Jay Cutler is a Bear now


Dark Match Winner
So in case you haven't heard the news NFL fans. Jay Cutler was traded to the Chicago Bears for Kyle Orton and two first round picks and a third rounder. What is Denver thinking? Are they stupid? Jay Cutler was the franchise QB that Denver needed. Ever since John Elway retired, they've been struggling to find a good QB and they blew it away and for what Kyle Orton. So they got two first rounders, they better one of them for a QB, because there Kyle Orton will take them nowhere. There is a reason The Bears got rid of him. Why would you even talk about trading Jay Cutler? Denver thinks they got the better end of the deal. But they didn't. Lovie Smith is probably laughing his butt off. Because they just got the best deal in the FA. Chicago has been struggling for a QB ever since Rex Grossman started. Sorry Rex but you're not that great. Kyle Orton got a chance and took them nowhere. I'm sorry, but I'm not even a Denver fan (I'm a Cutler fan) and I knew that was a stupid move. Good Job Denver.
You think Denver is stupid for making this trade? They straight up robbed the Bears. The Broncos have 2 first round picks for the next 2 years. They have leverage to trade up in the draft now to get Sanchez. They also got Kyle Orton, who has proven he can win games in the NFL. The Bears proved how desperate they were to get a QB by doing this trade. They gave up WAY too much.
Chicago gave up too much but so did Denver. Jay Cutler > Kyle Orton. Jay Cutler is better than Kyle Orton on any given day. I wouldn't trust Kyle Orton with a Nerf Football. They should have just release Kyle Orton because he's not going anywhere. In 08 Orton threw 18 Touchdowns and 12 INT for 2972 yards. He was 275 Comp out of 465 Attempts 59% That's really not that impressive. 18 TD's don't mean a thing when you have 12 INTS. Cutler threw 25 TD with 18 INTs for 4526 he was 384 out of 616....62%, Orton isn't even half the player Cutler is. Its a wasted move is all I'm saying. Denver will use the picks draft a QB and he still don't be half as good as Jay Cutler. No one in the Draft is really that good overall. When Compared to the last two years of draftees. This year looks like a pee wee league.
Anyone who believes Denver got screwed in this deal, obviously doesn't understand how Football or building a team works. Denver ditched a whiny, pathetic "too big for his shoes" cocky QB. In return, they got 2 first round draft picks, a 3rd round draft pick, and a solid back-up QB in Kyle Orton.

With Denver now holding two first round picks this year, and two next year, they easily have a great shot at rebuilding all around them. They don't have to take a QB this year in the draft, either. Incase anyone has forgotten, there is still quite the talented FA-QB still on the market. Jeff Garcia could easily come to Denver, and be everything they need for short-term.

So they could then take their two draft picks this year, and pick up Defensive help. Then next year, when the QB talent will be vastly better, they could take a QB with one of those picks, and possibly add even more depth to a very weak Defense.

On the flip side, the Chicago Bears got raped in draft picks, but got a QB that if they can keep him happy, finally have a long lost missing piece to their puzzle. Especially in that division.

Chicago's Defense is good, but not great like it once was. However, the great thing about that is.. if your Offense can put up points, all you need is a good Defense to hold your opponents. Cutler & Forte will help definitely control an Offense in need of a 'face'.

I think this was personally a win/win for both teams. Denver got rid of a cocky little punk, who would've been more harm than help to Denver, all because he got his feelings hurt. And Chicago got a QB that's young enough to become a Franchise. (they hope, anyways)
So in case you haven't heard the news NFL fans. Jay Cutler was traded to the Chicago Bears for Kyle Orton and two first round picks and a third rounder. What is Denver thinking? Are they stupid?

Nope, and they're thinking "holy shit!!!, this is a danm good deal, we better finalize this thing before Da Bears sober up and realize how badly they just got fucked"

Jay Cutler was the franchise QB that Denver needed. Ever since John Elway retired, they've been struggling to find a good QB and they blew it away and for what Kyle Orton

So you're telling me they need a whiny little immature cunt that brought loads of baggage into the locker room?:headscratch:, Orton is just a short term solution, chances are they plan on picking up another QB either in the draft or through free agencies, plus Denver has a pretty solid young receiving core, something the Bears didn't have

So they got two first rounders, they better one of them for a QB, because there Kyle Orton will take them nowhere. There is a reason The Bears got rid of him.

Once again I bring up the fact that Denver has a much better offense for Orton to work with than he had in Chicago, and the reason Chicago traded Orton was because Denver didn't want anything to do with the pathetic joke of a QB Rex Grossman

Why would you even talk about trading Jay Cutler?

