Jeff Hardy a Hall Of Famer ???

I've just found this thread and laughed.

Just no. Admittedly, he produced some excellent matches with his brother and 3D and Edge and Christian. But that's it. He held the WWE Title for a while but that's it.
If anything, he'll get inducted with his brother.
If Lariat says that Hardy is over because of hurting himself in different ways, then he must have a problem with Foley.

Foley's so overrated by the IWC that it's ridiculous. He's a stuntman who happened to be a pro wrestler by trade. Foley had some good matches, but he was expendable. Without Foley, the Attitude Era would have still been as awesome. The same can't be said for Rock, Austin, and even HHH. Foley was a bit player in a major motion picture.
Personally I think jeff is a future HOF with out a doubt. I mean with all of his accomplishments and moments that made our jaws drop let me recap for you. Jeff is a 1 time WWE champion, 2 time World Heavyweight Champion, 4 time IC Champion, 3 time Hardcore champion, 7 time tag team champion and more. How can you deny him a spot in the Hall Of Fame with those accomplishments.
Personally I think jeff is a future HOF with out a doubt. I mean with all of his accomplishments and moments that made our jaws drop let me recap for you. Jeff is a 1 time WWE champion, 2 time World Heavyweight Champion, 4 time IC Champion, 3 time Hardcore champion, 7 time tag team champion and more. How can you deny him a spot in the Hall Of Fame with those accomplishments.

It's more about whether he goes into the HOF with his brother, as a tag team wrestler or as an individual.

I don't think he's done enough as an individual to warrant HOF consideration. 3 world championships, 4 IC titles, 3 hardcore titles is a pretty generic career for a fringe main eventer.

I believe The Hardys should go into the HOF as tag team wrestlers, but not Jeff as an individual. Look at the example that I gave of Edge. He's a legendary tag team wrestler but he also had a legendary career as a singles wrestler. That's an example of a tag team wrestler that deserves to go in as a singles wrestler.

If you look at Hardy's career as a singles wrestler, you could argue several guys that probably won't get in had better singles careers. Take Batista for example. He had a far better singles career than Jeff Hardy but I guarantee Batista doesn't get into the HOF.
Jeff Hardy would've been a without a doubt Hall Of Famer if he never left the WWE. The dude owned the tag division, always stood out in every match he was in, his push was legit and awesome from his match with Undertaker and his feud with CM Punk. He had it all and his demons and belief that he was bigger then the WWE screwed him up.

He was better than Randy Orton.

Better than Orton? LMFAO! What he's better than Orton because Orton can't do a flip off the top rope or jump off a ladder?

Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy aren't even in the same league.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HELL NO.......Hardy in the hall of fame? For what?....his single matches were not very good or memorable and his mic skills were terrible, he has videos of him on drugs acting stupid, left to tna and continued to do nothing. The guy was a one trick pony, all he could do well is jump off of ladders.

Never won a Royal Rumble
Never won a match at Wrestlemania Jeff Hardy is 0-5 at WM

Come on why is this even a debate....the answer in NO
my response for H.O.F questions is usually that Koko B. Ware is in the hall of fame. Its not impossible for him to get in. But he would need to come back to the E and put on at least 1 more title run.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HELL NO.......Hardy in the hall of fame? For what?....his single matches were not very good or memorable and his mic skills were terrible, he has videos of him on drugs acting stupid, left to tna and continued to do nothing. The guy was a one trick pony, all he could do well is jump off of ladders.

Never won a Royal Rumble
Never won a match at Wrestlemania Jeff Hardy is 0-5 at WM

Come on why is this even a debate....the answer in NO

Thank You!

I guess I'll never understand why so many people were obsessed with him. He was a spot monkey that never really evolved. He literally was exactly the same character more or less and doing a flip off the top rope doesn't make you a Hall of Famer. He only got the belt because he was popular. As you mentioned, he was terrible on the mic, and really wasn't interesting at all. Every match was pretty much the same.
Yeah, he certainly hasn't had a Hall of Fame career.

16 Plus title reigns.

3 time World Champion

Triple Crown

Grand Slam

Out selling John Cena in merchandise.

Having 7 or 8 of the Top 10 selling pieces merch on for much of 2009.

