John Cena's "Big Announcement"

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It wasn't until John Cena came out that I guessed his big announcement and I was correct. He hit Big Show with the briefcase. I was surprised when he didn't smack him immediately, but I was glad to see it happen. I'm not surprised he didn't challenge Punk, but surprised he didn't challenge him for Raw. Personally, I was hoping Cena would be a heel and take Punk's title then The Rock would challenge him on Raw 1000 for the title and win. To me, The Rock winning the title on Raw 1000 would be the greatest moment in ages on Raw.

Then what? The Rock goes back making movies and there is no champion until some tourny is held. I only want the Rock to win the title when he takes time off from making movies and sticks around for awhile.
Many of us have been waiting for the instance when a MITB winner doesn't cash in by going after an exhausted opponent who has just fought a grueling match. Doesn't it figure Cena would be the one to finally handle this in an honorable fashion?

But just as many in this topic speculated logically that Cena would be challenging Punk at Summerslam, it's exciting to think we have only a week to wait for this one. They're really pulling out all the stops for the 1000th episode next Monday, aren't they?

This is a welcome change from the usual scenario. After all, how often do you have a face win the MITB battle? In the other MITB match with Dolph, I'm presuming they're going to do it the same old way; Dolph will sneak up on Sheamus after the Great White been battered.....and win his title. On the other hand, maybe the company will switch up in this one, too, having Dolph use the cowardly, opportunistic method, but wind up getting pinned by Sheamus. That's something I'd like to see.

Either way. John Cena's announcement was a pleasant surprise. He hasn't forced WWE to keep him as the champion all these months, as a Hulk Hogan would have. Whether Cena wins or loses, I think the circumstances of this match will force a greater bond of respect between he and Punk.

From there, some interesting things could happen.
I'm gonna go ahead and close this, we all know what the "announcement" was now. Good discussion, everyone! :)
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