Jinder Mahal - Who? What? Now?


Championship Contender
Jinder Mahal made his debut two moths ago in a shocking way, slapping The Great Khali in the face after a match between Khali and Kane that resulted in a defeat to Khali.
Some weeks after he made The Great Khali assaulting his own brother with a Vise Grip and he debuted in a squash match against Yoshi Tatsu, after that it was revealed that Jinder Mahal IS Great Khali son-in-law, and if The Great Khali didn't make what he wanted him to do, he would divorce is sister (which is a humiliating situation in India) he is also born from a rich and powerful family.

He after his debut had two other matches, against Trent Barreta and Yoshi Tatsu again, that he won in the same way, finisher and Khali Vise Grip after the end of the match.
Last week he wasn't even on SD! (which is not that big of a deal, Cody Rhodes wasn't too) but reports say that Vince has high hopes on him, but he can't squash jobbers for life, he needs a storyline to make his impact better.

In my opinion he needs to have feud with Big Zeke, maybe him and Khali assaulting him at the backstage or a match that Khali interferes and gives Mahal the victory in a non-title match.
The Great Khali is over only because of his size, sure he isn't the best wrestler but he is a good thing to storyline terms, and this feud could be good for both of them.
However I don't think that Zeke should lose the title to Mahal in the near future, so it is pretty difficult to think about what to do with the guy due to the lack of faces in the SD! brand.

The thing is that Mahal has lost steam, and he is a good talent, good in the ring for what I've seen out of him in FCW and in his squash matches and he is pretty comfortable in the mic section.

So what do you think about him now?
I had no interest in Mahal upon his arrival. His look is mediocre, his in ring ability is mediocre but when it was revealed Mahal and Khali had some sort of relationship with each other, the level of interest for both Khali and Mahal rose into unbelievable heights. Jinder has lost a huge amount of my interest over the last few weeks, and he does need something. I believe they should touch a bit more on this story with Khali and his sister. It is a bit interesting to me.
Last week he wasn't even on SD! (which is not that big of a deal, Cody Rhodes wasn't too)
I actually think this is a big deal. Cody Rhodes is Cody Rhodes. He's over and has been established as a phenomenal heel on Smackdown. Jinder Mahal has not. I believe it's severly dangerous for someone not over and as new as Mahal to miss even a week of Smackdown if Vince or the WWE has high hopes for him.
Jinder Mahal should be wrestling on Superstars, working on his in ring skill with wrestlers such as Primo and Tyson Kidd. Jinder Mahal really hasn't done anything special since he debut and I don't care about him at all.He has done nothing and doesn't deserve any title. He has done nothing to make anyone care about him and until he does, he is just another guy waiting to get released
I was pretty excited to see Jinder Mahal come up and it started off pretty hot, but now it seems it has cooled down and I've lost interest honestly. I think he has a pretty good look, but his ring work is pretty lacking from what I've seen and that is what he needs to work on. The guy has the look and mic skills to be an upper mid card to main event type of guy, but the ring work ain't there yet. He needs to fine tunes those skills before it is too late. However that may be the case as he didn't appear this week and for a new, upcoming star it is important to get them on the show and keep trying to get them over. Even a simple backstage match or hell a Superstars match (not technically TV, but still a connection with the audience) would have been nice.
They've dragged his squash matches out long enough; actually moving the storyline along would be a good idea right now. Throwing Mahal and Khali into the tag team title picture could work as they'd look like a legit threat, and them capturing the belts would be far more interesting than where they are right now with Otunga and The Genesis of the start of McGillicutty. Perhaps Mahal could be a decent opponent for Zeke Jackson, but I don't see that happening. The tag division is the right place for these guys to be. It allows both men face time and they'll look like a threat with those belts, even more so than they already do.
I was pretty excited to see Jinder Mahal come up and it started off pretty hot, but now it seems it has cooled down and I've lost interest honestly.

That goes for me, too. At first, I was interested in the guy's look, in that he's built more like a basketball player than a wrestler. I was thinking of how ridiculous Dennis Rodman looked in WCW when it occurred to me that Jinder Mahal has the same physique, although he certainly moves around the ring a lot better than Rodman.

But what is going to separate him from every other heel-wannabe? If he really needs Khali to help him get over, isn't the guy in trouble in the first place?

Okay, so he'll do some dastardly deeds to our favorite wrestlers; maybe that'll be enough to get him attention. It seems like the same old thing, doesn't it?

Final question: How long will it take for the company to change Jinder Mahal's first name to "Taj" (?)
Jinder Mahal should be wrestling on Superstars, working on his in ring skill with wrestlers such as Primo and Tyson Kidd. Jinder Mahal really hasn't done anything special since he debut and I don't care about him at all.He has done nothing and doesn't deserve any title. He has done nothing to make anyone care about him and until he does, he is just another guy waiting to get released

Yeah because to a child seeing some random guy come up and slap a 7ft giant that weighs near 500 pounds and then turn said giant into his bitch is doing nothing... Because gaining the attention by people simply wondering why he has such a great hold over Khali is doing nothing... because getting an amazing storyline of being Khali's son-in-law is doing nothing.

