Is Lana Showing Too Much?


Championship Contender
Don't get me wrong. If you look at her previous bikini pics, she's one of the hottest divas we have on this current roster. But with the illegally short skirts, oiled up legs and cleavage bearing tops, it's hard for me (no pun intended :)) to take her seriously as a manager and as a woman who Rusev takes orders from. Stephanie McMahon looks better now than she did 15 years ago and she dresses much more conservatively. When AJ became a GM, she changed her attire too. Renee doesn't do interviews in skimpy outfits. When I see Lana, I see an unbelievably hot diva, but not a manager/authority figure. What do you think?
Compare to what the other divas walk around in she's practically a nun. :p

All jokes aside I think the overplayed accent is more of a reason not to take her seriously then anything else. Like I said revealing/sexy outfits are pretty much commonplace in the WWE so it's not something that's held against a Diva there, for a "serious" character people care more about either what that character says on the mic or what they do in the ring. And since Lana is forcing the accent she sounds like a cartoon stereotype and for me that's a much bigger reason not to take her seriously.

As for Rusev, well lets just say if you had a woman that looked like Lana at your side you would probably do whatever she said too. ;)
I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about. If you were to compare her to Tamina, she definitely shows more off. Then again, your average soccer mom wears more revealing clothing than Tamina. For that matter, 99% of the male members of the WWE roster are more exposed than Lana as all most of them wear are tights, boots, knee and elbow pads.

Nearly every Diva on the roster wrestles or appears in tops that are little more than halter or bikini tops, shorts that are the spandex equivalent of Daisy Dukes and/or tights that fit so snug that you can almost see the outline of their vaginas. For years, the primary reason for the existence of female wrestlers in WWE has been to offer a measure of sex appeal. Some consider it exploitation, but I look at it as a simple fact of life. It's hard wired into the DNA of most men to enjoy the sight of physically attractive women wearing clothing designed to show off and/or enhance their figures.

For some strange reason, Lana gives off the vibe of a man hungry cougar/insanely hot teacher, at least to me even though she's just 29. I think it's because of the thick Russian accent she mimics, which gives her something of an authoritative edge. Not to come off as creepy, but she strikes me as the type of woman you'd see in some porn flick dressed in a military uniform holding some sort of whip or riding crop. It's also her exotic facial features, her parents are Portuguese and Peruvian, the tight & conservative hair bun coupled with her outfits that look sort of classy and ****ty simultaneously.

According to a report I read earlier this week, she and Rusev are dating in real life. Lucky bastard. :worship:
I don't know if i can mention this or not but i live in Australia and have already seen SD! (not sure what the go is elsewhere) but when she came out tonight she literally turned around so the camera was just pointed right at ass and legs, definitely felt like she was trying to show it off don't blame her and I aint gonna stop her
Don't get me wrong. If you look at her previous bikini pics, she's one of the hottest divas we have on this current roster. But with the illegally short skirts, oiled up legs and cleavage bearing tops, it's hard for me (no pun intended :)) to take her seriously as a manager and as a woman who Rusev takes orders from. Stephanie McMahon looks better now than she did 15 years ago and she dresses much more conservatively. When AJ became a GM, she changed her attire too. Renee doesn't do interviews in skimpy outfits. When I see Lana, I see an unbelievably hot diva, but not a manager/authority figure. What do you think?

Debra McMichael was a "manager".

No, Lana is not showing too much. I don't know how a man would have a problem with her wardrobe choices.

The fact that she is hot, and shows it off, makes it MORE likely that Rusev would take orders from her. He wants to keep his piece of ass manager happy.
Debra McMichael was a "manager".

