Is it ever "right" to hit a woman?

One is a real-world reality based reaction.

The other is Michael Jackson neverland ranch, I believe I can fly, fricking nonsense. Having life experience is key to making opinions rather then basing them off principle.

In principle, we'd LOVE to not be at war right now. But we are. Rather then saying, hey, we are close enough and lets hold the terrorists we are hunting them down like rabid animals. Why? Not because they are defenseless, but for the contrary, they are just as capable as us.

I don't believe I can make that analogy any clearer and I don't believe anyone will.

Abusers men AND women, with the AND, should be dealt with. I believe you mistake the reason we believe this way. It's not because we are macho, its not because we are abusers ourselves. It is the natural evolution in society, just as racism, at least in America, is lesser then it was decades ago. We are raised a certain way, that we are all made equal, black, white, asian, whatever- Female and Male.

Do we want to punch a chick in the face? No... Not if we can avoid it. Will I? I'll swing for the fences, if that's not enough, im making sure he or she won't get up and run away. I don't have time to wrestle, I don't have time to fool around or become physically harmed myself. They showed me no consideration in said attacks, why should we show any consideration at all?
One is a real-world reality based reaction.

The other is Michael Jackson neverland ranch, I believe I can fly, fricking nonsense. Having life experience is key to making opinions rather then basing them off principle.

In principle, we'd LOVE to not be at war right now. But we are. Rather then saying, hey, we are close enough and lets hold the terrorists we are hunting them down like rabid animals. Why? Not because they are defenseless, but for the contrary, they are just as capable as us.

I don't believe I can make that analogy any clearer and I don't believe anyone will.

Abusers men AND women, with the AND, should be dealt with. I believe you mistake the reason we believe this way. It's not because we are macho, its not because we are abusers ourselves. It is the natural evolution in society, just as racism, at least in America, is lesser then it was decades ago. We are raised a certain way, that we are all made equal, black, white, asian, whatever- Female and Male.

Do we want to punch a chick in the face? No... Not if we can avoid it. Will I? I'll swing for the fences, if that's not enough, im making sure he or she won't get up and run away. I don't have time to wrestle, I don't have time to fool around or become physically harmed myself. They showed me no consideration in said attacks, why should we show any consideration at all?

Brilliant post. This is the problem that I have with the, "I'll never hit a woman" argument.

Theoretically, I assume that most people would shoot a woman if said woman for WHATEVER reason had a gun to the head of a loved one and this person felt they had a good enough shot and opening.

But, some of these same people wouldn't be willing to hit that woman under other circumstances or perhaps similar circumstances.

This literally makes no sense. You're theoretically willing to shoot the woman, but you won't hit her. Incredibly ridiculous. It makes ZERO sense.

I'd love to live in a fantasy land where I could control how everything happens and I could simply never hit ANYONE and I could just talk everything out. I would love it.

Unfortunately, I'm not in that world because it doesn't exist. At times, you have to go against principle in favor of practicality and rationality. And unfortunately, at times, you have to hit people. At times, those people have ovaries.
Principles are generally just that. Principle, with no logical or pracitcal application.

End of the day, you shouldnt go about bopping anyone about the head for no reason. If you are your loved ones are threatened with certain harm, its clobbering time. Its just another person, nothing more, nothing less. Grow up.
As Daniel Tosh once said in stand up something more or less like this

Roughly something Daniel Tosh said at a stand up show said:
What kind of world do we live in where people say "Theres no excuse to hit a woman"?

What if you come home and you have three kids and she already drowned 2 of them and is starting on the third? Can I hit her then? (Changes voice) "Nope you're just gonna have to let that bitch drown your last kid too"

Or like what if I told her to DVR the game but she forgot to DVR the next half hour block and it missed the end of the game? Can I hit her then? Cmon sometimes its justified

yes there is a double standard, and more should be done to stop it. luckily, women are arrested if the cops are called on them, but very rarely are the cops ever called. the main difference is even though women abuse men more, normally it isnt much damage. whereas, a lot of the cases where the man abuses the woman, she ends up in the hospital for weeks. i think all crimes should be treated equally, and violence from women towards men should be stopped, i can see why people do not women to be hit.

is it ok to hit a woman, yes, but not just if she hits you. if a woman is slapping at you, i wouldnt say you can give her a k.o. punch. the punishment doesnt fit the crime. shove her down or constrain her, and show her you can dominate physically. (if you can. im pretty sure karma would own most guys' asses, lol). but if she has a weapon, or can really hurt someone, beat the hell out of her to stop.