Let's face it, he doesn't deserve it and he never drew a dime. He's certainly no Koko B. Ware.
Yeah, he certainly hasn't had a Hall of Fame career.

16 Plus title reigns.

3 time World Champion

Triple Crown

Grand Slam

Out selling John Cena in merchandise.

Having 7 or 8 of the Top 10 selling pieces merch on for much of 2009.

Let's face it, he doesn't deserve it and he never drew a dime. He's certainly no Koko B. Ware.

Many of his accolades were as a tag team wrestler. I do think the Hardys should go into the HOF AS A TAG TEAM but neither should go in as an individual.

Jeff won the world title twice and WWE title once, never won at WM and never won a Royal Rumble (as the posters above have mentioned). Hardcore, Euro title and Light heavyweight are trash. He won the IC belt 4 times.

So, his individual accomplishments are good, but not HOF worthy. I keep pointing to a guy like Edge as a perfect example of a Tag Team wrestler that made himself into an even better individual wrestler and had a HOF individual career. Jeff Hardy made name for himself as a tag team wrestler. If anything, the Hardys should go in as a tag team.
Many of his accolades were as a tag team wrestler. I do think the Hardys should go into the HOF AS A TAG TEAM but neither should go in as an individual.

Jeff won the world title twice and WWE title once, never won at WM and never won a Royal Rumble (as the posters above have mentioned). Hardcore, Euro title and Light heavyweight are trash. He won the IC belt 4 times.

So, his individual accomplishments are good, but not HOF worthy. I keep pointing to a guy like Edge as a perfect example of a Tag Team wrestler that made himself into an even better individual wrestler and had a HOF individual career. Jeff Hardy made name for himself as a tag team wrestler. If anything, the Hardys should go in as a tag team.

I'm sorry but that is absolutely ridiculous.

How many times did Mick Foley win at Wrestlemania? Discounting Dumpster matches. Did he win the Royal Rumble? No. He won the World title the same number of times and has won SIGNIFICANTLY less titles in the WWE than Hardy did. He was inducted.

Koko B. Ware was inducted as a singles wrestler. What did he do? Stared up at the lights nine nights out of ten.

One doesn't NEED to have won a 'Mania match, 'nor does one NEED to win a Rumble match. Somebody who has made it to the top of the WWE and has Main-Evented PPVs deserves to be inducted into the Hall of Fame as a singles wrestler.

Edge is great, yes, but he was never the draw that Jeff Hardy was. He sold significantly more merchandise than Cena, let alone Orton, Edge or anybody else.

By your standards 90% of the HOF don't belong in the HOF.

At the risk of repeating myself, what is it that Jeff DIDN'T achieve that others have? Scripted losses at a Wrestlemania aside, same for the Rumble.

He's a Grand Slam Champion. That means he won every level of title he possible could have....multiple times over.

You can say he achieved more as a tag-team wrestler but that's just not a factual argument. He was a Main-Eventer. He was at THE top of the company. He was getting reactions that, to this day, guys like CM Punk, Cena and others STRUGGLE to get. He got them week in and week out effortlessly.

The reason people here are against it is because they didn't like the character. Personal dislike doesn't mean he's undeserving of a singles HOF induction.

I seriously don't get the logic here......he wasn't scripted to win a 'Mania match and didn't win the Royal Rumble......neither did Foley.

He's a Grand Slam Champion.....Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin weren't. Should they have been denied induction because of this?

As I stated before, there would be no Hall of Fame if it was subject to your standards.

Like him or not, he had a level of popularity with the fans, drew main-event money for the company and won a huge number of (singles) titles in his tenure. My book? Main-Event in the company and win the big one multiple times automatically translates into a future HOF induction.

Insinuating a multiple time World Champion doesn't deserve a Hall of Fame spot, when guys like Koko B. "Jobber" Ware and Bullet Bob Armstrong who NEVER reached the spot he did have been inducted as singles wrestlers is just absurd.

I'm not even going to entertain your arguments after this, they're absolutely ricockulous.
He's a Grand Slam Champion.....Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin weren't. Should they have been denied induction because of this?