I see what you're saying, but that's exactly my point. Debra was up front about her deceit, literally using her 'puppies' and sex appeal as distractions so Jarrett, Owen, etc can win. Lana, on the other hand, is trying to invoke fear in other wrestlers as well as fans about Rusev beating everybody.
Is she maybe taking too much attention away from Rusev? That is the main issue of her "showing too much" or, well, being attractive. I suppose if she wore more clothing then guys are less likely to notice how hot she is and focus on the wrestling. Call me a traditionalist but I like watching wrestling for the men grappling each other; quality storytelling and captivating angles. If I wanted to watch hot women then I wouldn't be tuning in to Raw or Smackdown. The main thing is Rusev needs to get over as a heel and Lana (no matter how she dresses) has to aid that in any way possible.
What manager is meant to be taken seriously? Managers are just mouthpieces who are meant to cause a distraction for heels on occasion. My expectation is that Lana can distract at any moment.

It's not like we are supposed to believe Bobby Heenan or Paul Heyman train these guys in the art of fighting.

Lana's outfits and appearance should only benefit Rusev. If he fails it is because he is dull and the birthmark on his face is distracting.
Concidering Lana has had cocaine snorted off her breasts on TV, I'm gonna have to proclaim this to be one of her more conservative efforts.

Besides that, there is a slight trend to portray evil (often white non-american) women as some form of sex machine looking thing, for example:


Drago's wife and some Bond/Indiana Jones villians do the same.

Not sure what I'm talking about anymore, but I don't think its too big an issue. I don't know why a woman being sexy means you can't take her seriously, but Randy Ortan oils up bodacious bod every night and people think he's the cats pyjamas (that's a double standard joke, not a gay joke).

Lana is parody/hearkening to earlier folks, but at the same time, with a body like that, you learn how to use it, especially as a Russian villain-lady.
Lana is literally one of the hottest divas/managers I've ever seen. Her looks determine wether people are going to take her seriously and it's working.
All is it is a ripoff of Bridgette Nielsen in Rocky IV. Don't take it too seriously. I think it's a present to us fans who are complaining that the WWE is catered too much for children.
All is it is a ripoff of Bridgette Nielsen in Rocky IV. Don't take it too seriously. I think it's a present to us fans who are complaining that the WWE is catered too much for children.

Exactly. BN didn't show off as much as Lana in the movie, but that's the point. It's supposed to be a sexier version of her.

And the fact that she is straight faced and robotic when talking or when Rusev is in the ring makes her even more of an authority figure.

A part of me wishes she was a bit taller and "thicker" like Nielsen was. I think that would make her more believable. But Rusev is only 6 feet tall, so I understand the WWE needing someone shorter.
You are kidding right?

Attitude Era, lingerie contests, Divas clothes that easily shows boobies or even glance of their female reproductive organs when they brawl. When you see some examples you can wonder why she doesnt have less clothes... :lmao:
This might sound a little sexist but yeah. I can't understand when a woman complains about someone looking at them when they dress in outfits designed to draw attention. wwe has done this a lot in the past and it doesn't really make sense - keep them covered so they look like the ultra business woman. Would Steph go to a board meeting dressed like that? The outfit doesn't fit the point of the character. Plus it gives you the added bonus than when she eventually has that bikini match that all divas need to have, it is a big deal that she isn't in that suit. The manager should never draw attention away from the talent but too often that is what happens in cases like this.
The outfit doesn't fit the point of the character.

A Russian super-patriot that seemingly gets off on seeing her Bulgarian monster massacre people? I don't know what aspect of that persona forbids her from showing some leg or cleavage, especially giving how cartoonish she really is. Please explain that to me.

It's not like she's wearing Sable-esque strips of fabric masquerading as clothing. She's in a business suit and skirt and happens to look damn good in it. If anything, she could user her stunning beauty to brag about how it pleases Putin and showcases the superiority of Russian genetics because American girls look like emu shit compared to her.

Also, I didn't see people complaining when VICKIE GUERRERO wore similarly revealing outfits.
I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about. If you were to compare her to Tamina, she definitely shows more off. Then again, your average soccer mom wears more revealing clothing than Tamina. For that matter, 99% of the male members of the WWE roster are more exposed than Lana as all most of them wear are tights, boots, knee and elbow pads.

