Is Crimson Over With the Fans?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was just watching Impact Wrestling and saw the match of Crimson vs Bobby Roode. Once again Crimson got the three count, continuing his seven month winning streak.

My question is - does anything about Crimson matter to you?

Personally, I don't really have an opinion one way or the other. He's abit of a non-entity to me. I can't remember a single memorable promo, I can't remember his move set, I can't remember his finisher and yet he's in line to headline TNA's biggest PPV of the year. His one defining characteristic so far is that I know for a fact he's going to win everything between now and then (which is oddly dull when you think about it).

Is there something about Crimson I'm not seeing?
I love Crimsons look, always have, he just looks like a bonafied badass. So i cant believe his streak, sort of, it shouldnt have lasted this long really because if hes going up against someone just out of the blue, he wont lose.

I want to see how he fares with an actual arena, not just the impact zone.
Idk I like him,but I feel as if character and story wise,they are trying to hard to recreate Golberg 2.0. At first it was the big guy with a one word name,then the streak happened,they the made him out to be this big bad unbeatable guy. Whats next? Standing in sparks? Im shocked they have not given him the spear as a finisher. I just wish they would get creative and take what made Goldberg sucessful,and build off of it. The streak has been done a few times now. You gotta add things to the character to make people say "Thats Crimson! Hes a BA becuase_____" not "Hey he reminds me of goldberg". Alot of people may bring up Samoa Joe and say what about his streak but they actually got creative with him. He is a guy with a unique moveset and ability for one that goldberg didnt have. Then they put him in the X-Division and showed that this guy not only is a power house,but he does things that will amaze you in the ring,then slowly gave him some character,and he didnt even get the title until 07 or 08. He wasnt even in line for the title until Angle debuted but even then he floated around upper mid card till the cage with angle. Crimson just comes across as your typical powerhouse guy with a streak. Just seems like a classic Vince's new monster gimmick to me. But maybe they are gonna do something different and just have not shown it yet. I hope so because we dont need Goldberg 2.0 We need a new fresh character.
I think he could be more over if he gets screwed by immortal to lose his undefeated streak, and then get a huge push and take out immortal's members one by one
The guy with the stolen gimmick that looks like Amazing Red on roids, super over. Yeah Right!

It is sick to see TNA push these guys with no charisma, no personality & sorry wrestling skills instead of guys like AJ, Roode, Daniels & Joe.

I look forward to the day TNA gets sold or is shut down.

Joke of the wrestling world.
Just seems like a classic Vince's new monster gimmick to me

Yes. Exactly. That's what he reminds me of. Some generic big man that Vince (and Vince only) loved the look of and pushed to the Moon just because he felt like it.

I honestly don't think big men draw anymore in today's business, apart from very rare exceptions. Admittedly Crimson is a little bit more athletic, but for the most part he'll have his enterance, enter the ring, shake the rope, pose for the camera, hit a few power moves, get the win, end of segment. Any time I see a big man follow that formula, I feel it's a waste of air time. Been there, done that.
The guy with the stolen gimmick that looks like Amazing Red on roids, super over. Yeah Right!

It is sick to see TNA push these guys with no charisma, no personality & sorry wrestling skills instead of guys like AJ, Roode, Daniels & Joe.

I look forward to the day TNA gets sold or is shut down.

Joke of the wrestling world.
AJ and Daniels are currently Main Eventing a PPV. Styles doesn't need a push to be over and to draw. Angle is not in the Main Event, yet he's over and he draws. That's what matters. Currently Styles is in Jericho's position in WWE. Having great matches and doing his thing.

If TNA pushed Daniels you'd say he's old and they should be pushing their young guys, not that skinny old person.

Roode is groomed to be the next big thing soon enough (it doesn't happen overnight, this isn't WWE and Triple H isn't there to smack belts on his gym buddies and pet wrestlers), and Samoa Joe is absolutely terrible.

Now if you please, take that dick out of your mouth and go back to whereever the hell you came from.
Well, I have recently just started watching in the past month or so, and Crimson is easily one of the brightest new stars from the Hogan/Bischoff regime. You see guys like Anarquia and Gunner, and they really impress me none. But Crimson moves very smoothly in the ring. It is pretty clear he has a good ability to work a match and he has a good knowledge of wrestling. I like the direction they are taking him, and they should keep giving him solid ring time. He isn't as one-dimensional as some bigger guys, and I think they should showcase that.

He also has a good look. I hate saying that, because I believe having the right look is an over-used concept in wrestling, but some guys just have that look about them that makes them seem legitimate, or gets them over, and Crimson is one of them. He just looks like the kind of guy who can go in the ring and take care of any challenger, and that is how he is being built. The undefeated streak is something that really plays into how he looks, and when you put all the components together he just looks like a serious threat. I love they way he has been built and he looks like a future star in the making.
I was impressed by him more at first when he made Jarrett tap. But since then he has failed to keep me interested. His push is Hogan basically seeing his next Rob Terry and pushing him down our throat.

But I think whatever the wrestler, if you push a guy long and hard enough and make him win more than lose, some fans will believe the guy is great. Helll it could be George from Seinfeld showing up and he would win his matchs and bang the sheeps would start admiring him.

(Facetiously) Maybe this was before your time, but there was a wrestler known as Das Wunderkind who won 40+ matches in a row (had at least a 6-7month win streak) before losing to "Double A" Arn Anderson for the TV Title. I don't think he truly got over until he acted a fool...a dancing fool. He beat a few midcarders and Triple H before he went American Blueblood on us.

