Joe Biden: VP for third term?

No Count Pup

Just call on me brother
Right around this time next year Hillary Clinton (likely Democratic nominee) will choose a running mate. Would it make sense for her to pick Joe Biden for another term?

Maybe, here's why:

Biden was a skilled Obama spokesman during the Vice Presidential Debates against Sarah Palin and Paul Ryan. His relationship with other Senators helps him push legislation through the finish line. Battle-tested and experienced, he could serve as President at a moment's notice. Yes he's a serial gaffer but that doesn't matter. His misspeaks are often laughed off as Biden being Biden.

Hillary Clinton is known for playing it safe on the trail. There may be no safer or more reliable pick than Joe Biden.

What do you think? Are there any drawbacks to Joe Biden running for a third VP term? Or is Biden the best choice out there?
A Presidential nominee needs one thing to maintain a convincing election; momentum.

Barack Obama had momentum because he was a young and vibrant living symbol of progress, his momentum was amplified by choosing a VP who, in terms of pleasantness, was the polar opposite of the hugely unpopular Dick Cheney and also didn't overshadow the young US Senator's Presidential bid.

Almost eight years later Vice President Biden is more famous for his looney public behavior than his ability to bridge the gap between fierce political opponents. I don't think that it necessarily adds to a candidate's momentum to pick a VP that people are bored of.

It's a tricky game for Hillary Clinton. To not be overshadowed, she has to avoid picking Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren as her VP. The history making status of her potential nomination has to keep the focus directly on her heroism for being a "first" in our nation's history. Like President Obama did in 2008, she would be wise to pick someone who is mildly known for their political mettle and is willing to stay inside that role of sidekick.

Basically, it can't be a woman and it can't be someone who would rival her popularity.

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