You lost all credibility here. Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin are two of the greatest wrestlers in PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING (not just WWE) history that had a major impact on professional as a whole and their impacts will be felt for generations. A huge majority of people all over the world, fans and not fans, know who Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin are. Nobody outside of the wrestling fan base knows who Jeff Hardy is. Jeff Hardy should never be mentioned in the same breath as Hogan or Austin, no matter what the context is or the point you're trying to make.

Austin, on top of winning the world championships and main eventing wrestlemanias, won the Royal Rumble 3 times AND won King of the Ring as well.

Just because Hardy could sell a bunch of merchandise to 12 year olds (which is the only reason he ever got world title runs) doesn't make him HOF worthy. I don't believe some of the others you mentioned are HOF worthy and I don't think Hardy is either. It's not like I'm sitting here trying to justify Koko B. Ware in the HOF.

Foley had a far reaching impact on professional wrestling as a whole, although you're right, he didn't have the championships, Rumble wins, etc.
I promised myself I wouldn't get sucked into this but you've goaded me.

Yes, when you take the point completely out of context it is ridiculous.

The context is having a hugely successful career which is missing one or two accolades does not translate into an unsuccessful main-event career. I don't think that's ridiculous, I think it's a fair ass point.

He achieved something that those two MEGA stars didn't, does that make them any less Hall of Fame worthy? No. Not at all. The same goes for your "didn't win the Rumble or a 'Mania match" argument. That is clutching at straws.

If you think he shifted that much merch primarily to 12 year olds you have no concept of business. For his entire run at the top he consistently had seven or eight of the top ten selling items on the website. There must have been a HELL of a lot more 12 year olds than 18-25 year olds for that to have occurred.

The IWC says "he was over with women and kids". Yes, he was. Ask anybody who has any access to statistics, figures or any semblence of insider information like J.R and they'll tell you that there have been very, very few people who appealed to as many demographics as Jeff Hardy. He wasn't a Mysterio figure who was just over with kids. Women, children AND men all bought into the character.

I don't think that was why he got his Main-Event run. I think it was the effortless OVATIONS that Cena et all simply weren't consistently getting.

You don't like the guy, fine, but don't shit all over a highly successful career with ridiculous assertions.

There's a reason he was offered an UNHEARD of offer to remain on the payroll and work no dates, just to keep him out of TNA and to make money from his name. That came after he turned down a part-time deal that very, very few people were ever offered. At that time only HBK and 'Taker were afforded such a deal. That's how valuable he was to the company at that time. Those guys (the company) have access to the facts and figures we don't and you can be assured that their decisions and offers were based on the money that Hardy was making for the company.

I don't particularly like Christian or Batista but I'm not stupid enough to think that my dislike translates into them not being viable HOF inductees one day.
I'm sorry but that is absolutely ridiculous.

How many times did Mick Foley win at Wrestlemania? Discounting Dumpster matches. Did he win the Royal Rumble? No. He won the World title the same number of times and has won SIGNIFICANTLY less titles in the WWE than Hardy did. He was inducted.

Koko B. Ware was inducted as a singles wrestler. What did he do? Stared up at the lights nine nights out of ten.

One doesn't NEED to have won a 'Mania match, 'nor does one NEED to win a Rumble match. Somebody who has made it to the top of the WWE and has Main-Evented PPVs deserves to be inducted into the Hall of Fame as a singles wrestler.

Edge is great, yes, but he was never the draw that Jeff Hardy was. He sold significantly more merchandise than Cena, let alone Orton, Edge or anybody else.

By your standards 90% of the HOF don't belong in the HOF.

At the risk of repeating myself, what is it that Jeff DIDN'T achieve that others have? Scripted losses at a Wrestlemania aside, same for the Rumble.

He's a Grand Slam Champion. That means he won every level of title he possible could have....multiple times over.

You can say he achieved more as a tag-team wrestler but that's just not a factual argument. He was a Main-Eventer. He was at THE top of the company. He was getting reactions that, to this day, guys like CM Punk, Cena and others STRUGGLE to get. He got them week in and week out effortlessly.

The reason people here are against it is because they didn't like the character. Personal dislike doesn't mean he's undeserving of a singles HOF induction.

I seriously don't get the logic here......he wasn't scripted to win a 'Mania match and didn't win the Royal Rumble......neither did Foley.

He's a Grand Slam Champion.....Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin weren't. Should they have been denied induction because of this?