IDK, maybe because he's being an immature bitch, I like how people have been comparing Cutler's arm to Favre's, looks like Cutler and Favre have more me thing in common...

Denver thinks they got the better end of the deal. But they didn't.

Umm yeah, actually they did, they got two first round picks, a third and a QB for one fucking player, oh and those first round draft picks, yeah they're coming from a team that is utter shit, so those draft picks are going to pretty early picks in the draft

Lovie Smith is probably laughing his butt off. Because they just got the best deal in the FA.

Yeah, I sure Josh McDaniels is doing the same thing because he got the far better end of the deal

Chicago has been struggling for a QB ever since Rex Grossman started. Sorry Rex but you're not that great. Kyle Orton got a chance and took them nowhere. I'm sorry, but I'm not even a Denver fan (I'm a Cutler fan) and I knew that was a stupid move.

And now they finally have their franchise QB, and they'll relize that a QB, no matter how good he is, isn't shit with out a good O-line, and WR to throw to

Good Job Denver.

I'm sure they're pretty proud of themselves as well;)
How the fuck is he cocky Will? Explain that to me. Mcdaniels shouldn't have placed him on the block. Also Josh shouldn't have said he wanted Cassell. Now the Broncos are a whole defense and a QB away from winning again. The Bears are not they have a star for the next eight to ten years while the Broncos have to rebuild all over again.

Two picks are nothing especially since they haven't proved a damn thing. Personally Chicago got the better deal while Denver will go back to mediocrity while SD wins that division for the next five years.

Now this puts Mcdaniels in a bad situation, he needs a QB and he'll need results within the next three years. Good luck in the unemployment line by 2012.
Now this puts Mcdaniels in a bad situation, he needs a QB and he'll need results within the next three years. Good luck in the unemployment line by 2012.

Exactly. People can blame Cutler in this situation all they want, but the fact is.... it's McDaniels ass on the chopping block now. He BETTER do well, otherwise he'll never get another head coaching job in the NFL ever again. If Denver goes on to lose in consecutive seasons now, he's in deep, deep shit.

The bottom line here is that if you ask any head coach to name the top five most important things they must do as a head coach of a professional sports team, "Getting along with your Franchise Player" will be right at the top of the list, and Josh McDaniels failed to do that, within only like a month into his job. Cutler would've forgiven him for the Cassel thing, no doubt, but McDaniels refused to be a man/good head coach and contract Cutler and let him know that he's their guy and that he had nothing to worry about. Instead, like a little bitch, he took offence to Cutler getting a bit upset about being in trade rumors. In my eyes, this is all McDaniels fault. I don't care what anyone says. He just better hope he picks some fucking unbelievably talented defensive players in this upcoming draft, otherwise he's screwed.

Anyway, at the end of the day… tremendous pick up by Chicago. This immediately puts them right at the top of the NFC, and definitely champions of their weak division. Congrats Bears fans.
I love this deal for the Bears and this is coming from a Lions fan. You can't put a price on a young franchise QB like Cutler is. Cutler is 17-1 in games where his defense gives up less than 21 a game, so basically he has been unbeatable in games where the defense has atleast showed up which is impressive. They got a young QB who has proven himself to be the real deal, that alone is worth 2 mid round picks in the first round. NFL execs act like these first round picks are gold and they're not. More times than not a first round pick especially in the teens ends up not living up to the billing. By doing this you have that sure thing, a guy that has already proved he is a pro-bowl QB. It's not just NFL execs that do this, fans do as well, they completely over value those picks. There were alot of talk in Detroit about going after Cutler and some people mentioned giving them the first overall pick for him. And every radio caller thought that was insane, yet these same people want them to draft Stafford. I don't get it, chances are Stafford will never be as good as Cutler and he is going to cost more money than him too and he hasn't proved anything yet. So if you're screaming to draft a QB why would you not trade that pick for a sure fire QB that has proved himself? It doesn't make any sense yet people think like this.

With that said, the Broncos did well for themselves too considering Cutler didn't want to be there. They managed to get 2 first round picks for him and a servicable QB so that was good value. So I can understand the deal from both perspectives but I just think this will end up being a great move for Chicago.
I don't know that Denver should be gambling for a QB this draft, and if they do it should be in the second round, or even on day two. There are some names out there like Graham Harrel, or even the Hoyer from Mich ST. Defense should be the main concern. They have Winborn, DJ Williams, Tim Crowder, Jarvis Moss, so the 3-4 scheme may look very good out there. The linebackers are set for this 3-4 scheme. The question will be how well Nolan does with this new 3-4 defense. Nolan was rolling with this in San Fran, but he never had a QB quite like Orton.

