Independent Wrestler Claims TNA Stole His Gimmick


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As we pointed out yesterday, Independent wrestler, along with the help of former TNA booker Scott D'Amore began sending links to D'Amore's facebook page to internet wrestling sites. Now, Conrad Kennedy himself has issued a formal response in the form of a letter to TNA President Dixie Carter. A copy of the letter was supplied to wrestlingnewsworld. You can read the full letter below:

Dear Mrs. Carter

My name is Justin T. Carnes, I was trained by Scott D'Amore along with Alex Shelley, Petey Williams, and Chris Sabin. I have been working for almost 11 years, nine of those as Conrad Kennedy III (CK3), and for the last two years I have been working as "Krimson," in the states and in the UK, a character based off the Joker. I have been sending promos to TNA since I started doing the character, and last September, when I was on the road with Rhino, who is one of my best friends, D-Lo Brown approached me at the show in Windsor and told me he wanted to bring me in for a try-out as "Krimson, the Joker character." I went again on Rhino's last loop with the company, and was told by D-Lo to keep sending promos, the more I send, the more he could pass on to creative, and the better my chances of getting a job. So I did.

In January, I learned from one of my promoter's in the UK that TNA had taken my name, "Crimson." I was obviously upset by this. Tommy Dreamer, another friend, called me and told me that although it's upsetting, think of a different name, at least it's not your character. So I did just that. I continued to send promos under a different name, "Villain." A few weeks ago I even received an email from D-Lo praising them and told me he has sent all my stuff to creative, and will let me know. Now, I see Sting doing a character eerily similar to the promos I have sent.

I realize TNA has promised me nothing, but I feel though, that the appearance of the new "Joker-Sting" character, years after the film debuted, and after a year of me sending promos, is more than mere coincidence. Now I am faced with the problem of trying to find bookings throughout the states, Canada and Europe, and potential promoters, taking a look at my work and saying, "You have TNA's 'Crimson's' name and Sting's Character. No thanks."

I'm quite certain that you were unaware of this happening, and truthfully, I don't know if anything can be done. I feel though, that the manner in which I was handled on TNA's part was nothing less than unprofessional and appalling. I would have much preferred a "creative has nothing for you" than encouragement to keep sending in my work, just to see them steal my name and gimmick, and to watch Sting doing essentially the same character on TV. Furthermore, instead of injecting a fresh and undiscovered face into your product who writes his own promos, and is more than willing to go on the road full time with an established company, your writers see fit instead to giving the character to an already established star such as Sting, who is in the twilight of his career and does not even work house shows?

In conclusion, I thank you for your time in reading this. I have included all the promos I have sent D-Lo both as Krimson and as Villain. I invite you to watch them and I feel you will see why I am upset by this situation. I have always wanted an opportunity to be a part of the TNA family, as I feel I have a lot to offer the company. I'm sure your creative team would agree. At the behest of my Attorney, I will also be sending you a certified letter with a disc of the promos and a copy of the emails from D-Lo as well."


Justin T. Carnes

He might as well sue DC comics and the guy who created the name "Crimson" in the color chart too.

Does he not realize he actually "stole" his Joker character from another show as well?

If he was THAT good with his "character" which he stole or used as well, WWE or TNA would have signed him already.
If you YouTube this guy you will see that there is no resemblance what so ever. The guy looks like Vampiro to be honest.
So he is upset that Sting stole a gimmick from him, that he stole from a movie? Sting probably doesn't even know who this guy is.

And even what he says is 100% correct, than he may have a lot to learn about the business. I mean HHH's "The Game" character is a complete copy of Shane Douglas' "The Franchise" character from when he was ECW Champion or the 'Attitude Era" is a copy of ECW's hardcore tv or how Shawn Michaels stole Alex Shelley's catch phrase..and I could go on and on and on.

The thing is its just the nature of the business, even Sting is a copy of a musician's name, what about Sid Vicious wasn't he in a band also?

