Isn't it crazy how...

That N Word

Actively evolving
If I told y'all 3 years ago just days before WrestleMania XXX, that at WrestleMania 33 we would have SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon vs. AJ Styles, Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker, Goldberg defending a new World Championship against Brock Lesnar, Bray Wyatt defending the WWE Championship against Randy Orton, Seth Rollins would be taking on Triple H, Cena and Nikki teaming up to face Miz and a returning Maryse, Adrian Neville defending the Cruiserweight Championship against Austin Aries, Chris Jericho defending the United States Championship against Kevin Steen, Charlotte Flair defending the WOMEN'S Championship vs. Bayley, and Sasha Banks in a Triple Threat, Bullet Club's Gallows and Anderson defending the Tag Team Championships against SAWFT, and Cesaro/Sheamus. On and possible appearances and matches from Sami Zayn/El Generico, Samoa Joe, and Prince Devitt. Noy only would you called me crazy and say I was fantasy booking...You probably would have screamed, "TAKE MY MONEY MOTHERF**KER!!"

Now that we are witnessing this everybody seems to be, "Worst WrestleMania of all-time!!"

But why?!?!

OK having seen what Goldberg has been like since returning I get that, Taker-Reigns, due to Takers injury. Even though that isn't even why people's complaining despite the fact it should be. But why are you prepared to hate the show?
I really hope it is good. Here are my main complaints (and really, they are irrelevant, since me like most of the guys on here am going to watch anyway).

1. Cena vs Taker - This was the big marquee match, something that would have pumped me like nothing else. Title vs Career. The Face the Runs the Place vs The Phenom. The most respected veteran, possibly of all time having his final marquee match against THE man.

2. Goldberg vs Lesnar - This doesn't bother me as a match, I'm actually looking forward to it. But the Universal title isn't necessary. I understand that this is their way of adding to the match, and adding some prestige to the belt by putting some real names on the list of former champions. But I feel this really hurt Owens who was really coming into his own as champion just as he lost it. And let's face facts, this match didn't at all need the title to work.

3. Wyatt vs Orton - This one just felt like a bit of an afterthought, I would have had Wyatt win at the big dance to crown a new champion. As it is it feels as though he is about to be fed to Randy and I just don't want to see that. But I will hold judgement until I actually see how it plays out.

4. Shane and AJ is a waste of AJ but having said that, Shane-O normally puts on a good match so I am not too worried.

5. Tag Team match has NO heat - Not sure what the drama is here, just not feeling it. Love all the teams involved (okay Sheamus and Cesaro I don't care about, but whatever).

6. This is both an up and a down - Women's titles. Smackdowns is going to be a waste of time, and Raw's while the match will be fantastic has been booked appallingly.

But there are certainly some ups here.

1. Cena/Miz - Started on rocky ground, but Miz is hanging with Cena at the moment. My concern is that Cena will win and Miz will wind up back where he started after a really good year as a heel midcarder. Oh and the women will actively make this match worse since Maryse can't work for shit and the Bellas are both a waste of space but whatever.

2. Zayne, Joe and Balor - I couldn't be more pumped. Anything involving these guys is gold for me.

3. Neville vs Aries - Amped. Just Amped.

4. Roman seemingly working heel against Taker - While it might not come to fruition it has some very interesting possibilities.

5. Rollins Triple H - Looks awesome ATM...

So yeah, mixed feelings but just not as good as I felt this year had the potential to be.
There are always people who say that the current WrestleMania card, no matter what year it's been, is gonna be the "worst ever." It never fails, or at least it never has since I've been posting and I'm sure it'll be the same thing next year.

One of the chief reasons, maybe the single biggest reason for that matter, that any given person will make such a claim is because they don't agree with the line up and/or they feel that certain wrestlers "deserve better"; as a result, even if the show turns out to be a great one, many of those fans have decided to hate the show on some sort of deranged internet principle.

However, that's not to say that some of the complaints don't have merit because, in my opinion, they most certainly do. Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar, in my opinion, is probably the biggest "injustice" as I think it's an awful mistake for a number of reasons. We know for an almost guaranteed fact that Lesnar wins, which kills any degree of suspense that there might otherwise be in most championship matches. It also means we're back to another Brock Lesnar World Championship reign that sees the champ show up every 3 to 4 months to defend the title. Whenever Lesnar does drop the title, it'll probably be to Roman Reigns rather than someone who isn't already an established multiple time World Champion and someone a good number of fans actually want to see take down Lesnar.

Another viable complaint about this match is the fact that many fans are pissed off considering the plum spot these two have had, the sort of booking Lesnar has received in contrast to the rest of the roster and that many believe these two can't lace up the boots of much of the entire roster. If Goldberg and Lesnar were bringing in record numbers to Raw whenever they're on the show, there may at least be some solid degree of justification as to why they, especially Lesnar, get such preferential treatment; the problem is that they don't bring in record ratings and couple that with the fact that Goldberg can't wrestle, and never really could, and that Lesnar could wrestle but is now just flat out lazy then you have some legit gripe.

