IMPORTANT: New direction for the contest


Staff member
After the debacle that was last month Elimination chamber Prediction contest. I've decided to completely change the contest. The championship portion of the contest is done that mean that Mailman will be the last Prediction contest champion.

Also, i will only do 5 WWE event a during the calendar year that being the big 4 and money in the bank. So if somebody else want to take the lead and do the others WWE events be my guest i will not stop you from doing so but i don't see the point of doing a contest if nobody show up to participate in it.

Final change, the scoring system will change. now instead of doing point bases on how confident you are about your prediction, the scoring will be as follows

10 points if you pick the right winner
5 points if you pick the right method of win

Bonus questions unless specify will also be 5 points

There will still be a standing after each ppv like it always been.

If you have any question don't be scared to ask them either on this thread or on the prediction contest thread.
Hey man I'm only new here so quick suggestion, what if we did the prediction contest another way and got people to predict the full card of matches for an event like a month or 6 weeks out instead of picking the winners from the eventd? Closest wins, maybe ? Just an idea might revitalise the competition.
Good idea, the problem is that most wwe ppv only have a 3 weeks windows so it would be hard to do especially since you pretty much know what the main event is the week after the previous ppv.

But thanks for the idea. If you have others to help this thing alone please don't be shy.

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