Is the WWE missing Shawn Michaels?

I don't think WWE miss him at the moment, because for that last few years he has always taken a few monthes off after WrestleMania.
I think fans miss seeing him on Raw, in the same way they miss seeing Undertaker on SmackDown.

The difference is that we all know the Undertaker will be back, for another year at least.

Personally, I think Shawns in ring work over the last few years is as good as it's ever been, but we all know that he can't go forever, and WM 26 was the best time, and the best way to say goodbye.

I wouldn't be supprised to see him on WWE tv again, because of the love and respect he has for his fans. However, due to his respect for himself, his legacy, and his own body, I don't think we will ever see him wrestle again.... And as a HUGE HBK fan, that almost hurts to say, but I really hope I'm right. Shawn deserves better than to end up like Hogan of Flair
Well elighten me Jerry, who can replace HBK as a guy who ca have a great match with anyone at any time? Who will be able to move the merch he did alone and as a member of DX?

It isnt going to be hard to replace HBK. Because its impossible to replace HBK. Also on what you said of drawing outside viewers. I highly doubt Cena's subpar movies (I Personally like them) or his appearences on Jimmy Fallon will bring in non wrestling fans as well.

And Useyourbrain, great post.

John Cena, HHH, Randy Orton, Edge, and Rey Mysterio move merchandise just as well as anybody. If it wasn't for DX, Shawn wouldn't have great merchandise sales. When Rock and Austin left, did the WWE shrivel up into a ball and die? It did not. Life in the WWE went on with HBk and it will go on without HBK plain and simple.
I miss Shawn Michaels he was my favorite wrestler of all time..and i ve been missing raw and smackdown for the last months since he retired...but i think they are surviving as for right now, HOWEVER we will see what happens in wrestlemania because HBK was the savior of the last wrestlemanias and if it wasnt for him wrestlamania would have been more shitty than it was
i don't care if anyone misses hbk. I miss watching him. He was the best and my favorite of all time. I would watch raw to mainly see him. I still watch raw mainly because people are stepping up. Randy Orton, sheamus, the miz, and now one of my favorites bryan danielson coming in. I watch everything except the main event now because i hate watching cena.
Miss him? Hell no!! Don't get me wrong, although I never really liked him, I did always respect his abilities As soon as the WWE stops running the 25 Shawn Michaels promos every week however, it'll take less than a month before people even remember that he's not on the roster anymore. The WWE survived without Dwayne Johnson and will survive without Michael Higgebotham as well.
Life in the WWE went on with HBK and it will go on without HBK plain and simple.

LOL . Why so harsh ? Of course it will go on without him , but we still miss him , and he never sold much merchandise , but man he was a great performer , really , who gets remembered by selling merchandise ? I'm not gonna say, "Oh , I remember John Cena , he was the guy who sold alot of merchandise." in 10 years . I would remember him by being the face of the company . Jeez .

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