Given my druthers, I'd rather have AJ Styles wrestling to become or wrestling as WWE Champion but his match with Shane could still be fun. I think that Samoa Joe, Sami Zayn and a few others would be better used outside of the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal and I'd rather see Kevin Owens vs. Chris Jericho for the WWE Universal Championship rather than a DOA main event with Lesnar and Goldberg that'll probably be over in 2 minutes or less. However, while that doesn't mean that these matches can't be good and you have to also take into consideration that some of us just have flat out unrealistic expectations at any given time but especially in regards to WrestleMania.
I will try to break this down for you:

If I told y'all 3 years ago just days before WrestleMania XXX, that at WrestleMania 33 we would have SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon vs. AJ Styles,

If you told me three years Shane would be back I would mark out. That marking out has already occurred. He kind of blew his wad last year. AJ is in a similar situation, if you told me he would be in the WWE three years ago I would be super intrigued. He's now been in the WWE and it has been great but it is nothing new. I also feel like he would be better suited in a match with gold attached to it.

That being said, this is the match I am the most excited by and expect the most of out.

Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker

Three years ago Roman was this undefined up and comer. UT still had a streak and was coming off having the match of the night for five straight years. Now Reigns is a good performer but has a lot of stink on him (poor promo work, suspension, too big and forced of a push). UT lost his streak and has not performed that well over the past few years. The idea that Roman will retire him is somewhat intriguing but it feels like Lesnar already retired him.

, Goldberg defending a new World Championship against Brock Lesnar,

Terrible match 13 years ago. Lesnar hasn't really been very entertaining for a couple of years. We have no proof Goldberg can perform more than two minutes competently.

Bray Wyatt defending the WWE Championship against Randy Orton,

I like both guys and they have told a good story. But it doesn't feel like either guy belongs in this spot.

Seth Rollins would be taking on Triple H

This card is so part time heavy it doesn't make sense for HHH to be a part of it.

, Cena and Nikki teaming up to face Miz and a returning Maryse,

Mixed tag would not have gotten me excited three years and I'm not that excited today beyond wanting to see what the women wear. Plus three years ago if you told me Cena was getting knocked down the card a bit I would have been very pleased, now he is doing the best work of his career and I want to see him in a bigger spot.

Adrian Neville defending the Cruiserweight Championship against Austin Aries,

I'm not sure I knew who Neville was three years ago. My interest is probably higher today than it would have been three years ago. Aries has grown on me the last few years.

Chris Jericho defending the United States Championship against Kevin Steen

Again Owens has been around so it does not have the surprise or newness factor. Jericho is enhancement talent like three years ago.

, Charlotte Flair defending the WOMEN'S Championship vs. Bayley, and Sasha Banks in a Triple Threat,

I didn't know who any of them were three years ago and this match feels like we've seen it many times already.

Bullet Club's Gallows and Anderson defending the Tag Team Championships against SAWFT, and Cesaro/Sheamus.

I liked the Bullet Club way better when I didn't really know who they were besides AJ. If I knew this is where Cesaro would be I would have felt really bad three years for him.

On and possible appearances and matches from Sami Zayn/El Generico, Samoa Joe, and Prince Devitt. Noy only would you called me crazy and say I was fantasy booking...You probably would have screamed, "TAKE MY MONEY MOTHERF**KER!!"

Now that we are witnessing this everybody seems to be, "Worst WrestleMania of all-time!!"

I'm not thinking that at all. It will probably have some decent wrestling and a cool moment or two. WWE has a strong roster.

But why?!?!

Nothing about this card feel huge. Hogan/Andre, The Streak, DB/Authority, Rock/Cena, career in the line/swan song, who is grabbing a brass ring?

OK having seen what Goldberg has been like since returning I get that, Taker-Reigns, due to Takers injury. Even though that isn't even why people's complaining despite the fact it should be. But why are you prepared to hate the show?

I think you are mistaking indifference as hate.
Personally, I really don't have any problem with this years card, I think it's a pretty strong card compare to last year, but you have to understand that some of the IWC will complain no matter what you give them. If the card doesn't reflect what they like, they are going to complain about it because they think the wwe should revolve around what they like instead of trying to please everybody.

But the funniest thing is even if they hate and complain about the event, they are the first to watch the event just so that they can complain even more after the event.
It's nowhere near the Worst Wrestlemania of all time. Anyone who says otherwise just complains for the sake of complaining and that won't stop anytime soon.

Just see what Wrestlemania 32 was and then what Wrestlemania 33 is looking like to be. At this time last year, the card was badly affected by bunch of injuries but this time, it's a lot better.
But why are you prepared to hate the show?

