag match at the pay per view.

The Lords of the Ring go over Hunico and Comacho. They go on to face Primo and Epico for the tag titles. Then they take on The Prime Time Players and win the feud. Until, the eventually bring in the Kings of Wrestling to have a great feud and permantly establish the tag division back.

I think the two guys would pair well together. Regal would be a great mouthpiece because Gabriel and Ryan aren't mic guys.
I read something earlier this week, or maybe last week, talking about this. Allegedly, the idea is for Gabriel & Kidd to resume working together as a tag team. They work well together and can liven up the tag team picture.

It's probably the best place for Gabriel at this point in time. Neither he or Kidd are especially charismatic, but they can go well inside the ring and offer some more variety into the tag team scene. With them, Kofi & Truth, Epico & Primo, the Usos & Young & O'Neil, the tag scene appears, at least on the surface, to be the healthiest it's been in years.

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