It's wrestling...
Yeah good point

Crimson is a color , not an original name

The Joker was made by whoever made up the whole Batman series , not him

Crimson is named Crimson cause FFS , his brothers name was Red. Crimson is a shade of Red.... so both being named some sort of red works

Man , this guy is stupid
Lol this is ridiculous. I mean yeah the guy came up with "His" name, but for Satan's sake the name isn't even spelled the same way. Even Then does that guy look like Tommy "Crimson" Mercer in TNA? If not, he should shut the f*ck up because they (TNA) didn't steal his gimmick. By the way Ric Flair stole the "Nature Boy" nickname from Buddy Rodgers, and i have never heard Rodgers complain about it.
Would the TNA marks please leave... The man has a case. He worked under a name it's his name, changing one letter does not change this fact, the reason it's an issue is because he has proof that he sent them promo pacts and they stole from them. It's called copyright infringement, which is kind of a big deal... WWE ran into this issue a few years ago with the start up of NXT, and even the name karma... Yes it's based off of the Joker however once you put it into a wrestling format it's not just a cosmetics leap it's a character leap which equals the difference between a simple copy and paste, and creating something different.

At any rate I know this post is going to drop me about 35645323464674 points because i have an actual argument against those attacking a man trying to protect what is his...
I think the guy has a point, sure, nothing will come of it more than likely. I honestly only heard of "Krimson" because he did some work with Raven in the indies. I do find it somewhat interesting that he was trained by several TNA guys. His letter was well written and it seems he's talking the appropriate steps. But, as was said earlier, this happens all the time in wrestling and the big name is more likely to win out.
Would the TNA marks please leave... The man has a case. He worked under a name it's his name, changing one letter does not change this fact, the reason it's an issue is because he has proof that he sent them promo pacts and they stole from them. It's called copyright infringement, which is kind of a big deal... WWE ran into this issue a few years ago with the start up of NXT, and even the name karma... Yes it's based off of the Joker however once you put it into a wrestling format it's not just a cosmetics leap it's a character leap which equals the difference between a simple copy and paste, and creating something different.

At any rate I know this post is going to drop me about 35645323464674 points because i have an actual argument against those attacking a man trying to protect what is his...

If what he does isn't trademarked so he has no argument. Plus he and everyone else has no proof if TNA even got that gimmick from him. He is mad about 2 things.

1. Crimson - His name is Krimson.

2. Joker Sting - He apparently does that same gimmick.

He is just assuming that TNA stole that from him. he doesn't own the name Krimson or any version of it and he also doesn't own any version of a Joker like character so his letter and complaint is meaningless.
If what he does isn't trademarked so he has no argument. Plus he and everyone else has no proof if TNA even got that gimmick from him. He is mad about 2 things.

1. Crimson - His name is Krimson.

2. Joker Sting - He apparently does that same gimmick.

He is just assuming that TNA stole that from him. he doesn't own the name Krimson or any version of it and he also doesn't own any version of a Joker like character so his letter and complaint is meaningless.

except the emails count as copyright protection as the second any thought it written down electronically or otherwise it is owned by the person who wrote it. the fact that there is emails sent to an office with time stamp also seals the protection tighter. The fact that he sent them promo's in a court case would look pretty coincidental and tna would have to prove otherwise their origin.. And changing the first letter of a name does not separate it enough.

Also as far as creativity goes look at girl talk who takes copyright songs uses portions to create his own songs and messages. questionable in legality however as of this date is still covered by copy right protection as a new creative entity.

Please by all means keep arguing with a writer about copyright rights....
Ok. people. WATCH Pro Wrestling Ohio and you will see who he is. He's not a NO NAME talent like you assume he is. He's actually pretty good. and, 'stealing his gimmick'? Are you even aware that just about EVERY gimmick in wrestling anymore is a copy or has a slit CHANGE to it? He does GREAT work and HAS done great work in the past. JUST because WWE or 'Impact wrestling' hasn't added him yet, is because he's not the 'face' WWE wants to promote AND he's not from WWE like most on Impact Wrestlings roster is. he's a really good talent, cuts AMAZINg promos and has the same kind of demented look the 'joker' had from the movie. And, your compareing his talent to WHOM that has been picked up by TNA or WWE? Remember Kizarny? Also known as Sinn Bodhi OR from TNA 'The original Sinn'? WWE Buried him and didn't even give him a name for himself before sending him packing after a couple months of ONLY being on tv ONCE. What do you think they would do with a guy like Krimson? NOTHING. Just let him rot in FCW until his contract was up and send him away. TNA just doesn't want him, because, as I said before, he wasn't part of WWE at any point and they can't soak up his fame into THEIR pockets.

