Jesse "The Body" Ventura needs to take over for Lawler as Raw Color Commentator

Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner

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While I maintain that Jerry Lawler could be the old-school Heel we know and love, if he weren't being given orders by Vince McMahon to be Jerry Lawler "The Analyst" ... and Lawler could easily become the hated Heel he once was ..... I have to say that it is time to give Raw another facelift (besides a new theme song and hopefully new entrance setup) .... and bring in probably the Second greatest Color Commentator of all time, Jesse "The Body" Ventura.

For those that never saw Jesse "The Body" Ventura in his prime, you missed out on a real treat. He was truly the second greatest Color Commentator in WWE history. For those that started watching in the Attitude Era or New Generation Era, and stick up for the King ... he was good, just not as good as Jesse Ventura, though. Ventura, I dare say, was only behind the legendary Bobby "The Brain" Heenan in terms of quality of Heel commentary.

WWE is bringing in Jesse as a Guest GM next Monday, which will be a real treat. However, why bring him in for solely a one-time-gig? This man is ultra talented like none other.

He was one of the original Tweeners ... although typically leaned Heavily to the Heel side. But he often took up for great Faces like Randy Savage. However he heavily despised Hulk Hogan.

He would often take up for the Heels questionably tactics, however when a Face would try the same thing, he would be all up in arms over it.

At the same time, "The Body" truly "Told it Like it Was" when broadcasting.

Ventura filed a lawsuit against McMahon and won over royalty disputes for videos sold which featured him on commentary. So, where as there were some bad feelings, Vince has had Jesse back several times since, and it appears that the two sides have made amends. That's why I really think this is Vince's opportunity to bring in Ventura, who is actually better than Jerry Lawler was in his prime, to be the brand new Raw Color Commentator.

Through Ventura's loud mouth on the mic, he had a gift for getting talent over with the audience. And talent like that is needed these days.

My guess is that we will in the very least, see Ventura at some point on the mic this Monday, as he usually does so anytime he appears with WWE these days. So that will be great to see/hear.

But Vince should seriously consider making an offer to Jesse Ventura for this position. Ventura was doing nothing but surfing in Mexico, until an opportunity came up for him to host a new Conspiracy Theory show, which he'll be promoting on Monday. I just don't see why he couldn't be able to do both. And if his Conspiracy Theory show doesn't work out, then he can fall back on his WWE job as a Color Commentator, if that would ever come to pass.

With that being said, should Jesse "The Body" Ventura take over for Jerry Lawler as Raw Color Commentator? Why or Why not?
As great as this all sounds, it wont happen. Unless McMahon is planning on reverting back to the "F" in terms of PG and commentary, this wont happen. Lawler is great, and I agree that Jesse is better, BUT they have done away with the heel/face duos for quite awhile now. I dont think that they are gonna revert back to it by bringing in someone from the outside when they have Lawler back there. They tried to do the face/heel duo on ECW a while back with Striker, and it didnt turn out well. Unfortunatly, they tried it on the wrong show.

I love your idea of bringing him in and going back to the old style of announcing, but I just dont see it happening. I think back then Vince wasnt barking orders in their ears and they were allowed to adlib. Vince now has to script every single thing that is said, and Jesse wont allow that. Remember, they had Foley as an announcer, and he quit because he was tired of Vince in his ear? I dont see this changing, so this is all just a pipe dream, as good of one as it is...
I don't think Ventura will ever come back to broadcasting. He's got too much going on as it is. But I do agree that RAW does need a facelift in terms of broadcasters. And if I had the choice, I'd put Matt Striker with The King on RAW instead of Cole. He did an excellent job on Monday after Sheamus kicked Lawler's face in, and to be honest, Cole just plain sucks. He screwed up several times during the show, even telling the RAW audience that he'd never seen this side of Randy Orton, forgetting it was Kofi who won the fight (which was frickin' awesome by the way). I'd love to see Striker as the RAW commentator. Send Cole to ECW.
Man do I enjoy listening to Ventura running the announce table. The dude was a king. Just like you said Sid, he is the 2nd best, behind only the Brain. I actually thought of this idea when I read Ventura was hosting and with King getting kicked in the head, maybe he will sell the injury and Ventura can run the show and work the announce table.
For those that never saw Jesse "The Body" Ventura in his prime, you missed out on a real treat. He was truly the second greatest Color Commentator in WWE history. For those that started watching in the Attitude Era or New Generation Era, and stick up for the King ... he was good, just not as good as Jesse Ventura, though. Ventura, I dare say, was only behind the legendary Bobby "The Brain" Heenan in terms of quality of Heel commentary.

