JBL Signs Full-Time Contract with WWE; Smackdown's New Color Guy

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Former WWE Champion John Layfield just announced on his official Facebook page that he has signed a brand new full-time contract with the WWE.

"Very happy WWE and I have worked out a deal for me to return on a full time basis. There came a need when my friend Jerry Lawler had a heart attack and was not able to work, however, I realized how much I enjoyed being back and this was the basis for my decision to return."
According to JBL, he and Josh Matthews will make up the Smackdown announce booth on a weekly basis from this point forward. JBL will also join Michael Cole and Jerry "the King" Lawler on commentary for all pay-per-view events for the foreseeable future.​

At this time, the weekly status of Hall of Famer Jim Ross is unknown. You can view the full Facebook post from JBL here.

My question is, will Michael Cole retain the role of play-by-play commentator on Friday Night Smackdown? Regardless, this is really good news for WWE and wrestling fans, in my opinion. JBL is fantastic as a color guy. I love that he isn't afraid of breaking the fourth wall, and going outside of pro wrestling for references. He knows the industry better than most, and by his own admission does his own homework on each of the guys. If I remember correctly, he's also one hell of a good lockerroom leader. Smackdown is better with JBL, and I'm super excited about this decision.
Well, now SD! has at least one interesting aspect to the show now, hope this means we get to hear him on the PPVs as well.
Well, now SD! has at least one interesting aspect to the show now, hope this means we get to hear him on the PPVs as well.
in the same facebook post he announced it in, he said he will be doing PPVs with Cole/Lawler, so he will indeed be doing PPVs.

This is awesome news. Lawler dying (and being brought back to life) seemingly breathed new life into the commentary, re-aligning Cole as a neutral, JR/JBL coming back part time, and now JBL coming back full time.
While JBL is a good addition to the commentary team on SD, I don't think Josh Matthews is ready to replace Michael Cole as the play by play commentator. I still prefer Cole. Josh Matthews should just be placed on Main-event or Superstars.

What I want is:
King & JR on RAW
JBL & Cole on SD

provided that JR will work again full time.
Excellent news. JBL is a delight to listen to and his little sprinklings of factoids hither and dither breathe a bit of life and depth into the characters being portrayed.

Looking forward to what banter will be produced between JBL and Lawler when it comes to PPVs. I know I've declared that I'm not a fan of Lawler in the past, but if he has someone to bounce off, like he did with J.R. back in the late '90s, then he might become more tolerable (for me at least).
Absolutely brilliant news, JBL is the best colour commentator in the last 10 years easy, he knows his stuff, and actually attempts to get guys over while doing the commentary.

Great move from WWE and thank you JBL for coming back
I have actually been enjoying the combination of Cole, JR and JBL. As a trio, they did a fantastic job during Sheamus/Show at HIAC.

Cole's heel run seems to have taught him something about showing emotion as a play-by-play announcer. JR adds the gravitas as well as the more dynamic calls - how much bigger and better did Ryback's first clothesline on Punk feel with JR calling it? - and JBL to add the educated heel perspective. He is not quite Jesse Ventura but he is cut from the same cloth.

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