So before bashing someone from just LOOKING at his youtube videos, actually WATCH him cut his promos and due his matches
It seems like he's just self promoting himself maybe even to get a job with TNA. It seems innocent as if he's really that stupid, but he makes himself look bad regardless. Krimson is a really generic name. and he doesn't own the copyrights.
Would the TNA marks please leave... The man has a case. He worked under a name it's his name, changing one letter does not change this fact, the reason it's an issue is because he has proof that he sent them promo pacts and they stole from them. It's called copyright infringement, which is kind of a big deal... WWE ran into this issue a few years ago with the start up of NXT, and even the name karma... Yes it's based off of the Joker however once you put it into a wrestling format it's not just a cosmetics leap it's a character leap which equals the difference between a simple copy and paste, and creating something different.

At any rate I know this post is going to drop me about 35645323464674 points because i have an actual argument against those attacking a man trying to protect what is his...

Oh please, over the last 60 years EVERYTHING has come from someone else.

Hell. I just looked up an interview of the guy and he sounded more like a Raven Wannabe only not as good of a talker. He was whining about giving everything to the wrestling business and getting nothing in return, very loudly. That is right out of the RAVEN playbook.

His face paint was a mess, with two big black balls around his eyes with the rest white, the only similarity to Sting was the mouth. The only difference in Sting's facepaint now than in the last 6 years is the mouth. Sting looks more like The Joker than Krimson with a K.

I looked up the guy so I could see if he was being honest or blowing smoke and from what I saw he is blowing a bit of smoke. He is more like Raven with facepaint and without the mic skills. If Raven hasn't complained about him, he shouldn't be upset about the name Crimson with a C or Sting's now mouth paint.
Ok. people. WATCH Pro Wrestling Ohio and you will see who he is. He's not a NO NAME talent like you assume he is. He's actually pretty good. and, 'stealing his gimmick'? Are you even aware that just about EVERY gimmick in wrestling anymore is a copy or has a slit CHANGE to it? He does GREAT work and HAS done great work in the past. JUST because WWE or 'Impact wrestling' hasn't added him yet, is because he's not the 'face' WWE wants to promote AND he's not from WWE like most on Impact Wrestlings roster is. he's a really good talent, cuts AMAZINg promos and has the same kind of demented look the 'joker' had from the movie. And, your compareing his talent to WHOM that has been picked up by TNA or WWE? Remember Kizarny? Also known as Sinn Bodhi OR from TNA 'The original Sinn'? WWE Buried him and didn't even give him a name for himself before sending him packing after a couple months of ONLY being on tv ONCE. What do you think they would do with a guy like Krimson? NOTHING. Just let him rot in FCW until his contract was up and send him away. TNA just doesn't want him, because, as I said before, he wasn't part of WWE at any point and they can't soak up his fame into THEIR pockets.

So before bashing someone from just LOOKING at his youtube videos, actually WATCH him cut his promos and due his matches

NOBODY wants to remember Kizzarny. That was awful. I looked at Krimson's promos and it hurt my ears, only so much I could take. TNA doesn't want him because he has this god awful shreek to his voice that destroys ears.

Besides TNA already had the actual RAVEN, why do they want Raven Jr running around yelling "I'VE GIVEN EVERYTHING TO WRESTLING! IT'S GIVEN ME NOTHING! WHAT ABOUT ME! WHAT ABOUT KRIMSON!" because that was all I got from the promos I watched. Now my ears hurt from the shreeking. Malena was easier on the ears.

The guy has no control over his voice and reminds me a lot of Raven personality wise, but not as articulate as Raven. If I was booking a show, I wouldn't know what to do with him as a character.