as daniel tosh put it. if a man comes home from a long day of work and finds that his wife has drowned 2 of his kids and is starting on the third, is it ok to hit her then? or lets say that his wife was suppose to tivo the football game, but forgot to tivo the next show for overflow... im just saying there's a grey zone. (p.s. that las line is a joke for those who dont get it)
Just thought of another reason. My dad is a teacher, and he has had girls who talk mad shit on people in his class. one girl acts very gangster and tries to start fights with guys. what my dad told me makes sense to me. you shouldnt hit a woman, but she is going to mouth off to the wrong guy, who will beat the living shit out of her because he doesnt care. now im not saying you should hit a woman for her talking shit. but if she starts hitting guys, if she doesnt get popped back, she is going to get more bold and talk shit to the wrong dude. obviously not every guy treats women with respect, and that guy is going to put her in the hospital.
Just thought of another reason. My dad is a teacher, and he has had girls who talk mad shit on people in his class. one girl acts very gangster and tries to start fights with guys. what my dad told me makes sense to me. you shouldnt hit a woman, but she is going to mouth off to the wrong guy, who will beat the living shit out of her because he doesnt care. now im not saying you should hit a woman for her talking shit. but if she starts hitting guys, if she doesnt get popped back, she is going to get more bold and talk shit to the wrong dude. obviously not every guy treats women with respect, and that guy is going to put her in the hospital.

That reminds me of something my parents told me when they were younger. The reason kids didn't mouth off to adults as much back then was because there was always the chance the adult might beat the shit out of the kid. Today, kids know that the parents of the kids will prosecute and sue the adult if he (or she) hits the kid. Yes, the adult still might do it, but the kid still mouths off because he assumes the adult wouldn't want to risk losing everything in a lawsuit; not to mention a criminal proceeding.Sometimes, it's a fatal error on the part of the kid.

The same thing applies to the woman who talks "mad shit" to a guy. Society (and political correctness) tells her she can get away with it, but if she doesn't, she can consider how she's going to sue the guy.....even as she nurses her broken jaw.

I still say that while physical violence is abhorrent, the woman had better understand that the guy she's starting up with is most likely bigger and stronger than her.....and if she's going to pursue it anyway, she shouldn't cry if she winds up getting the worst of it.
I think that SalvisWin hit the nail right on the head a few posts back. Ideally, no one should be hitting anyone. Violence is looked upon as a barbaric deed in every society around the world and is condemned. Of course, the key word here is ideally. That also means that if a robber enters your house, you are supposed to negotiate with him and convince him of the fact that robbing your house is a bad idea and hopes that he buys it.

That's the same deal where hitting women are concerned. What if there is a psychotic serial killer at your door and she is about to torch your kid? At that time, if you are a good father, your every intention should be towards saving the kid whatever it might take. In such extreme cases, if you still believe that you should not hit women, you really need to realy question yourself as a human being. You have to maximise the chances of the survival of your loved one and the only thing that is stopping you is your belief that hitting women is "wrong".

Such cases do arise sometimes but I think that rational men can think clearly in which way they should act. A rational man will never attack a woman if she forgot to record the game but he will do so for protection.
Just thought of another reason. My dad is a teacher, and he has had girls who talk mad shit on people in his class. one girl acts very gangster and tries to start fights with guys. what my dad told me makes sense to me. you shouldnt hit a woman, but she is going to mouth off to the wrong guy, who will beat the living shit out of her because he doesnt care. now im not saying you should hit a woman for her talking shit. but if she starts hitting guys, if she doesnt get popped back, she is going to get more bold and talk shit to the wrong dude. obviously not every guy treats women with respect, and that guy is going to put her in the hospital.

Yeah I think it depends on who the woman in question is , I mean obviously hitting an attractive & weak & friendly woman is ridiculous. But smackin a gangsta bitch upside the head for starting shit seems ok
While i'm not an advocate of most violence, I wouldn't expect a man stand and not defend himself if he believed he was in danger of a woman doing actual harm to him if he did not fight back. There isn't much reason to physically attack someone, but in situations fighting back is the only option, even if it is against a woman, because unlike many in the world want to believe, they can be as dangerous as any man.
Yeah I think it depends on who the woman in question is , I mean obviously hitting an attractive & weak & friendly woman is ridiculous. But smackin a gangsta bitch upside the head for starting shit seems ok

Case in point:

One of my mates was out one night with a few of his friends.

So far so groovy.

At some point in the evening a really aggressive young slapper starts gobbing off to the lot of them, punching several of his friends in the face and dishing out a black eye or two.

Poor guy panics when she rounds on him and almost as a reflex action gives her a quick jab in the face. She ran off crying.

Not sure the moral of this story, but I firmly believe he was quite within his rights there, especially since he felt quite bad about it all.


My use of the term "slapper" is in no way meant to be derogatory to women, it merely describes the subset this particular specimen could accurately be placed in.


If you are offended by my use of the term "slapper" in such a context, tough. Don't be so fucking sensitive. Or strop being a slapper.
My upbringing and culture says "No"

But my experience says it becomes necessary (once in a million years).

Case in point.