As I stated before, there would be no Hall of Fame if it was subject to your standards.

Like him or not, he had a level of popularity with the fans, drew main-event money for the company and won a huge number of (singles) titles in his tenure. My book? Main-Event in the company and win the big one multiple times automatically translates into a future HOF induction.

Insinuating a multiple time World Champion doesn't deserve a Hall of Fame spot, when guys like Koko B. "Jobber" Ware and Bullet Bob Armstrong who NEVER reached the spot he did have been inducted as singles wrestlers is just absurd.

I'm not even going to entertain your arguments after this, they're absolutely ricockulous.
First off, I have no problem with Jeff I actually liked him in WWE and was happy they gave him the belt. Secondly, if the question was compared to other wrestlers in the WWE Hall of Fame, Do you think Jeff Hardy should be in the Hall of Fame than my answer would be yes because he has had a better career than people that are already in. Now to my point, If I didnt know who else was in the WWE Hall of Fame and strictly based this decision off of Jeff Hardy, than my answer is NO. The guy doesnt have a memorable singles match, doesnt have a memorable promo, never had a wrestlemania moment, and never been part of a memorable storyline. There is to many people that wrestle now that should go in ahead of him. Im just now accepting the fact that Punk should be in the Hall of Fame and Hardy isn't even in the same league as Punk
the_vipers_enigma said:
I'll start by saying that I'm not a big Jeff Hardy fan but I can't deny what he has accomplished. The man is a 3x World Champion, 7x Tag Team Champion and a 4x IC Champion. He is part of one of the most accomplished and famous tag teams. With that said do you think that we will see him in the HOF having in mind his drug problems? Or maybe he will enter the HOF together with Matt as a tag team?

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Dave_duncan said:

Originally Posted by the_vipers_enigma

I'll start by saying that I'm not a big Jeff Hardy fan but I can't deny what he has accomplished. The man is a 3x World Champion, 7x Tag Team Champion and a 4x IC Champion. He is part of one of the most accomplished and famous tag teams. With that said do you think that we will see him in the HOF having in mind his drug problems? Or maybe he will enter the HOF together with Matt as a tag team?

Well yes he should be inducted because of his accomplishments. he managed to kick his drug addiction and was possibly one of the first high (high) flyers to become a world champion.

Posted from App for Android

Posted from App for Android
First off, I have no problem with Jeff I actually liked him in WWE and was happy they gave him the belt. Secondly, if the question was compared to other wrestlers in the WWE Hall of Fame, Do you think Jeff Hardy should be in the Hall of Fame than my answer would be yes because he has had a better career than people that are already in. Now to my point, If I didnt know who else was in the WWE Hall of Fame and strictly based this decision off of Jeff Hardy, than my answer is NO. The guy doesnt have a memorable singles match, doesnt have a memorable promo, never had a wrestlemania moment, and never been part of a memorable storyline. There is to many people that wrestle now that should go in ahead of him. Im just now accepting the fact that Punk should be in the Hall of Fame and Hardy isn't even in the same league as Punk

No memorable storylines? The feuds with: Umaga, Edge, Triple H, Orton and Punk are just a handful of the ones that spring to mind. Those are just some of the ones from his last run and, for me and MANY other people (though admittedly not many of the IWC) they were highlights of that period of time.

To be honest, the feud with Triple H was one of the best things going on in the WWE at the time for me. Fair enough parts of if were overshadowed by Jericho/HBK on Raw.

The feud with Orton was THE hottest thing going on in the WWE at the time.

Never had a memorable match? The match with Morrison on SD (while both were faces). Fairly sure that broke SD ratings records at the time on whatever channel it was on in the US.

The Undertaker ladder match. Many people regard that in the Top 10 matches to have taken place on Raw. Newer fans who watch it back can feel whatever way they want about it but at the time, watching it live, it was an extraordinary match. Hardy, more than once, made you suspend disbelief and think that, against all logic, he was leaving with the belt.

To say nothing of his tag career there's still a list of memorable matches:

Umaga at the GAB, the Judgement Day, Ladder (amazing, innovative match) and Rumble matches with Edge, the EXCELLENT No Mercy match with Triple H, the Rumble match with Orton, the TLC and Night of Champions match with Punk. The Triple Threat where he won the belt. The RVD matches. Again, these are just a handful of examples.