TNA has plucked a lot of guys from the Indies and NWA over the years I think I know why now that this guy wasn't one of them.
people are bringing up things like ric flair stealing buddy rodgers gimmick but there's a difference. rodgers was already an icon when flair started "paying tribute" to him by using that gimmick. here you have an indy wrestler who's trying to find work where he can and is constantly working to make it to the bigger leagues. he found a gimmick that works for him and tried to get over with it. he sent TNA videos and kept getting told to send in more. now, it's more difficult for him because people won't want to book him as he mentioned in the email. it's also unfair to expect him to just find a new gimmick after he spent so long finding that one and making it work. sting doesn't need that gimmick to get over because he's FREAKING STING! he's an icon in his 50s who's soon approaching the end of his career
people are bringing up things like ric flair stealing buddy rodgers gimmick but there's a difference. rodgers was already an icon when flair started "paying tribute" to him by using that gimmick. here you have an indy wrestler who's trying to find work where he can and is constantly working to make it to the bigger leagues. he found a gimmick that works for him and tried to get over with it. he sent TNA videos and kept getting told to send in more. now, it's more difficult for him because people won't want to book him as he mentioned in the email. it's also unfair to expect him to just find a new gimmick after he spent so long finding that one and making it work. sting doesn't need that gimmick to get over because he's FREAKING STING! he's an icon in his 50s who's soon approaching the end of his career

I saw video of him, Sting doesn't have his gimmick, far from it. He doesn't have his face paint either. Get over it, it's not the same. Just an Indy wrestler looking to make a name for himself, you don't blame the guy for doing it but you dont need to take his word as 100% Gospel either. I personally couldnt stand the guy's shrieking voice, Sting doesnt shriek or play the "Woe is Me" card like this Krimson is either.

Sting is doing The Joker, his face paint has only change in the way that it has a big mouth on it rather than outlines of a mouth.

They are nothing alike, period. By the way, Raven called and wants his gimmick back.
I think a lot of people are missing the point. Whether he has a legal argument or not is irrelevant. If TNA has done what he says they did in his email, and he has the proof like he says he does, it makes them douchbags if nothing else.

If guys like D'Lo led him on and they used his footage to build TWO characters (Sting and Crimson) then they are just grade A a******s really.

I don't care whether they broke Copywrite or not. Its just a douchey thing to do.

If they have broken some law (of which I don't know anything about) then I hope they have to pay this guy a bucket load of money.

I wish him all the best in his action.
people are bringing up things like ric flair stealing buddy rodgers gimmick but there's a difference. rodgers was already an icon when flair started "paying tribute" to him by using that gimmick. here you have an indy wrestler who's trying to find work where he can and is constantly working to make it to the bigger leagues. he found a gimmick that works for him and tried to get over with it. he sent TNA videos and kept getting told to send in more. now, it's more difficult for him because people won't want to book him as he mentioned in the email. it's also unfair to expect him to just find a new gimmick after he spent so long finding that one and making it work. sting doesn't need that gimmick to get over because he's FREAKING STING! he's an icon in his 50s who's soon approaching the end of his career


But the character the Joker is an icon too! He is probably Batman's most famous villian. So, this guy complains about copyright. Well, where did he get the idea of his character from? Not exactly an original creation of his own, is it?

If anyone would have a right to sue, it could be Bob Kane, the creator of Batman (or his estate), or Warner Brothers (who own the rights now).

I would like to know how long this guy has done this Krimson gimmick? Because if he did it before the "Dark Knight" came out, then why doesn't he sue Chris Nolan or the estate of Heath Ledger for "stealing" his gimmick? Why doesn't he sue the movie studio for royalties for using his "image and likeness"?

Why? Because this guy doesn't have a leg to stand on! He pinched a gimmick of dressing like a Batman villian, and using it in wrestling. Did he copyright his idea? I doubt it, since the "Joker" is the intellectual property of someone else. If anything, maybe the creators of the Joker should sue both this guy and TNA for having their creation used without permission.