Now most of you are probably saying that the defense is ass, and you can't fix it. I disagree esepcially with the new staff in the house. This Bronco defense is still young, but the experience is there. Jarvis Moss is probably considered a busts by most fans(ignorance). The man hasn't started 16 gms in his brief career. He is on the upside, and a 3-4 scheme may work towards exposing his strengths.

DJ Williams is a constant threat, and if put in the right 3-4 scheme he could emerge as a top tier LB. He is still young, and plays at a very high level. Look at what the Steelers did with Lamaar Woodely after one season. Moss, and Crowder are both under 25, and would make some serious threats on the outside as 3-4 outside LB's. They are two big guys, and could make a huge difference playing in those defensive schemes.

I can tell some of you aren't very knowledgeable about football in the NFL. With the right staff you can create a playoff team. Just look at what happened in Miami, or any team that Parcells touches. In all honesty though it is about personel. It has to be football minds at the top, not guys in just exspensive suits.

It seems as though many of you fans have just given up on this defense, and the team just because Cutler is gone. A defense can change in one season, but an offense can not especially without the franchise QB. They had one of the better pass offenses in the NFL last year with Cutler, but failed to make the playoffs. That tells me that if the defense was better, they could have gone further. Tennessee proved that you don't need a great QB to win games, they won games with Kerry Collins and a stellar defense.

With these two picks coming in to this year, and also next year I would say that they really ended up with the bargain deal. That is 4 first round picks in two seasons. The Broncos can wait until next year, or hell Orton could turn around, and throw 20-25 touchdowns, who knows. Orton may work well with Josh's offensive scheme. Don't give up on Mcdaniels just because he dealt a wild hand, but one that will pay off in the end. The AFC is getting hotter, and it was one of the weaker divisions last year.

They have to be concerned with the front three in the defensive 3-4 scheme. First this is first with the 12th overall pick they should take the best player at the defensive line position. They need either the best NT, or DE who can play in a 3-4 scheme. My guess would be BJ Raji, or Ziggy Hood, and possibly even Tyson Jackson. Either of those men could make an impact at these positions as rookies.

After that comes the 18th pick, and that should go to the defense as well, possibly to the secondary position. They need a solid CB for the future. They lost Foxworth, and at this position they could have a solid CB for the future. They are getting very old at this position. Then again this draft has a ton of secondary talent on day two as well. This is a pick that could also go the inside linebacker position as well. I wouldn't be surprised if they drafted a guy like Clint Sintim to pair up with Williams in the middle. Hell, you got to even wonder if a player like Knowshon Moreno is available would they take him. Moreno is projected to be a solid nfl prospect, and he could be there at 18th over all. A solid running game is something Broncos aren't to unfamiliar with. If they establish that then it comes much easier. Maybe Denver should be joining the trade for Julius Peppers?
Cutler is going from a team with an outstanding running game, one of the top receivers, and a damn good tight end, to Chicago. He can throw to Olsen I guess, but not 10 times a game. He'll get sacked less, which means he'll actually have time to think about his decisions, which as we saw during this whole debacle, he should probably avoid.

Kyle Orton was a good college player, and has one of the best winning percentages of starting QBs in the pros. Sure, he doesn't have a lot of starts, but find me a Bear fan that wanted Grossman over him, and I'll die laughing. He doesn't have a big arm, but he won't need it with the slew of peoplehe can throw to now. Denver has a group of backs that can catch, Scheffler who can make any catch, and then Marshall, Royal, and Stokley that can all catch anything within a few yards of them. He's a better team player also, and won't bring the team down from the inside.
I think this was personally a win/win for both teams. Denver got rid of a cocky little punk, who would've been more harm than help to Denver, all because he got his feelings hurt. And Chicago got a QB that's young enough to become a Franchise. (they hope, anyways)

Are you serious? The face of the franchise who was the only reason the team was even relevant in the playoff race last season would cause more harm than help? What? How does that make any sense whatsoever? I don't understand your beef with Cutler. He's not even all that cocky and only bitched because McDaniels is a fucking idiot who rubbed him the wrong way. The dude carried Denver on his shoulders last season, and now McDaniels wants to trade him for Matt Cassell? LOL, I'd be mad and want out too.

This is a good move for Chicago. Cutler to go along with Forte will take their offense along ways if their WR's step up. Denver did good with draft picks, but I don't really pay any mind to picks. They're hit and miss, and Chicago has been missing badly lately. Cutler is already a proven hit. Way to make a move Bears.

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