Nearly every Diva on the roster wrestles or appears in tops that are little more than halter or bikini tops, shorts that are the spandex equivalent of Daisy Dukes and/or tights that fit so snug that you can almost see the outline of their vaginas. For years, the primary reason for the existence of female wrestlers in WWE has been to offer a measure of sex appeal. Some consider it exploitation, but I look at it as a simple fact of life. It's hard wired into the DNA of most men to enjoy the sight of physically attractive women wearing clothing designed to show off and/or enhance their figures.

For some strange reason, Lana gives off the vibe of a man hungry cougar/insanely hot teacher, at least to me even though she's just 29. I think it's because of the thick Russian accent she mimics, which gives her something of an authoritative edge. Not to come off as creepy, but she strikes me as the type of woman you'd see in some porn flick dressed in a military uniform holding some sort of whip or riding crop. It's also her exotic facial features, her parents are Portuguese and Peruvian, the tight & conservative hair bun coupled with her outfits that look sort of classy and ****ty simultaneously.

According to a report I read earlier this week, she and Rusev are dating in real life. Lucky bastard. :worship:

I quoted the whole thing because it's all true, but I bolded the part that's most important for my purposes here.

This might sound a little sexist but yeah. I can't understand when a woman complains about someone looking at them when they dress in outfits designed to draw attention. wwe has done this a lot in the past and it doesn't really make sense - keep them covered so they look like the ultra business woman. Would Steph go to a board meeting dressed like that? The outfit doesn't fit the point of the character. Plus it gives you the added bonus than when she eventually has that bikini match that all divas need to have, it is a big deal that she isn't in that suit. The manager should never draw attention away from the talent but too often that is what happens in cases like this.

Does this sound sexist? Well, yes, because it is sexist. But more importantly, it sounds idiotic. Again, because that's what it is. I'm not sure where or when Lana complained about anybody looking at her, or when any diva in the WWE did so for that matter, so I'm guessing you're making a more general statement about women in general, which is always fun. Either way, I hate to break it to you, and since this isn't the appropriate place for this conversation I'll keep this short, but not everything that every woman does is designed to get men to look at them. Not every woman is thinking about men with every decision they make, everything they say, and everything they do. Just because a woman is wearing something that happens to draw your attention, thst doesn't mean she was trying to do so. And just because a woman wants to look good, either for herself or other women or men, that doesn't mean she wants the creepy ass attention you're probably giving her. There's a big difference between a man noticing a woman's outfit, making eye contact with her and smiling and staring at her rack or her ass when she's not looking. And, since we're on the general topic, there's something else you probably need to know. No, cat calls are not "compliments." Telling a woman she looks pretty is a compliment. Whistling at a woman, calling her baby, and telling her to shake it or telling her you'd love to "hit that" isn't a compliment. It's crude, creepy, and depending on the situation, can be terrifying for the woman. How did I know you like to talk to women that way? Call it a lucky guess.

Also, this is why I quoted and bolded Jack-Hammer above. Why aren't you complaining about the way Randy Orton dresses? Or the "outfit" Batista wrestles in? Why don't you care about them keeping Big E, Cesaro, Wade Barrett, or Sheamus "covered up" when they're wrestling? In the Lana/Rusev combination, Lana is significantly more "covered up" of the two, and yet we're talking about Lana's outfit - a business suit. And you're kidding yourself if you don't think women wear what Stephanie wears to board meetings all across the country on a daily basis. (And, yes, lots of women wear what Lana wears too.)

If Lana is drawing your attention away from Rusev, that's a you problem, not a WWE problem. For most fans, those who are capable of controlling their hormones like they're not a 15 year old virgin, she does what she's supposed to do. She brings attention to both herself and Rusev. She's doing what Trish did for Test & Albert, what Stacy Keibler did for the Dudley Boyz, what AJ did for Daniel Bryan, etc.