So what if he is an indy guy? Why do you people make excuses for indy wrestlers, like they are better because they haven't "sold out". The only reason a lot of them aren't in WWE or TNA now is that these companies haven't shown interest in them. What, you honestly think that this guy or other indy guys wouldn't jump at the chance to be on the biggest stage? Or do you think an indy guy would say:"WWE called me, and wanted me to try out! I turned it down. I mean, why make millions of dollars, have global exposure, build a fanbase, make money off merchandise with my likeness, wrestle in front of many thousands of fans at once, and wrestle at the "Superbowl" of wrestling-"Wrestlemania"! I mean, who wants that? No, I would rather wrestle in front of fifty people, in a pool hall, for under $50 a match, so the only five people on the internet who has ever seen me perform can say how I haven't sold my soul!" . Stop excusing things because an indy guy did it.
Ok, my first time responding to any discussions. Seems a lot of you are missing the point. I am a worker and it's unprofessional to steal someone elses gimmick. He admits it's based on the joker, which he came up with over 3 years ago. The problem is when he goes for bookings now, since he's not on TNA people won't book him thinking he took the character & name from TNA. Which goes back to my first point, is unprofessional! It's going to hurt him booking wise. It has nothing to do with him taking the character from Batman, that was never a question because as far as I know, the Joker isn't a pro wrestler. The problem is he fed TNA a character they were going to use for him & instead they took it & put it on Sting and Tommy Mercer who not long ago was also wrestling in Cleveland.
And believe it or not, some people have turned down the WWE & TNA to wrestle independly. Has nothing to do with fame or money. I know 1 guy who has a steady, good job & has told the WWE & TNA he wasn't interested. The business isn't what a lot of you think. It's not all glamour & glitz!
Well Sting's old character was a rip off of The Crow and Sting has used an attire quite similar to the Joker's before so its really not a surprise hes gone this next step. As has been said previously, go YouTube "Krimson". He looks like Vampiro. He really doesnt resemble the Joker in any way so to say Sting stole "his look" is stupid.

Perhaps he stole his behavior/persona, yeah maybe, havent watched enough videos to tell, but how unique is the "crazy guy" gimmick? But I just see it as Sting finally cracking after loosing the WHC.

In the end this guy had a pretty generic gimmick IMO. He had facepaint and was a bit eccentric. I could name 10 guys who have used a similar gimmick.

As for the name. Well...his "brother" is called Amazing RED, what color is Crimson? Duhhh.
Jeese, a guy doing a blatant rip-off of the Dark Knight Joker is accusing someone else of doing the same thing? Erm. Sheesh. Does Christopher Nolan and Heath Ledger's family know? Better still, anyone heard from Doink about all this?

I'm sure last year and maybe further back, Sting was using quotes from The Dark Knight in vignettes, who says TNA can't do long-running storylines!? Didn't Punk quote a line from Watchmen in an elimination chamber match? Didn't HHH paraphrase a line from Gran Torino a couple years back? The answer to all these is yes. Why do they do this? Because they are part of pop-culture and all bring a sense of familiarity to something new, all possible thanks to intertextuality;

Intertextuality is the shaping of texts' meanings by other texts. It can include an author’s borrowing and transformation of a prior text or to a reader’s referencing of one text in reading another. The term “intertextuality” has, itself, been borrowed and transformed many times since it was coined by poststructuralist Julia Kristeva in 1966. As critic William Irwin says, the term “has come to have almost as many meanings as users, from those faithful to Kristeva’s original vision to those who simply use it as a stylish way of talking about allusion and influence” (Irwin, 228)

Sting's new persona is a clear reference to the Joker character, one who the audience knows symbolises chaos and anarchy to the status quo. It is one of the best fictional characters ever produced and has become iconic despite all the alterations that have been made to it since it's first inception back in the 1940s.

People have already mentioned the inspiration that The Crow had on Sting, and it was well-suited for the time that he developed that persona considering the storyling in WCW with the NWO. He's now updated his look to signify a more unhinged and chaotic character, so because a guy from the indies has the same idea as TNA/Sting in referencing a well-known character in the public consciousness, he wants to sue them? More people have heard of Sting than either C/Krimson so he can't really argue that Sting stole "his" idea and then cost him money from his livelihood by doing so.

This is all just quite silly, but at least Krimson is getting his name out there I guess.
Dude all tna need to do is say when d-lo passes the tapes on they never watched them and boom this kid hasnt got a leg to stand on. Crimson and sting are 2 of the best things in tna atm this guys just trying to steal there thunder!
This kid has nothing to stand on, Period. Legally, he's just a whiner with no case who's pissy that a company used "his gimmick" (NOT). The only thing this kid would be entitled to would be to keep his name if TNA were to ever get pissed at him and tried to get him to stop using it, they couldn't. That's it. He has no legal right to anything. And to the person that said writing something down makes it your intellectual property and therefore copyright, you're fucking stupid. That Means i Could write something down on this website about some monumentally amazing gimmick i thought up and then turn around and sue when WWE or TNA used it. I mean, I wrote it down electronically, right? Moron.

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