Is It Time To Update The Programming for WWE 24/7

Midnite Express 2009

Getting Noticed By Management
I don't know how many of you actually have WWE 24/7 On Demand, or how many actually follow it if you have it, but I am one subscriber who does and follows most of the programming quite often. Needless to say, I'm starting to not care for it too much. Here's why:

The programming of the shows tends to sway more towards three things: Older Pay Per Views, The Hall of Fame portion & then the Older Television Shows, That's where I have my problem; the wrestling shows. Don't get me wrong, I love reliving the Monday Night Wars, and I can even stomach the fact that they don't show them as often as one would like, meaning, they'll show a WWF Monday Night Raw and then not show the next week's episode for about 3-4 weeks later. It keeps it fresh while they also show the beginning of the Monday Night Wars, which features earlier editions of Raw & Nitro.

I also don't have a problem with the old NWA World Championship Wrestling programs, as they tend to show that a little more often, usually a new episode comes on every 2 weeks or so. That's where my joy stops and I feel it starts to suffer.

I like the Legends of Wrestling portion, although I wish they'd run more first run episodes vs. the reruns from 2007 and beyond. But what really gets me is the fact that whomever is in charge of the programming tends to cater more toward WWF/E shows and events vs. a whole array of programs from the 70s, 80s & early 90s. Sure, they show Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, but they just started, and IMO, they started about 3 years too early (meaning, they started showing programs from 1981 instead of 1984 when the promotion was on fire). They show World Class from time to time, but not consistent enough to where I start to follow it and look forward to it like I do the World Championship Wrestling programs.

What WWE 24/7 does feature, as far as their classic shows, is a lot of WWE programs such as TNT and Prime Time Wrestling. I was never a big fan of either show and wish they'd do a trade off. Here's what I wish they would trade off for. Start showing more WWF Saturday Night's Main Event. Start from the first one and move forward. Do it in about 3-4 week rotations. Also, start showing more territories. One show I pray they start airing is Georgia Championship Wrestling. It seemed like they were showing Championship Wrestling from Florida for a while, but that was in spurts & I wasn't exactly sure if they knew what they were doing because one episode would be from the 70s and then another would be from the 80s. They were just throwing things together to supply programming I believe. Also, if they have the rights to Memphis Wrestling and the Mid-South/UWF, start showing that as well. They were showing classic AWA, but that seemed just like Championship Wrestling from Florida where one time it'd be on, the next it wouldn't.

So let me ask you, if you were in charge of programming WWE 24/7, what would you like to see more of? It can be shows, interviews, PPVs, whatever. Just something new and refreshing instead of the same things all the time. What should be dropped or shown less of instead of something else? Thanks.
I also subscribe... I think they changed the name to WWE Classics which would explain a lot of the older stuff...

I agree with you though, I would love to see them show ECW and WCW in a more postive way...

And I think they should have more original programming...

Vince is planning to launch his on TV Network in 2012 (Which i believe will be called WWE 24/7) so they should atleast test some original programing on Classics...

The Round-table is what made me decide to subscribe in the first place, I also wish they would do more episodes... 7/22 Nash will be on the panel to talk about the nWo days... That should be really good...
I used to subscribe to the WWE 24/7, but lost interest when their programming was, for a better word, boring. They had one month of interviews ("their best of interviews", about 3 minutes long, but who cared? I too was sucked in with the Legends of Wrestling round table discussion, but they haven't had a new one in ages. I would watch WCCW because I was a mark for the Von Erichs-Freebirds rivalry; but the shows they play are the slower paced ones; not the hot matches that got me hooked when I was younger.

I agree, get rid of the Prime Time Wrestling and TNT reruns; they were awful then and didn't get better with age. We are (or were) paying for this channel, so don't PG it up. Show the attitude era full throttle; show Georgia Championship Wrestling with the Four Horsemen and the Road Warriors; show ECW uncensored and uncut; show more Mid-Atlantic, Memphis, Smokey Mountain, Mid-South, and Florida territories and their old gimmicks and feuds. There were so many good gimmicks and feuds that those alone could make a good channel. Make the channel worth paying for. They announce that it is to be watched by adults, yet they don't provide adult themes. Sorry, I can't agree with the's a snore fest that even Bobby the Brain called "All the World's Assholes".

An occasional PPV from the past is great; but show a couple shows prior to the PPV so you can get the build up a bit. Have more round table discussions about different, non-WWE/F, topics. Even have a where are they now kind of thing.

If they turn things around, I'd be more apt to get it again. But for now, they lost a fan.
I think one thing they could do to spice up WWE Classics a little bit is if they are showing a past PPV is show a couple of the RAWs and or Smackdowns that led into the build up for it. I always like going back and doing that if im getting ready to watch a past WWF/E PPV. I wish I could get WWE Classics but maybe some day I can.
I think they should start showing Thunder as well as SmackDown from the beginning. There was so much hot stuff going on, especially on SmackDown like when Jericho got speared through the stage by Ryhno or when HHH faced Tazz. Like, when they play Nitro, on the original broadcast they'd show clips of what happened on Thunder, but they don't play Thunder so you really don't know exactly what happened. And like someone mentioned, stop PG'in the damn station up. It's a paid service like HBO or Showtime On Demand which means you have to PAY for or BUY the station in order to watch it. It's not cable per say, such as USA. On Demand means, as far as I know, it's whatever content you so choose to put on, so stop with the black & white screens for blood, as was the case when they showed the latest Raw is War episode the night after King of the Ring 1998 where Austin was busted open. Don't censor that. That was what made the match great. Also, be more consistent with WCCW. Either play it or not, but quit Mickey Mousing around with it because it's real annoying. Jesus, it's not brain surgery, it's programming a TV station of sorts.

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