JGlass Presents: What is your finisher?


Unregistered User
I'm bored, it's late, I'm not too tired yet, so I figured I'd do a little continuation of something we've been joking around about in the I.C.E. thread, giving users a finishing maneuver based on their name or something they have going on.

The Natural- Natural Selection
Theo- Theocracy
Crock- Crockshot (I imagine this would be some sort of running strike)
KB- Klunderbuster
Rox- Rox Bottom
Serious Jones- Serious Trouble
Stinger- Pedodriver
Doug Crashin- Crashin Burn
Enterkey- Breast Buster
IC25- 25 Deadly Sins
Milenko- Totally Clueless
Tiger- Fetish Flash
Lee- Old School Kick
Dave- Power Trip (Big back body drop)
D-Man- D-Feated
NorCal- PUMP IRON-handle slam
Doc- Doctor's In
Slyfox- Sly Slam
Mozz- Sliced Cheese Number 2
Phatso- Phalpjack
Phoenix- Fiery Finish
Sully- Sullen Riot
Justin- Superhero Slam
SNS- Painful Truth
Coco- Coco Crash

That's all I've got for now. If you're not on the list, it's not because I forgot you, it's because I couldn't think of anything. Once again, it's late.
Warrior and Muffin, I actually didn't forget you.

Warrior, I was stuck on Warrior's Way, so you got nothing.
Muffin, I just had nothing. Muffin Topper? No, it's no good.

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