Is the WWE Selfish?

Selfish? Generous? I don't think those words mean what you think they mean.

First off, if you are suggesting that the WWE has a responsibility to its fans to deliver entertainment to their doorstep, you are insane. They have no duty to sell you a product in the manner you find most enjoyable; if anything, you could consider it a missed business opportunity. I'm sure there's a WWE fan in Papua New Guinea who's upset that he never gets to go to a house show too.

Second, the WWE is not an altruistic benefactor, sprinkling down entertainment on those they deem worthy. They are a company trying to make money. Specifically, they are a company trying to make Vince McMahon money, along with a few shareholders he had to take on while he was going broke in the '90s paying for lawyers. When they make money overseas, they don't get to take everything they make back home. That gets a hefty sum taxed from it before you get to bring it home.

Third, lessons on being selfish are for kindergarteners. Grown-ups are supposed to be able to take care of themselves. Running my business, the only reason I care about customer complaints is when I see that it could have a negative impact on my profit. The WWE, and any other for-profit business, is exactly the same. I'm sure in a perfect world, where money and time aren't issues at all, they'd love to have a whole touring series spanning the globe. They, however, are focused on what they believe will make them the most money possible with the resources that they have. If you think that's "selfish", it's time for you to grow up. That's called business.

In short, the WWE is telling you that your viewership is not as important to them as American viewership. It's likely a simple matter of cost-effectiveness, but it is what it is. You could get all sentimental about it, or you could realize that you are buying a product from a company which has tried going global before and has deliberately scaled back its ambitions.

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