My long time college friend Stephen moved to Brooklyn, from Green Bay Wisconsin. Lived there for 29 days without problems, on day 30, walking home from the movie theater, he stopped at some deli, got some sandwiches and drinks for him and his roommate.

He isn't exactly a big guy, 5' 7" with shoes on. About 150lbs. About 4 blocks from his apartment building he got a call on his cell. He was in a pretty well lit area, he stood against the wall, put the bag on the ground between his feet. A couple people walking in each direction.

All of a sudden a short woman, he says probably 5' 2" rushed him from one side, and shoved something in his stomach. She told him to give her his wallet and cell phone. She backed off about a foot, he reached to lift his trench coat, to get his wallet in his jeans pocket, she turned away to look at something, he swung at her face. She stumbled backwards, and fell down when the back of her foot hit an uneven piece of concrete. A small switch blade fell out from under her long sleeve sweatshirt.

He kicked the knife off to the side, and then a couple of passers by came to his aid.

So to sum up, in his case hitting a woman saved him from losing his wallet and cell phone.
My upbringing and culture says "No"

But my experience says it becomes necessary (once in a million years).

Case in point.

My long time college friend Stephen moved to Brooklyn, from Green Bay Wisconsin. Lived there for 29 days without problems, on day 30, walking home from the movie theater, he stopped at some deli, got some sandwiches and drinks for him and his roommate.

He isn't exactly a big guy, 5' 7" with shoes on. About 150lbs. About 4 blocks from his apartment building he got a call on his cell. He was in a pretty well lit area, he stood against the wall, put the bag on the ground between his feet. A couple people walking in each direction.

All of a sudden a short woman, he says probably 5' 2" rushed him from one side, and shoved something in his stomach. She told him to give her his wallet and cell phone. She backed off about a foot, he reached to lift his trench coat, to get his wallet in his jeans pocket, she turned away to look at something, he swung at her face. She stumbled backwards, and fell down when the back of her foot hit an uneven piece of concrete. A small switch blade fell out from under her long sleeve sweatshirt.

He kicked the knife off to the side, and then a couple of passers by came to his aid.

So to sum up, in his case hitting a woman saved him from losing his wallet and cell phone.

Hell, in that case hitting her potentially saved him from a knife in the gut!

If someone threatens you with a weapon, or even a suspected weapon, and you get the chance to take 'em down, I say do it, regardless of gender, age or perceived physical strength.
For the people saying no, if a woman was going to shoot your kid and she was across the room, and you had a gun, would you shoot her to save your kid? If you answered no, i hope you are not a parent.

Now replace the word shoot with punch in the face. which one is worse? really, the people saying no are ridiculous.
Yes. It is absolutely right in certain situations. Unlike some people in this thread, I don't discriminate against genders. I am a feminist. I treat people equally.

If someone attacks you, you should fight back. Regardless of whether or not it is a male or female. It's just THAT simple. I don't understand why people have to make it complicated just because of whatever upbringing they have had.
The double standard held above straight men in Western society is unfair. As an American man, if I were to hit a woman who was attacking me, our culture and how the last 100 years or so have gone, I would look like a woman beater just as the kid in this story did. That said, I (a gay man) get held at different standards that I don't understand at all. Now, I'm not one of those glitter-obsessed prancy kind of gay guys. I am 6' tall and almost 200 lbs. and have run into situations once or twice in my life where people have said something along the lines of "dude, you can't hit him 'cause he's gay. It's a hate crime". No, it isn't. Unless otherwise specified. If we have a problem that needs to be settled physically, my sex life has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a man and can hold my own in that situation.

Now comes the fuzzy line, because if I saw a fist fight break out between a gay man and a woman, I wouldn't stop it. If she's got the gaul to get into it with him, he should have every right to step up and defend himself. Straight men, I'm not sure. If she is in the heat of passion and needs to take out her aggression on a dude's face, he shouldn't have to stop the situation by backing off. Enough physicality where she says enough and stops. But this is self-defense only. A man simply shouldn't instigate a fight with a woman, and that's that. The trigger must be pulled by the female, then it's game on, and that goes for every man of every walk of life.

I guess I'm saying that if the only way to solve it is violence, so be it, but tred carefully. And there's nothing that buying a shot of the other party can't solve, so just do that instead.
Id say the only time it would be right is if the woman is doing something that puts the guy in danger(trying to stab him, pushing him off a cliff etc.) In no other case is it okay even if the guy gets hit first just walk away.
Its always a shame to see a man abuse a woman, specially since the conditions in the woman's life force her to continue to live with her abuser (children, estrangement from family, etc). That being said I think some women take advantage of the fact that certain men feel defenseless, as if them fighting back in any single way or form can be constituted as harassment. Like everyones said before, if the man's life is in danger he has every right to defend himself, whatever the cost may be. A man snapping after continued verbal abuse from his wife is also understandable, but violence should be reserved for moments where there is no other alternative.

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