His ring skills are fine and this storyline is just as fine. Giving a newcomer a tag title isn't anything terrible... in fact, it's how a lot of today's main eventers got over. Where would John Morrison be had he not had Mercury and Melina to ride coat tail off of... or off of the Miz's years later?

As for him missing Smackdown, there's really nothing too terrible about it. This past Friday was about Daniel Bryan winning the MITB briefcase for Smackdown and about Christian winning the WHC. Jinder will most likely be featured on Smackdown this week and the storyline will continue. It's got a lot of casuals talking about it, and it's not exactly unusual for WWE to not use up and coming stars on the after show.
Hmm, Jinder Mahal vs Big Zeke...
It could work.


Jinder has only be facing jobbers as of late (wait a sec, Zeke is one too [don't deny it, you know it's true]) and we haven't really seen him be tested in the ring. This would be an interesting feud I think. Let's see what happens.
Hmm, Jinder Mahal vs Big Zeke...
It could work.


Jinder has only be facing jobbers as of late (wait a sec, Zeke is one too [don't deny it, you know it's true]) and we haven't really seen him be tested in the ring. This would be an interesting feud I think. Let's see what happens.

How is Ezekiel Jackson a jobber he lost to Cody Rhodes the main mid carder on Smackdown and to the World Heavyweight Champion in two weaks. Before that he beat Wade Barret the guy who nearly won the world title numerous times twice in under ten minutes. He beat Ted DiBiase Cody Rhodes helper, protoge, whatever.

And honestly a Jinder Mahal fued against Ezekiel doesn't appeal to me at all especially when Cody or Ted can fued against him. Hell I'd rather take Justin Gabriel or Heath Slater.
He's just 25. And thinking WWE has opened up offices in India now, he'll most definitely get a major push sometime soon. Also WWE is becoming super popular in India. And in an interview some WWE official said that in the future WWE stars will be scouted from India too.

So this will be The Great Khali push - Part 2. But with a guy who actually has Charisma and can actually run and wrestle :p
I haven't seem much of this guy and rightfully so. He hasn't really done anything. This is the guy who's making the biggest shrek in the WWE look like a bitch and since then he has not taken it up to the next level. They need to stick him into a feud already so they can see what he's worth.
I'm still interested in what WWE have to do with jinder - he has a good look and seems to carry himself ok on the mic. I would to see jinder and khali become the next dominate tag-team champions..they would destroy the tag division! And give the tag titles abit of meaning! I'm sure jinder will be a big superstar in the future and could possibly get a run with the ic belt. This guy draws alot of heat off his music alone! Cant say much about his finisher though...full Nelson slam? Boring!
Personally, I think a big part of the problem was that they gave him this silly soap opera back story and now there's nowhere to go with it, and a big part of that is because Khali is at the center of it.

Now that they created this story, it needs to be developed for jinder to remain relevant, and how are they going to do that? Is Khali going to be able to play the role of the conflicted tortured soul? I seriously doubt it. So that won't work. I suppose they could introduce jinder's "wife" as a temporary on screen character, but for that to work, they'd probably have to show jinder treating her like crap and while the WWE seemed to relish having male wrestlers abuse women psychologically and verbally to further storyline purposes back in the attitude era, I don't think that would work so well right now. So that's probably out (and bringing in new characters just to advance a lame story on an unestablished lower midcarder doesn't seem worth the effort anyway).

So I'm not really sure where they can go with this story to make it interesting, and to further mahal's career. Originally, the direction I thought they were going was that mahal and khali were old acquaintances, and mahal had thought khali had become a laughingstock and an embarassment by catering to fans, so he was trying to "wake him up" and get him back to his angry dominating self. Again, that would have made the story have Khali at the core so probably would not have done mahal any favors, but at least it would have given them something more interesting to do until the story ran its course.
It's funny how alot of people judged him after a couple of squash matches and said he's talented. Well the truth is out on Jinder Mahal. He can't wrestle a decent competitive match. They even paired him with Daniel Bryan on live events so Bryan can carry him. How embarrassing. I see him back in FCW in 2 months time. He's really nothing that special. He needs to improve his in ring skills before getting to compete in the main roster full time. I mean seriously.. does he honestly think that he can wrestle squash matches in title matches like say an Intercontitnental title match? No. If he's so green them he should have stayed in FCW. Even if the WWE wanted him on the main roster he could've spoken up saying he's not ready yet instead of getting embarrassed like this. He's out there with talented guys like Daniel Bryan for crying out loud. He should learn how to wrestle before being given a chance.
1st of all, this "i will dump ur sister" storyline is really stupid :banghead:
divorce is not a big deal in india

on the topic, yes i agree with the op, just beating jobbers wont do. he needs to have a storyline, maybe with big zeke, but he is not world title worthy yet:disappointed: he has a long way to go
Honestly I don't like this guy. He is mediocre in the ring and on the mic and he's taking tv time away from guys who deserve it much more than him guys like Curt Hawkins, Trent Barreta etc. I know he has only been in WWE for a short time but I can't see me ever liking him as he just irritates the hell out of me.
I had to address this, he was on last week's SmackDown...


Given how big the Indian market is becoming, I'd be amazed if anything shy of an IC run is far away. I would take his brief appearance last week as an indication of either a minor injury or some water treading until Big Zeke is available to feud with him.

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