With that being said, should Jesse "The Body" Ventura take over for Jerry Lawler as Raw Color Commentator? Why or Why not?

Lord Sidious, I am now certain that hell will freeze over tonight because this is the third thread today that I have agreed whole-heartedly with you on. First of all- a side note- Bobby Heenan is absolutely the greatest heel commentator ever. Period.

Now to the topic at hand, Jesse Ventura. A mediocre wrestler, but man, was this guy great on the mic or what? He and Vince McMahon were such a fantastic pairing. I haven't followed Ventura's life/career much since he entered the world of politics, so I have no clue what he's up to these days. However, if he's got some free time on his hands, I would love to see him rock a headset in the chair next to Michael Cole. Cole is very similar to what McMahon was as a squeaky clean, babyface play by play guy. It would work.

Hell yes it would work, but I'm not holding my breath for it. It's a brilliantly laid plan with Lawler being attacked this week. It really would be a natural segway to have Ventura slip into the commentator position. Keep your fingers crossed, people.
Yea Ventura is a legend. I hope he replaces Lawler and will still be a heel commentator, which he probably won't. Its a shame because I think a heel commentator is funny and entertaining while watching a match. Now I hear Lawler today commentating and it sickens me. He acts like J.R when a face gets beats up, but worse. He's not exciting like he once were in the Attitude ERA. I don't blame him. I blame Vince. And if Ventura joins the announce team, it won't make any difference because of Vince.
I'm an aficionado of Old School as much as anyone, but it doesn't matter who you put at the mic for Raw. They're still going to be interpreting what Vince says in the microphone. Jesse Ventura would be a great addition if he was able to banter back and forth like he did back in the old days, but that's since past. Vince is too obsessed with what's said on TV and to make sure it's kept at a PG rating. Ventura's not above saying something controversial and not above going off script and winging it, something that Vince won't take a chance on.

If Lawler was able to be himself and do some heel commentary, there would be no need for Lawler to be replaced. It's a matter of Vince easing up and letting the commentators be themselves, instead of being puppets with headphones on.
Well, after seeing Raw tonight, does everyone now see why Jesse Ventura needs to take over for Jerry Lawler as the new Raw Color Commentator? The man is absolutely golden on the mic, and is what the WWE has been missing for almost a decade.

I know a lot of fans saw Jesse for the first time tonight, but the man is incredible on the mic, like I and the other Older fans of wrestling have known since the late 80's and early 90's. We know what we're talking about!

He knows how to draw heat, and get people into a match. He's witty, argumentative, knowledgeable, charismatic, and he loves the business. Him and Vince were great on the mic together and a refreshing change from Cole and Lawler.

Bring back The Body to Raw. Give this show exactly what it needs.
Man Ventura was incredible tonight and God it made me think back to being a kid and watching old VHS tapes of WWF with Ventura and McMahon on the mic and they would be tearing up the place. The E needs to do whatever they can to get Ventura to return. It won't happen but it should!
I think we found our new announce team for Raw. Could you imagine if Jesse and Vince were a team again for good? even if it wasn't permanent it could be a real breath of fresh air. You can't teach personality or character like Jesse has. The commentating on Smackdown and ECW literally puts me to sleep. Raw isn't much better.