So, no. Just because you push a guy long and hard enough doesn't mean the fans will believe the guy is great.


My bad. It may have been 5 months top. But he was featured nearly every week on WCW programming.
FWIW, I actually like Alex Wright before the dancing fools, even Berlin. lol

Really, it's hard to say if Crimson is over with the fans until they get out of the impact zone. It's so dead in there, that it doesn't look like anybody is over with the fans (which begs the question "why do they come back to watch every week?").

Personally, I'm not a big fan of these prolonged streak storylines. I was bored with Goldberg about 50 wins in. I do like the bones of Crimson's character, though, and with a little fine-tuning, I think he can be a superstar. He just needs to add to his character a bit and keep on with his wrestling.

The guy who's really suprised me is Gunner. He came in looking and acting like a total jobber, and I doubt anybody knew who the hell he was. Over the last month or two, though, I think he has not only given solid performances in the ring, but I think he might be one of the better mic workers in TNA/IW, at the moment. Very old school style, if you ask me. Crimson would do well to take a few notes on his delivery, possibly even work in a fued between the two sometime down the road, and I think he could be the real deal.
I liked Alex Wright too but never saw him as a main event caliber wrestler. I admit when I saw him lose to Double A, I nearly lost it (but that was because I hated Double A and Flair at the time and felt a good guy with a win streak could defeat him). After Alex's first loss, I was still a fan, but then when he started his losing streak, I could care less.

I was just using him as an example to show you that not all super win streaks off the bat amount to a main event wrestler or a monster of a wrestler. The look matters. Wright was too much a pretty boy and dancer to be taken seriously as a threat.
Crimson has the look to do a Dark Gimmick sometime in the future as he did when he was the Messenger for the M.E.M
i like Crimson's look he looks like a total badass and i think hes good in the ring BUT i dont think he should win the bound for glory series (something tells me he will...:suspic:) and i like his music its pretty good! but 1 pretty sure this guy isnt undefeated and i dont mean the whole debut against double j while he was doing tht god awful mma challenge every week im talking about the match at Lockdown....him & Steiner vs Ink Inc vs British Invasion vs EY & OJ...INK INC WON THE MATCH! doesnt that mean Crimson has 1 loss or does it not count? :confused: i realized this just now so i figured id post it...either way i see gunner possibly ending the "undefated" streak sense Gunner seems to on his way to main event level
BUT i dont think he should win the bound for glory series (something tells me he will...:suspicand but 1 thing:) pretty sure this guy isnt undefeated and i dont mean the whole debut against double j while he was doing tht god awful mma challenge every week im talking about the match at Lockdown....him & Steiner vs Ink Inc vs British Invasion vs EY & OJ...INK INC WON THE MATCH! doesnt that mean Crimson has 1 loss or does it not count? :confused: i realized this just now so i figured id post it...either way i see gunner possibly ending the "undefated" streak sense Gunner seems to on his way to main event level

He'll definitely make it to the four way at no surrender, but I don't think he'll win that match (he probably won't get pinned, but I don't think he'll win).

As for lockdown, he is still technically undefeated because he himself has never been pinned.
I liked Alex Wright too but never saw him as a main event caliber wrestler. I admit when I saw him lose to Double A, I nearly lost it (but that was because I hated Double A and Flair at the time and felt a good guy with a win streak could defeat him). After Alex's first loss, I was still a fan, but then when he started his losing streak, I could care less.

When Arn beat him though, it was literaly a thing of beauty. It made sense too: the crafty vet outsmarting the young guy. DDT!

I was just using him as an example to show you that not all super win streaks off the bat amount to a main event wrestler or a monster of a wrestler. The look matters. Wright was too much a pretty boy and dancer to be taken seriously as a threat.

Difference was, Wright had talent. But I think they booked him the way they did as a young blue chipper babyface that surprise people and overcome the odds. It's a concept that is as old as wresting. Sometime it works, sometime it doesn't but it never has a long shelf life. Remember when the WWF did this with Rocky Mavia. It worked at first and then the fans started to crap on the annoying smiling boy. Because fans want to see tough guys win, guys sees wrestling as a top manly entertainment. It's nice to see a young and upcoming talent(with talent) do well but after a while we want to see the big boys takeover. For credibility's sakes.

(that is why the HBK push in 1997 was doomed to failure, you had a small agile guy running around beating guys like Vader. WWF used that to compete with the WCW nWo assault, a more agressive tough-looking product where it made sense having big guys running people over. Next thing you know fans had enough and HBK was booed of the building against Sid at the MSG, even if Shawn was the face)
The problem with Crimson is that he's getting the Goldberg streak, but they're making his matches too long. Nobody wants to see the Goldberg style monster selling, they want him protected in short sub 5 minute power shows before winning....

Might hurt a few lower names on the way but, people might react more positively towards him if they gave it a punt (either that or stick him back in tag teams for a while)
The problem with Crimson is that he's getting the Goldberg streak, but they're making his matches too long. Nobody wants to see the Goldberg style monster selling, they want him protected in short sub 5 minute power shows before winning....

Might hurt a few lower names on the way but, people might react more positively towards him if they gave it a punt (either that or stick him back in tag teams for a while)

Not only that but he doesn't have a great moveset. Goldberg may have had short matchs but he kept doing incredible things over and over. And even if Goldberg would have just been doing the spear he would have caused a reaction...Hell Crimson doesn't have that sort of sudden unreal impact move. He doesn't have ANY actually.

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