Lana showing too much? Really? Give me a break.
I don't get what people see in Lana. She's decent-looking, but wears far too much makeup. I don't have an issue with the way she dresses, mainly because I find her neither attractive nor unattractive. She's just there.
I envy those male wrestling fans who're in their 10s right now because they can absolutely ravish Lana in their imagination, week after week and revel in anticipatory pleasures as they are discovering their sexuality. Back when I was 14, there was Lita, Torrie Wilson and Sable. But for several years, there hasn't really been a diva that would make you wet your pants by her mere ringside presence. Last I know, only Eve Torres made me want to do things.

As far as Lana "showing too much" ? In no way does it negatively affect her on-screen character or performance as a manager/valet to Rusev. On the contrary , it quite enhances her and makes her that much effective, as the other posters have pointed out so intelligently. I also read something like "oiled up legs and cleavage tops" which reminded me of Stephanie McMahon back in 2002-2003 as the Smackdown General Manager and I must say- By god did her lower body look magnificient and do-able in those tiny skirts that so often clad her beautiful femininity. I also remember vividly the oily legs appearance in stephanie.

But in all seriousness, Lana looks amazing and pretty much every intelligent and straight young poster here has addressed this issue with just that- Lana is most effective because of who she is, her attire, her gait, her mannerisms, and yes- the excessive display of sexuality. By the bye, you're damn right Stephanie dresses up more appropriately, but only according to her age, her real corporate role in the WWE as opposed to her on-screen character, and because she's a McMahon. It'd be totally inappropriate if Stephanie were to now appear as she often appeared in 2002-2003.
Lana shows off her long legs, but that's about it, show I don't get the "showing too much" stuff. She's smoking hot, and let's face it, without Lana, there's a good chance Rusev would fade away into obscurity, because WWE is sticking to the tired and worn out formula for the superior and anti-American monster heel.
Remember how Sensational Sherri used to dress when she was a manager? Lana's tame compared to some of the stuff Sherri wore, yet people seem cite her personality and her makeup more than her provocative wardrobe. Hell, she's pretty tame compared to most of the current Divas.
Lana's job as manager is to get people to look at the double act of her and Rusev and hopefully those people she reels in to watch see Rusev do his stuff in the ring. If she feels that a short skirt and a well-tailored suit jacket help her accomplish that and she feels comfortable wearing them, then more power to her. She wants to show that she (and Rusev) are superior to Americans in every way, including physical appearance. The outfit she wears is representative of that self-perceived superiority while not being completely ridiculous for a manager.
I quoted the whole thing because it's all true, but I bolded the part that's most important for my purposes here.

Does this sound sexist? Well, yes, because it is sexist. But more importantly, it sounds idiotic. Again, because that's what it is. I'm not sure where or when Lana complained about anybody looking at her, or when any diva in the WWE did so for that matter, so I'm guessing you're making a more general statement about women in general, which is always fun. Either way, I hate to break it to you, and since this isn't the appropriate place for this conversation I'll keep this short, but not everything that every woman does is designed to get men to look at them. Not every woman is thinking about men with every decision they make, everything they say, and everything they do. Just because a woman is wearing something that happens to draw your attention, thst doesn't mean she was trying to do so. And just because a woman wants to look good, either for herself or other women or men, that doesn't mean she wants the creepy ass attention you're probably giving her. There's a big difference between a man noticing a woman's outfit, making eye contact with her and smiling and staring at her rack or her ass when she's not looking. And, since we're on the general topic, there's something else you probably need to know. No, cat calls are not "compliments." Telling a woman she looks pretty is a compliment. Whistling at a woman, calling her baby, and telling her to shake it or telling her you'd love to "hit that" isn't a compliment. It's crude, creepy, and depending on the situation, can be terrifying for the woman. How did I know you like to talk to women that way? Call it a lucky guess.