Even though it was only for about 15 minutes if that tonight, Jesse and Vince had awesome commentary. Instead of telling people what to say, Vince could just say it himself. He is on television on a weekly basis anyways. It may never happen, but anything is possible after what we saw tonight. What a great heel.

I don't care who The Body works with, he needs to be on Raw ASAP.
This was the best Raw so far. I love "The Body" on the mic and damnit I loved McMahon as well. Honestly hearing McMahon getting on the headset and announce was just as awesome as hearing Ventura. This should be the new team of Raw. Damn what a flashback. This was great to hear. No doubt.
I agree 100% Sidious.

Lawler has not been entertaining at all. I think that announcers should keep the viewer entertained and make sure they keep watching throughout matches and segments. Unfortunately, I don’t feel Lawler has done this ever since they’ve toned him down. And by they, I mean Vince.

Tonight, Jesse Ventura was amazing to say the least. He kept me entertained throughout the battle royal and that’s a good thing. Also, he was a breath of fresh air. When was the last time we heard commentary like that in the WWE? I honestly can’t remember the last time.

It would be awesome if McMahon decides to hire Jesse and puts him in the booth. He did a wonderful job and I hope Vince realizes that his philosophy about announcers not having personalities is downright idiotic. Tonight, Jesse showed personality and he didn’t take anything away from the match. As a matter of fact, he added to the match.
replace King? nope

replace Cole? hell yeah!

Ventura can be the antagonist, King can be the protagonist. although King is annoying as a face, he's way better than Cole as his "oh my", '"vintage", etc....the only upside to Ventura replacing Lawler would be Ventura threatening Cole like he does Vince and telling him to shut up, which would be classic in my opinion!
I actually liked McMahon on the mic better than Ventura, it seemed like Vince reverted back to his announcing "character" instantly while Ventura has definately moved on from wrestling in the meantime. Not that he wasn't a great host and good on the seat, a little too much Governor/political stuff for my taste, but still good.

Hearing Vince call it without any of the Mr McMahon character(except towards Ventura)was really refreshing for me and got me all nostalgic as well, I know if he was on the mic now though I'd probably be analyzing him too much and he knows lots of the fans would too, but I don't care. Also I dunno, I've always preferred both Ventura and Lawler to Heenan when they were at their best. The Heenan/Monsoon team was one of my less favorite pairings, I actually enjoyed Bobby better in WcW than the WWF.

No matter what they do though, I think McMahon needs to go back to letting his announcers be themselves because announcing really does bring so much more to the product. I heard Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly(and yes it was much better than what we are seeing today) calling Raw on youtube from back in 99 and it just sounded so much more genuine, when they didn't have to wait for what to say.
Unfortunately, I don’t feel Lawler has done this ever since they’ve toned him down. And by they, I mean Vince.

First of all, to be relevant to the thread, they should absolutely bring Ventura in. And since Ventura has enough stuff going on to have leverage, he'd negotiate a little more freedom to say what he wanted. It could be a short run, as either Vince or Jesse could end the experiment over almost any of the weekly arguments they'd have.

But the reason I posted..when was Lawler's really good period, in your opinion? I started watching in 1998 and started watching regularly in 1999, and was over the "puppies" schtick pretty quickly. I thought Paul Heymann was an improvement.

Maybe this should be a different thread, but I have to go to work.
Last night's RAW was awesome,even though the DX/HHH squash match did kinda steal and slow down the momentum the show was gaining towards the end.The opening segment starting with orton wasn't anything new but then we got Jesse "The Govenor"(????didnt get that at all,thought he was "The Body",the 'tron even said so,but i digress).

