John Morrison Heel Turn in the Works?


Starship Pain Co-Pilot:crashes alot
This is entirely speculative but i've been noticing some trends, JoMo is getting a lot edgier, he was wearing jeans a couple weeks ago, he was having some heated words with R-Truth, hes growing a beard, even good ol JR has commented on it

So this is my question do you think JoMo is in the process of about to turn heel or is this just an effort by the wwe to make him seem tougher and more BA?

EDIT: please note that yes i am a mark for him and that i understand his current faults so i don't want this in to turn into STARSHIPPAINZ SUXZZ and just more discussion on the fact that he needs better mic skills. please keep on the topic above
I don't think so.. I think they are just trying to get him vs Teddy some heat. Rumor has it that the WWE wants Summerslam to be a big deal again, so why would you put on matches on the card that no one cares about? Which, I think is a waste considering if anyone has reacted to their matches/run-ins, it is because Maryse looks much better in Morison's fake fur coat than he does.
I think it more has to do with adding friction to the Raw team. I would like to see a heel turn but if it does happen, I don't think it will until they finish his fued with Ted.
I liked him as a heel on ECW he defineley has the look but his mic skills are trash hook em up with the right manager(remember those) and Morrison could be at the top of the heap on Raw.Would love to see a Miz vs Morrison feud with Miz as the face and Morrison the heel.They both could really grow as top stars from a good feud with eachother and the history is already there
I think that they should, and it could possibly be in the works, but saying that wearing jeans is edgy? Come on, everyone wears jeans. I think Morrison is better suited as a heel, and they really need to work on his mic skills, because Morrison is only good when he wants to be, when guys like Miz and Jericho can be great without even trying. Morrison needs something done, maybe a move to Smackdown, because him jobbing to Dibiase is really just awful. John's better than that, and the way he lost last week was ******ed. I really hope they turn him heel, because he's a natural heel. I think the only reason they keep him face is because he does Starship Pain, and that always gets a nice pop.
I brought this up to a friend who, when we were watching I believe it was Superstars mentioned it simply said it was due to the Raw team imploding, but I think it could possibly lead to a heel turn. Raw team is dominated by the faces and a turn at this point would be pretty great and make things interesting with friction between Morrison and Truth. Morrison is definitly a better heel than a face, not long ago there was talks of him turning heel, but this was around WrestleMania time, but a heel run at this point would be great for Morrison, the 'debut' so to speak of John Morrison was a great promo, he can surely put on some top notch matches with Truth, Orton, Evan Bourne (They had an awesome match on WWECW last year) to name a few.
I certainly hope so. If their is one thing JoMo needs it's a heel turn. He's always been best as a heel. That's what the gimmick was made for, So It wouldn't take much. I'm still waiting for him to walk out one night, get in the middle of the rings and say, "Look at these abs!".
JoMo is a terrible face and was way better as a heel, like on ECW. I wish they'd turn him back, and I really hope that this is really a turn back. If they want him to finish the program with Ted, then hurry it the hell up, because a face Morrison is not the right answer. He's stale, works the mic a little better as a heel, and works a match better.
As others have said JoMo just doesn't work as a face, his personality and promos are geared around being an arrogant heel that thinks he not only looks better than everyone else but also IS better than everyone else. Frankly it seems that the only reason he became a face in the first place is because of the increased use of high flying moves that he does and the switch to Starship Pain as a finisher. If he does become a heel again I think it would have to be done after the feud with Ted since the reports have said that creative wants it to be a long feud and frankly Ted wouldn't do any better as a face than JoMo has. I definitely hope that after this feud is over he turns heel and maybe even feuds with Truth if they decide to blow last weeks events out of proportion. In the event that he does become a heel he would definitely need a new finisher, not because it's horrible but because it simply does not work for a heel (especially one that wants to be seen as dominant).
JoMo doesn't need to be heel as they're enough of them on RAW. They need to let him be him on the mic like they do w/ Cena, The Miz, Jericho, and a select few others. Just pair him back up w/ Melina and he'll be just fine. 'Cause when they were together on screen the were perfect at stuff. Melina was his Sherri to his Shawn.
I do not know if he is turning heel, but I certainly hope that he does. He sucks as a face but is a really good heel. To me the WWE dropped the ball on Morrison. When he and Miz parted ways he did fine by getting wins over Shelton benjamin, CM Punk, and Rey Mysterio. Then he had very close matches with Edge and Jeff Hardy. He almost won the WHC from Jeff. Now he is stuck on Raw jobbing to Ted DIbiasi and other random wrestlers who he should have no problem defeating. Morrison needs to turn heel and he needs another push!!!
I could really see them turning John Morrison heel. I actually saw that comin around the same time Ted DiBiase started lookin for his new "Virgil" and Morrison stepped in to help R-Truth. It triggered somethin from my childhood with the original Million Dollar Man and his "Million Dollar Corporation".
For those who remember this is a trip down memory lane. For those that don't or were too young to remember, heres a history lesson. Around this time back in 94 two of my favorite WWF Superstars at the time were in a "best friends" type role, such as John Morrison and R-Truth. Who? Lex Luger and Tatanka. The whole storyline there was that Lex Luger was accused of selling out to the Million Dollar Man. When it was all said and done it was actually Tatanka who turned on Luger and joined the Corporation.
I thought that was gonna happen between John Morrison and R-Truth with Morrison turning on R-Truth. However, WWE creative clusterf**ed that for a while before giving Dibiase a valet, a la Maryse. So I thought "there went that idea". Then last week, after R-Truth inadvertently cost Morrison the match the idea came back to me.
I know a lot of you will say it's a stupid idea. Anyone who watches WWE, especially Raw, though knows how big a hardon Vince gets with nostalgia and how hard Vince seems to be tryin to turn Ted into a second coming of his father. And if he's gonna do this then I can see no one better to join the new Corporation than one JoMo.
I agree w/ Captain Jive,
The heated words w/ Truth were about creating fiction for the Raw team,
& The whole beard thing I beleive was for his rookie,
W/ the whole mustache thing,
Though all of this can be used for the heel turn he needs to improve his MIC Skills,
He's an uber great wrestler heel or face,
But him heel on the MIC is just awesome,
It's all about the Palace of Wisdom and what not,
& It's just great,
I would love to see JOMO go heel,
& If good ol J.R spoke on it,
It's something to look into
im sorry say what you want about JoMo, but that backflip Rock Bottom move he did tonight made me go "oh. wow.. holy shit that was impressive" but i agree the beard adds a little touch to make him look better. Heel turn? maybe on smackdown, but not Raw no. if melina turned Heel, then yeah i could see it. (partner up again)
i say JoMo as a heel is a good thing back when he was with the Miz he was funnier edgier and he was able to get more of a reaction from the crowd other than from screaming girls so i believe that a JoMo heel turn needs to happen
im sorry say what you want about JoMo, but that backflip Rock Bottom move he did tonight made me go "oh. wow.. holy shit that was impressive" but i agree the beard adds a little touch to make him look better. Heel turn? maybe on smackdown, but not Raw no. if melina turned Heel, then yeah i could see it. (partner up again)

He really should make the backflip rock bottom his finisher. That looked awesome and it could be hit so much quicker than Starship Pain.

That plus the beard could go a long way.
I know there are a lot of comparisons between the two, but his beard sort of reminds me when HBK first sported a beard and became a little more aggressive. Maybe the rugged look is more of a slight image change, just to make John a little more hungry and aggressive in appearance...

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