I'm Officially a John Cena Fan

I'm with you Y2 Jake. Cena will always be garbage to me. I would hope he'd give me a reason for liking him but just like New Day and Sheamus, there's just nothing for me to like about them
What is your reasoning for this! :shrug:

Numerous. I'm too lazy to write them all.

But I despise Cena and his brand of no selling phoney offence. He's been on top for so long that fans seem to have accepted this. It happens to the point that WWE don't seem to care anymore. It's now an accepted part of wrestling in WWE.

One might point towards Hulk Hogan as somebody with phoney offence and his no selling. However Hogan would convey exhaustion, he'd actually look like he connected with punches, you wouldn't loudly here him call spots and the moves he performed actually meant something.
It happens to the point that WWE don't seem to care anymore. It's now an accepted part of wrestling in WWE.

So on point here.

He has helped to ruin a generation of wrestling fans who never knew anything better, and his booking has melted the grey matter of WWE Kool-Aid drinkers. He's smart, I'll give him that. It's hard to boo a guy who hugs kids with palsy more often than his own family, but I manage.
Numerous. I'm too lazy to write them all.

But I despise Cena and his brand of no selling phoney offence. He's been on top for so long that fans seem to have accepted this. It happens to the point that WWE don't seem to care anymore. It's now an accepted part of wrestling in WWE.

One might point towards Hulk Hogan as somebody with phoney offence and his no selling. However Hogan would convey exhaustion, he'd actually look like he connected with punches, you wouldn't loudly here him call spots and the moves he performed actually meant something.

I'm not gonna argue with a little bit of Hogan-esque in Cena but I just think it's a major call to say he is worst thing to happen to modern wrestling. The no selling parts though I can't deal with however bit hard to blame him for the writers complacency. I just like the dude to much to go that far. Tomato, tomato though.
I'm not sure what other forums are like but this one is pro-Cena among the long standing members of the forum. I don't get it. I can appreciate he has a good body of work but after over a decade on top with zero character development, why doesn't he get the same contempt as Big Show or Kane?

This is the most stagnant era of wrestling I've ever seen. And Cena is the poster boy.
What i dont like in him

Attitude Adjustment
Five Knuckle Shuffle
Politicking for Nikki (if he really did it)

What i like in him

In-ring work other than finisher & signature
Promo Skills
So on point here.

He has helped to ruin a generation of wrestling fans who never knew anything better, and his booking has melted the grey matter of WWE Kool-Aid drinkers. He's smart, I'll give him that. It's hard to boo a guy who hugs kids with palsy more often than his own family, but I manage.

Every time he hugs his dad in public, his dad gets beat up by Randy Orton. It's mercy avoidance.

So far we haven't had a heel who's taken out a dying kid. I hope that day comes soon though. That would be edgy :rolleyes:
Hmmm. Good question why is isn't in the same class as Kane or Big Show. However I don't have a problem with them either so. Like I get that their out of date but it's really not them doing anything, they are just working.

The reason why I like Cena is for a couple. 1) I liked him when I was young. You usually keep those same feelings even when your older. 2) The dude does so much for people, the Earth. You gotta respect that. It shouldn't translate to his in ring success but the dude can throw on a hell of a match too. Usually with better in ring workers but still.

The way I see it is that Stone Cold had Rock and visa versa. Throw in a bit of Undertaker and the occasional HHH and Angle for later years and you are set up with hall of famers that are always around that 1 title. Cena had a chance to compete for two main titles on two shows so it wasn't like he was exactly taking the spotlight from many people. Sure he hasn't put over some people but if some of those stars were to go over, lets say Bray Wyatt at Mania 30, you have some guy that hasn't done shit to prove anything apart from some vignettes go over some legend who has defeated people like Shawn Michaels, The Rock, HHH and Kurt Angle. It's like "wow, Cena beat them but can't beat Wyatt, that means Wyatts better than them" and you have just handed that title to someone who is average. I just think there is definitely two sides to a lot of Cena's arguments. Like okay he killed the Nexus with that crap ddt to the concrete but he eventually had to go over them, otherwise who could? An almost dream like team for WWE and they lose to a bunch of rookies, just would be a joke.

Like I said before though I don't like everything that has happened in John Cena's career but for someone who is easily the hardest working person in and outside that ring and everyone is entitled to a mistake or two. I hear nothing about Stone Cold not allowing Brock to go over. Kind of same deal to me.
I hear nothing about Stone Cold not allowing Brock to go over. Kind of same deal to me.

Austin was right to refuse to lay down in the way that was proposed.

Your biggest face of the Era against your next big thing and you want to put him over in an unadvertised match in some preliminary KOTR match.

Asked WCW how it worked out when they put their 2 biggest guys together with a weeks build. Good for the night? Yeah, Pissed a lot of money down the drain by executing that way? You're damn fucking right.

Austin should have been the last guy to face Lesnar just like The Rock 'Taker and Angle were.
I actually disliked him at first. Not because I didn't enjoy his wrestling, but because I always hated the good guys. I remember how happy I was when Sheamus put him through a table. Then when I saw the way he responded to The Rock the week after he came back and his feud with Punk,: I stopped lying to myself and became a fan.
Austin was right to refuse to lay down in the way that was proposed.

Your biggest face of the Era against your next big thing and you want to put him over in an unadvertised match in some preliminary KOTR match.

Asked WCW how it worked out when they put their 2 biggest guys together with a weeks build. Good for the night? Yeah, Pissed a lot of money down the drain by executing that way? You're damn fucking right.

Austin should have been the last guy to face Lesnar just like The Rock 'Taker and Angle were.

Actually yeah I think I read something about Stone Cold saying he would of done it on PPV if I remember correctly. Well there goes that credibility then :lmao:

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