When he began to talk I was kinda thrown off cuz i felt that he was too excited and was going overboard.but as he spoke more i was pleasantly suprised by him.he really got me going during that segmant.even though he kinda messed up when going into announcing the matchups.

what i really enjoyed was his "shoot"-style promo-esque rant on randy and the lack of new faces in the Main Event was really refreshing.and he continued that all thing is this.....was "The Body" REALLY SHOOTING or was he being fed lines but given free reign to say it his way??????

if the latter is true,maybe the WWE creative team,specifically vinnie mac is actually LISTENING TO THE FANS.maybe they are really starting to take notice in that they are losing money and its not because of a recession,though that could play a part.but im talking about them losing money b/c people are losing interest in his stale and overly repetitive product.


if it was just jesse being jesse,which im sure it wasnt to an extent but who knows.than i have to say that firstly he has been THE best "guest host" to this point and will be a hard act to follow(and i use that term loosely as the guest host concept is awful and is only done well when a former wwe star is hosting).also,i think that this leaves the door open for him to return in some capacity in the near future when his show flops as most shows these days tend to do.i myself would love to see him become the GM even if only for a few months or so.he could really bring back the old school audience and still be able to appeal to the kids with his antics.i think he really delivered last night.So i say.......


WHO'S WITH MEEEEEEEE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:worship::):worship:
I too thought Jesse was the best guest host thus far. His shoot style promos were not lines fed to him. If you listen to Ventura on the radio, on television, and on the underground he is his own man, and he would not come to RAW if he were fed generic lines like other guest hosts.

I really enjoyed his promos, especially his promo on John Cena at the end. Some may think he was playing the heel, but I think he was playing the anti-hero, as he was saying a lot of thing about Cena that we have all been saying in the IWC for quite some time. It felt really good to hear it on the show. He has a natural wrestling voice and it just came across as natural and well done.

I loved when he said "Look at your champion" after Sheamus beat him up. I don't think Ventura would come back and be a general manager, but I would certainly LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE for him to do that. He is a non-conformist and he wouldn't let him self be the recipient of bologna.
Uhmmm, you guys do realize that Jesse did not actually book these matches himself, and he did not come up with the idea to promote new people for the WWE titles himself. This was done by Mcmahon and the booking team.

While I am sure Ventura ad-libbed some of the stuff himself, he was told what point to get across to the fans, by Mcmahon and the booking team.
Uhmmm, you guys do realize that Jesse did not actually book these matches himself, and he did not come up with the idea to promote new people for the WWE titles himself. This was done by Mcmahon and the booking team.

While I am sure Ventura ad-libbed some of the stuff himself, he was told what point to get across to the fans, by Mcmahon and the booking team.

Uhhmmmmm........who said we thought he was booking matches? We are talking about his shoot style promos. Of course he was given the subject matter to address but he said what he wanted. Especially on commentary and in his promo at the end during the Cena/Sheamus contract signing.
He was given a live mic, so I believe he let fly a few of his feelings on the topic of the WWE in general. Does he feel that way? Probably, but it's not like Vince didn't know he was doing it. Vince probably told him to take it easy, but you have carte blanche as far as what you can and can't say. I think it was a breath of fresh air, especially what he said to Cena about how he's the 'WWE's pick to be champion" and there's a 'conspiracy'. Hilarious. Jesse Ventura would be a great asset backstage, but he's also above the wrestling genre now after being Governor and actually doing things that warrant some credibility.

And he's been the best guest host so far, if only for keeping me glued to the television.
For the majority of the time he was on the mic, I think Vince knew what he was going to say. However, I think that some of the things he said were a shoot. Or maybe ‘The Governor’ is good enough to make it sound like he was shooting. Either ways, I thought he did a fantastic job as the guest host and I’d wish he would join WWE as a commentator. Also, he’s the reason why I think Vince should bring in wrestlers/personalities from the past as guest hosts instead of Hollywood stars that don’t even know what they’re doing and probably aren’t fans of wrestling in the first place.

By far the best guest host!
I Think '' The Body '' did one hell of a job and like most of you pointed out when he stuck it to John Cena and said Cena is WWE's pick to be champion like TL said is the truth and there's been rumors for a long time that Jesse hates Vince with a passion just like he hates Hulk Hogan with a passion but who knows if he does way to go Jesse for sticking it to Vinny Mac .