Also, this is why I quoted and bolded Jack-Hammer above. Why aren't you complaining about the way Randy Orton dresses? Or the "outfit" Batista wrestles in? Why don't you care about them keeping Big E, Cesaro, Wade Barrett, or Sheamus "covered up" when they're wrestling? In the Lana/Rusev combination, Lana is significantly more "covered up" of the two, and yet we're talking about Lana's outfit - a business suit. And you're kidding yourself if you don't think women wear what Stephanie wears to board meetings all across the country on a daily basis. (And, yes, lots of women wear what Lana wears too.)

If Lana is drawing your attention away from Rusev, that's a you problem, not a WWE problem. For most fans, those who are capable of controlling their hormones like they're not a 15 year old virgin, she does what she's supposed to do. She brings attention to both herself and Rusev. She's doing what Trish did for Test & Albert, what Stacy Keibler did for the Dudley Boyz, what AJ did for Daniel Bryan, etc.

Lana showing too much? Really? Give me a break.

Hate to break this to you, but who died and made you the leader to dictate what men can and cannot look at and ogle.

Women play these games all the time. They want to be noticed, but then decide WHICH men look at them. Women like to control the situation, and if a hunky guy notices them and looks at their cleavage and ass, the woman swoons with delight, but if some joe average looks at the same girl the same way, she resents it because he doesn't look like George Clooney.

You can't control what guys look at. If you really don't want cat-calls, then put curlers in your hair, wear no makeup, and dress in something which covers your entire body, and we promise not to look.

Also, many women are hypocritical. They bemoan men looking at women like Lana and ogling them, but are then turned on by John Cena's dimples or Randy Orton's oiled-body (an interesting fact that these two superstars topped a poll of which WWE superstars gay men thought were hot). Both sexes notice the other's looks, but men are more honest about it, while women try to pretend that they care about character, and personality rather than looks and bank balance. I know, because women turn me down because I don't look like a Greek God.

You can come on here and lecture us about what we should and shouldn't look at, but you can't do anything about it. If I want to notice Paige's bare midriff, I will. If more WWE women were ultra-charismatic on the mike, and could wrestle a MOTY match, then things might change, but, until then, let me indulge myself.

BTW, are you down on Daniel Bryan for marrying Brie Bella? I mean, he didn't marry her for her brains and personality only, did he?
Don't get me wrong. If you look at her previous bikini pics, she's one of the hottest divas we have on this current roster. But with the illegally short skirts, oiled up legs and cleavage bearing tops, it's hard for me (no pun intended :)) to take her seriously as a manager and as a woman who Rusev takes orders from. Stephanie McMahon looks better now than she did 15 years ago and she dresses much more conservatively. When AJ became a GM, she changed her attire too. Renee doesn't do interviews in skimpy outfits. When I see Lana, I see an unbelievably hot diva, but not a manager/authority figure. What do you think?

I don't have time to read all of these comments on this thread, so I'm going to get to the point. I don't know who or how old you are, but this whole gimmick is built off of Rocky 4. Lana is playing the role of Brigitte Nielsen character, Ludmilla, while Rusev is playing Dolph Lundgren character, Drago.

If you haven't notice, Rusev is build from Russia just like Drago was. Sooner or later, Rusev will turn face and his face turn will be like this...

"I fight to win! For Me! For Me!"
Compared to what?

The men wrestlers? The other women?

What a useless thread. If anything she is covered up. If anything it's her volcanic sexiness that gives off the illusion that she shows too much.

If anything you should be talking about Nikki Bella who has her cleavage 100 times more exposed than Lana's and she wears, underwear that cover half of her ass. Not that I'm complaining.

Can all easily offended and in-search-of-something-to-whine-about people please get of this planet? I think the Hubble discovered a blue planet 63 light years away where iy rains glass, or at least something that looks like it. Please go there.

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