Is Hardy the New Scott Hall?


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There have been many wrestlers whose demon's have eclipsed their talent in the ring. Scott hall to me is the pre-eminent example. For all his faults, Hall was great inside the ropes and if he could have kept his ego and demons in check he would have been around (at a top level) a lot longer.

Is Jeff done at this point, left to go the same way Scott Hall has? Going away and coming back for short stints in the hopes that "he'll be okay this time"?

As a side question, What other wrestlers do you think fall into this category?
He can also be labeled as the new Ultimate Warrior and Sean Waltman.

He has drug issues, his star has been slowing falling, his drawing power isn't as good as it used to be. People will definitley look at him differently after last night, that'll stay with him for the rest of his career.

Jake Roberts could be another. Dynamite Kid. Honestly, anybody who was listed in the "Wrestlers who have fallen thread" from over the weekend.
Well Hall never achieved everything that he could have, whereas Hardy has achieved far more than his talent deserves. It was a shame for Hall, because he never made it to the very top of the ladder to hold a world title. Hardy has been at the top of the ladder before (and more often than not he jumped off it and took a big bump) so it's not the same for him. Hardy's demons haven't held him back. He's held the top strap in 2 companies.

People have sympathy for Hall, because he could have achieved so much. Nobody will feel sympathy for Hardy because he actually made it that far and fell from grace numerous times. Hardy wishes he could be the next Scott Hall, but sadly he'll probably end up even more fucked than Scott ever was.
He's starting to remind me of the Warrior given chance after chance and the screwing it up. Now im not saying they have the same problems just the being given chances like its candy on Halloween.
Is Jeff done at this point, left to go the same way Scott Hall has? Going away and coming back for short stints in the hopes that "he'll be okay this time"

Well I don't think this will happen anytime soon. Even with all Hardy's problems he's still there, and has been on the top many times. If they were going to fire him it would have happened by now. But he's been on the top numerous times so he won't be as unaccomplished as Hall was.
Scott Hall is my favorite all time wrestler. Absolutely no one should ever feel sorry for him never winning the world title. He was given the opportunity to win it on a few occasions but turned it down... he didn't "want the responsibility". Biggest load of crap ever.

Hardy is falling down fast, like a stone.
haha, I was thinking of making the same thread. Yes, indeed, Jeff is the new hall, drug and alcohol abuse aside, plus he has his own version of the "clique" in his brother Matt, Shannon Moore and well possibly the new Sean Waltman, Gregory Helms. Jeff will be noshowing appearances in no time, and will be out of TNA by December mark my words. As for others who fit this bill, Brian Pillman and Eddy Guerrero are two that come to mind
pretty much....he made it to the top unlike Hall, but he is like Hall in the sense that he can't get himself clean and people aren't going to put up with it forever
Nope. Hall is ten times as talented as Jeff Hardy. That makes it different. Plus, the atmosphere in the industry was different then than it is now, which makes Hardy much more stupid than Hall was. Hall is sadder because he was a product of the industry at that time, whereas the industry these days, is trying to clean itself up. This just makes Hardy a selfish prick. I am a fan of Hardy's body of work, but this was it for me. I at least can look at Hall and still be entertained whereas with Hardy, I want to puke.
I don't see Jeff Hardy being the next Scott Hall for one reason: if he truly was under the influence last night, and truly does have a severe problem, I fear Jeff Hardy may be the next Test, or Lance Cade, or Eddie Fatu, but taken to the extreme.

Unfortunately, if he truly does have a problem, only one man can address it and take care of it: Jeff Hardy. I truly hope, it he does have a problem, he addresses it and helps himself. He has thousands, if not millions, of fans, he has a woman who loves him, he has a brother who always comes to his brother's defense. He has a lot to lose. Hopefully Jeff won't be the next wrestling tragedy...
How many tentacles do jeff's demons have?

Jeff doesn't have demons, he is a drug addict. Scott Hall is an alchoholic and has been to rehab many times. As far as I'm aware, Jeff has never even admitted he has a problem. And from what I hear, that is the first step.
I could quite easily seeing Hardy become the next Scott Hall, who tries to make more and more pathetic comebacks over the years, desperately trying to recapture his glory days. He is certainly on that slippery slope, but I could quite easily see Hardy overdosing and dying in the next few years. Hall is an alcoholic, Hardy is under the influence of a lot of stuff.

He could quite easily end up another wrestling casualty, I just hope he can come to his senses and get some help before its too late. He certainly needs it. At least Hall is trying to get clean, he has been to rehab numerous times and I do believe he is genuinely trying to change his ways, he knows he needs to. Jeff Hardy on the other hands just seems to think he is untouchable, can do what he wants, is above the wrestling business and seems to show no desire to change his ways.

He's a free spirit maaaaan, don't tie him down with shackles, he needs to run freeeeee.

Too Extreme for rehab

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