My other favorite thing about RAW Last Night was the return of one of the greatest Play By Play and Color Commenting teams besides Heenan and Monsoon Vince McMahon and Jesse ''The Body '' Ventura that took me back to WWF Saturday Night's Main Event it was funny to see Vince Shut his mouth when Ventura told him to shut up loI think all and all out of all the guest hosts not the celebs but the former WWF Wrestlers that guest hosted RAW I think Jesse did the best by far.
I dont think Ventura should or would take over as colour commentator. I think he shouldn't because it's probably better that we remember him in his glory days, before Vince starts yelling in his ear, and butchers his comentating style like he did for Cole, King and Styles. And I dont think he would because he's moved onto a political career, leaving no time to travel the world as comentator. It's better to leave us our memories, and him his post announcing career than to tarnish either by bringing him back full time.
While I'm not going to argue the fact that Ventura is better than Jerry Lawler, there are some things to bear in mind.

Firstly, the positives; Ventura worked well with dweeby commentators, so would be fine with Cole or Grisham, but would probably be a bit shite with headstrong JR, whenever and wherever he turns up. The second major positive is that Ventura is incredibly good at the job and he is a recognised name in wrestling circles.

Secondly, the negatives; Ventura has clearly not been watching wrestling in the years since he left the company with a passion. While this doesn't have to matter, it is risking something to have a man who may frequently makemistaekson air. Sure, he wouldn't be as bad as Adamle, but it could be an expensive risk. He called it the World Wrestling Federation on air, but he could easily have called it the WWF, and I know some pandas that would be up in...err... bamboo shoots about that. Another potential negative is his age. JR's voice doesn't sound anything like it did 5 years ago and neither does Lawler. Both of them don't have the energy they once did, and I fear that a similar issue may arise with Ventura.

Thirdly, the practicality; I sincerely doubt Ventura has any desire to go back to wrestling. If he did, I'm sure he would have tried, I can think of very few that would have said "no" if he asked for a job, including Vince. At the end of the day, you have to realise that the guy is getting on in years and used to be a state governor, or governer, whichever you decide to write. As a result, it is highly unlikely that he would want to be on the road all of the time. In addition, he obviously wants to pursue a career in TV, and wrestling obligations aren't the best starting point for that.

All in all, in principle I'd love it, but I really cannot see how it would be beneficial for him to do it unless there was a lot of money in it, and do you really want someone there who's in it for the money?
While I'm not going to argue the fact that Ventura is better than Jerry Lawler, there are some things to bear in mind.

Firstly, the positives; Ventura worked well with dweeby commentators, so would be fine with Cole or Grisham, but would probably be a bit shite with headstrong JR, whenever and wherever he turns up. The second major positive is that Ventura is incredibly good at the job and he is a recognised name in wrestling circles.

I couldn't disagree with you more about Ventura and Jim Ross working together. That would actually be even better than him working with a "dweeby" commentator, as you put it.

Do you remember when Ross and Paul Heyman were commentating? You have two bulls like that on headset together, with Heyman routinely getting on Ross' every last nerve, and it was absolute magic on the headset.

The same thing would happen, but to an even greater degree with Ventura and Ross. Ventura would try to push Ross around, as Ventura is in many ways a bully commentator ... and Ross would absolutely fire back.

Putting 2 bulls on headset together is truly TV magic together. That is another reason why Ventura needs to return ... especially with Jim Ross. This is probably the only scenario I would welcome with Ross coming back as Play by Play to Raw ... as I really felt he's had his time. He did it for over 10 years, and enough is enough.

However, we never saw Ross and Ventura on headset together, and that would truly be one of the greatest commentary duos of all time. It's just too good to pass up. They would far surpass anything Ross and Lawler (in his heel days) ever did together, since Ventura > Lawler in every way.

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