If any wrestling fan goes into Wrestlemania prepared to hate it, then are they really a wrestling fan at all, or just a whiner and complainer.

Admittedly some of the matches look good on paper but how they will actually turn out is another story. Lesnar v Goldberg, last time that happened it was kind of horrible and considering they've wrestled for a combined time of under 10 minutes all year, not holding out much hope for this one. Goldberg looks gassed as soon as he hits the ring, Lesnar I don't know if he even cares anymore. Hoping it's not a replay of their last match.

Undertaker v Reigns. There is hardly any build to this match at all other than the fact that Reigns says "It's my yard now" and he eliminated Taker at the Rumble. I mean hell did Taker face everyone at Mania who eliminated him from Rumble matches? I don't think so. Taker needs a new hip and it will be up to Reigns to basically carry the match. I just hope he doesn't kill him in the process. For Taker's last match, which this is reported to be, would rather have seen him face Kane.

Owens v Jericho should be a corker of a match if they both let it all out in the ring. Promo wise they can go on the mic, and I'm looking forward to this one immensely.

Mixed tag between Cena/Nikki Bella v Miz/Maryse could also be good if Maryse has managed to get rid of the ring rust. Expecting lots of good promo's from the guys, the girls not so much, and lot's of shenanigans during the match. Might be quite fun, but the outcome has been telegraphed with Nikki Bella saying this might be her last match before she retires. Will be shocked if Miz and Maryse win.

Orton v Wyatt should be good as well. Expecting either Harper or Rowan to interfere and that would be a shame. Let Bray fight this one himself and see if he has the goods to truly carry the title.

The only real problem I have is with Styles v Shane. Styles has has a stellar year and was hoping to see him have a better opponent. Here's hoping that both can pull it off. Styles can get a good match out of a broom, but Shane is a bit of a spot monkey and does ridiculous things sometimes. If Styles can keep Shane from half killing himself, another fun match.

The rest of the card stacks up okay. There are too many triple threats and stuff like that, but it's Wrestlemania so I guess they have to find a way to get everyone on the card. Personally I'm looking forward to it.
Goldberg is a world champion after wrestling for under 10 minutes in just 3 matches.

Cena is in a mixed tag just to give Nikki her big sendoff.

Joe, Balor, Zayn, Harper, New Day, and Strowman don't have a match.

Reigns is going to retire Undertaker and somehow remain face.

Styles is wrestling a non-wrestler.

Charlotte vs. Sasha vs. Bayley has been booked horribly.

Cesaro/Sheamus vs. Enzo/Cass vs. The Club is repetitive.

Wyatt vs. Orton, Owens vs. Jericho, Aries vs. Neville, and Rollins vs. HHH all should be good.

Is this the worst WrestleMania card of all time? No, but it's certainly not good. I'm not complaining for the sake of complaining because I believe all the above points are legitimate. 3 years ago, it probably would have been exciting. However, booking and other factors have killed most of my interest. Again I'll still watch (which is really all WWE cares about), but I can't say I'm interested in this.
Most matches on this card have several months of real solid build. You can tell the IWC anything. The only certainty is that they will bitch about it.
Most matches on this card have several months of real solid build. You can tell the IWC anything. The only certainty is that they will bitch about it.

And they will pay for it, which is all that matters. The card should produce some awesome drama and decent matches. I can't say it's my favorite card, but it won't be awful.
That's just the environment of the IWC right now... Every PPV is "the worst one ever" and after every PPV, a bunch of people are "cancelling their WWE Network subscription." I can't tell you how many Wrestlemanias have been "the worst ever" according to some fans.

Most of these people wouldn't be happy unless it was CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the title with Kenny Omega as guest ref.
The only thing that is annoying me about this WrestleMania is the apparent main event. They have did well enough with Lesnar versus Goldberg but I really think it is going to be a really poor match. If it goes more than 5 or 10 minutes then I will be utterly gob-smacked. I might be amongst the minority but I reckon that the main event of WrestleMania ought to be the best match of the night. I think the WWE have abandoned that concept altogether with this main event. They have sacrificed a great match and a great end for a decent story. But that is the way that the WWE does business now. It will end with Lesnar holding the belt aloft after finally beating a 50 year old man in 5 minutes and no one will care. It's just a bad choice.

That said, as the event creeps closer, I find myself building to a fever pitch. When you consider the previous Mania card, this one is a million miles better and is going to offer us some great matches and some great angles during and after.

So, to get to the middle of this thread, I have no problem with the card and I am definitely not complaining. Those who are complaining are entitled to their opinion but there isn't much more that the WWE could do to impress me with the exception of Nakamura taking on AJ instead of Shane. As it is, I'm willing to sit back and enjoy.

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