I'm really learning how to flame...

Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit
Ever since I became a prisoner here, it's been non-stop flaming coming from all directions, mainly pointing at Kieran.

Ever notice that? Kieran is getting the shit beat out of him here, yet he still posts.

When I became a prisoner, I expected a lot more from you guys, but you're all focusing your energy on Kieran. Come on, I KNOW you can do better than this.

For God's sake, DO YOUR DUTY! The Prison isn't a place that I go to hang out with people outside of the prison, otherwise this would be the spam board.

If I make a logical point that involves mature discussion, rip it apart and call me a dirty ****. Fuck, you guys are getting soft on me.
The flaming that a lot of prisoners recieve is boring and predictable. Kieran takes it well though, and it's been noted.
The flaming that a lot of prisoners recieve is boring and predictable. Kieran takes it well though, and it's been noted.

What does he mean 'take it well'? Does that mean that it's a good thing to laugh at from an outside POV or he takes it well in YOUR eyes, and he might be released soon?
What does he mean 'take it well'? Does that mean that it's a good thing to laugh at from an outside POV or he takes it well in YOUR eyes, and he might be released soon?

I swear to God, if he gets released, it will literally create a rip in the space/time continium. We'll all end up in alternate reality. A reality where Nixon is still president, Pauly Shore is a four-time Academy Award Winner, Steven King writes romance novels, Stone Cold Shark Boy is TNA World Heavyweight Champion, and Coco is an admin!! For the love of God, Jake, you can't let that happen!!
Wait, they are going to let the whiney little bitch out because I crap a mop up his ass too much? Oh come on. Don't let him out until he gets off the rag and stops sounding like he's on The View or somthing. Come on Jake. This kid is nowhere near ready to go forth and post again. His posts still look like sheep shit on the slanted slope of a mountain. The more he puts out, the more it runs down hill. lol

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