Independent Wrestler Claims TNA Stole His Gimmick

Stealing WHAT gimmick? Look at the fucking gimmicks. Sting is playful, funny and crazy. Krimson is gloomy, dark, depressed and crazy. The only similarity is their face paint and EVEN that is not always the same.

How come no Samoans are coming out saying TNA is ripping off their gimmick? How come Macho Man didn't say anything about Jay Lethal ripping off his gimmick? What about Stone Cold and Shark Boy? What's the latest on every indy wrestler who does flips. Is Amazing Red stealing their gimmick?

Krimson can suck a dick. Stop trying to get noticed by TNA, they won't sign you, dipshit!
People aren't getting it.

In Wrestling a Gimmick is part of your character/trademark.

Like CM Punk. WWE wanted to keep the CM Punk name, which is why he isn't signing a new contract (allegedly)

It's important, that's why Jimmy Wang is Jimmy Wang and not Jimmy Wang Yang in TNA, that's why Low Ki was Kaval in WWE, that's why Brother Ray and Brother Devon are not refered to as 'the Dudley Boys'

Because name/gimmick/trademark matters. IT doesn't matter if someone has done it before OR where the gimmick first came from (batman in this case) if it's the current gimmick of a wrestler whose job and livelihood relies on their gimmick/trademark then it's important.

Are you guys getting that it's important.

For TNA to, blatantly, in my opinion, not only lead him on , but use his videos to create a gimmick and a name for two of their stars is wrong, and a douchey thing to do as someone said.

The guy has a case. If he sent the videos in anything time stamped TNA are in trouble.

True, but did he trademark his name and likeness before sending the videos ( if he trully sent them)? If he did, you are right its a dirty move by TNA but WCW did it also and i'm sure WWE does it also so its nothing new in wrestling. If he didn't, well too bad for him because if you don't trademark anything it becomes fair game to be used by anybody that wants to. So the question is, did he trademark his name and likeness? My guess is that he didn't do it, so he should shut the fuck up.
The guy has a point. BUT as many of you had said TNA did not Stole anything from him simply because he did not create the Gimmick. if anything he Stole the Gimmick. So tell me how can you accused someone to have stolen something from you that you stole?

besides Sting doesn't even look like him.

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