They might not be memorable for some people, who may not like Hardy, but for a large chunk of the audience (the non-IWC one and the VAST majority) they were very memorable. It's not an overstatement to say he was THE most over person in the company for a time and that doesn't happen without great matches, great segments and great feuds. You don't become the most over person in the company by not doing something memorable and something right. Assertions to the contrary simple aren't factual. They're opinion.

I didn't enjoy a lot of John Cena's work in 2006. That doesn't mean it wasn't memorable.

And saying Hardy never had a 'Mania moment is, quite frankly, ridiculous. The multiple Ladder Swantons, the spear in mid-air while dangling from the belts (will be voted best OMG high-spot of all time at some stage), the table splash spot from WM 25. The Legdrop through Edge on the Ladder at 23.

One doesn't have to win a 'Mania match to have a 'Mania moment. There's a reason ALL of the previously mentioned "moments" featured on the intro to all programming at one time or another. The fact that you'll remember every single one of those moments means that they WERE memorable Wrestlemenia moments.

Let's not forget that the TLC from X-Seven was PWI MOTY. Go back and look at some of the matches from that year (not just WM but the year in general) and see the calibre of match it was considered better than. Taker/HHH I, Benoit/Angle, HHH/Austin. How's that not having a memorable 'Mania moment?

In my view, the case against Hardy being a HOF candidate in his own right is simply a case of revisionist history. The assertions being made are opinion, not fact.

Before you say it yourself, yes, my view of it is also opinion. However, when that view is held by the vast majority of fans (go back and look at his reactions at the time, same for merch sales) it expresses a social trend. He was EXTREMELY over. You don't become the hottest property in the WWE by having unmemorable matches and feuds. If you did, then Evan Bourne and Zack Ryder would be WWE Champions.
Jeff deserves to go into the HOF and I think he will. He's a multiple time world champion, IC champion and tag team champion as well as holding many other titles in his career. He was part of one of the greatest tag teams of all time. He's had some of the most memorable matches of all time. He's arguably the greatest high flyer of all time. There's so many positives that they outweigh any negatives that he has, like his personal troubles or the fact that when WWE were really giving him opportunities he left and went to TNA.

The fact that he's put his body through so much should work in his favour as he's put his body on the line for the company, but I guess they could say that every wrestler does that, although it's different with Jeff.
Jeff deserves to go into the HOF and I think he will. He's a multiple time world champion, IC champion and tag team champion as well as holding many other titles in his career. He was part of one of the greatest tag teams of all time. He's had some of the most memorable matches of all time. He's arguably the greatest high flyer of all time. There's so many positives that they outweigh any negatives that he has, like his personal troubles or the fact that when WWE were really giving him opportunities he left and went to TNA.

The fact that he's put his body through so much should work in his favour as he's put his body on the line for the company, but I guess they could say that every wrestler does that, although it's different with Jeff.

Do you think he should go in by himself or with Matt, as a Tag Team? As I've stated in this thread, the Hardy Boyz should go in as a tag team but not as individuals.
Do you think he should go in by himself or with Matt, as a Tag Team? As I've stated in this thread, the Hardy Boyz should go in as a tag team but not as individuals.

I think Jeff has done enough to go in on his own but I doubt they'd put him in on his own and then again with Matt as he's not a big enough star to be inducted twice. So I'm going to say with Matt but they should mention both of their singles career instead of just mentioning the team. But there's always the possibility of inducting Team Extreme, so Jeff, Matt and Lita, I think that would be pretty cool, but once again mention all three of them being successful on their own.

Team Extreme being inducted or the Hardy Boyz is probably the only way Matt is going to get into the HOF so that's the way Jeff should be inducted.
He's in. Tag or single. The resume speaks for it's self.
Personally I feel Hardy is the most overrated wrestler ever. Matt Hardy WAS a better worker. Yes Jeffy takes big bumps and his selling makes him a very sympathetic character but the swan ton is weak! No impact. Not believable. His TNA run has done nothing to impress me. He killed the immortal angle simply by being the wrong guy to hold the belt and a horrible heel.
As age takes it's toll maybe Hardy can learn at different way to work other than being a high spot machine and maybe his second run in WWE will change my mind. Maybe not.

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