I've been reading my old rep comments...

A few of the best:

jpfizzle said:
what can i say man i just love polls

My first rep from the fizzle.

Shango said:
Good job, man. You're the first person to make me think it might not be Y2J. But I still think it's Y2J.

After I claimed save_us.222 was the Big Show. Which it was.

Sam said:
For recommending me. That's right, I'm a Hullamaniac brother!

After I got Sam his mod spot.

Coco said:
screw u....ur the worst mod ever

No explanation needed.

Jonny said:
Its a Mistake to Red Rep Me...

Given to me 20 times in one minute.

Colamania said:
For being really stoopid. And being from Hull.


Will said:
This cracks me up so much. Classic! Good to have you back

Before he turned sour on me.

Big Ace said:
you're not gonna stop are you?

When I first started calling him Big Ace.

Jake said:
Meh. You can have my admin spot.

The first of many false promises.

IC25 said:
Excellent play. He is a dick.

For banning someone.

jpfizzle said:
just freaking become an admin already... you know it makes sense!

Tell IC that.

Becca said:
Hell yeah Arctic Monkeys need to be in this thing.

Someone agreed.

NYSandman said:
Rep will make hell seem less hot. ;)

After the infamous "Luther_Hull vs. Jesus" thread.

DIAR said:
You're the one gutted, you wanted it more than anybody. Admit it, you are.

After being robbed of an admin spot, where is DIAR now anyway?

Spawn said:
I offered a pity fuck. So I guess you wanted a fuck you for your pitiful ass instead. It's just the fucking internet bitch. Calm the fuck down.

How lovely...

NorCal said:
pathetic. thankyou. THATS the word I was looking for

After describing DIAR.

Shocky said:
Luther For Admin

After becoming admin himself.

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